How to replace row if primary key already exists ("IntegrityError: duplicate key value") [duplicate] - postgresql

A very frequently asked question here is how to do an upsert, which is what MySQL calls INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE UPDATE and the standard supports as part of the MERGE operation.
Given that PostgreSQL doesn't support it directly (before pg 9.5), how do you do this? Consider the following:
CREATE TABLE testtable (
id integer PRIMARY KEY,
somedata text NOT NULL
INSERT INTO testtable (id, somedata) VALUES
(1, 'fred'),
(2, 'bob');
Now imagine that you want to "upsert" the tuples (2, 'Joe'), (3, 'Alan'), so the new table contents would be:
(1, 'fred'),
(2, 'Joe'), -- Changed value of existing tuple
(3, 'Alan') -- Added new tuple
That's what people are talking about when discussing an upsert. Crucially, any approach must be safe in the presence of multiple transactions working on the same table - either by using explicit locking, or otherwise defending against the resulting race conditions.
This topic is discussed extensively at Insert, on duplicate update in PostgreSQL?, but that's about alternatives to the MySQL syntax, and it's grown a fair bit of unrelated detail over time. I'm working on definitive answers.
These techniques are also useful for "insert if not exists, otherwise do nothing", i.e. "insert ... on duplicate key ignore".

9.5 and newer:
PostgreSQL 9.5 and newer support INSERT ... ON CONFLICT (key) DO UPDATE (and ON CONFLICT (key) DO NOTHING), i.e. upsert.
Quick explanation.
For usage see the manual - specifically the conflict_action clause in the syntax diagram, and the explanatory text.
Unlike the solutions for 9.4 and older that are given below, this feature works with multiple conflicting rows and it doesn't require exclusive locking or a retry loop.
The commit adding the feature is here and the discussion around its development is here.
If you're on 9.5 and don't need to be backward-compatible you can stop reading now.
9.4 and older:
PostgreSQL doesn't have any built-in UPSERT (or MERGE) facility, and doing it efficiently in the face of concurrent use is very difficult.
This article discusses the problem in useful detail.
In general you must choose between two options:
Individual insert/update operations in a retry loop; or
Locking the table and doing batch merge
Individual row retry loop
Using individual row upserts in a retry loop is the reasonable option if you want many connections concurrently trying to perform inserts.
The PostgreSQL documentation contains a useful procedure that'll let you do this in a loop inside the database. It guards against lost updates and insert races, unlike most naive solutions. It will only work in READ COMMITTED mode and is only safe if it's the only thing you do in the transaction, though. The function won't work correctly if triggers or secondary unique keys cause unique violations.
This strategy is very inefficient. Whenever practical you should queue up work and do a bulk upsert as described below instead.
Many attempted solutions to this problem fail to consider rollbacks, so they result in incomplete updates. Two transactions race with each other; one of them successfully INSERTs; the other gets a duplicate key error and does an UPDATE instead. The UPDATE blocks waiting for the INSERT to rollback or commit. When it rolls back, the UPDATE condition re-check matches zero rows, so even though the UPDATE commits it hasn't actually done the upsert you expected. You have to check the result row counts and re-try where necessary.
Some attempted solutions also fail to consider SELECT races. If you try the obvious and simple:
UPDATE testtable
SET somedata = 'blah'
WHERE id = 2;
-- Remember, this is WRONG. Do NOT COPY IT.
INSERT INTO testtable (id, somedata)
SELECT 2, 'blah'
then when two run at once there are several failure modes. One is the already discussed issue with an update re-check. Another is where both UPDATE at the same time, matching zero rows and continuing. Then they both do the EXISTS test, which happens before the INSERT. Both get zero rows, so both do the INSERT. One fails with a duplicate key error.
This is why you need a re-try loop. You might think that you can prevent duplicate key errors or lost updates with clever SQL, but you can't. You need to check row counts or handle duplicate key errors (depending on the chosen approach) and re-try.
Please don't roll your own solution for this. Like with message queuing, it's probably wrong.
Bulk upsert with lock
Sometimes you want to do a bulk upsert, where you have a new data set that you want to merge into an older existing data set. This is vastly more efficient than individual row upserts and should be preferred whenever practical.
In this case, you typically follow the following process:
COPY or bulk-insert the new data into the temp table
LOCK the target table IN EXCLUSIVE MODE. This permits other transactions to SELECT, but not make any changes to the table.
Do an UPDATE ... FROM of existing records using the values in the temp table;
Do an INSERT of rows that don't already exist in the target table;
COMMIT, releasing the lock.
For example, for the example given in the question, using multi-valued INSERT to populate the temp table:
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE newvals(id integer, somedata text);
INSERT INTO newvals(id, somedata) VALUES (2, 'Joe'), (3, 'Alan');
UPDATE testtable
SET somedata = newvals.somedata
FROM newvals
INSERT INTO testtable
SELECT, newvals.somedata
FROM newvals
LEFT OUTER JOIN testtable ON ( =
Related reading
UPSERT wiki page
UPSERTisms in Postgres
Insert, on duplicate update in PostgreSQL?
Upsert with a transaction
Is SELECT or INSERT in a function prone to race conditions?
SQL MERGE on the PostgreSQL wiki
Most idiomatic way to implement UPSERT in Postgresql nowadays
What about MERGE?
SQL-standard MERGE actually has poorly defined concurrency semantics and is not suitable for upserting without locking a table first.
It's a really useful OLAP statement for data merging, but it's not actually a useful solution for concurrency-safe upsert. There's lots of advice to people using other DBMSes to use MERGE for upserts, but it's actually wrong.
Other DBs:
MERGE from MS SQL Server (but see above about MERGE problems)
MERGE from Oracle (but see above about MERGE problems)

