swift - is it possible to create a keypath to a method? - swift

Is it possible to create a keypath referencing a method? all examples are paths to variables.
I'm trying this:
class MyClass {
init() {
let myKeypath = \MyClass.handleMainAction
func handleMainAction() {...}
but it does not compile saying Key path cannot refer to instance method 'handleMainAction()

KeyPaths are for properties. However, you can do effectively the same thing. Because functions are first class types in swift, you can create a reference to handleMainAction and pass it around:
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
import XCTest
import PlaygroundSupport
class MyClass {
var bar = 0
private func handleMainAction() -> Int {
bar = bar + 1
return bar
func getMyMainAction() -> ()->Int {
return self.handleMainAction
class AnotherClass {
func runSomeoneElsesBarFunc(passedFunction:() -> Int) {
let result = passedFunction()
print("What I got was \(result)")
let myInst = MyClass()
let anotherInst = AnotherClass()
let barFunc = myInst.getMyMainAction()
anotherInst.runSomeoneElsesBarFunc(passedFunction: barFunc)
anotherInst.runSomeoneElsesBarFunc(passedFunction: barFunc)
anotherInst.runSomeoneElsesBarFunc(passedFunction: barFunc)
This will work fine, and you can pass "barFunc" to any other class or method and it can be used.

You can use MyClass.handleMainAction as an indirect reference. It gives you a block that take the class instance as the input parameter, and returns corresponding instance method.
let ref = MyClass.handleMainAction //a block that returns the instance method
let myInstance = MyClass()
let instanceMethod = ref(myInstance)
instanceMethod() //invoke the instance method
The point is you can pass around / store the method reference just like what you did with a key path. You just need to supply the actual instance when you need to invoke the method.


How to reference static Swift Struct or class variables without using the Type name?

It would be nice to be able to use something similar to "self" as an alias to access the enclosing Struct or Class's static variables. Does swift have an alias to do this?
For example:
struct MyStruct {
static let variable = "Hello"
func accessVariable() {
MyStruct.variable // This works
self.variable // I'd like to be able to do this.
Or class:
class MyClass {
static let variable = "Hello"
func accessVariable() {
MyClass.variable // This works
self.variable // I'd like to be able to do this.
class.variable // Or this would be nice too!
There are three ways:
The Self keyword is a relatively recent Swift innovation, and is probably your preferred choice here. The advantage of type(of:) and Self over just saying the name is that they are polymorphic.

Swift Conversion using a variable

Is there anyway to use conversion using a variable? I am using object stacking using type of "AnyObject" and I've been able to take the class type and populate a variable. Now I need to populate an array using conversion.
var myString = "Hello World"
var objectStack = [AnyObject]()
let currentObject = String(describing: objectStack.last!)
var objectType = String()
let range: Range<String.Index> = currentObject.range(of: ":")!
objectType = currentObject.substring(to: range.lowerBound)
let range2: Range<String.Index> = objectType.range(of: ".")!
objectType = objectType.substring(from: range2.upperBound)
The code above will evaluate the class and set the value of "objectType" to "String". Now I'm trying to go the other way. Something like this:
for obj in objectStack{
obj = newObject as! objectType //this doesn't work
Is something like this possible?
There is a simpler, safer way to get the type:
let type = type(of: objectStack.last!) // String.Type
let typeString = String(describing: type) // "String"
The other way around is not possible because the type of the object is not known at compile time. Do you have a number of known types you want to try to cast to? In that case, use optional binding to check if the cast is successful:
let object = objectStack.last!
if let string = object as? String {
// do String stuff
else if let i = object as? Int {
// do Int stuff
// and so on
If you have a large number of possible types that share some common functionality: Use Protocols. See Swift Documentation for a nice introduction.
You define a protocol for some common functionality that different types can implement:
protocol Stackable {
func doStuff()
// (more methods or properties if necessary)
The protocol provides a contract that all types conforming to this protocol have to fulfill by providing implementations for all declared methods and properties. Let's create a struct that conforms to Stackable:
struct Foo: Stackable {
func doStuff() {
print("Foo is doing stuff.")
You can also extend existing types to make them conform to a protocol. Let's make String Stackable:
extension String: Stackable {
func doStuff() {
print("'\(self)' is pretending to do stuff.")
Let's try it out:
let stack: [Stackable] = [Foo(), "Cat"]
for item in stack {
prints the following:
Foo is doing stuff.
'Cat' is pretending to do stuff.
This worked for me:
var instance: AnyObject! = nil
let classInst = NSClassFromString(objectType) as! NSObject.Type
instance = classInst.init()

