Way to find all affected locations by variable - eclipse

I want to find code lines, where a certain property can get.
Consider I have property holder class and in java editor look to some setter method. In code is property readed and setted to entity. And before save to database, do validation on server side. So I want see from client.propertyHolder.setter to server.entityValidator.getter
Simple example
public class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Holder h = new Holder();
h.setHolder("Something"); // Here i want use plugin
Entity e = new Entity();
// Consider this is on server side in validator and call only if annotation validation is OK
Assert.assertTrue(e.getName().length() > 0)
public class Holder{
public String holder = null;
public void setHolder(String holder){this.holder = holder}
public void getHolder(){return holder}
public class Entity{
private String name = null;
public void setName(String name){this.name = name}
public void getName(){return name}
So i should get lines
Assert.assertTrue(e.getName().length() > 0)
and be nice if NotNull anotations too
Is there a way, how to achive this? Some good free eclipse-plugin maybye?
Thanks for help. Pavel


Interaction between two classes

I want to know the best way to "share" or have access to attributes between 2 classes like this :
class A {
public A() {
B myClassB = new B();
int attributeA;
Class B {
int foo() {
// I want to have something like : return attributeA;
I hope that it's clear. If someone has a better way to ask the question let me know 'cause I really don't know how.
I would say by encapsulation you could share the fields (attributes) between classes. It is a fundamental OOP concept which helps a programmer to modify the already implemented code without breaking the code of others who use the fields.
Consider the below example (Java)
public class Person{
public String name = "John";
public int age = 25;
Sharing Person class's attributes with another class
public class EncapTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person p = new Person();
p.name = "Tom";
p.age = 20;
The above approach is bad way to share(access) attributes between classes because any one can change the fields because they are public. So when you change them, they get changed for everyone (even for those who didn't want). It is like you're breaking the code of others.
See the below example which uses encapsulation
public class Person{
private String name;
private int age;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
public int getName() {
return age;
Sharing Person class's attributes with another class
public class EncapTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person p = new Person();
By making the attributes private and accessing them using the getters and setters methods, you are hiding the attributes with in the class. So whenever you set the attributes in another class, you're not breaking other programmers' code.

Overriding Getters and Setters in tinkerpop Frames annotated model

I'm working on a new piece of software and I'd like the values in the database to be encrypted. We are using OrientDB and are trying to implement the project using the tinkerpop libraries. Here I'm stuck a little bit.
For one function, I need to pull a list of all vertices of a type and return them. I have my annotated interface for the person object, and I added methods to encrypt and decrypt necessary fields right now. But when I decrypt them, it persists the decrypted values back to the database.
Is there a way to either override the getters and setters to handle the encryption/decryption at that point or do I need to detach the models from the db before performing my decryption?
Here's my code for my interface:
public interface iPerson {
public void setFirstName(String firstName);
public String getFirstName();
public String getLastName();
public void setLastName(String lastName);
public String getId();
public void setId(String id);
public String getDateOfBirth();
public void setDateOfBirth(String dateOfBirth);
public void encryptFields() throws Exception;
public void decryptFields() throws Exception;
public abstract class Impl implements JavaHandlerContext<Vertex>, iPerson {
public void init() {
//This will be called when a new framed element is added to the graph.
* shortcut method to make the class encrypt all of the fields that should be encrypted for data storage
* #throws Exception
public void encryptFields() throws Exception {
if(getDateOfBirth() != null) {
* shortcut method to make the class decrypt all of the fields that should be decrypted for data display and return
* #throws Exception
public void decryptFields() throws Exception {
if(getDateOfBirth() != null) {
(I assume) Data is persisted to the database when a Vertex's property is set. If you want to store encrypted values in the database, then you need to ensure the value is encrypted when the property is set.
If you want to override the default behaviour of the #Property getter/setter methods (so that you can add en/decryption), I'd recommend using a custom handler (e.g. #JavaHandler).
For example:
public interface IPerson extends VertexFrame {
public void setFirstName(String firstName);
public String getFirstName();
abstract class Person implements JavaHandlerContext<Vertex>, IPerson {
void setFirstName(String firstName) {
asVertex().setProperty('firstName', encrypt(firstName))
String getFirstName() {
return decrypt(asVertex().getProperty('firstName'))
static String encrypt(String plain){
return plain.toUpperCase(); // <- your own implementation here
static String decrypt(Object encrypted){
return encrypted.toString().toLowerCase(); // <- your own implementation here
Usage example (Groovy)
// setup
IPerson nickg = framedGraph.addVertex('PID1', IPerson)
IPerson jspriggs = framedGraph.addVertex('PID2', IPerson)
// re-retrieve from Frame vertices sometime later...
IPerson nickg2 = framedGraph.getVertex(nickg.asVertex().id, IPerson)
IPerson jspriggs2 = framedGraph.getVertex(jspriggs.asVertex().id, IPerson)
// check encrypted values (these are stored in the DB)...
assert nickg2.asVertex().getProperty('firstName') == 'NICKG'
assert jspriggs2.asVertex().getProperty('firstName') == 'JSPRIGGS'
// check decrypted getters...
assert nickg2.getFirstName() == 'nickg'
assert jspriggs2.getFirstName() == 'jspriggs'
If using Groovy, you could intercept calls to these methods programatically (which would be nice because you could keep using #Property annotations).
I'm not sure if there's a Tinkerpop solution to intercepting these calls, other than writing your own custom handler (maybe try extending the JavaHandlerModule?).
Thanks for the comment, and I should have gotten back to respond to this sooner, but I recently found a better answer to my problem. I was looking for a way to make the encrypt/decrypt happen without overhead and without developers really noticing it happens.
The better way to tackle this issue was actually to write hooks for before insert/update and after read to handle it just at the database layer. I was able to write it in java, package a jar file for it and install it on our orientDB instance, picked up pretty flawlessly and helped us to encrypt the necessary fields without noticing any speed decreases.

