Facebook api: AdsInsights doesn't contain DevicePlatform field anymore - facebook

Facebook AdsInsights contained several fields with breakdown data. For example, if VALUE_DEVICE_PLATFORM breakdown is in use then each AdsInsight should contain device_platform value.
From 2.10 API version breakdown fields were removed so, there is no option to fetch device platform of AdsInsight.
Is it bug or breakdown mechanism was changed?

After father investigation, I found that it's just a bug in Facebook java sdk.
DEVICE_PLATFORM and other breakdown fields exist in the json response, but parsing of the json to AdInsights pojo ignore them, since AdInsights doesn't contain appropriate filed.
There is an open issue in facebook-java-ads-sdk:


Provide array of URNs to LinkedIn REST API?

I am using the LinkedIn Marketing Development Platform where I am trying to provide a list of company URNs to to the Ad Analytics API. However, when I try to provide a list of company URNs, it fails with status 400.
Analytics Finder endpoint docs
My request:
GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/adAnalyticsV2?q=analytics&pivot=CAMPAIGN&dateRange.start.day=1&dateRange.start.month=1&dateRange.start.year=2017&timeGranularity=ALL&companies=urn:li:organization:1234,urn:li:organization:5678
{"message":"Array parameter 'companies' value 'urn:li:organization:1234,urn:li:organization:5678' is invalid. Reason: Deserializing output 'urn:li:organization:1234,urn:li:organization:5678' failed","status":400}
I have also tried URL encoding the URL, and providing the list via the parameter companies[0] as is done in other examples in the docs.
What is the correct way to input arrays to the LinkedIn API?
Edit: Changed accounts to companies
So the Protocol Version actually gave me some useful insight. There are a couple of ways of providing arrays in parameters.
From the docs:
For Restli V1.0 (used by default)
GET GET https://api.linkedin.com/people?ids=1&ids=2&ids=3
For Restli V2.0, which you can use by setting the following header: X-RestLi-Protocol-Version: 2.0.0
Pass parameters in List format.
GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/people?ids=List(1,2,3,4)
However, I have not managed to get the Analytics Finder API to work with Restli V2.0.
You'll need to provide the list of URL encoded organization URNs to the accounts param. Using your request as an example:

Why is the Graph API for querying a group URL simply returning the group ID?

When I GET /{group-id}?fields=link I get just get back {group-id}, rather than a full URL like in the case of /{album-id}?fields=link, /{photo-id}?fields=link, etc. Sample request and response for a group:
GET /v2.5/1685218945065439?fields=link
"id": "1685218945065439"
whereas an album looks like this:
GET /v2.5/1685219628398704?fields=link
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.1685219628398704&type=1",
"id": "1685219628398704"
According to the docs link is a valid field on the Group object. I'm using a token that has user_managed_groups. I see the same result when querying OPEN and CLOSED groups.
Just looking at the URLs of my groups by loading them in my web browser, I see that they all use the format https://www.facebook.com/groups/{group-id}/, so it's easy enough to build a URL from the {group-id}, but is that URL format something I can actually count on?
Using Graph API v2.5.
This is a field that is kept around for historical reasons. Back in the day you were able to actually set a website for a group, for example https://example.com.
This functionality has since been removed from the UI on facebook.com but the field in the API is present as older groups might have this value set, but newer groups won't have it anymore.
There has been a bug report about this as well which has been closed as 'By Design' for the reasons mentioned above https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1495489670770155/
I filed a bug report to which the Facebook team responded that this is the intended behavior (also noted by Bjorn in his answer). See Bjorn's answer for more details.
The good news is that, according to the Facebook dev on that bug report, the format of the Group URL will always be https://www.facebook.com/groups/GROUP_ID, so there's really no need to query the API for the Group URL anyways.

facebook4j post from is null

I am using the Facebook API from Java with Facebook4j.
I have two servers, on the one that uses Facebook 2.3 API when I get the from of a post,
Post post = connection.getFeed().get(0);
I get the user, but in the server that uses Facebook 2.4 API, the from is null.
Any idea? I don't see any documented change in the fb API.
As described in the Facebook Platform Changelog, as of v2.4, you now have to manually specify fields if you want them to be retrieved:
To try to improve performance on mobile networks, Nodes and Edges in
v2.4 requires that you explicitly request the field(s) you need for
your GET requests. For example, GET /v2.4/me/feed no longer includes
likes and comments by default, but GET
/v2.4/me/feed?fields=comments,likes will return the data. For more
details see the docs on how to request specific fields.
According to the docs on Post, the relevant field is named from. To request this field in the me feed using Facebook4J, you can use a Reading object, as follows:
facebook.getFeed(new Reading().fields("from"))

An unknown error has occurred on Graph Facebook

I tried to get Data from Facebook Page with the graph of Facebook but I have a problem.
When I try to go on link like:
I always do this to have the Data from a Page but since today I have the error Message: "An unknown error has occurred".
Thanks for help.
The bug is fixed : https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/486654544831076/?search_id
Have a look at my answer at
How to get user email and birthday from Facebook API Version v2.4
You have to specify each field you want to query now with v2.4. If you want to explicitly use v2.3, you need to prepend your calls by /v2.3 like this:
Seems like there's currently a bug regarding requests made with app access tokens instead of user access tokens:
At this moment, I pretty much figured out what is happening, and it looks like a bug in the Facebook API.
For v2.3 and lower:
The /PAGE-ID call will return an Unknown server error when you don't pass ?fields=username (for example). If you do pass the fields option, it will work. You can get it out of the docs.
For v2.4:
This will work, but you will miss a lot of data, so you'll also have to pass the fields options. But if you don't pass that, this version will give you back only the most basic of details. This is as described in the version release: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2015/07/08/graph-api-v2.4/
So the solution for now, would be to add the ?fields= everywhere you need, or to wait for Facebook to maybe ever solve it.
(And while you're at it, you might as well upgrade to v2.4 ;-)

Facebook Marketing API some field are not shown

I have a development level access to Marketing API and it looks like I cannot read some fields of specific objects.
For example I try the following call:
You can see that promoted_object, link_url and object_url are not displayed in the result. And I should have one of those three value as the Ads was ad to promote "web site click".
Is it a bug or a limitation of the development acces or I am doing something wrong?
It is true that not all fields are readable by all apps, however in the case above it is most likely that these fields are empty on that object and therefore not returned in the response.
Promoted object, for example, is required on the adset level now, however it may be the case the adset you are trying to read is very old and therefore does not have one specified.
In regards to the creative fields, again not all creatives have these fields and in the case they are empty, are not returned in the response. You should check the promoted_story_id to see if this contains what you're looking for.