Tizen studio 2: application installation failure - certificate

I have just installed Tizen Studio 2.0 and I was trying to update my old application (version wearable 2.2) with new features.
The target device is a Samsung "Gear 2" (not "Gear S2").
By means of the package manager I installed both the Samsung certificate and the Samsung wearable extension.
I removed all the old certificates and acquired a new one via the certificate manager (Samsung option). The new certificate results active.
From the device manager/file explorer I selected "permit to install applications". The result was en error and an invitation to create and activate a Samsung certificate. Exactly what I had done previoulsy!!!!!!
Trying to install the app via debugger the result was:
[Initializing the launch environment...]
Target information: SM-R380
Application information: Id(Z8KnFDT3ds.ride), Package Name(Z8KnFDT3ds),
Project Name(ride)
[Transferring the package...]
Transferred the package: wgt stream -> /opt/usr/apps/tmp/ride.wgt
[Installing the package...]
path is /opt/usr/apps/tmp/ride.wgt
processing result : FATAL_ERROR [61] failed
spend time for pkgcmd is [94]ms
An exception occurred
(Installing the package... > Fail)
An exception occurred
Unexpected stop progress...
(9.763 sec)"
I have already tried (uselessly) to:
regenerate the .medata file,
to create a new the workspace,
to reinstall Tizen 2.0.,
to create a new certificate,
to install the wgt via sdb.
The time and the date on the Gear 2 are correctly synchronized with my host computer (OS Windows 10).
I noticed an anomaly in my Gear 2 DUID (PB+hcyFaLdbqjuVe+Gcn4vBlSYw=)
Considering what reported at the link: http://developer.samsung.com/gear/develop/getting-certificates/permit the DUID should be in any case preceded by a #1.0 or #2.0. This is not true in my case.
By changing manually the DUID to: 1.0#PB+hcyFaLdbqjuVe+Gcn4vBlSYw= a certficate is apparently correctly uploaded on the target even if the FATAL error 61 persits.
Any idea?

I have been having insurmountable problems with SDK 2.0 as well. Eventually I decided to roll back to the previous version but was struggling to find out how or where to get it. I got a response from the Tizen support team with the following instructions.
Launch Package Manager
click the "Configuration" icon in the top right corner of the Package Manager window.
Turn OFF the "Auto Update" feature
You will be able to see the list of previous versions of Tizen Studio. Select your desired version and click "OK"
This will prompt you that its going to update the previous version. please follow the UI prompt to uninstall this version and install the previous version.
This may or may not work for you.


Invalid password when signing Tizen package

I'm having trouble signing a basic Tizen package, here are the steps I've followed:
Execute the Tizen studio 3.0 web-ide installer
Accept the license agreement
Use the default SDK and Data location (click install)
Launch the package manager
Install the 4.0 wearable package
Exit the package manager and launch Tizen studio
Create the Project:
Launch with the default workspace
File->new->Tizen project
Select template
Select wearable 4.0
Select native application
Select basicUI
Create the Certificate:
Tools->certificate manager
Click the "+" button to create a new certificate profile
Name the certificate "TestCert"
Select "Create a new author certificate" and click next
Author Name:Sam
Select "use the default Tizen distributor certificate" and click Finish
Exit out of the certificate manager
Try to Build the Package:
Select the project you created earlier
Project->build signed package
I get this console output:
Initialize... OK
Copying files... OK
Signing... java.io.IOException: Invaild password
I am aware of these other stack overflow questions but they do not help me:
tizen studio (x64) - Build Signed Package - Creating package failed - java.io.IOexception: Invalid password
Sign application package with cerificate profile in tizen studio
Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong?
This was all done on Debian 9.
I am not 100% sure of what I am saying here. It appears that Tizen Studio on Linux uses secret-tool (https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/secret-tool.1.html) to store certificate passwords. If the Platform Keyring (Gnome Keyring) is not configured properly, secret-tool fails and Tizen Studio does not appear to propagate this failure properly to the user. There are too many variables here, but one should first try running the secret-tool that gets shipped with the Tizen Studio IDE (tizen-studio/tools/certificate-encryptor/secret-tool) and see if it throws any errors when trying to save a password.

