Difference between iCalendar v1 and v2 - icalendar

Today I'm working on a project, which allows you to create E-Mail appointments as a simply file '.ics,.ifb,.iCal,.iFBf'. At first, I thought that the syntax between the file formats are different. Then I found RFC2445 (v1) from 1998 and RFC 5545 (v2). There are various iCalendar versions described.
Now to my real question: What are the differences between the versions?
I do not want to read a documentary with 300-page about it and compare it to find the differences. Maybe someone of you know the differences.

If you look at the table of contents on RFC-5545, you'll see that Appendix A of RFC-5545 calls out the differences between v1 and v2.
Most RFCs that extend a previous RFC have such a section.


REST - What is standard file format for RESTful API design?

I would like to have my design stored as file for version control.
Are there any standards or commonly used formats?
For example, I can write one file for structure definition:
User {
And another file for API definition:
GET /users/:uid => User
GET /users?name=:name => [User]
However, these are in my own preferences. Are there any commonly used formats for representing these?
I expect it to be something like UML, regardless of language, just focusing on API itself.
The notation you mention is quite close to what developers would expect to get as a design or specification, so that might be enough.
However, if your project will get certain scale you can try to use some notation that might be then used by tools to automate either code generation, testing or documentation.
In particular, Swagger is a quite common tool to use for this. If you write your specification following these standards you'll get documentation and even some code generation if you use that tool.

Converting SBML model into a simulatable Matlab Function

I'm looking for a tool to convert a SBML model into a Matlab function. I've tried SBMLTranslate() function from libSBML but this returns a Matlab struct, not a function. Does anybody know if such tool exists? Thanks
There are at least three efforts in this direction:
Frank Bergmann offers an online service for SBML translation where you can upload an SBML file and it will generate a MATLAB file. The comments at the top of the generated MATLAB file explain how to use the results. The C++ source code is available on SourceForge.
Bergmann's code referenced above was used by Stanley Gu to create sbml2matlab, a Windows standalone program. Off-hand, I don't know whether Gu's version changed or enhanced the algorithm used by the Bergmann version, but it seems likely. (Note: Gu now works at Google and does not maintain this code anymore, as far as I know.)
The Systems Biology Format Converter (SBFC) is a framework written principally by Nicolas Rodriguez; it includes a collection of converters, one of which is an SBML-to-MATLAB converter. This converter is written in Java.
I have not compared the results of the translators myself yet, so cannot speak to the differences or quality of output. If you try them and have any feedback to relate, please let the authors know. Knowing what has or hasn't worked for real users will help improve things in the future.
A final caveat is that all of these have been research projects, so make sure to set your expectations accordingly. (This is not a criticism of the authors; the authors are very good – I know most of them personally – but the reality of academic development work is that we all lack the time and resources to make these systems comprehensive, hardened, polished, and documented to the degree that we wish we could.)

What is the Mathworks way to generate Matlab HTML documentation?

I am working on shared Matlab code and we would like to share a generated documentation as searchable HTML documents within our local network.
I know of the following methods to generate a documentation:
Write a converter to C++-like files. This is done in in Using Doxygen with Matlab (Last updated 2011) and mtoc++ (last updated 2013). The C++-like files are then parsed by Doxygen.
Use Python's sphinxcontrib-matlabdomain to generate a HTML documentation.
Use m2html which is also a third-party solution.
Further options are listed in this Q&As: One, Two and Three.
All possibilities are not supported by Mathworks. All possibilities need me to mention i.e. the parameters of a function myself. They do not analyze the code in the sense, Doxygen does it for i.e. Java:
//! an object representation of the advertisement package sent by the beacon
private AdvertisementPackage advertisementPackage;
I heard of Matlab's publish() function, but I did never see it used in the aforementioned sense.
Question: What is the Mathworks way to generate Matlab HTML documentation. Can the code itself be analyzed? Can I use the information provided to the Matlab Input Parser already? Please mention your personal preference in comments.
%% Input parser
p = inputParser;
addRequired(p, 'x', #isnumeric);
validationFcn = #(x) (isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x));
addRequired(p, 'fftSize', validationFcn);
addRequired(p, 'fftShift', validationFcn);
validationFcn = #(x) (isa(x, 'function_handle'));
addRequired(p, 'analysisWindowHandle', validationFcn);
parse(p, x, fftSize, fftShift, analysisWindowHandle);
I think you've researched this topic well (how to generate HTML documentation from MATLAB functions), now it's up to you to choose which method works best for you.
The publish function could be used to author documentation. You write regular M-files with specially crafted comments (in fact the file could be all comments with no code), then you publish the file to obtain rendered HTML (it also supports other targets such as PDF, DOC, LaTeX, etc...). Think of it as a simpler MATLAB-specific version of Markdown which used here on Stack Exchange sites to format posts.
One aspect you didn't mention is integrating the generated documentation into the builtin Help viewer. This is done by creating info.xml and demos.xml files, and organizing the documentation in a specific way. You could also make your custom docs searchable by building Lucene index files using builddocsearchdb function (which internally powers the search functionality in MATLAB custom docs). Note that it doesn't matter how you generated the HTML docs (you could have used publish or even manually written HTML files).
In fact the publish-based workflow is extendable, and you could use it in interesting ways by creating custom XSL template files to transform and render the parsed comments. For example I've seen it used to render equations using MathJax instead of relying on the built-in solution. Another example is publishing to MediaWiki markup (format used by Wikipedia). Other people use it to write blog posts (see the official blogs on the MATLAB Central which are creating this way), or even generate text files later processed by static site generators (like Jekyll and Octopress frameworks).
As far as I know, there are no public tools available that inspect MATLAB code on a deeper level and analyze function parameters. Best I could come up with is using reflection to obtain some metadata about functions and classes, although that solution is not perfect...
MathWorks seems to be using their own internal system to author HTML documentation. Too bad they don't share it with us users :)
I think this is the officially santioned Mathworks' way of writing documentation:
Basically write the HTML, and add a bunch of files to make it searchable and displayable in the MATLAB documentation.
there is an easy way to use publish with a function & it's corresponding inputs. look at publish('test',struct('codeToEvaluate','test(inputs);','showCode',false,

Where can I find a list of language + region codes?