Here are some examples for insert ... on conflict ... (pg 9.5+) :
Insert, on conflict - do nothing.
insert into dummy(id, name, size) values(1, 'new_name', 3)
on conflict do nothing;`
Insert, on conflict - do update, specify conflict target via column.
insert into dummy(id, name, size) values(1, 'new_name', 3)
on conflict(id)
do update set name = 'new_name', size = 3;
Insert, on conflict - do update, specify conflict target via constraint name.
insert into dummy(id, name, size) values(1, 'new_name', 3)
on conflict on constraint dummy_pkey
do update set name = 'new_name', size = 4;

I am trying to contribute with another solution for the single insertion problem with the pre-9.5 versions of PostgreSQL. The idea is simply to try to perform first the insertion, and in case the record is already present, to update it:
do $$
insert into testtable(id, somedata) values(2,'Joe');
exception when unique_violation then
update testtable set somedata = 'Joe' where id = 2;
end $$;
Note that this solution can be applied only if there are no deletions of rows of the table.
I do not know about the efficiency of this solution, but it seems to me reasonable enough.

SQLAlchemy upsert for Postgres >=9.5
Since the large post above covers many different SQL approaches for Postgres versions (not only non-9.5 as in the question), I would like to add how to do it in SQLAlchemy if you are using Postgres 9.5. Instead of implementing your own upsert, you can also use SQLAlchemy's functions (which were added in SQLAlchemy 1.1). Personally, I would recommend using these, if possible. Not only because of convenience, but also because it lets PostgreSQL handle any race conditions that might occur.
Cross-posting from another answer I gave yesterday (
SQLAlchemy supports ON CONFLICT now with two methods on_conflict_do_update() and on_conflict_do_nothing():
Copying from the documentation:
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
stmt = insert(my_table).values(user_email='', data='inserted data')
stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(

MERGE in PostgreSQL v. 15
Since PostgreSQL v. 15, is possible to use MERGE command. It actually has been presented as the first of the main improvements of this new version.
It uses a WHEN MATCHED / WHEN NOT MATCHED conditional in order to choose the behaviour when there is an existing row with same criteria.
It is even better than standard UPSERT, as the new feature gives full control to INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE rows in bulk.
MERGE INTO customer_account ca
USING recent_transactions t
ON t.customer_id = ca.customer_id
UPDATE SET balance = balance + transaction_value
INSERT (customer_id, balance)
VALUES (t.customer_id, t.transaction_value)