Unable to automate Hybrid Android mobile app using appium

I want to automate test a basic Hybrid Mobile Application running in Android.I am able to launch the app in emulator but not able to enter the text in the login screen.
Getting error as
"Exception in thread "main"
io.appium.java_client.NoSuchContextException: An unknown server-side
error occurred while processing the command. Original error: No
Chromedriver found that can automate Chrome '53.0.2785'. See
for more details. "
Please help me resolving this!!!!!
If you see chromedriver.exe change log you will get the version you require for hybrid app automation. The browser used in your device have versin 53+
See this url http://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads [check ChromeDriver 2.24 details] it says it supports browser with version 53+. Get this exe from https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html?path=2.24/
How to connect with Appium -
If you are using appium desktop, it gets installed as windows application in program files folder. Now location of chromedriver.exe it uses is as mentioned below.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\resources\app\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-chromedriver\chromedriver\win\chromedriver.exe [This location may be bit different in your case]
Replace above location chromedriver from downloaded chromedriver.exe(from step2)
Note - Ideally automation should work without throwing exception. Incase still it doesn't work then try 1+ or 1- version of 2.24
You got everything you need in exception message:
Go here https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/master/docs/en/writing-running-appium/web/chromedriver.md
and read explanation on compatibility.
No Chromedriver found that can automate Chrome '53.0.2785'
Appium was not able to get chromedriver for your emulator that have Chrome 53.0.2785
So the first solution is to get Chromedriver v2.26 and add absolute path to binary as chromedriverExecutable capability:
1) download chromedriver_win32.zip from the link above and unzip
2) in your code add capability with the path to chromedriver.exe:
DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
caps.setCapability("chromedriverExecutable", "/abs/path/to/chromedriver.exe")
If you get new emulator, first check what browser version is preinstalled and try to upgrade.

Error : DEP6200 : Bootstrapping 'Device' failed. Device cannot be found

I've read every StackOverflow that I could find on this issue, but I still can't work it out.
I'm trying to deploy an app to actual device (NOT emulator). But I receive the following error when i try to build:
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during bootstrapping stage 'Connecting to the device '30F105C9-681E-420b-A277-7C086EAD8A4E'.':
SEHException - External component has thrown an exception. App1
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error Error : DEP6200 : Bootstrapping 'Device' failed. Device cannot be found. App1
It's worth mentioning that I went from Windows 7 to Windows 10. It's also worth mentioning that my computer was missing the IpOverUsbSvc.exe (not just the registry post, but the actual service was missing). Couldn't find any way to get this back so, so my colleague sent over the .exe and the DLLs and I placed it in it's location. And the service is now running and no longer gives any errors. My device is recognized by the PC, it's running Windows 10 Mobile (but I've also tried with a device running Windows 8.1).
Specs on PC:
Windows 10 Pro (Build 10240)
Using Visual Studio 2015
UWP Tools
Any suggestions to fix my nightmare? Thanks!
Steps that helped me. I have windows 10 mobile build 10581 (and now 10586) installed on phone
Turn off Developer mode on your phone.
Deploy app (UWP or SL) by VS2015 -> Error.
Turn on Developer mode on your phone.
Deploy app (UWP or SL) by VS2015 -> Working.
If you change another device or re-connect you must close VS2015, re-launch and do again!
Finally managed to find a solution to this illusive bug.
It seems that if I didn't have the Windows Phone 8.1 Tools installed I couldn't build to an ARM device (not even Windows 10 Mobile).
So my step to solve this was:
Go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Microsoft Visual Studio ... 2015 -> Modify. And then select the Windows Phone 8.1 Tools.
Pretty pissed that one can't get a reasonable error message when things like this is missing.
I had this issue after updating my device to win10 ver:10.0.10581.0. I tried many things but finally after installing latest sdk and emulators i got it working. You may try installing from this page sdk and emulator:
Somehow the new emulators were not visible in vs, they got visible after few restarts and then on device debugging started to work.
But one problem still remain from me that vs crashes after ending debug session with device.
desktop-->my computer--> right click--> management--> service--> start the service Windows Phone IP over USB Transport (IpOverUsbSvc) although maybe the starttype is set as automatic
Seems like there are many issues causing the same error message.
This one worked for me Windows Phone deploy Issue
Essentially you need to remove/uninstall the device from Windows. Then after unplugging and plugging back in, the device and drivers are reinstalled.
I tried many of the suggested solutions to no avail.
After changing the USB-C cable from a USB 3.1 port to a USB 2.0 port on my computer, the error goes away. YMMV
I see it is quite an old post...but I still get this problem. In my case, this happened after I deployed to a second phone I had for testing. After that, VS 2017 now only wants to deploy to that phone and not to the other phone no more. If I start another project, the other phone is recognized and deployable to (listed as device under debug).
Restarting system fixes this...
Also, if I add another project as reference (like a background task) to my project, I will loose the ability to select the devices and emulators under debug. VS 2017 simply then seems to deploy to the last device selected...(really no clue what this is). I have not been able to get the selection of emulators and devices back yet on this one. I only will have the "Start" and "Download new emulators" options. I think this has to do with the fact that VS maybe doesn't know the type (like arm/86/64) of the reference project because it is not set (not needed as this defies the purpose of referencing a project for dynamic references and not the compiled device specific file...)
Hope it helps someone ....
I uninstalled the existing version of the app in device and re-ran it and it worked for me
I got that error for a really simple reason...just opened a new solution I downloaded from GitHub, pressed F5, and got it!
I had left my build configuration in the default "Debug - ARM" setting, when I changed to "Debug - x64" it worked fine!
(Just adding another reason for completeness, not likely to affect your case!)
In case it's helpful for others... I got: DEP6701 bootstrapping failed ... access denied.
Thanks to comments here, I only dev-locked then dev-unlocked my phone (was originally dev-unlocked). Totally works now (took some time installing missing frameworks at first). All good.
One more thing could be tried.
Uninstall the existing app if any and then deploy from Visual Studio.
Try on another usb port. It worked

