Trying to create a user in the database and it's telling me that cannot execute **** in a read-only transaction. I have no idea what's causing this? Is this a bad state in the database or connection? Why is this telling that it's not in a transaction but then telling me it's a read-only transaction? Does "transaction" refer to the same thing?
$ psql --host localhost --port 5432 --username **** postgres --no-password -v dbuser=root -t -X
psql (10.1, server 9.4.13)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# set transaction read write;
WARNING: SET TRANSACTION can only be used in transaction blocks
ERROR: cannot set transaction read-write mode during recovery
postgres=# CREATE USER root WITH PASSWORD 'root';
ERROR: cannot execute CREATE ROLE in a read-only transaction
Your database is in recovery.
Either it is a hot standby (most likely), or recovery was paused with SELECT pg_wal_replay_pause() or recovery_target_action = 'pause' in recovery.conf (check with SELECT pg_is_wal_replay_paused()), or a point-in-time-recovery is still running.
Use the primary or complete recovery.
I can connect mysql with username without specifying any database name,showkey is one of mysql user:
mysql -u showkey -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 14
Server version: 10.3.31-MariaDB-0+deb10u1 Debian 10
Now i log into mysql without specifying any database name.showkey is also a normal user for my postgresql,test is a database name in my postgresql.
psql -d test -U showkey
Timing is on.
Pager usage is off.
Null display is "missing data".
psql (11.14 (Debian 11.14-0+deb10u1))
Type "help" for help.
I conncet the test database with a normal user showkey,now want to connect postgresql with normal user without specifying database name such way as in mysql:
psql -U showkey
psql: FATAL: database "showkey" does not exist
sudo -u postgres psql can connect postgresql with a super user instead of with normal user.
I have a kong services which is in failed status with below error message from journalctl
/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/cmd/migrations.lua:213: [PostgreSQL error] failed to retrieve PostgreSQL server_version_num: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "konguser"
postgres information from Kong.conf as below
cat /etc/kong/kong.conf|grep -i pg
pg_host =
pg_port = 5432 # Port of the Postgres server.
pg_user = konguser # Postgres user.
pg_password = "zzzzzzz" # Postgres user's password.
pg_database = kong_db # The database name to connect to.
Troubleshooted the same by trying to connect the same manually using psql as below and it worked
[root#ip-10-0-2-30 system]# psql -U konguser -p 5432 -h -d kong_db
Password for user konguser:
psql (10.15, server 10.9)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.
Not sure what is causing the failure.Could you please help to troubleshoot
Looks like your rds instance is using ssl.
Default kong configuration is without ssl.
Two solution, remove ssl from rds, or activate it on kong side with
I did setup Postgres-12 on Centos AMI EC2, It works well.
However, Sometimes (my case is the next day) I can not connect my DB by trying
$psql -h XXXX -p5432 -Upostgres
A authentication failed error
psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
Next, I change my postgres user again by
$sudo su - postgres
~]$ psql -c "alter user postgres with password 'postgres'"
The connection login become work.
But sometimes it become not work again (same above authentication failed)
I reset postgres password the same above command => The connection login become work.
It repeats #2
I don't know why. Does anybody know that? What should I do?
I realize that the my Postgres use very much CPU (%CPU: 99%).
hat could be solution to this problem. I would appreciate any suggestions.
Thank you
I am trying to take the pg_dump of a database from my local system by running the following command in my terminal:
mypc#mypc:~$ pg_dump -U postgres existing_db_name > dbexport.sql
And I am getting this following error.
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] connection to database "db_name" failed: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "postgres"
It is not even prompting for password.
You can pass the password as an environment variable PGPASSWORD. You can fire this off as a single command eg.
PGPASSWORD="password" pg_dump -U postgres existing_db_name > dbexport.sql
Or you can adjust your hba.conf file and set the user postgres to trust on local connections. From the error its likely set to peer.
Or you can create a .pass file
I am working on a local network based on Windows, and I would like to use the account system of the network to allow users to connect to my DB.
As I understand the proper way is to set the pg_hba method on "ident" as such :
host all all ident
But when I do so I get a message saying
"Error connecting to the server: FATAL: ident authentication failed for user <user>"
As far as I can think of it, my guess is that there could be two problems :
- I do not properly set the pg_hba.
- The role I created does not match the ident found by the server.
In the first case, could you tell if the syntax is correct ? I tried to add "sameuser" after the ident, but it corrupt my pg_hba, and also map=sameuser, but I get the same error as mentionned.
In the second case, I am using a batch run on every session to get the users names like
find /c "%username%"
or the Python3.6 function os.getlogin(), which produce the same result.
How does PostgreSQL get its "ident" ? And more importantly, how can I reproduce this process to know the idents of the sessions that PostgreSQL will recognize ?
after reading ident.conf manual and using the example from hba_file manual, I set this up:
postgres=# create user ident_user_db;
vao#vao-X102BA:~$ sudo tail -n 1 /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf
host all all ident map=vao_ident
vao#vao-X102BA:~$ sudo tail -n 1 /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_ident.conf
vao_ident vao ident_user_db
Now I'm connecting from same machine to its external IP:
vao#vao-X102BA:~$ psql -h -U ident_user_db
psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "ident_user_db"
FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "ident_user_db"
Seems familiar. Though I followed manual. Last thing to check:
vao#vao-X102BA:~$ telnet localhost 113
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
So nothing provides my identity. As advised here
vao#vao-X102BA:~$ sudo apt-get install oidentd
vao#vao-X102BA:~$ telnet localhost 113
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
telnet> quit
Connection closed.
so try now:
vao#vao-X102BA:~$ psql -h -U ident_user_db -d vao
psql (9.6.3)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.
Hope it helps