How to use a word at end of function signature? - swift

I'm trying to write a delegate interface like this:
// This delegate is just a sample. It could be any delegate.
// What's important here is the third function's signature.
protocol MyViewDelegate {
func myView(_ myView: MyView, didDoSomething something: String)
func myView(_ myView: MyView, didDoAnotherThing thing: String at: Date)
func myView(_ myView: MyView, didDoYetSomethingElse)
However, the third function is invalid syntax. It's used to notify the delegate that some specific event happened, so the signature is important and I want to keep all function signatures consistent.
Question: What's the recommended signature for the third function?

It may not be very satisfying, but you simply can't do that. There is lots of precedent for writing these kinds of methods like this:
func myViewDidAskUserName(_ myView: MyView)
For example, a common one from Apple:
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ application: UIApplication)

You are trying to give the delegate a choice of two kinds of thing that happened: said something, or asked user name. That sort of choice among possibilities, in Swift, is an enum:
enum WhatHappened {
case didSaySomething(String)
case didAskUserName
Now write your method signature like this:
protocol MyViewDelegate {
func myView(_ myView: MyView, _ whatHappened: WhatHappened)
The method can be called by saying
myView(theView, .didSaySomething("hello"))
or by saying
myView(theView, .didAskUserName)


Swift Protocol on a specific class?

I am building a UIPresentationController subclass. UIPresentationController defines an default initializer like this:
init(presentedViewController: UIViewController , presentingViewController: UIViewController?)
Now, in order for this to work, I want my presentedViewController to conform to some protocol, say MyRandomProtocol.
How can I re-write my initializer such that it takes the first argument as both a UIViewController subclass, and one that specifically conforms to MyRandomProtocol?
You can use generics.
init<T: UIViewController>(presentedViewController: T, ...) where T: MyRandomProtocol {
//initialization code

UIView, CMDeviceMotionHandler : unowned may only be applied to class and class-bound protocol types

I'm creating a UIView that listens to CMDeviceMotion Events:
class MyView: UIView{
private var motionManager = CMMotionManager()
let motionQueue = NSOperationQueue()
override func awakeFromNib() {
func setupView(){
self.motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.5
self.motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdatesUsingReferenceFrame(.XArbitraryZVertical, toQueue: self.motionQueue, withHandler: self.motionHandler)
// MARK: - CMDeviceMotionHandler
let motionHandler : CMDeviceMotionHandler = {
[unowned self] (motion,error) in
I'd like to declare my CMDeviceMotionHandler closure as a member variable however I get the error:
'unowned' may only be applied to class and class-bound protocol types,
not 'MyView -> () -> MyView'
MyView is a UIView which in turn is a class so I don't get why it's complaining that unowned can not be applied.
I've searched for other questions with the same issue but most of them dealt with lazily computed variables. How do I resolve this error for my scenario?
The line of code you're on is actually run during the init function. self is not available until after all stored properties are initialized. You're in the middle of the process.
The error message is quite confusing and useless, because self in the context of property initializers is not an instance of a MyView, but a tricky meta-type: a class-member function that is unbound to its instance, but becomes bound and usable once the instance is passed in as the first argument. It's to do with member functions being implemented in Swift with currying, and is rather academic unless you love type calculus.
You have two options:
Declare it indeed as lazy var instead of let, so the code is not run during init but in fact at first use.
Declare it without initialization as an Optional. Depending on your design constraints this is either cumbersome or elegant. No way to know. Anyway, before it is needed, initialize it to a non-nil value. An easy place to do this, if this UIView is used strictly within Storyboard, is to initialize it within awakeFromNib().

Simple swift delegate in swift playground

I'm very new to Swift and programming in general, a bit of Fortran 77 way back, and more recently some simple programming of microcontrollers. I'm working through the basics and all was well until i came across something that i just can't quite get to grips with - delegates. All the online posts don't quite get the concept across, at least for me, so to give myself something that i can refer back to, i've set up a basic template shown below in playground. If i run the code below it works and prints "Something done" to the terminal, but if i make the protocol a "class" protocol ie "protocol SomeDelegate: class {" and make the "var delegate" a "weak var delegate" as recommended in various posts, it doesn't work - what am i doing wrong?
import UIKit
protocol SomeDelegate {
func DoSomething()
class MyViewcontroller: UIViewController, SomeDelegate {
func DoSomething() {
print("Something done")
class OtherClass {
var delegate: SomeDelegate?
func DoSomething() {
var myVar = OtherClass()
myVar.delegate = MyViewcontroller()
It doesn't print because the delegate is nil right after you set it. The reason for this is simple: no instance owns it (the reference count is zero). No one owns delegate because you declared it a weak property of OtherClass. Try establishing an ownership, e.g.
var myVar = OtherClass()
let viewController = MyViewController()
myVar.delegate = viewController
Even though delegate is weak, it will now print Something done again.
Declaring delegates as weak makes sense because it prevents circular references causing delegate to never be release in memory – that's a whole different story though – check how reference counting works, then you will understand why this is a good practice.