"Installation or uninstallation is not working temporarily" error when trying to launch Tizen watch application from Tizen SDK

When trying to launch the native watch application from Tizen IDE, I see the strange message "Certain application categories, such as "Watch Application", cannot be launched by "Run As".
Indeed, I try to use Run As from the project local menu to launch my app. But how else I am supposed to launch my application on the emulator?
The emulator device (watch) is up and running, visible on desktop as a separate widget. It is selected. The signing configuration is set up.
On the console output I see the message processing result : FATAL_ERROR [61].
I also tried to launch through the created launch configuration but this results the same error message.
The IDE logs show the following stack trace:
[2015.09.06 12:16:48][ERROR] ConnectionExplorer.java(658) - Fail to get platform log
[2015.09.06 12:18:59][ERROR] RdsDeployer.java(269) - Cannot partially upload or reinstall
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: [RDS] Cannot install application
at org.tizen.common.rds.RdsDeployer.newCoreException(RdsDeployer.java:699)
at org.tizen.common.rds.RdsDeployer.postInstall(RdsDeployer.java:634)
at org.tizen.common.rds.RdsDeployer.partialZipInstall(RdsDeployer.java:566)
at org.tizen.common.rds.RdsDeployer.deploy(RdsDeployer.java:267)
at org.tizen.nativecommon.launch.TizenLaunchDelegate2.deployApplication(TizenLaunchDelegate2.java:783)
at org.tizen.nativecommon.launch.TizenLaunchDelegate2.launchApplicationForRun(TizenLaunchDelegate2.java:504)
at org.tizen.nativecommon.launch.TizenLaunchDelegate2.launch(TizenLaunchDelegate2.java:216)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(LaunchConfiguration.java:858)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(LaunchConfiguration.java:707)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(DebugUIPlugin.java:1018)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$8.run(DebugUIPlugin.java:1222)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:53)
Caused by: org.tizen.common.sdb.command.message.CommandErrorException:
Error code: FATAL_ERROR
Error message:
Command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -q -r -t tpk -n com.au.heywatch
Management: Installation or uninstallation is not working temporarily.
P.S. I add "eclipse" tag because Tizen SDK is very clearly Eclipse based IDE. Using Tizen IDE 2.3.1.
Watch face applications(Web/native) are never installed as widgets. You cannot see them in app menu.
Within your tizen-manifest.xml file in your project, you'll find below line there
<watch-application appid="org.tizen.watchsample" exec="watchsample" ambient-support="true">
which makes your app as watch application and these apps are known as watch faces because they will be used in setting as the main watch in gear.
And on emulator, you cannot change the watch face on the home screen. Hence, you won't be able to test your watch application that way.
Had the same issue. My problem was certificate setup.
i followed there instructions:
(link is from help and should work in browser when Tizen IDE is up, alternately you can go to Tizen IDE -> Help -> Help Content and search Certificate.
More specific: Distributor certificate i had was wrong (use the pass received by Samsung by email)
After fixing certificate, don't forget to right click your device in Connection Explorer and click Permit to install applications.

AVD Failed to Load ~ Failed to Parse Properties ~ Mac OSX

I'm going to say upfront, please forgive me. I'm a newbie to android development and fairly new to programming. Also on a Mac. You're going to have to talk...real...slow.
I can't get an AVD to load. I've tried it from Eclipse (Juno) and from the Android SDK Manager (20.0.3). Failed multiple times.
Received the same error each time,
"Failed to parse properties from User/myname/.android/avd/nameIGaveEmulator/config.ini."
EDIT: I tried to solve the path problem on my own by checking folders and moving them around to be in the same folder, then resetting the path in Eclipse preferences, but that didn't work, so I trashed everything except for the zip files, uncompressed and started the entire installation all over again. When I opened up SDK Manager and attempted to download tools and platforms, however, I received the following. I'd forgotten that I received it on the first install. Would this have something to do with the problem?
Preparing to install archives
Downloading Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 14
Installing Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 14
Stopping ADB server failed (code -1).
Installed Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 14
Stopping ADB server succeeded.
Starting ADB server failed (code 255).
Done. 1 package installed.
When I open Eclipse and SDK Manager, I don't see anyplace to check that I'm the administrator.
If a path needs to be "changed" what exactly does that mean and how do I go about doing so? Is it simply a matter of moving folders and files into the "correct" locations and then trying to load an AVD again?
Using command line, navigate to the /tools folder in your android SDK, then use the command:
$ ./android avd
This will launch the AVD manager.