Kubernetes RBAC authentication for default user - kubernetes

I am using kops in AWS to create my Kubernetes cluster.
I have created a cluster with RBAC enabled via --authorization=RBAC as described here.
I am trying to use the default service account token to interact with the cluster and getting this error:
Error from server (Forbidden): User "system:serviceaccount:default:default" cannot list pods in the namespace "default". (get pods)
Am I missing a role or binding somewhere?

I thing it is not a good idea to give the cluster-admin role to default service account in default namespace.
If you will give cluster-admin access to default user in default namespace - every app (pod) that will be deployed in cluster, in default namespace - will be able to manipulate the cluster (delete system pods/deployments or make other bad stuff).
By default the clusterrole cluster-admin is given to default service account in kube-system namespace.
You can use it for interacting with cluster.

try to give admin role and try.
kubectl create clusterrolebinding add-on-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:default


why i can't create pods a a user with enough permissions in kubernetes

I am following a tutorial regarding RBAC, I think I understand the main idea but I don't get why this is failing:
kc auth can-i "*" pod/compute --as deploy#test.com
kc create clusterrole deploy --verb="*" --resource=pods --resource-name=compute
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/deploy created
kc create clusterrolebinding deploy --user=deploy#test.com --clusterrole=deploy
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/deploy created
# this tells me that deploy#test.com should be able to create a pod named compute
kc auth can-i "*" pod/compute --as deploy#test.com
# but it fails when trying to do so
kc run compute --image=nginx --as deploy#test.com
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "deploy#test.com" cannot create resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "default"
the namespace name should be irrelevant afaik, since this is a clusterrole.
Restricting the create permission to a specific resource name is not supported.
This is from the Kubernetes documentation:
Note: You cannot restrict create or deletecollection requests by resourceName. For create, this limitation is because the object name is not known at authorization time.
This means the ClusterRole you created doesn't allow you to create any Pod.
You need to have another ClusterRole assigned where you don't specify the resource name.

How is Kubernetes RBAC Actually Enforced for Service Accounts?

We're trying to create different kuberentes secrets and offer access to specific secrets through specific service accounts that are assigned to pods. For example:
- User-Service-Secret
- Transaction-Service-Secret
Service Account
- User-Service
- Transaction-Service
- User-Service-Pod
- Transaction-Service-Pod
The idea is to restrict access to User-Service-Secretsecret to User-Service service account that is assign to User-Service-Pod. So we can set this all up with the relevant kuberentes resources (i.e. ServiceAccount, Role, RoleBinding), but we realize that this may not be actually enforced, because Transaction-Service-Pod can just as easily read the User-Service-Secret secret when Pod starts up, even though the service account its assign to doesn't have get permission to the User-Service-Secret.
How do we actually enforce the RBAC system?
FYI we are using EKS
First it is important to distinguish between API access to the secret and consuming the secret as an environment variable or a mounted volume.
RBAC controls who can access a secret (or any other resource) using K8s API requests.
Namespaces or the service account's secrets attribute control if a pod can consume a secret as an environment variable or through a volume mount.
API access
RBAC is used to control if an identity (in your example the service account) is allowed to access a resource via the K8s API. You control this by creating a RoleBinding (namespaced) or a ClusterRoleBinding (cluster-wide) that binds an identity to a Role (namespaced) or a ClusterRole (not-namespaced) to your identity (service account). Then, when you assign the service account to a pod by setting the serviceAccountName attribute, running kubectl get secret in that pod or the equivalent method from one of the client libraries would mean you have credentials available to make the API request.
Consuming Secrets
This however is independent of configuring the pod to consume the secret as an environment variable or a volume mount. If the container spec in a pod spec references the secret it is made available inside that container. Note, per container, not per pod. You can limit what secret a pod can mount by having the pods in different namespaces, because a pod can only refer to a secret in the same namespace. Additionally, you can use the service account's secrets attribute, to limit what secrets a pod with thet service account can refer to.
$ kubectl explain sa.secrets
KIND: ServiceAccount
RESOURCE: secrets <[]Object>
Secrets is the list of secrets allowed to be used by pods running using
this ServiceAccount. More info:
ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify
the referred object.
You can learn more about the security implications of Kubernetes secrets in the secret documentation.
The idea is to restrict access to User-Service-Secret secret to User-Service service account that is assign to User-Service-Pod. So we can set this all up with the relevant Kubernetes resources (i.e. ServiceAccount, Role, RoleBinding), but we realize that this may not be actually enforced, because Transaction-Service-Pod can just as easily read the User-Service-Secret secret when Pod starts up, even though the service account its assign to doesn't have get permission to the User-Service-Secret.
Yes, this is correct.
This is documented for Kubernetes on privilege escalation via pod creation - within a namespace.
Users who have the ability to create pods in a namespace can potentially escalate their privileges within that namespace. They can create pods that access their privileges within that namespace. They can create pods that access secrets the user cannot themselves read, or that run under a service account with different/greater permissions.
To actually enforce this kind of Security Policies, you probably have to add an extra layer of policies via the admission controller. The Open Policy Agent in the form of OPA Gatekeeper is most likely a good fit for this kind of policy enforcement.