Tested on Postgresql 9.3

Since this question was closed, I'm posting here for how you do it using SQLAlchemy. Via recursion, it retries a bulk insert or update to combat race conditions and validation errors.
First the imports
import itertools as it
from functools import partial
from operator import itemgetter
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from app import session
from models import Posts
Now a couple helper functions
def chunk(content, chunksize=None):
"""Groups data into chunks each with (at most) `chunksize` items.
if chunksize:
i = iter(content)
generator = (list(it.islice(i, chunksize)) for _ in it.count())
generator = iter([content])
return it.takewhile(bool, generator)
def gen_resources(records):
"""Yields a dictionary if the record's id already exists, a row object
ids = {item[0] for item in session.query(}
for record in records:
is_row = hasattr(record, 'to_dict')
if is_row and in ids:
# It's a row but the id already exists, so we need to convert it
# to a dict that updates the existing record. Since it is duplicate,
# also yield True
yield record.to_dict(), True
elif is_row:
# It's a row and the id doesn't exist, so no conversion needed.
# Since it's not a duplicate, also yield False
yield record, False
elif record['id'] in ids:
# It's a dict and the id already exists, so no conversion needed.
# Since it is duplicate, also yield True
yield record, True
# It's a dict and the id doesn't exist, so we need to convert it.
# Since it's not a duplicate, also yield False
yield Posts(**record), False
And finally the upsert function
def upsert(data, chunksize=None):
for records in chunk(data, chunksize):
resources = gen_resources(records)
sorted_resources = sorted(resources, key=itemgetter(1))
for dupe, group in it.groupby(sorted_resources, itemgetter(1)):
items = [g[0] for g in group]
if dupe:
_upsert = partial(session.bulk_update_mappings, Posts)
_upsert = session.add_all
except IntegrityError:
# A record was added or deleted after we checked, so retry
# modify accordingly by adding additional exceptions, e.g.,
# except (IntegrityError, ValidationError, ValueError)
except Exception as e:
# Some other error occurred so reduce chunksize to isolate the
# offending row(s)
num_items = len(items)
if num_items > 1:
upsert(items, num_items // 2)
print('Error adding record {}'.format(items[0]))
Here's how you use it
>>> data = [
... {'id': 1, 'text': 'updated post1'},
... {'id': 5, 'text': 'updated post5'},
... {'id': 1000, 'text': 'new post1000'}]
>>> upsert(data)
The advantage this has over bulk_save_objects is that it can handle relationships, error checking, etc on insert (unlike bulk operations).


Reverse Upsert in Postgres

I have a table
for keeping track of how far I've indexed various other tables in a search engine separate from postgres.
I can start off my indexer by doing
SELECT * FROM tracker WHERE table = 'table_name';
and this lets me keep consistent track of how far it has progressed and afterwards I just need to run update statements, not upserts, which makes the logic of the whole thing clearer, I think.
Is there a way to run both these queries in one go? Like a reverse upsert of sorts, where either it inserts and returns the value or it returns the original line. I assumed one of
INSERT INTO tracker VALUES('table_name', -1) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING RETURNING tracker.*;
might have worked, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
EDIT: I realise I can use a subquery in the RETURNING clause like
INSERT INTO tracker VALUES('table_name', -1) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING RETURNING (SELECT * FROM tracker WHERE table = 'table_name')
but it's a bit awkward.

