Netlogo Creating a Link with a turtle when they both hit the same patch - netlogo

Maybe i worded the question wrong but what i want to do in the code is when another turtle meets another turtle they create links with each other
I know its
to go
if ticks >= timer1 [stop]
to move
ask turtles
create-links-with other turtles ;here is where i want to put the code
set heading random 360 fd 1]
to create-network
ask links [
set thickness 0.01 * counter
if [patch-here] of end1 = [patch-here] of end2
[set counter (counter + 1)]
but im not sure how to word it correctly to link when they meet how do i do that

Establish a breed variable for your counts. Then create a link between all turtles that are on the same patch with other turtles-here. Then increment that count variable for when the others turtles have met the original calling turtle. I'll note that I increment the count variable by .5 because each turtle in the link will increment it (there's 2 turtles, so .5 * 2 = 1).
links-own [meets]
to setup
crt 100 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
to go
ask turtles [fd 1]
ask turtles [rt random 90]
ask turtles [ create-links-with other turtles-here]
ask turtles [ ask other turtles-here [ask link-with myself [ set meets meets + .5]]]


NetLogo - how do I get all patches the turtle facing?

How do I get a patch set that contains all patches that the turtle is facing?
I know patch-ahead report the patch with a specific distance. But what if I want to get all patches in this direction instead of the single one with specific distance?
What you can do is hatch a turtle and move it forward until it reaches the edge of the world, adding all the patches it crosses.
Here's a visible version to see the approach:
to testme
create-turtles 1 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
ask one-of turtles
[ set pcolor red
hatch 1
[ while [can-move? 1]
[ forward 1
set pcolor red
To actually do the patchset version, you need to start with the current patch and add the patches as the hatched turtle moves over them. Try this for a procedure version and a demonstration of how it can be used:
turtles-own [ my-path ]
to testme
create-turtles 1 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
ask one-of turtles
[ set my-path get-patches-forward self
print my-path
to-report get-patches-forward [ #me ] ; turtle procedure
let front-patches patch-here
hatch 1
[ while [can-move? 1]
[ forward 1
set front-patches (patch-set front-patches patch-here)
report front-patches
This will return the wrong answer if the world is wrapped because the hatched turtle can keep on going indefinitely. Instead, you would need to check its coordinates rather than relying on the can-move? primitive.

Having turtles verify if they own a link / have a neighbor turtle

Is there a way for turtles to verify if they have links or neighbors?
I need a way for turtles to check if they have a link. If the turtle does, then I need it change the variable SocialST to 1. If the turtle does not, then it should skip. Here is what I have devised so far...
to SocialStructure
ask turtles with [link-neighbors]
[if (abs([SN] of self - [SN] of one-of link-neighbors) >= Soctol ) [Set SocialST 1]]
Making minimal changes to your code:
to updateSocialStructure
ask turtles with [any? link-neighbors] [
if (abs([SN - [SN] of one-of link-neighbors) >= Soctol )) [Set SocialST 1]
But do you really want one-of?

How to ask turtles to place in a desired area, on Netlogo?

I want to create turtles, which they place in a desired area with random coordinate:
they should place in the white area and in middle of it in a line. in other words, in the top regtangle, their xcor should be random and their ycor is 10. in the right regtangle, their ycor should be random and their xcor is 10 and so on.
When you create turtles, you can give them instructions such as their location. For example:
create-turtles 1 [ set ycor 10 ]
Alternatively, you can sprout the turtles from the relevant patches and their location will already be set. For example:
ask n-of 5 patches with [pcolor > 1] [ sprout 1 ]
to place-on-color [#color]
let _patches (patches with [pcolor = #color])
ask turtles [
move-to one-of (_patches with [not any? turtles-here])
Add error checking if you may have too many turtles. (Or remove the unique occupancy constraint if you don't want it.)

How a patch to display the number of times that turtles have visited it?

I would like to show how many times a patch has been visited by turtles after the simulation.
ask patches with [pcolor = lime] [
if count turtles-here > 0
[set counter (counter + 1)]
set plabel counter
Something looks like that. Each patch's value will be increased when a turtle visit it. In the end of simulation, each patch will show the different number of times that turtles have visited it. Thanks.
Your solution seems fine. You just need to give patches a counter attribute. For example,
patches-own [counter]
to setup
ask n-of 50 patches [set pcolor lime sprout 1]
ask patches [count-visits]
to go
ask turtles [move-to one-of patches]
ask patches [count-visits]
to count-visits ;; patch proc
if (pcolor = lime) [
if count turtles-here > 0 [
set counter (counter + 1)
set plabel counter

On netlogo, what command do I use to make a turtle stop if the patch it wants to move to is a certain color

I'm making a maze on netlogo and I want to do it so that once it tries to walk into the violet lines, it'll stay on its own patch instead of moving forward. What command would that be? I tried bk 1 to reverse the fd 1 but it doesn't work all the time
You can undo your step like this:
ask turtles [
fd 1
if pcolor = violet [fd -1]
Or you can check ahead of time as Marzy answered. Basically it's the difference of asking for forgiveness vs permission :-)
I hope this example answer your questions:
turtles-own [target]
to setup
ask n-of 100 patches [
set pcolor red
create-turtles 1
[ move-to one-of patches with [pcolor != red]
set heading 90
set target one-of patches with [pcolor != red]
ask target
set pcolor green
to go
ask turtles
[ifelse pcolor != green
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != red
print ticks
to Your-Move-Function
let t target
face min-one-of all-possible-moves [distance t]
fd 1
to Your-Bounce-Function
let t target
face min-one-of all-possible-moves [distance t]
to-report all-possible-moves
report patches in-radius 1 with [pcolor != red and distance myself <= 1 and distance myself > 0 and plabel = "" ]
to leave-a-trail
ask patch-here [set plabel ticks]
This is how it works:
Random patches are colored Red to show walls or obstacles, one turtle is created in a random location with a random target which is colored green:
I have used a variable to store all available patches which turtle can step on , but since I have considered a target for the turtle, turtle chooses the one patch which is closest to the target, and since I have noticed in some cases it might go in circle I have asked the turtle to leave tick number which is its move number as a plabel, you can use a variable for that for specifying if that path was already selected or not.