Self, protocol extension and non-final class

I tried write a static method for UIView which instantiates view of that class from the nib. Method should be generic and work on every UIView subclasses. Also I want to save the type information – so, for example, in this code
let myView = MyView.loadFromNib()
compiler infers that myView has MyView class. After few trials I decided to use protocol extensions, because otherwise I wouldn't have access to Self inside method body.
Looks like this should work:
protocol NibLoadable {
static func loadFromNib(name: String?) -> Self
extension NibLoadable where Self: UIView {
static func loadFromNib(name: String? = nil) -> Self {
let nibName = name ?? "\(self)"
let nib = UINib(nibName: nibName, bundle: nil)
return nib.instantiateWithOwner(nil, options: nil)[0] as! Self
extension UIView: NibLoadable {}
But it doesn't. I get compilation error
Method 'loadFromNib' in non-final class 'UIView' must return `Self` to conform to protocol 'NibLoadable'
And two strange things happen. First, if I change protocol declaration to
protocol NibLoadable {
static func loadFromNib(name: String?) -> UIView
Everything works just great, including type inference. And second, I can go further and remove where clause altogether:
extension NibLoadable {
And it keeps working!
So could anyone please explain me why my first variant fails, why second and third work fine and how it's related to final classes?
Here's my understanding of what you are seeing:
You get the compilation error Method 'loadFromNib' in non-final class 'UIView' must return 'Self' to conform to protocol 'NibLoadable' at the point where you declare extension UIView: NibLoadable {}. Let's look at what this statement means to the compiler. It's saying "UIView (and all of its subclasses since it is a non-final class) are adopting the NibLoadable protocol. It means, for UIView, that there will be method with the signature static func loadFromNib(name: String?) -> UIView, because Self in this context is UIView."
But what does this mean for subclasses of UIView? They inherit their conformance and might inherit the implementation of the method from UIView itself. So any subclass of UIView could have the method with the signature static func loadFromNib(name: String? = nil) -> UIView. However, the NibLoadable protocol that all subclasses also conform to says that the return type of that method must be Self. And in the case of any UIView subclass (for example, let's say "MyView"), the return type of the inherited method will be UIView and not MyView. So any subclass would then violate the contract of the protocol. I realize that your protocol extension uses Self and wouldn't create that issue, but technically, you could still also implement the method directly in a UIView extension, and it seems like the Swift compiler just won't allow it at all for that reason. A better implementation might find the Swift compiler verifying that a protocol extension exists which provides the implementation and there is no conflicting inherited implementation, but this appears to just not exist at this time. So for safety, my guess is that the compiler prevents ANY protocols that have methods with Self return types from being adopted by a non-final class. Thus the error you see.
However, making UIView a final class makes that whole inheritance of a non-conforming method possibility and issue go away, which fixes the error.
The reason why changing the return type in the protocol to UIView fixes everything is because not having 'Self' as the return type now relieves the compiler's concern about inherited versions of the method having a non-conforming return type. E.g., if UIView were to implement the method static func loadFromNib(name: String?) -> UIView, and subclasses inherited that method, the protocol contract would still hold for those subclasses, so there is no problem!
On the other hand, the type inference works, because the subclasses of UIView are getting their method implementation from the protocol extension (since the method is not implemented directly in UIView). That implementation returns the type Self, which tells the compiler that the returned value has the same type as the type the method was called on, and the protocol is satisfied, because any subclass of UIView will have a Self type that is a subclass of the required type of UIView.
Removing the where clause works only in this specific case because you changed the protocol method to return UIView, and the protocol extension defines a matching method implementation that returns Self, and then only UIView is getting that extension in your sample code. So the protocol requirement of the method returning UIView matches the implementation UIView is getting which returns Self (which happens to be UIView in this case). But, should you try to make any type other than UIView get the protocol extension method, e.g.
class SomeClass : NibLoadable {}
or even
class MyView:UIView, NibLoadable {}
the compiler wouldn't allow it, because the Self return type in the protocol extension method would not match the UIView required in the protocol. I feel like in the case of "MyView" or other UIView subclasses though, the compiler error might be a bug, since a method that returns MyView would satisfy the protocol requirement that a method return a UIView, if MyView did inherit from UIView.
To summarize some key points:
It doesn't look like the protocol extension has any role in the compiler error you noted. Just this will also create the error:
protocol NibLoadable {
static func loadFromNib(name: String?) -> Self
extension UIView: NibLoadable {}
So it looks like the compiler doesn't allow non-final classes to adopt protocols by using default implementations of methods that have a return type of Self, period.
If you change the protocol method signature to return UIView instead of Self that particular compiler warning goes away because there is no longer the possibility of subclasses inheriting a superclass return type and breaking the protocol. And you can then add conformance to the protocol to UIView with your protocol extension. However, you will get a different error if you try to adopt the protocol for any type other than UIView, because the protocol return type of UIView will not match the protocol extension method's return type of Self except in the single case of UIView. This may be a bug, in my opinion, because Self for any subclass of UIView should meet the required UIView return type contract.
But strangely enough, if you adopt the protocol in UIView only, subclasses of UIView will inherit their conformance to the protocol (avoiding the triggering of any of the two above compiler errors) and get their generic implementations from the protocol extension as long as UIView doesn't explicitly implement the protocol method itself. So the subclasses will get the type inference of appropriate Self, and meet the protocol contract for having that method return a UIView.
I'm pretty sure there are one or more bugs mixed up in all this, but someone on the Swift team would have to confirm that to be sure.
Some clarification from the Swift team in this Twitter thread:
As suspected, it's a compiler limitation (though apparently not considered an outright bug) that protocol matching does not consider subtypes, only exact type matches. Which is why extension UIView:NibLoadable {} will work when the protocol method defines a return type of UIView, but extension MyView:NibLoadable {} will not.
Use following code should be ok(in Swift 3):
protocol Nibable {}
extension Nibable {
static func loadFromNib() -> Self? {
return Bundle.main.loadNibNamed(String(describing:
type(of:Self.self)), owner: nil, options: nil)?.first as? Self
final class ViewFromNib: UIView {}
extension ViewFromNib: Nibable {}
var nibView = ViewFromNib.loadFromNib()

