I can not link my mlab database address in meteor up - mongodb

I am trying to deploy my meteor application to digitalocean. I have set my mlab database address in the mup.js in the environment variables, but when I log into my mlab profile to manage my database. My application does not register the data in the mlab address but in another part that I do not know where. When I set my address in mup.js in the environment variables.
Where is this application inserting data? Because it is not doing it in my mlab address as I defined it before.
module.exports = {
servers: {
one: {
// TODO: set host address, username, and authentication method
host: '',
username: 'root',
pem: '~/.ssh/id_carlo_digital'
// password: 'server-password'
// or neither for authenticate from ssh-agent
app: {
// TODO: change app name and path
name: 'perfilesgs',
path: '.',
servers: {
one: {},
buildOptions: {
serverOnly: true,
env: {
// TODO: Change to your app's url
// If you are using ssl, it needs to start with https://
MONGO_URL: 'mongodb://user:pass#mlab_server:port/perfilesgs',
// ssl: { // (optional)
// // Enables let's encrypt (optional)
// autogenerate: {
// email: 'email.address#domain.com',
// // comma separated list of domains
// domains: 'website.com,www.website.com'
// }
// },
docker: {
// change to 'kadirahq/meteord' if your app is using Meteor 1.3 or older
image: 'abernix/meteord:base',
prepareBundle: false
// Show progress bar while uploading bundle to server
// You might need to disable it on CI servers
enableUploadProgressBar: true
mongo: {
version: '3.4.1',
servers: {
one: {}

According to this you just have to get rid of this part:
mongo: {
version: '3.4.1',
servers: {
one: {}


MongoServerError: command listDatabases requires authentication

please help
I've been on this issue for hours now and I really don't know what else to do (and all the research I did didn't provide any solution unfortunately). So I'm asking if anyone can think of an answer why this is not working:
mongodb.conf to
mongo-express work fine
mongodb.conf to
mongo-express not work...
'use strict';
var url = require('url');
if (typeof process.env.MONGODB_PORT === 'string') {
var mongoConnection = url.parse(process.env.MONGODB_PORT);
process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER = mongoConnection.hostname;
process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_PORT = mongoConnection.port;
module.exports = {
mongodb: {
server: process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER || 'localhost',
port: process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_PORT || 27017,
//autoReconnect: automatically reconnect if connection is lost
autoReconnect: true,
//poolSize: size of connection pool (number of connections to use)
poolSize: 4,
//set admin to true if you want to turn on admin features
//if admin is true, the auth list below will be ignored
//if admin is true, you will need to enter an admin username/password below (if it is needed)
admin: true,
// >>>> If you are using regular accounts, fill out auth details in the section below
// >>>> If you have admin auth, leave this section empty and skip to the next section
auth: [
database: 'admin',
username: 'admin',
password: 'adminpass'
// >>>> If you are using an admin mongodb account, or no admin account exists, fill out section below
// >>>> Using an admin account allows you to view and edit all databases, and view stats
//leave username and password empty if no admin account exists
adminUsername: process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINUSERNAME || 'admin',
adminPassword: process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINPASSWORD || 'adminpass',
//whitelist: hide all databases except the ones in this list (empty list for no whitelist)
whitelist: [],
//blacklist: hide databases listed in the blacklist (empty list for no blacklist)
blacklist: []
site: {
host: '',
port: 8081,
cookieSecret: process.env.ME_CONFIG_SITE_COOKIESECRET || 'cookiesecret',
sessionSecret: process.env.ME_CONFIG_SITE_SESSIONSECRET || 'sessionsecret',
cookieKeyName: 'mongo-express',
sslEnabled: process.env.ME_CONFIG_SITE_SSL_ENABLED || false,
sslCert: process.env.ME_CONFIG_SITE_SSL_CRT_PATH || '',
sslKey: process.env.ME_CONFIG_SITE_SSL_KEY_PATH || ''
//set useBasicAuth to true if you want to authehticate mongo-express loggins
//if admin is false, the basicAuthInfo list below will be ignored
//this will be true unless ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_USERNAME is set and is the empty string
useBasicAuth: process.env.ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_USERNAME !== '',
basicAuth: {
username: process.env.ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_USERNAME || 'admin',
password: process.env.ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_PASSWORD || 'adminpass'
options: {
//documentsPerPage: how many documents you want to see at once in collection view
documentsPerPage: 10,
//editorTheme: Name of the theme you want to use for displaying documents
//See http://codemirror.net/demo/theme.html for all examples
editorTheme: process.env.ME_CONFIG_OPTIONS_EDITORTHEME || 'rubyblue',
//The options below aren't being used yet
//cmdType: the type of command line you want mongo express to run
//values: eval, subprocess
// eval - uses db.eval. commands block, so only use this if you have to
// subprocess - spawns a mongo command line as a subprocess and pipes output to mongo express
cmdType: 'eval',
//subprocessTimeout: number of seconds of non-interaction before a subprocess is shut down
subprocessTimeout: 300,
//readOnly: if readOnly is true, components of writing are not visible.
readOnly: false
// Specify the default keyname that should be picked from a document to display in collections list.
// Keynames can be specified for every database and collection.
// If no keyname is specified, it defalts to '_id', which is a mandatory feild.
// For Example :
// defaultKeyNames{
// "world_db":{ //Database Name
// "continent":"cont_name", // collection:feild
// "country":"country_name",
// "city":"name"
// }
// }
defaultKeyNames: {
please help.... please help