Swift function alias

How can I create an alias for a function in swift?
For example
I want to call
and it should call
NSLocalizedString("key", comment:"")
I saw typealias command but it looks like it works only for types.
Functions are named closures, so you can just assign a function to a variable:
let LocalizedString = NSLocalizedString
You can create pseudo-aliases for class/struct methods as well. Each method is actually a static (class) curried function, taking a class instance as its first parameter. So given a class:
class MyClass {
var data: Int
init(data: Int) {
self.data = data
func test() {
you can assign the test method to a variable:
let test = MyClass.test
and then invoke it as:
var instance = MyClass(data: 10)
I've just realized that I missed one important detail in your question: you want to hide the comment parameter. And my proposed solution doesn't allow that, whereas #rintaro's solution does.
However I use a different approach for that: I create a String extension implementing a computed property:
extension String {
var localized: String {
return NSLocalizedString(self, comment: "")
and then I can just call it on any string variable or literal:
var string = "test_resource"
The shortest one is:
let LocalizedString = { NSLocalizedString($0, comment:"") }
But, it's actually a new function. Just wrapping NSLocalizedString.
Maybe you can use undocumented #transparent attribute. It inlines function call. see this topic on Developer Forum.
#transparent LocalizedString(key:String) -> String {
return LocalizedString(key, comment:"")
But it's not recommended. Moreover, as long as my tests, all of following codes eventually emit exact the same LLVM IR code with -O optimization.
script1: with #transparent
import Foundation
#transparent func LocalizedString(key:String) -> String {
return LocalizedString(key, comment:"")
script2: without #transparent
import Foundation
func LocalizedString(key:String) -> String {
return LocalizedString(key, comment:"")
script3: Direct NSLocalizedString call
import Foundation
func LocalizedString(key:String) -> String {
return LocalizedString(key, comment:"")
println(NSLocalizedString("key", comment:""))
All of above are inlined to perform direct NSLocalizedString call.
But, the following code emits different:
script4: Closure wrapping
import Foundation
let LocalizedString = { NSLocalizedString($0, comment:"") }
println(NSLocalizedString("key", comment:""))
It's also inlined, but additional refcount instruction to LocalizedString is inserted.
So, as a conclusion, you should simply use this:
func LocalizedString(key:String) -> String {
return LocalizedString(key, comment:"")

Swift - Get class name from MetaType?

In the example below T refers to a type that extends NSManagedObject, so why can I not call.
I do not have access to an instance of the class
private func getNewManagedObject <T: NSManagedObject>(type: T.Type) -> T {
// Let's assume all Entity Names are the same as Class names
let className = "" /*Somehow get class name from type ("User")*/
return NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName(className, inManagedObjectContext: managedObjectContext) as T
Swift classes can be given a custom Objective-C name, what will make NSStringFromClass print a nicer output in a playground.
import CoreData
#objc(User) class User : NSManagedObject {
let className = NSStringFromClass(User.self) // className will be "User"
Without it, NSStringFromClass will print 'ModulName.ClassName' which is arguably better than 'ClassName' only. The ugliness of the playground output is due to the fact that playgrounds have some cryptic implicit module names.
With some experimenting I found out the following. In Playground you can do
class User : NSManagedObject {
let s = NSStringFromClass(User) // cryptic output: "__lldb_expr_XX.User"
The XX is some random number. At this point you can get the entity name with
let entityName = s.pathExtension // "User"
It's a bit hacky but maybe it could work for you.
quickly in Swift:
let className = String(YourClass)
Extension variant (in my opinion, it's more convenient):
extension NSObject {
class var string: String{
get {
return String(self)
let className = YourClass.string
Switf 2 solutions
let className = String(Int.self) // String
let className2 = String(4.dynamicType) // Int
func doThings<T>(type: T.Type) -> String {
return String(T) // Whatever type passed

How to call instance method inside class using Swift

I am having an issue with calling an instance method within the class itself. If someone can provide me some insight it would be greatly appreciated.
My current code looks like this:
class Rect
func printthis() -> String {
return "this is working or what"
var toPrint:String = self.printthis()
The error I am getting in Xcode is: Use of unresolved identifier 'self'.
What am I missing here?
You can't call an instance method without an instance. The class is merely the template for instances. So i don't what you are trying to do here...
But the answer is no, you cannot call an instance method form the class definition because there is no instance yet.
Perhaps you want to delcare a class method and use that to set an instance variable on creation? If so, you might do that like this:
class Rect {
class func printthis() -> String {
return "this is working or what"
var toPrint:String
init() {
toPrint = Rect.printthis()
var r = Rect()
println(r.toPrint) //-> this is working or what
An instance of a class is not initialized and able to be referenced (even as 'self') until all of its variables have been assigned values.
An option that may work for you is to declare your variable as an implicitly-unwrapped optional, which is assigned nil by default. Then in the class's init method, since all of the variables have been assigned values, you are able to start calling methods on your instance.
class Rect {
var toPrint: String!
init() {
toPrint = printthis()
printthis() -> String {
return "this will work"
the problem is that swift is strict about initing all properties.
you may as a workaround
class Rect
func printthis() -> String {
return "this is working or what"
var toPrint:String = ""
init() {
toPrint = printthis()