What could cause duplicate rows in fetched Google Analytics reports? - google-analytics-api

I'm working on a tool to fetch about 3 years of historic data from a site, in order to perform some data analysis & machine learning.
The dimensions of the report I am requesting are:
[ ga:cityId, ga:dateHour, ga:userType, ga:deviceCategory ]
And my starting point is to import to a postgres db (the data may live elsewhere eventually but we have Good Reasons for starting with a relational database).
I've defined a unique index on the [ ga:cityId, ga:dateHour, ga:userType, ga:deviceCategory ] tuple for the postgres table, and my import job currently routinely fails every 30000-50000 rows due to a duplicate of that tuple.
What would cause google to return duplicate rows?
I'm batching the inserts by 1000 rows / statement because row-at-a-time would be very time consuming, so I think my best workaround is to disable the unique index for the duration of the initial import, de-dupe, and then re-enable it and do daily imports of fresh data row-at-a-time. Other strategies?

There shouldn't be duplicate reports coming back from google if the time ranges are unique.
Are you using absolute or relative (to present) dates? If the latter, you should ensure that changes in the time period cause by the progression of the relative time (ie the present) don't cause an overlap.
Using relative time period could also cause gaps in your data.


PostgreSQL delete and aggregate data periodically

I'm developing a sensor monitoring application using Thingsboard CE and PostgreSQL.
We collect data every second, such that we can have a real time view of the sensors measurements.
This however is very exhaustive on storage and does not constitute a requirement other than enabling real time monitoring. For example there is no need to check measurements made last week with such granularity (1 sec intervals), hence no need to keep such large volumes of data occupying resources. The average value for every 5 minutes would be perfectly fine when consulting the history for values from previous days.
This poses the question on how to delete existing rows from the database while aggregating the data being deleted and inserting a new row that would average the deleted data for a given interval. For example I would like to keep raw data (measurements every second) for the present day and aggregated data (average every 5 minutes) for the present month, etc.
What would be the best course of action to tackle this problem?
I checked to see if PostgreSQL had anything resembling this functionality but didn't find anything. My main ideia is to use a cron job to periodically perform the aggregations/deletions from raw data to aggregated data. Can anyone think of a better option? I very much welcome any suggestions and input.

Sphinx: Real-Time Search w/Expiration?

I am designing a search that will be fed around 50 to 200 GB of text data per day (similar to logs) and it only needs to retain that data for week or two. This data will be piped at a constant rate (5,000/per second for example), non-stop, 24 hours a day. After a week or two, the document should drop out of the index never to be heard from again.
The index should be searchable with free-form text across only 1 field (pretty small in size, around 512 characters max). At most, the schema could have 2 attributes that could be categorized.
The system needs to be indexed in near real-time as data is fed to it. A delay of 15 to 30 seconds is acceptable.
We prefer to stream data into the indexer/service with a constant stream of pipe data.
Lastly, a single stand-alone solution is prefer over any type of distribution setup (this will be part of a package to deploy and setup on local machines for testers).
I'm looking closely at Sphinx search engine with RT updates via the API as it checks off most of these. But, I am not seeing an easy way to expire documents after a certain length of time.
I am aware that I could track the IDs and a timestamp and issue a batch DELETE through the Sphinx API. But, that creates an issue of tracking large amounts of IDs in a separate datastore that will need the same kind of 5,000/per second inserts and deleting them when done.
I also have a concern around Sphinx Fragmentation of mass-inserting, and mass-deleting in the middle of inserting.
We would really prefer the search engine/indexer to handle the expiration itself.
I think I can perform a WHERE timestamp < UNIXTIMESTAMP-OF-TWO-WEEEKS-AGO as the where clause in the Sphinx API in order to gather the Document IDs to delete. The problem with that is if the system does not stay ontop of the deletes, the total number of documents/search results will be in the 10s of millions, maybe even billions in count after a two week timeframe if it has to gather a few days worth of document ids to delete. That's not a feasible query.
You can actually run
As a query to delete the old documents, which is much simpler :)
You will also need to call OPTIMIZE INDEX from time to time.
Both these will have to be called on some sort of 'cron' schedule, as they wont be run automatically.
You might be better not using Sphinxes DELETE function at all. When writing RT indexes, as soon as the RAM chunk is full its writen out as a disk chunk. So you end up with a number of disk chunks on the disk. The oldest documents will be in the oldest chunk, sequentially.
So to clear out the oldest documents, you could just dispose of the oldest chunks. (on a rolling basis)
The problem is sphinx does not include a function to delete individual chunks.
Will need to shutdown searchd, delete the chunk(s), manipulate the header files and then restart Sphinx. Not an easy process.
But in the more general sense, not sure if sphinx will be able to keep up with a continuous stream of 5,000/documents per second (even ignoreing delete for a moment) - Sphinx is generally designed for write-infrequently, read-frequently. It builds a (for the most part) monolithic inverted index. This is great for querying, but is very hard to keep updated. Its not great for incremental updates.