I have googled (well, DuckDuckGo'ed, actually) till I'm blue in the face, but cannot find a list of language codes of the type en-GB or fr-CA anywhere.
There are excellent resources about the components, in particular the W3C I18n page, but I was hoping for a simple alphabetical listing, fairly canonical if possible (something like this one). Cannot find.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Many thanks!
There are several language code systems and several region code systems, as well as their combinations. As you refer to a W3C page, I presume that you are referring to the system defined in BCP 47. That system is orthogonal in the sense that codes like en-GB and fr-CA simply combine a language code and a region code. This means a very large number of possible combinations, most of which make little sense, like ab-AX, which means Abkhaz as spoken in Åland (I don’t think anyone, still less any community, speaks Abkhaz there, though it is theoretically possible of course).
So any list of language-region combinations would be just a pragmatic list of combinations that are important in some sense, or supported by some software in some special sense.
The specifications that you have found define the general principles and also the authoritative sources on different “subtags” (like primary language code and region code). For the most important parts, the official registration authority maintains the three- and two-letter ISO 639 codes for languages, and the ISO site contains the two-letter ISO 3166 codes for regions. The lists are quite readable, and I see no reason to consider using other than these primary resources, especially regarding possible changes.
There are 2 components in play here :
The language tag which is generally defined by ISO 639-1 alpha-2
The region tag which is generally defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
You can mix and match languages and regions in whichever combination makes sense to you so there is no list of all possibilities.
BTW, you're effectively using a BCP47 tag, which defines the standards for each locale segment.
Unicode maintains such a list :
Even better, you can have it in an XML format (ideal to parse the list) and with also the usual writing systems used by each language :
(look in /LanguageData)
One solution would be to parse this list, it would give you all of the keys needed to create the list you are looking for.
I think you can take it from here http://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/latest/supplemental/territory_language_information.html
This can be found at Unicode's Common Locale Data Repository. Specifically, a JSON file of this information is available in their cldr-json repo
We have a working list that we work off of for language code/language name referencing for Localizejs. Hope that helps
List of Language Codes in YAML or JSON?
List of primary language subtags, with common region subtags for each language (based on population of language speakers in each region):
For example, for English:
en-US (320,000,000)
en-IN (250,000,000)
en-NG (110,000,000)
en-PK (100,000,000)
en-PH (68,000,000)
en-GB (64,000,000)
(Jukka K. Korpela and tigrish give good explanations for why any combination of language + region code is valid, but it might be helpful to have a list of codes most likely to be in actual use. s-f's link has such useful information sorted by region, so it might also be helpful to have this information sorted by language.)

Are there guidelines for updating C++Builder applications for C++Builder 2009?

I have a range of Win32 VCL applications developed with C++Builder from BCB5 onwards, and want to port them to ECB2009 or whatever it's now called.
Some of my applications use the old TNT/TMS unicode components, so I have a good mix of AnsiStrings and WideStrings throughout the code. The new version introduces UnicodeString, and a bunch of #defines that change the way functions like c_str behave.
I want to modify my code in a way that is as backwards-compatible as possible, so that the same code base can still be compiled and run (in a non-unicode fashion) on BCB2007 if necessary.
Particular areas of concern are:
Passing strings to/from Win32 API
Interop with TXMLDocument
'Raw' strings used for RS232 comms, etc.
Rather than knife-and-fork the changes, I'm looking for guidelines that I can apply to ease the migration, while keeping backwards compatibility wherever possible.
If no such guidelines already exist, maybe we can formulate some here?
The biggest issue is compatibility for C++Builder 2009 and previous versions, the Unicode differences are some, but the project configuration files have changed as well. From the discussions I've been following on the CodeGear forums, there are not a whole lot of choices in the matter.
I think the first place to start, if you have not done so, is the C++Builder 2009 release notes.
The biggest thing seen has been the TCHAR mapping (to wchar or char); using the STL string varieties may be a help, since they shouldn't be very different between the two versions. The mapping existed in C++Builder 2007 as well (with the tchar header).
For any code that does not need to be explicitally Ansi or explitically Unicode, you should consider using the System::String, System::Char, and System::PChar typedefs as much as possible. That will help ease a lot of migration, and they work in previous versions.
When passing a System::String to an API function, you have to take into account the new "TCHAR maps to" setting in the Project options. If you try to pass AnsiString::c_str() when "TCHAR maps to" is set to "wchar_t", or UnicodeString::c_str() when "TCHAR maps to" is set to "char", you will have to perform appropriate typecasts. If you have "TCHAR maps to" set to "wchar_t". Technically, UnicodeString::t_str() does the same thing as TCHAR does in the API, however t_str() can be very dangerous if you misuse it (when "TCHAR maps to" is set to "char", t_str() transforms the UnicodeString's internal data to Ansi).
For "raw" strings, you can use the new RawByteString type (though I do not recommend it), or TBytes instead (which is an array of bytes - recommended). You should not be using Ansi/Wide/UnicodeString for non-character data to begin with. Most people used AnsiString as makeshift data buffers in past versions. Do not do that anymore. This is particularly important because AnsiString is now codepage-aware, and thus your data might get converted to other codepages when you least expect it.