How to edit a Set<? extends EntityProxy> with GWT Editor framework?

for sake of simplicity:
public class Person
String name;
Set<Address> addresses;
public class Address
String city;
String street;
with and matching
public interface PersonProxy extends EntityProxy
public String getName();
public Set<AdressProxy> getAddresses();
public interface AdressProxy extends EntityProxy
public String getCity();
public String getStreet();
I got UiBuinder classes to edit AddressProxy
and it clear to me how to use ListEditor in case if I got List but data is Set in the Person class
how do I use Editor Framework to edit them?
Or may be how do I convert Set to List when it becomes PersonProxy?
I did an attempt to put a kind of adapter Editor class that would implement
and then inside of the LeafValueEditor.setValue() move to a List and start a new driver.edit() on a separate Editor hierarchy that takes care of List editing but with now luck.
You should create a CompositeEditor<Set<AddressProxy>, AddressProxy, AddressEditor>, similar to a ListEditor but handling a Set instead of a List.
I suppose you could somehow delegate to a ListEditor though I'm really not sure.
I've done it with Points and Routes (one Route contains N Points):
Route (Composite):
TextBox name;
FlexTable listPoints;
PointsEditor pointsEditor = new PointsEditor();
pointsEditor.add(String id);
public class PointsEditor implements HasRequestContext<List<PointProxy>>, ValueAwareEditor<List<PointProxy>> {
List<PointProxy> points = new ArrayList<PointProxy>();
public void add(String id) {
PointProxy point = ctx.create(PointProxy.class);
Route (server side):
private List<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>();
public interface RouteProxy extends EntityProxy {
abstract List<PointProxy> getPoints();
abstract void setPoints(List<PointProxy> points);
public interface PointProxy extends ValueProxy {

How to get plugins by setting a path

I created console c# project. and in the code I have made a module. My code looks like this.
public IMessageSender MessageSender { get; set; }
public static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();
public void Run()
Console.ReadLine(MessageSender.Send("Message Sent"));
private void Compose()
AssemblyCatalog catalog = new AssemblyCatalog(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
public interface IMessageSender
string Send(string message);
public class EmailSender : IMessageSender
public void Send(string message)
return message;
It works perfectly fine. But now I added a new project in my solution and added module into that
public class EmailSender : IMessageSender
public void Send(string message)
return message;
Now in the main console program I changed some of my code.
private void Compose()
var catalog = new DirectoryCatalog(path);
//AssemblyCatalog catalog = new AssemblyCatalog(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
But now when I run this program. It doesnt load the module. MessageSender in main program is null. What wrong I have done.
There are a few things you need to check:
Have you correctly referenced the assemblies?
The DirectoryCatalog by default uses the search pattern *.dll. Because you have a console application, which uses the .exe extension, no exports in that assembly will get picked up by the DirectoryCatalog - with the default search pattern. You'll likely want to use an AggregateCatalog, passing in the DirectoryCatalog (*.dll), and either another DirectoryCatalog (*.exe), or an AssemblyCatalog, of the entry assembly.
You currently have one [Import] where you may end up with multiple [Export(typeof(IMessageSender))], you didn't state that you have moved the EmailSender to the class library, merely that you have created a new one, which means you'll likely end up with a cardinality mismatch where it is expecting a sinple import, you have many exports. This will explicitly throw an exception, which is what will happen even it couldn't find a single instance of IMessageSender, because your [Import] attribute is not set to allow a default value where no part can be provided. If you need to be fault tollerant, you can use [Import(AllowDefault = true)]
Incidentally... the above code won't compile, I assume it was just an example and not a copy-paste from your current code?
public void SendMessage(string message)
return message;
You're retuning a message to a void method - that can't be done, and it also means that EmailSender doesn't correctly implement IMessageSender. Not too bothered, as I think it is an example more than actual code.

How to enable ZK Page to bind with non public properties of bean

How to enable ZK Page to bind with non public properties of bean.
Say I have a domain object called Book which looks like
class Book{
private String name;
protected String getName(){
return name;
protected void setName(String name){
this.name = name;
I want to be able to bind a textbox using #{book.name} , at present I think to enble binding i will need to make the getter and setter as public.
Frameworks like hibernate can operate on non public properties as well, so why has zk choosen not too, an configuration change possible to enable this ??
Any suggestions would be great.
Subclass it with making these accessors public and use the subclass instead of class Book.
Domain model definition:
public interface Book {
// some public methods you want to expose
Domain model implementation:
// This class is of package visibility
class BookSomewhatSpecificImplementation implements Book {
private String name;
// Note that they are package-scoped.
String getName(){
return name;
void setName(String name){
this.name = name;
Object factory:
public final class DomainModelFactory {
public static Book createBook(/* Some parameters */) {
return new BookSomewhatSpecificImplementation();
private DomainModelFactory() {}
Summary: you should program all other modules against Book interface. You can still use reflection for model implementation. To produce do mane objects use the factory.