Atom Jumpy enable on treeview - plugins

I'm using atom with plugin jumpy and nerd-treeview and
how can I enables the jumpy on the Nerdtree, so I can jump to specific files exactly like in Jumpy plugin

I'm the author of Jumpy. This is now implemented in the newest Jumpy for the built in tree-view
The nerd-treeview doesn't actually look supported anymore. The default Tree-view does have a lot of hotkeys built in now though.


i cant find or add specific components to my objects in unity

I have been watching tutorials on youtube (i'm new to unity), I was trying to add a rigid body to my player, which I've never done. In the video they clicked add component in the inspector then physics then rigid body. but i don't see physics and when I search for it nothing appears. the only options i get are:
New Script
Underneath Box Collider i get a warning saying the the "module that implements this component type has been force excluded in player settings" could this be the problem? If so how would i fix it?
Try go to the PackageManager, switch to Built-In Packages and see if the package Physics is installed. Sounds like it has been actively be removed (uninstalled) or you somehow broke the Packages/manifest.json file.
If you can't even get the PackageManager try to reset the packages as described here via the top menu bar → Help → Reset Packages to defaults
or just directly replace your Packages/manifest.json with a one from a fresh empty project
Also note
Our first TECH stream release of the year is available as of today. Unity 2020.1 includes a wide range of features and improvements that make Unity workflows even more intuitive and make you more productive, while Unity 2019 LTS remains the recommended version for projects in production.
The PackageManager got an overhaul and a lot of users had issues like yours. See e.g. this thrread.
You should stick to the LTS versions, currently 2019.4 LTS (except for experimenting with the very newest features).
So if you type in the search bar of Add Component "Rigid" nothing pops up? If not I believe it should.
The problem could be in your libraries. Try deleting the library in your project (with Unity closed). Maybe if you have not made much progress in this project you could try opening a new unity project and seeing if it works.

What libraries should I use for a Linux desktop panel?

I'm thinking about making a panel for Linux, that would include window list, menu, clock etc. My 2 requirenments are:
It should fit into MATE (Gnome 2 fork) and possibly Gnome 3 2D mode.
It should have smooth animations (for drag & drop window button reordering like tabs in Chrome).
What libraries should I use? GTK+ / Cairo / Clutter / something else?
You can start checking libgnome-panel (probably renamed to libmate-panel). The gnome-panel is built on top of that and libgnome-panel provides what is necessary to build applets (like the window list, etc.).
Each applet has its own dependencies, for instance, for window lists you will need libwcnk, for clock you might need cairo. For a panel with smooth animations, you might need clutter (that is OpenGL), however, that might not fit with the 2D you are looking for.

Automatic bookmarking of recently edited parts of a file

I'd like to quickly see "hot" positions of the file I have been recently edited, so I can quickly jump between them without inserting manual bookmarks.
Does Aptana offer this kind of feature?
Are there any Eclipse plug-ins doing this?
Eclipse does it (I am running 3.7.1):
Window->Prefs->General->Editors->Text Editors->Quick Diff
(or just type quick diff into the preference page search)
Enable quick diff, show differences in rulers - you can change the colours to make it more visible.
Another possibility is utilizing Mylyn. Just activate a task and a context will automatically be created that tracks changes on a method level, even highlighting important changes in bold. You can switch off the "focusing" (i.e. only showing the active and edited classes / ressources) in the project / explorer view if that annoys you. But Mylyn is a little more intensive, it only shows its full potential with a little bit of familiarisation.

My subclipse colors don't work

This is probably a simple issue for some subclipse guru. My decorator colors don't work in eclipse. I'm guessing that some plugin I have is interfering with it somehow. I'm on the current public release of ganymede. Going to the fonts and colors option area lets me change the decorator text color, but I get no effect in the project explorer. Any ideas?
Are you using KDE on Linux? There is a known bug if you use the gtk-qt-engine to make GTK programs (like Eclipse) look more like KDE apps. If this gtk theming engine is active the text colors in views don't work. This is a common problem for mylyn users.
This is probably not important any more, but the decorator issue came down to using the correct view. The "project" view and the "file" view look extremely similar, but the decorators work correctly in one and not the other.

Can you disable automatic horizontal scrolling in Eclipse?

Sometimes when I jump into source code, e.g. from search or when looking up the declaration of something, the Eclipse text editor tries to display nearby long lines by horizontal scrolling. This happens even if the item I jumped to is well within the display without scrolling. I find this rather annoying, so:
Is there a way to disable this? I have searched in vain through all the editor settings.
Specifically, this is about Eclipse CDT, but I suppose the behaviour is the same in JDT.
This seems to happen in other eclipse editors too (like PDT for PHP)
It could have been related with the ScrolledFormText, but the Plugin Spy tells us a WorkbenchWindow class is concerned, as well as an AbstractDecoratedTextEditor, that is in essence an org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor.
The source of that AbstractTextEditor indicates having:
a ScrollLinesAction for vertical scrolling
a TextNavigationAction for settings the cursor and potentially triggering horizontal scrolling
I am not sure how to change that behavior, except by contributing somehow to the active editor identifier (for instance, for java, "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.ClassFileEditor"), and modifying that Action.
I was having the same issue and found these open bugs for it on the Eclipse Bugs:
You can prevent it from happening when you switch the Code Folding off and reload the file.
right click on your eclipse shortcut and choose properties. in compatibility tab choose "windows xp(servicepack 3).