Neo4j's MERGE command on big datasets

Currently, I am working on a project of implementing a Neo4j (V2.2.0) database in the field of web-analytics. After loading some samples, I'm trying to load a big data set (>1GB, >4M lines). The problem I am facing, is that the usage of the MERGE command takes exponentially more time as the data size grows. Online sources are ambiguous on what the best way is to load big sets of data when not every line has to be loaded as a node, and I would like some clarity on the subject. To emphasize, in this situation I am just loading the nodes; relations are the next step.
Basically there are three methods
i) Set a uniqueness constraint for a property, and create all nodes. This method was used mainly before the MERGE command was introduced.
followed by
CREATE (:Book{isbn=row.isbn, title=row.title, etc})
In my experience, this will return a error if a duplicate is found, which stops the query.
ii) Merging the nodes with all their properties.
MERGE (:Book{isbn=row.isbn, title=row.title, etc})
I have tried loading my set in this manner, but after letting the process run for over 36 hours and coming to a grinding halt, I figured there should be a better alternative, as ~200K of my eventual ~750K nodes were loaded.
iii) Merging nodes based on one property, and setting the rest after that.
MERGE (b:Book{isbn=row.isbn})
ON CREATE SET b.title = row.title
ON CREATE SET b.author = row.author
I am running a test now (~20K nodes) to see if switching from method ii to iii will improve execution time, as a smaller sample gave conflicting results. Are there methods which I am overseeing and could improve execution time? If I am not mistaken, the batch inserter only works for the CREATE command, and not the MERGE command.
I have permitted Neo4j to use 4GB of RAM, and judging from my task manager this is enough (uses just over 3GB).
Method iii) should be the fastest solution since you MERGE against a single property. Do you create the uniqueness constraint before you do the MERGE? Without an index (constraint or normal index), the process will take a long time with a growing number of nodes.
Followed by:
MERGE (b:Book{isbn=row.isbn})
ON CREATE SET b.title = row.title
ON CREATE SET b.author = row.author
This should work, you can increase the PERIODIC COMMIT.
I can add a few hundred thousand nodes within minutes this way.
In general, make sure you have indexes in place. Merge a node first on the basis of the properties that are indexed (to exploit fast lookup) and then modify that node's properties as needed with SET.
Beyond that, both of your approaches are going through the transaction layer. If you need to jam a lot of data into the DB really quickly, you probably don't want to use transactions to do that, because they're giving you functionality you might not need, and they require overhead that's slowing you down. So a larger solution would be to not insert data with LOAD CSV but go another route entirely.
If you're using the 2.2 series of neo4j, you can go for the batch inserter via java, or the neo4j-import tool sadly not available prior to 2.2. What they both have in common is that they don't use transactions.
Finally, either way you go you should read Michael Hunger's article on importing data into neo4j as it provides a good conceptual discussion of what's happening, and why you need to skip transactions if you're going to load big huge piles of data into neo4j.