How to connect PostgreSQL Database to Cypress 10+ , no pg_hba.conf entry error

When I try to connect and query on my PostgreSQL database, I keep getting a cypress error: “no pg_hba.conf entry for host “ user “postgres”, database “postgres”, SSL off”. How do I solve the error. Is this an issue with code or with the database?
this is my cypres.config.js file:
const pg = require("pg")
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
on("task", {
//create a task - take two parameters - first being a config and second is sql
READFROMDB({ dbConfig, sql }) {
//create a client using the config argument
const client = new pg.Pool(dbConfig)
//return thw result from sql
return client.query(sql)
database: "<name>",
user: "<name>",
password: "<pw>",
host: "<hostname>.amazonaws.com", //not localhost
port: 5432,
dialect: "postgres",
dialectOptions: {
ssl: {
require: true, // This will help you. But you will see nwe error
rejectUnauthorized: false // This line will fix new error
This is my test:
//get config from db
dbConfig: Cypress.config('DB'),
//SQL we want to perform
sql: 'select * from user where user=\'Phoebe\''

deno connect to mongodb

I've tried to follow this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF38U2qd27Q, but to no avail.
I realised that the syntax in the video already obsolete for example connectWithUri to become connect.
but when I tried to connect to mongo using deno_mongo with the latest docs, it still not working.
import { MongoClient } from "https://deno.land/x/mongo#v0.20.1/mod.ts";
const dbString = `mongodb://${mongoUser}:${mongoPass}#${mongoHost}:${mongoPort}`;
const client = new MongoClient();
const db = client.database(mongoDB)
this.users = db.collection<UserSchema>("users");
Then I found another library denodb but again can't connect to mongodb:
import { Database } from 'https://deno.land/x/denodb/mod.ts';
const dbString = `mongodb://${mongoUser}:${mongoPass}#${mongoHost}:${mongoPort}`;
this.db = new Database('mongo', {
uri: dbString,
database: mongoDB
the error message:
error: Uncaught AssertionError
deno | throw new AssertionError(msg);
deno | ^
deno | at assert (asserts.ts:152:11)
deno | at MongoClient.database (client.ts:48:5)
deno | at new connectDB (connectDB.ts:35:23)
which part is wrong?
Looking at the deno_mongo README on GitHub.
For a local database you should use
//Connecting to a Local Database
await client.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017");
And if you are connecting to Mongo Atlas Database (and probably any other remote database) you should use:
//Connecting to a Mongo Atlas Database
await client.connect({
db: "<db_name>",
tls: true,
servers: [
host: "<db_cluster_url>",
port: 27017,
credential: {
username: "<username>",
password: "<password>",
db: "<db_name>",
mechanism: "SCRAM-SHA-1",
If you are using Mongo Atlas make sure to split up the connection string you get from 'Connection Wizard' in the Mongo Atlas dashboard over 3 (or how many replicas you have) entries in the server array. Like this:
servers: [
host: this.dbUrl1, // e.g. <name-of-cluster>-00-00.fbnrc.mongodb.net