Postgres delete before insert in single transaction

PostgreSQL DB: v 9.4.24
create table my_a_b_data ... // with a_uuid, b_uuid, and c columns
NOTE: the my_a_b_data keeps the references to a and b table. So it keeps the uuids of a and b.
where: the primary key (a_uuid, b_uuid)
there is also an index:
create unique index my_a_b_data_pkey
on my_a_b_data (a_uuid, b_uuid);
In the Java jdbc-alike code, in the scope one single transaction: (start() -> [code (delete, insert)] ->commit()]) (org.postgresql:postgresql:42.2.5 driver)
delete from my_a_b_data where b_uuid = 'bbb';
insert into my_a_b_data (a_uuid, b_uuid, c) values ('aaa', 'bbb', null);
I found that the insert fails, because the delete is not yet deleted. So it fails because it can not be duplicated.
Q: Is it is some kind of limitation in PostgreSQL that DB can’t do a delete and insert in one transaction because PostgreSQL doesn’t update its indexes until the commit for the delete is executed, therefore the insert will fail since the id or key (whatever we may be using) already exists in the index?
What would be possible solution? Splitting in two transactions?
UPDATE: the order is exactly the same. When I test the sql alone in the SQL console. It works fine. We use JDBI library v 5.29.
there it looks like this:
#SqlUpdate("insert into my_a_b_data (...; // similar for the delete
public abstract void addB() ..
So in the code:
this.addB(a_id, b_id);
I had a similar problem to insert duplicated values and I resolved it by using Insert and Update instead of Delete. I created this process on Python but you might be able to reproduce it:
First, you create a temporary table like the target table where you want to insert values, the difference is that this table is dropped after commit.
CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_my_a_b_data
(LIKE public.my_a_b_data INCLUDING DEFAULTS)
I have created a CSV (I had to merge different data to input) with the values that I want to input/insert on my table and I used the COPY function to insert them to the temp_table (temp_my_a_b_data).
I found this code on this post related to Java and COPY PostgreSQL - \copy command:
String query ="COPY tmp from 'E://load.csv' delimiter ','";
Use the INSERT INTO but with the ON_CONFLICT clause which you can decide to do an action when the insert cannot be done because of specified constrains, on the case below we do the update:
INSERT INTO public.my_a_b_data
FROM temp_my_a_b_data
ON CONFLICT (a_uuid, b_uuid,c) DO UPDATE
SET a_uuid = EXCLUDED.a_uuid,
b_uuid = EXCLUDED. c = EXCLUDED.c;`
I am not sure but you might be able to perform the third step without using the previous steps, temp table or copy from. You can just a loop over the values:
INSERT INTO public.my_a_b_data VALUES(value1, value2, null)
ON CONFLICT (a_uuid, b_uuid,c) DO UPDATE
SET a_uuid = EXCLUDED.a_uuid,
b_uuid = EXCLUDED.b_uuid, c = EXCLUDED.c;

SQLAlchemy fast bulk upsert from another table

I would like to insert records into table_a from table_b that don't already exist in table table_a. I already have Postgres SQL code to do this, but now my team has requested that I use an ORM (SQLAlchemy) instead.
FROM table_b
I have nearly a million rows and about 15 columns (not shown in the example). I need this query to be fast, which is why I don't think the solution posted here will work for my use case.
For performance reasons I also want to avoid treating my Python function as a data conduit. I don't want to transfer many rows of table_b over the network to my function just to push them back over the network again to table_a. That is, I would prefer the insert to happen entirely on Postgres, which I already accomplish with my original SQL query.
Probably the fastest way to perform an upsert with the usage of SQLAlchemy ORM is through bulk_update_mappings function, that allows you to upsert merely based on a list of dicts.
But the situation you are describing isn't really an upsert - you want to insert rows, and if there is a conflict - do nothing. No update is being done here, therefore it is a simple insert.
To perform an insert that skips any conflicts is a simple thing in SQLAlchemy (assuming you have your table already defined as a model):
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
Base = declarative_base()
engine = create_engine('your_db_connection_string', echo=True)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
# example column names
data = [{'col1': result.col1, 'col2': result.col2}
for result in session.query(table_b).all()]
insert_query = insert(table_a).values(data).on_conflict_do_nothing()