Swift Delegation

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around delegation in Swift. After reading some guides, I was able to set it up delegation between two ViewControllers, but I'm not understanding how it works. In my first view controller, I have a a label that displays what has been entered in the second view controller which contains a text field and a button (that returns to the first view controller). Here is the code for the first view controller:
#IBOutlet weak var labelText: UILabel!
func userDidEnterInformation(info: String) {
labelText.text = info;
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if(segue.identifier == "transition"){
let secondVC: SecondViewController = segue.destinationViewController as! SecondViewController;
secondVC.delegate = self;
Here's the code for the second view controller:
protocol DataEnteredDelegate{
func userDidEnterInformation(info: String);
#IBOutlet weak var userText: UITextField!
var delegate: DataEnteredDelegate? = nil;
#IBAction func buttonPressed(sender: AnyObject) {
let information = userText.text!;
My understanding is that in the text inside the text field gets stored in the information constant, then the userDidEnterInformation method from the protocol is called, with the method being defined inside the first view controller. This method then changes the label inside the first view controller. The thing is, I'm not sure what is happening in the prepareForSegue function. Specifically, I'm not sure what's the purpose of secondVC.delegate = self.
I would appreciate any sort of clarity on delegation.
The diagram is simple but can help you understand what's going on.
FirstViewController must conform to the DataEnteredDelegate protocol you have defined (see Sumit's answer). When using secondVC.delegate = self, you are saying that for the segue transition with the destination being a SecondViewController, the attribute delegate of that SecondViewController instance will be set to this instance of FirstViewController, thus delegating things from SecondViewController to your FirstViewController as made possible by the DataEnteredDelegate protocol.
The protocol you created in second viewcontroller is an Interface. You must implement your first view controller with the DataEnteredDelegate protocol.
class FirstViewController:UIViewController, DataEnteredDelegate{
func userDidEnterInformation(info: String) {
If the delegate of the second VC is not set in prepareForSegue() it remains nil. The second VC is then unable to call the first VC.
On a side note, if the delegate is nil your code will crash because delegate! is trying to unwrap an optional binding with the value of nil. It's better to first unwrap the delegate variable:
if let handler = delegate {
Alternatively, you could use Swift's Optional Chaining, calling userDidEnterInformation only if delegate is not nil.
In addition it is recommended to declare the delegate weak, to prevent retain cycles:
weak var delegate: DataEnteredDelegate?
Delegates and Protocols
Do not try to figure out how the dictionary definition of “delegate” fits with the concept of delegation in Swift. It doesn't.
Delegation in Swift is an agreement between two players—a sensing object and a requesting object. The “delegate” is the “requesting object.” Just think “asker” or “requester” every time you see “delegate” and it will make a lot more sense. Here is their agreement...
The Sensing Object (Second View Controller):
I have data from some event that took place. I will publish instructions (a protocol) on how you may access that data. If you want it, you must do three things.
You must declare in your class type that your class abides by my protocol.
You must write the functions that I describe in my protocol. I don't care what those functions do but the function type must match what I publish.
In YOUR code, you must set MY “delegate” (think “asker”) property to point to you. {secondVC.delegate = self} That way I can call one of YOUR functions to deliver the data.
After that, when I get some data, I will call one of the functions in your object that I told you to write. My call to your function will contain the data you are looking for as one of the arguments. {delegate!.userDidEnterInformation(information)} Note: delegate! (asker!) is YOU.
The Delegate (Requesting) Object (First View Controller):
O.K. You've got a deal.