port: 27017,
host: this.dbUrl2, // e.g. <name-of-cluster>-00-01.fbnrc.mongodb.net
port: 27017,
host: this.dbUrl3, // e.g. <name-of-cluster>-00-02.fbnrc.mongodb.net
port: 27017,
You get the connection string by:
Click 'Clusters' under Data storage (left side of the screen)
Click 'Connect' button
Click 'Connect to Application'
Select Driver: 'Node.js' and Version: '2.2.12 or later'
Connection string is displayed below. The servers are listed in a comma separated manner like this:
Make sure the master replica is listed first in the server array. Because if you want to do insertions into the database the master replica should be targeted. For me this was the 2nd mongo url, therefore the following server array worked for me:
servers: [
host: this.dbUrl2,
port: 27017,
host: this.dbUrl1,
port: 27017,
host: this.dbUrl3,
port: 27017,
the below code is working for me.
import { DataTypes, Database, Model } from 'https://deno.land/x/denodb/mod.ts';
const db = new Database('mongo', {
host: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
username: '',
password: '',
database: 'DBMYAPP',
I also faced the same issue while updating deno_mongo to the latest version. Use await to resolve client.connect method
Try this:
import { MongoClient } from "https://deno.land/x/mongo#v0.20.1/mod.ts";
const dbString = `mongodb://${mongoUser}:${mongoPass}#${mongoHost}:${mongoPort}`;
const client = new MongoClient();
await client.connect(dbString);
const db = client.database(mongoDB)
this.users = db.collection<UserSchema>("users");
I had the same problem on windows 10, so try this
on your local mongodb:
await client.connect("mongodb://");

Unable to login to Keystone with remote MongoDB

I am trying to set up a keystone project with a remote database server hosted on mLab. I am using this guide here https://itnext.io/building-a-node-cms-with-keystonejs-mongo-db-react-and-redux-part-i-ae5958496df2
I have edited the mongo url in the keystone.init() configuration, with my mLab database URL, and managed to run the project.
'mongo': 'mongodb://*username*:*password*#ds127624.mlab.com:27624/keystone',
However, I am unable to login as a user.
The login page returned:
"The email and password you entered are not valid."
Do I need to do some more configurations for it to work properly?
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;
var User = new keystone.List('User');
name: { type: Types.Name, required: true, index: true },
email: { type: Types.Email, initial: true, required: true, index: true },
password: { type: Types.Password, initial: true },
canAccessKeystone: { type: Boolean, initial: true },
0.0.01-admin.js file
var keystone = require('keystone');
var User = keystone.list('User');
exports = module.exports = function (done) {
new User.model({
name: { first: 'admin', last: 'user' },
email: 'admin#keystonejs.com',
password: 'admin',
canAccessKeystone: true,
For remote database with password you also have to add authsource option. basically add ?authSource=admin to your mongo url. admin is default db, you can change that as well

how to make mongo-express show all db?