Can I use Role and ServiceAccounts with several namespaces?

I'm trying to connect my k8s cluster to my ceph cluster with this manual:
I want to deploy rbd-provision pods into kube-system namespace like this https://paste.ee/p/C1pB4
After deploying pvc I get errors because my pvc is in default namespace. Can I do with that anything? I read docs and if I'm right I can't use ServiceAccount with 2 ns, or can?
No. Service account is namespaced object and it is limited to particular namespace only
Service accounts can be granted permissions in another namespace.
For example, within the namespace "acme", grant the permissions in the view ClusterRole to the service account in the namespace "acme" named "myapp" :
kubectl create rolebinding myapp-view-binding \
--clusterrole=view --serviceaccount=acme:myapp \

How to restrict default Service account from creating/deleting kubernetes resources

I am using Google cloud's GKE for my kubernetes operations.
I am trying to restrict access to the users that access the clusters using command line. I have applied IAM roles in Google cloud and given view role to the Service accounts and users. It all works fine if we use it through api or "--as " in kubectl commands but when someone tries to do a kubectl create an object without specifying "--as" object still gets created with "default" service account of that particular namespace.
To overcome this problem we gave restricted access to "default" service account but still we were able to create objects.
$ kubectl auth can-i create deploy --as default -n test-rbac
$ kubectl run nginx-test-24 -n test-rbac --image=nginx
deployment.apps "nginx-test-24" created
$ kubectl describe rolebinding default-view -n test-rbac
Name: default-view
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Kind: ClusterRole
Name: view
Kind Name Namespace
---- ---- ---------
ServiceAccount default test-rbac
I expect users who are accessing cluster through CLI should not be able to create objects if they dont have permisssions, even if they dont use "--as" flag they should be restricted.
Please take in count that first you need to review the prerequisites to use RBAC in GKE
Also, please note that IAM roles applies to the entire Google Cloud project and all clusters within that project and RBAC enables fine grained authorization at a namespace level. So, with GKE these approaches to authorization work in parallel.
For more references, please take a look on this document RBAC in GKE
For all the haters of this question, I wish you could've tried pointing to this:
there is a file at:
in this there is a option under [container] section:
set to true
Here you go , you learnt something new.. enjoy. Wish you could have tried helping instead of down-voting.

RBAC Error in Kubernetes

I have deployed kubernetes v1.8 in my workplace. I have created roles for admin and view access to namespaces 3months ago. In the initial phase RBAC is working as per the access given to the users. Now RBAC is not happening every who has access to the cluster is having clusteradmin access.
Can you suggest the errors/changes that had to be done?
Ensure the RBAC authorization mode is still being used (--authorization-mode=…,RBAC is part of the apiserver arguments)
If it is, then check for a clusterrolebinding that is granting the cluster-admin role to all authenticated users:
kubectl get clusterrolebindings -o yaml | grep -C 20 system:authenticated