MongoDB High Avg. Flush Time - Write Heavy

I'm using MongoDB with approximately 4 million documents and around 5-6GB database size. The machine has 10GB of RAM, and free only reports around 3.7GB in use. The database is used for a video game related ladder (rankings) website, separated by region.
It's a fairly write heavy operation, but still gets a significant number of reads as well. We use an updater which queries an outside source every hour or two. This updater then processes the records and updates documents on the database. The updater only processes one region at a time (see previous paragraph), so approximately 33% of the database is updated.
When the updater runs, and for the duration that it runs, the average flush time spikes up to around 35-40 seconds, and we experience general slowdowns with other queries. The updater is RAN on a SEPARATE MACHINE and only queries MongoDB at the end, when all the data has been retrieved and processed from the third party.
Some people have suggested slowing down the number of updates, or only updating players who have changed, but the problem comes down to rankings. Since we support ties between players, we need to pre-calculate the ranks - so if only a few users have actually changed ranks, we still need to update the rest of the users ranks accordingly. At least, that was the case with MySQL - I'm not sure if there is a good solution with MongoDB for ranking ~800K->1.2 million documents while supporting ties.
My question is: how can we improve the flush and slowdown we're experiencing? Why is it spiking so high? Would disabling journaling (to take some load off the i/o) help, as data loss isn't something I'm worried about as the database is updated frequently regardless?
Server status: http://pastebin.com/w1ETfPWs
You are using the wrong tool for the job. MongoDB isn't designed for ranking large ladders in real time, at least not quickly.
Use something like Redis, Redis have something called a "Sorted List" designed just for this job, with it you can have 100 millions entries and still fetch the 5000000th to 5001000th at sub millisecond speed.
From the official site (Redis - Sorted sets):
Sorted sets
With sorted sets you can add, remove, or update elements in a very fast way (in a time proportional to the logarithm of the number of elements). Since elements are taken in order and not ordered afterwards, you can also get ranges by score or by rank (position) in a very fast way. Accessing the middle of a sorted set is also very fast, so you can use Sorted Sets as a smart list of non repeating elements where you can quickly access everything you need: elements in order, fast existence test, fast access to elements in the middle!
In short with sorted sets you can do a lot of tasks with great performance that are really hard to model in other kind of databases.
With Sorted Sets you can:
Take a leader board in a massive online game, where every time a new score is submitted you update it using ZADD. You can easily take the top users using ZRANGE, you can also, given an user name, return its rank in the listing using ZRANK. Using ZRANK and ZRANGE together you can show users with a score similar to a given user. All very quickly.
Sorted Sets are often used in order to index data that is stored inside Redis. For instance if you have many hashes representing users, you can use a sorted set with elements having the age of the user as the score and the ID of the user as the value. So using ZRANGEBYSCORE it will be trivial and fast to retrieve all the users with a given interval of ages.
Sorted Sets are probably the most advanced Redis data types, so take some time to check the full list of Sorted Set commands to discover what you can do with Redis!
Without seeing any disk statistics, I am of the opinion that you are saturating your disks.
This can be checked with iostat -xmt 2, and checking the %util column.
Please don't disable journalling - you will only cause more issues later down the line when your machine crashes.
Separating collections will have no effect. Separating databases may, but if you're IO bound, this will do nothing to help you.
If I am correct, and your disks are saturated, adding more disks in a RAID 10 configuration will vastly help performance and durability - more so if you separate the journal off to an SSD.
Assuming that this machine is a single server, you can setup a replicaset and send your read queries there. This should help you a fair bit, but not as much as the disks.

Calculating price drop Apps or Apps gonna free - App Store

I am working on a Website which is displaying all the apps from the App Store. I am getting AppStore data by their EPF Data Feeds through EPF Importer. In that database I get the pricing of each App for every store. There are dozen of rows in that set of data whose table structure is like:
The retail price of an application.
Name Key Description
export_date The date this application was exported, in milliseconds since the UNIX Epoch.
application_id Y Foreign key to the application table.
retail_price Retail price of the application, or null if the application is not available.
currency_code The ISO3A currency code.
storefront_id Y Foreign key to the storefront table.
This is the table I get now my problem is that I am not getting any way out that how I can calculate the price reduction of apps and the new free apps from this particular dataset. Can any one have idea how can I calculate it?
Any idea or answer will be highly appreciated.
I tried to store previous data and the current data and then tried to match it. Problem is the table is itself too large and comparing is causing JOIN operation which makes the query execution time to more than a hour which I cannot afford. there are approx 60, 000, 000 rows in the table
With these fields you can't directly determine price drops or new application. You'll have to insert these in your own database, and determine the differences from there. In a relational database like MySQL this isn't too complex:
To determine which applications are new, you can add your own column "first_seen", and then query your database to show all objects where the first_seen column is no longer then a day away.
To calculate price drops you'll have to calculate the difference between the retail_price of the current import, and the previous import.
Since you've edited your question, my edited answer:
It seems like you're having storage/performance issues, and you know what you want to achieve. To solve this you'll have to start measuring and debugging: with datasets this large you'll have to make sure you have the correct indexes. Profiling your queries should helping in finding out if they do.
And probably, your environment is "write once a day", and read "many times a minute". (I'm guessing you're creating a website). So you could speed up the frontend by processing the differences (price drops and new application) on import, rather than when displaying on the website.
If you still are unable to solve this, I suggest you open a more specific question, detailing your DBMS, queries, etc, so the real database administrators will be able to help you. 60 million rows are a lot, but with the correct indexes it should be no real trouble for a normal database system.
Compare the table with one you've downloaded the previous day, and note the differences.
For only 60 million items, and on a contemporary PC, you should be able to store a sorted array of the store id numbers and previous prices in memory, and do an array lookup faster than the data is arriving from the network feed. Mark any differences found and double-check them against the DB in post-processing.
Actually I also trying to play with these data, and I think best approach for you base on data from Apple.
You have 2 type of data : full and incremental (updated data daily). So within new data from incremental (not really big as full) you can compare only which record updated and insert them into another table to determine pricing has changed.
So you have a list of records (app, song, video...) updated daily with price has change, just get data from new table you created instead of compare or join them from various tables.