Triggering Jenkins Multibranch pipeline when there is a pull request created in GitHub - github

I'm using Jenkins Multibranch pipeline. I've configured the APIs(github-webhook and ghprbhook) in GitHub. I want to trigger the Multibranch Pipeline whenever there is a Pull Request on GitHub (without using periodical option).
For example, if i create pull request on GitHub, then the Jenkins Multibranch pipeline should start scanning and build the Jenkinsfile automatically.
What do i need to do to achieve this?
I would love to try if there are any suggestions.

Under the webhook section, you can choose Let me select individual events option. Under that you can have push selected by default and also can select Pull Request which helps you to do wnat you are looking for Pull request opened, closed, reopened, edited, assigned, unassigned, review requested, review request removed, labeled, unlabeled, or synchronized.

To achieve this, I have selected "Send me everything" under GitHub Webhooks section.
Then I was able to trigger builds automatically whenever a PR is raised on GitHub.
As #RSharma mentioned, I have selected only "Push and Pull Request" under "Let me select individual events" section.
PS: The GitHub branches are automatically detected in Jenkins.


Triggering Pull Request Builds automatically on draft pull requests in Azure DevOps (ADO)

If I make a pull request in ADO from one of my branches then any commits I push to my branch automatically trigger the build pipeline:
This is configured in the build validation branch policies on master:
But for draft pull requests I need to trigger builds manually:
The documentation (here) does not mention any distinction between active and draft pull requests. How do I configure my project so that commits to branches in a draft pull requests automatically trigger a build?
According to the docs:
Draft pull requests do not include reviewers or run builds by default
but allow you to manually add reviewers and run builds. To promote the
pull request to a normal pull request, simply click the Publish button
from the pull request detail page.
So, it looks like you experience the expected behavior.

How to automatically trigger a build after a PR is completed in Azure DevOps

Is there a way I can set up a build in Azure DevOps to automatically run every time a PR is merged and completed and contains a specific keyword in the name? for example: "Some PR name here [RUN_BUILD_123]"
The reason for this is because I have different builds on top of the same branch so instead of triggering all the builds I just want to trigger those that I know need to be rebuilt based on the particular projects getting changed.
A PR has a target-branch. If you want to trigger a build after a PR is completed just configure a build with a ci-trigger for that target-branch. You can't check for certain keywords in the PR-name unfortunately
Agree with D.J. For detailed setting, you can check the Enable continous intergration option in the Triggers settings, then select the target branch you want ci-trigger build in the Branch filters.This will automatically trigger the build after pr is completed.
But you can't do it if you want to include special keywords in pr name.
Topic is a bit old, but if there is anyone who want's to archive this stumbling over this topic - here is my approach how I would solve this:
The basic of all are scripted pipelines, so if you still do it in the GUI - that's wasted time. Create a .yml build and put it into your Git. The M$ documentation is really helpful with this.
Create the trigger for your branch
Put this on the first line, so the pipeline will be executed when master (or your branch) has a new commit
- master
Read out the commit message via the VSTS variables
Trigger the builds, based on their ID via REST API (you can use the pipeline token for authentication)

Triggering Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline automatically if a PR is raised on GitHub

I am using Jenkins Multibranch pipeline.
I've configured the APIs (github-webhook and ghprbhook) on GitHub.
Currently, If I click on "Scan Repository Now/Scan Repository Log" in Jenkins, the Jenkins will go through the GitHub and creates a new PR job in Jenkins if there are any PR on GitHub.
So I need to trigger this Multibranch pipeline whenever there is a Pull Request raised on GitHub. I want this pipeline to trigger automatically when there is a PR on GitHub.
What do I need to do to achieve this approach?
Is it possible to trigger Multibranch pipeline automatically whenever a PR is raised on GitHub?
To achieve this, I have selected only "Push and Pull Request" under "Let me select individual events" section of GitHub Webhooks.
PS: The GitHub branches are automatically detected in Jenkins.
Du you use the GitHub pull request builder plugin?
This Jenkins plugin builds pull requests from GitHub and will report the results directly to the pull request via the GitHub Commit Status API
When a new pull request is opened in the project and the author of the pull request isn't whitelisted, builder will ask Can one of the admins verify this patch?. One of the admins can comment ok to test to accept this pull request for testing, test this please for one time test run and add to whitelist to add the author to the whitelist.
If an author of a pull request is whitelisted, adding a new pull request or new commit to an existing pull request will start a new build.
A new build can also be started with a comment: retest this please.

Showing Jenkins pipeline status against pull requests in GitHub

I have recently started using Jenkins Pipelines and have a multibranch job configured which is happily picking up Jenkinsfile on one of my branches.
I have seen in screenshots on posts\articles that Jenkins can report back to pull requests in GitHub the status of whether the branch has passed\failed checks performed in the pipeline.
I am not seeing any such feedback for my pull request I have opened, I can see in Jenkins it has triggered a pipeline build which has passed.
How can I get the notification to show the pipeline checks have passed in GitHub. Do I need to configure something else?
I found out this was simply down to me using the Git instead of GitHub sources option when configuring the multibranch pipeline job in Jenkins.
The docs for the GitHub Branch Source plugin gave me the clues!
I now get status messages on my pull requests showing whether pipeline checks are pending\failed\passed.
Check out the Github Pull Request Builder Plugin, it should do what you require:

Github Pull Request Builder - Test this please not trigger build

I've configured the Github Pull Request Builder following the instructions in README
It seems work via cron ONLY - it runs the job every hour. However, directly commenting "test this please" or push to repository does not trigger the build. I've a 'bot' jenkins-user as admin in my repository. I've also enabled github-webhook and /jenkins/ghprbhook under Webhooks & Services
I want to know how the PR Builder react to the "test this please" comment.. is there a way I can monitor it?
Basically, if you follow the instruction and setup the Pull Request Builder, it's a cron.
For every periodic run, it detects if there's a new commit or "test this please" comment after last check. If yes, then it will trigger the build.
Note that, GHPRB will create a temp branch that merges your PR code to default branch. And it will alert you if there's conflict in the code.
It's retest this please
If the regular push to the repo does not work, the PR part won't work as well. In my experience the regular push was easier to get working
Are you sure that your account on GitHub can push to the repo and that you have set the correct endpoint for the hook on GitHub?