postgresql on conflict-cannot affect row a second time

I have a table, i have auto numbering/sequence on data_id
data_id [PK]
data_code [Unique]
example code:
insert into tabledata(data_code,data_desc) values(Z01,'red')
on conflict (data_code) do update set data_desc=excluded.data_desc
works fine, and then i insert again
insert into tabledata(data_code,data_desc) values(Z01,'blue')
on conflict (data_code) do update set data_desc=excluded.data_desc
i got this error
[Err] ERROR: ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time
HINT: Ensure that no rows proposed for insertion within the same command have duplicate constrained values.
this is my real code
insert into psa_aso_branch(branch_code,branch_desc,regional_code,status,created_date,lastmodified_date)
(select branch_code, branch, kode_regional,
case when status_data='Y' then true
else false end, current_date, current_date
from branch_history) on conflict (branch_code) do
update set branch_desc = excluded.branch_desc, regional_code = excluded.regional_code,status = (case when excluded.status='Y' then true else false end), created_date=current_date, lastmodified_date=current_date;
working fine on first, but not the next one (like the example i give you before)
You can use update on the existing record/row, and not on row you are inserting.
Here update in on conflict clause applies to row in excluded table, which holds row temporarily.
In the first case record is inserted since there is no clash on data_code and update is not executed at all.
In the second insert you are inserting Z01 which is already inserted as data_code and data_code is unique.
The excluded table still holds the duplicate value of data_code after the update, so the record is not inserted. In update set data_code have to be changed in order to insert record properly.
I have been stuck on this issue for about 24 hours.
It is weird when I test the query on cli and it's works fine. It is working fine when I make an insertion using one data row. This errors only appear when I'm using insert-select.
It is not mostly because of insert-select problem. It is because the select rows is not unique. This will trigger the CONFLICT for more than once.
Thanks to #zivaricha comment. I experiment from his notes. Just that its hard to understand at first.
Using distinct to make sure the select returns unique result.
This error comes when the duplicacy occurs multiple times in the single insertion
for example you have column a , b , c and combination of a and b is unique and on duplicate you are updating c.
Now suppose you already have a = 1 , b = 2 , c = 3 and you are inserting a = 1 b = 2 c = 4 and a = 1 b = 2 c = 4
so means conflict occurs twice so it cant update a row twice
I think what is happening here
when you do an update on conflict, it does an update that re conflicts again and then throws that error
We can find the error message from the source code, which we can simply understand why we got ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time.
In the source code of PostgreSQL at src/backend/executor/nodeModifyTable.c and the function of ExecOnConflictUpdate(), we can find this comment:
This can occur when a just inserted tuple is updated again in the same command. E.g. because multiple rows with the same conflicting key values are inserted.
This is somewhat similar to the ExecUpdate() TM_SelfModified case. We do not want to proceed because it would lead to the same row being updated a second time in some unspecified order, and in contrast to plain UPDATEs there's no historical behavior to break.
As the comment said, we can not update the row which we are inserting in INSERT ... ON CONFLICT, just like:
postgres=# CREATE TABLE t (id int primary key, name varchar);
postgres=# INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, 'smart'), (1, 'keyerror')
postgres=# ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET name = 'Buuuuuz';
ERROR: ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time
HINT: Ensure that no rows proposed for insertion within the same command have duplicate constrained values.
Remember, the executor of postgresql is a volcano model, so it will process the data we insert one by one. When we process to (1, 'smart'), since the table is empty, we can insert normally. When we get to (1, 'keyerror'), there is a conflict with the (1, 'smart') we just inserted, so the update logic is executed, which results in updating our own inserted data, which PostgreSQL doesn't allow us to do.
Similarly, we cannot update the same row of data twice:
postgres=# DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t;
postgres=# CREATE TABLE t (id int primary key, name varchar);
postgres=# INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, 'keyerror'), (1, 'buuuuz')
postgres=# ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET name = 'Buuuuuuuuuz';
ERROR: ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time
HINT: Ensure that no rows proposed for insertion within the same command have duplicate constrained values.

how to emulate "insert ignore" and "on duplicate key update" (sql merge) with postgresql?