here is my mongo-express config, when i login, it only shows the admin db, i want it to show all db. i had ran this command before
use admin
user: "root",
pwd: "password",
roles: [ "root" ]
config file:
'use strict';
var url = require('url');
if (typeof process.env.MONGODB_PORT === 'string') {
var mongoConnection = url.parse(process.env.MONGODB_PORT);
process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER = mongoConnection.hostname;
process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_PORT = mongoConnection.port;
module.exports = {
mongodb: {
server: process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER || 'localhost',
port: process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_PORT || 27017,
//autoReconnect: automatically reconnect if connection is lost
autoReconnect: true,
//poolSize: size of connection pool (number of connections to use)
poolSize: 4,
//set admin to true if you want to turn on admin features
//if admin is true, the auth list below will be ignored
//if admin is true, you will need to enter an admin username/password below (if it is needed)
admin: true,
// >>>> If you are using regular accounts, fill out auth details in the section below
// >>>> If you have admin auth, leave this section empty and skip to the next section
auth: [
* Add the the name, the username, and the password of the databases you want to connect to
* Add as many databases as you want!
database: 'test',
username: 'user',
password: 'pass'
// >>>> If you are using an admin mongodb account, or no admin account exists, fill out section below
// >>>> Using an admin account allows you to view and edit all databases, and view stats
//leave username and password empty if no admin account exists
adminUsername: process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINUSERNAME || '',
adminPassword: process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINPASSWORD || '',
//whitelist: hide all databases except the ones in this list (empty list for no whitelist)
whitelist: [],
//blacklist: hide databases listed in the blacklist (empty list for no blacklist)
blacklist: []
site: {
host: '',
port: 8081,
cookieSecret: process.env.ME_CONFIG_SITE_COOKIESECRET || 'cookiesecret',
sessionSecret: process.env.ME_CONFIG_SITE_SESSIONSECRET || 'sessionsecret',
cookieKeyName: 'mongo-express',
sslEnabled: process.env.ME_CONFIG_SITE_SSL_ENABLED || false,
sslCert: process.env.ME_CONFIG_SITE_SSL_CRT_PATH || '',
sslKey: process.env.ME_CONFIG_SITE_SSL_KEY_PATH || ''
//set useBasicAuth to true if you want to authehticate mongo-express loggins
//if admin is false, the basicAuthInfo list below will be ignored
//this will be true unless ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_USERNAME is set and is the empty string
useBasicAuth: process.env.ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_USERNAME !== '',
basicAuth: {
username: process.env.ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_USERNAME || 'root',
password: process.env.ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_PASSWORD || 'password'
options: {
//documentsPerPage: how many documents you want to see at once in collection view
documentsPerPage: 10,
//editorTheme: Name of the theme you want to use for displaying documents
//See http://codemirror.net/demo/theme.html for all examples
editorTheme: process.env.ME_CONFIG_OPTIONS_EDITORTHEME || 'rubyblue',
//The options below aren't being used yet
//cmdType: the type of command line you want mongo express to run
//values: eval, subprocess
// eval - uses db.eval. commands block, so only use this if you have to
// subprocess - spawns a mongo command line as a subprocess and pipes output to mongo express
cmdType: 'eval',
//subprocessTimeout: number of seconds of non-interaction before a subprocess is shut down
subprocessTimeout: 300,
//readOnly: if readOnly is true, components of writing are not visible.
readOnly: false
// Specify the default keyname that should be picked from a document to display in collections list.
// Keynames can be specified for every database and collection.
// If no keyname is specified, it defalts to '_id', which is a mandatory feild.
// For Example :
// defaultKeyNames{
// "world_db":{ //Database Name
// "continent":"cont_name", // collection:feild
// "country":"country_name",
// "city":"name"
// }
// }
defaultKeyNames: {
in above config,
basicAuth: {
username: process.env.ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_USERNAME || 'root',
password: process.env.ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_PASSWORD || 'password'
i changed the username, password to root and password repectively, when i access , i need to enter root and password in http auth prompt so as i entering the mongo-express web panel.
This is my first answer on StackOverflow, but hopefully it's helpful.
Issue in your case seems to be database authentication defined in config.js.
You need to pass the db credentials through "auth" section and not through "basicAuth".
Also, once you correct the config.js file, start the mongo-express with -a switch, i.e. -> cd YOUR_PATH/node_modules/mongo-express/ && node app.js -a
Corrected section of config.js :
admin: true,
// >>>> If you are using regular accounts, fill out auth details in the section below
// >>>> If you have admin auth, leave this section empty and skip to the next section
auth: [
* Add the the name, the username, and the password of the databases you want to connect to
* Add as many databases as you want!
database: 'test',
username: 'user',
password: 'pass'
// >>>> If you are using an admin mongodb account, or no admin account exists, fill out section below
// >>>> Using an admin account allows you to view and edit all databases, and view stats
//leave username and password empty if no admin account exists
adminUsername: process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINUSERNAME || 'root',
adminPassword: process.env.ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINPASSWORD || 'password',