Sphinx Documentation Language, Version and Downloads links - github

I'm searching for syntax / extension to include Language, Version and Formats links via shortcut similar to the one at the bottom-right of Sphinx documentation page:
Is it an reStructuredText directive or Sphinx extension that generates these links holder?

It's neither. The image states, "Free documentation hosting provided by Read the Docs", which generates this from your reStructuredText files and Sphinx documentation project.
You can read the docs about Read the Docs for versions and localization for languages. RTD builds HTML, PDF, and epub formats by default, but you can turn off PDF and epub in the admin under Advanced Settings for your project.


What file types does GitHub support for README's

I have noticed that many different file types are used for GitHub READMEs. The most common ones are .md and .rst
After looking at the GitHub documentation and the help page I found no information on which file types are allowed.
I am just looking for a list of the types so I can figure out which types I can use for my next README.
GitHub uses its own Markup library to render files like READMEs. It supports:
Markdown (.markdown, .mdown, .mkdn, .md)
Textile (.textile)
RDoc (.rdoc)
Org (.org)
Creole (.creole)
MediaWiki (.mediawiki, .wiki)
Restructured Text (.rst)
AsciiDoc (.asciidoc, .adoc, .asc)
Perl Pod (.pod)

tx_news where to get translated xlf files

I searching translated versions of the tx_news translation files. When I open ext/news/Resources/Private/language/ all I find are the default (english) versions of the xlf Files.
I am sure there are translation files in other languages for tx_news, but I was not able to find them. How can I find them? Or can I get them somehow in the backend?
You can get them in the backend - there is the Language module in the menu, where you can set the list of languages for your installation, and download or update the translation files.
Just to be more complete. The translations are served by the translation server, therefore only the default translations are shipped with the extension itself.
As for the core and most extensions, translations are fetched by the Language module in the TYPO3 backend

How do I Server My WebApp files with Couchdb

I would like to develop an application with CouchDB, I believe that is possible to use ONLY CouchCB to server html, css, fonts, icons, js, etc. files as well as to store the data and handle them.
The problems I am facing is:
How to serve my files using CouchDB (without having to use any middleware like nodejs), what I found is that I can upload them as attachements to a _design document, but I find it not a practical way to do so for every single file
You are looking for couchapps. There are tools that take care of the uploading part for you like erica and couchapp.
Couchapp documentation is in the wiki part of the repo. Here is the file structure to design doc mapping guide.
For erica everything is in the readme.

docx - markup / markup - docx conversion

I have to store some documents in the docx format, but can't stand using msword: I would like to edit some kind of plain text markup, anything except stuff based on XML (I don't like that either) and convert from/to that to/from docx.
Are there any options for this?
EDIT: since people think this is not programming related, I'll extend my question. What libraries do you suggest for writing a complete tex-docx/docx-tex converter?
If you're talking .net, I'd check out the OpenXML toolkit first. There are lots of "libraries" on the internet to do this, but they all seem to just be thin wrappers around the OpenXML stuff.
You might also check out
Aspose.Words for .NET allows you to create DOCX files from scratch using text or other content and then convert DOCX files to text etc. It doesn't require MS Office to be installed on the system. And the component is a simple .NET assembly with an easy to learn and implement API. Please try and see if it helps in your scenario.
Disclosure: I work as developer evangelist at Aspose.
You can try the DocxEditorKit http://java-sl.com/docx_editor_kit.html
Set the editor kit to JEditorPane, add styled text and store the document in docx format.

Convert from Microsoft Word to Media Wiki Markup Style

How do I export a word document to media wiki markup style
I have been trying to do it by following the steps given in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:WordToWiki
but all in vain, not getting it.
Any help please.
Best way is to use Open Office
Open the Word document in Open Office Writer.
Go to File / Export.
Under File format choose MediaWiki (.txt).
Click Save (or Export).
Open the new file in a text editor and copy the contents to the clipboard.
Paste the text to a Wikipedia article.
That is copy and pasted from the document you linked to.
For Open Office 4.15 you have to add the extension Sun Wiki Publisher 1.1 with the extension manager.
If you don't want to install OpenOffice, another option is the Word2MediaWikiPlus extension.
In Microsoft Word 2016 I use the plugin "Microsoft Office Word Add-in For MediaWiki" (already suggested by Jake). https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=12298
To make it work in Microsoft Word 2016 (version 16.0). I followed these instructions but replaced "15.0" in the instruction to "16.0",
Microsoft has released an add-in for Microsoft Word that lets you export a doc file to MediaWiki formatting (as a .txt file). It's fairly decent.
If you're going to be doing this a lot, consider installing the FCK Editor. This has a Paste From Word button.
The easiest way may be to install LibreOffice (http://libreoffice.org) and open the Word document in its Writer application, then from there do Export and save to Media Wiki txt file. The Copy-paste that text into the Media Wiki at edit mode
but there was no way for adding images automatically that won't work for libreoffice or the word plugin.
If you have only a few docs for converting to the mediawiki, it is ok.
But if there ar more the it is great deal of time and effort.
For autom. Imageupload the only working solution was the discontinued project Word2MediaWikiPlus.
If somethings has changed in the last years let it me now.
But if not there are some solutions with work without image upload
(if I found them i will add these entry here):
- on webserer projekt which generated very good wiki markup output there , i can' t remember the name.
- a commandline tool that do the conversion as input and output file