Some SQL servers have a feature where INSERT is skipped if it would violate a primary/unique key constraint. For instance, MySQL has INSERT IGNORE.
What's the best way to emulate INSERT IGNORE and ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE with PostgreSQL?
With PostgreSQL 9.5, this is now native functionality (like MySQL has had for several years):
9.5 brings support for "UPSERT" operations.
INSERT is extended to accept an ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE/IGNORE clause. This clause specifies an alternative action to take in the event of a would-be duplicate violation.
Further example of new syntax:
INSERT INTO user_logins (username, logins)
VALUES ('Naomi',1),('James',1)
ON CONFLICT (username)
DO UPDATE SET logins = user_logins.logins + EXCLUDED.logins;
Edit: in case you missed warren's answer, PG9.5 now has this natively; time to upgrade!
Building on Bill Karwin's answer, to spell out what a rule based approach would look like (transferring from another schema in the same DB, and with a multi-column primary key):
CREATE RULE "my_table_on_duplicate_ignore" AS ON INSERT TO "my_table"
WHERE (pk_col_1, pk_col_2)=(NEW.pk_col_1, NEW.pk_col_2))
INSERT INTO my_table SELECT * FROM another_schema.my_table WHERE some_cond;
DROP RULE "my_table_on_duplicate_ignore" ON "my_table";
Note: The rule applies to all INSERT operations until the rule is dropped, so not quite ad hoc.
For those of you that have Postgres 9.5 or higher, the new ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING syntax should work:
INSERT INTO target_table (field_one, field_two, field_three )
SELECT field_one, field_two, field_three
FROM source_table
For those of us who have an earlier version, this right join will work instead:
INSERT INTO target_table (field_one, field_two, field_three )
SELECT source_table.field_one, source_table.field_two, source_table.field_three
FROM source_table
LEFT JOIN target_table ON source_table.field_one = target_table.field_one
WHERE target_table.field_one IS NULL;
Try to do an UPDATE. If it doesn't modify any row that means it didn't exist, so do an insert. Obviously, you do this inside a transaction.
You can of course wrap this in a function if you don't want to put the extra code on the client side. You also need a loop for the very rare race condition in that thinking.
There's an example of this in the documentation:, example 40-2 right at the bottom.
That's usually the easiest way. You can do some magic with rules, but it's likely going to be a lot messier. I'd recommend the wrap-in-function approach over that any day.
This works for single row, or few row, values. If you're dealing with large amounts of rows for example from a subquery, you're best of splitting it into two queries, one for INSERT and one for UPDATE (as an appropriate join/subselect of course - no need to write your main filter twice)
To get the insert ignore logic you can do something like below. I found simply inserting from a select statement of literal values worked best, then you can mask out the duplicate keys with a NOT EXISTS clause. To get the update on duplicate logic I suspect a pl/pgsql loop would be necessary.
INSERT INTO manager.vin_manufacturer
('935',' Citroën Brazil','Citroën'),
('ABC', 'Toyota', 'Toyota'),
('ZOM',' OM','OM')
) as tmp (vin_manufacturer_id, manufacturer_desc, make_desc)
--ignore anything that has already been inserted
SELECT 1 FROM manager.vin_manufacturer m where m.vin_manufacturer_id = tmp.vin_manufacturer_id)
INSERT INTO mytable(col1,col2)
SELECT 'val1','val2'
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM mytable WHERE col1='val1')
As #hanmari mentioned in his comment. when inserting into a postgres tables, the on conflict (..) do nothing is the best code to use for not inserting duplicate data.:
query = "INSERT INTO db_table_name(column_name)
The ON CONFLICT line of code will allow the insert statement to still insert rows of data. The query and values code is an example of inserted date from a Excel into a postgres db table.
I have constraints added to a postgres table I use to make sure the ID field is unique. Instead of running a delete on rows of data that is the same, I add a line of sql code that renumbers the ID column starting at 1.
q = 'ALTER id_column serial RESTART WITH 1'
If my data has an ID field, I do not use this as the primary ID/serial ID, I create a ID column and I set it to serial.
I hope this information is helpful to everyone.
*I have no college degree in software development/coding. Everything I know in coding, I study on my own.
Looks like PostgreSQL supports a schema object called a rule.
You could create a rule ON INSERT for a given table, making it do NOTHING if a row exists with the given primary key value, or else making it do an UPDATE instead of the INSERT if a row exists with the given primary key value.
I haven't tried this myself, so I can't speak from experience or offer an example.
This solution avoids using rules:
INSERT INTO tableA (unique_column,c2,c3) VALUES (1,2,3);
WHEN unique_violation THEN
UPDATE tableA SET c2 = 2, c3 = 3 WHERE unique_column = 1;
but it has a performance drawback (see
A block containing an EXCEPTION clause is significantly more expensive
to enter and exit than a block without one. Therefore, don't use
EXCEPTION without need.
On bulk, you can always delete the row before the insert. A deletion of a row that doesn't exist doesn't cause an error, so its safely skipped.
For data import scripts, to replace "IF NOT EXISTS", in a way, there's a slightly awkward formulation that nevertheless works:
FROM whatever_table;
-- INSERT stuff