Openfire Server send custom IQ to Client - plugins

I want to send Custom IQ to client, but when I route packet to client that client get error Socket closed by remote peer.
Here is my code:
List<JID> jidList = this.getUserRooms(session);
IQ iq = new IQ(Type.result);
for (JID jid : jidList) {
Element item = DocumentHelper.createDocument().addElement("item");
// XMPPServer.getInstance().getSessionManager().getSession(session.getAddress()).process(iq)


How to return error response to calling channel when TCP destination gives 'Connection refused'

I have this pattern:
channel ESANTE_MPI_CREATE_PATIENT_LISTENER (with a MLLP listener) calls channel ESANTE_MPI_CREATE_PATIENT that calls a TCP destination.
If connection cannot be done in the TCP destination inside ESANTE_MPI_CREATE_PATIENT then this channel reports an error for this destination:(ERROR: ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused))
The response transformer does not seem to be called (which is normal as there is no response).
I wonder how I can report the error back to the calling channel ESANTE_MPI_CREATE_PATIENT_LISTENER ?
PS: When tcp destination responds, then I use the response transformer to parse the received frame and create a response message (json error/ok) for the calling channel. Everything works fine here.
My question ends up with: How to trap a Connection refused in a TCP destination to create a response message.
I finally managed this by using the postprocessor script in ESANTE_MPI_CREATE_PATIENT to get the response of the connector and then force a message.
// fake error message prepared for connection refused.
// we put this as the response of the channel destination in order to force a understandable error message.
const sErrorMsg = {
status: "error",
error: "connection refused to eSanté MPI"
const TCP_CONNECTOR_ESANTE_MPI_RANK = 2; // WARNING: be sure to take the correct connector ID as displayed into destination.
const TCP_CONNECTOR_ESANTE_MPI_DNAME = 'd' + TCP_CONNECTOR_ESANTE_MPI_RANK; // WARNING: be sure to take the correct connector ID as displayed into destination.
var cms = message.getConnectorMessages(); // returns message but as Immutable
responses. not what we want: we use responseMap instead.
logger.debug(" Response Data=" + cms.get(key).getResponseData());
logger.debug(" Response Data0=" + cms.get(key).getResponseError());
logger.debug(" Response Data1=" + cms.get(key).getResponseData().getError());
logger.debug(" Response Data2=" + cms.get(key).getResponseData().getMessage());
logger.debug(" Response Data3=" + cms.get(key).getResponseData().getStatusMessage());
logger.debug(" Response Data4=" + cms.get(key).getResponseData().getStatus());
var responseMPI = responseMap.get(TCP_CONNECTOR_ESANTE_MPI_DNAME); // return a mutable reponse :-)
if (responseMPI.getStatus()=='ERROR' &&
responseMPI.getStatusMessage().startsWith('ConnectException: Connection refused')) {
// build a error message for this dedicated case
logger.error("connection refused detected");
responseMPI.setMessage(JSON.stringify(sErrorMsg)); // force the message to be responsed.

How to send e-mail with

I tried to use example (with my login and pass) from
But every time I am getting error:\net\curl.d(3691): Failed sending data to the peer on handle 7F6D08.
What's wrong? I tried to specify port (465) but it's not helped.
// Send an email with SMTPS
auto smtp = SMTP("smtps://");
smtp.setAuthentication("", "password");
smtp.mailTo = ["<>"];
smtp.mailFrom = "<>";
smtp.message = "Example Message";

UDP send and receive between two programs in specific ports

I have a complete program that communicates via UDP protocol. Program runs on a PC with ip When I send specific data, this program responds.
code for sending:
var client = new UdpClient();
IPEndPoint destination = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 1531);
IPAddress localIp = IPAddress.Parse("");
IPEndPoint source = new IPEndPoint(localIp, 1530);
byte[] send_buffer = { 170, 170, 0, 0, 1, 1, 86 };
client.Send(send_buffer, send_buffer.Length);
Wireshark captures:
But my application does not detect anything:
UdpClient listener = new UdpClient(1530);
IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse("");
IPEndPoint groupEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 1530);
byte[] receive_byte_array;
while (!done)
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for broadcast");
receive_byte_array = listener.Receive(ref groupEP);
I need to capture communications from 192.168.9 to on port 1530.
Your sender is binding to local IP on port 1530 as its source, and then sending data to remote IP on port 1531 as the destination.
Your receiver is binding to local IP on port 1530 for receiving data, and then filtering out any inbound data that was NOT sent from remote port 1530 (which it is).
The data is not being sent to the port that the receiver is reading on.
To fix that, you need to either:
change your receiver to bind to port 1531 instead of port 1530:
UdpClient listener = new UdpClient(1531);
change your sender to send the data to port 1530 instead of port 1531:
IPEndPoint destination = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 1530);

Sending email with large body is failing

When sending an email from C# with body being large is resulting in failure in sending email
Mailbox unavailable.
The email is working fine with a smaller body. I am using html body to true property..
using (MailMessage _mailMsg = new MailMessage())
_mailMsg.From = new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailFrom"].ToString());
_mailMsg.Body = mail.Body;
_mailMsg.Subject = mail.Subject;
_mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true;
foreach (string strEmailIds in mailTo)
if (strEmailIds != null && strEmailIds != string.Empty && strEmailIds != "")
if (!_mailMsg.To.Contains(new MailAddress(strEmailIds)))
_mailMsg.To.Add(new MailAddress(strEmailIds));
using (SmtpClient _client = new SmtpClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Host"].ToString()))
if (_mailMsg.To.Count > 0)
_mailMsg.Subject = "No emails associated with the portfolio: " + account + " Original Email:" + mail.Subject;
_mailMsg.To.Add(new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailSuppotTeam"].ToString()));
Oke, on thing it could be is that the mail server rejects big messages. Let exclude that one... I assume you have a local smtp mail server installed (check for telnet 25 that should give a sort of reply) configure the mail server [ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Host"]] for, can you send big mails now?
If ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Host"] is already the local SMTP server then:
a) stop that smtp service (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) for a moment (via the command services.msc)
b) send a small email
c) go to c:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup and edit the message via notepad so that it becomes a BIG email
d) start the smtp service again (services.msc)
The issue was with sending email to cross domain email id and was resulting in the Generic exception
"Mailbox unavailable." May be this is one of the reason behind the above exception.

DNS Client that is written Using C Sockets

I just want to write DNS client program using C sockets that
takes three arguments: a query name (e.g., host name or domain name) and a query type (A, or NS, or MX), and DNS server name. Print out the responses in the answer section of the DNS record received.
I know there is a command getaddrinfo..
but I just want to connect to lookup table and then
get the DNS server name...
so when i give the input ./a.out A
it will show something similar to this:
Non-authoritative answer:
Name :
Canonical name :
Name :
Address :
Name :
Address :
Name :
Address :
Name :
Address :
Name :
Address :
Name :
Address :
Yes you need to see class that Rob-philpott made for .net
Click Here
building requests to send to DNS servers is not easy but once you can get the answer back from the server then you need to send it back to the browser and this is the bit i've got stuck on.
i listen on port 53/UDP and get the request and send it to the DNS server and get a valid responce but then i send that back to the browser using the remote client port as a UDP but the browser will not except the reply.
Robs code is real easy to use as shown below "Resolver.Lookup" and i just neded to add a bit so that the original byte array sent from the DNS server as saved in Resolver.Message ready to send back to the browser.
public void Listen()
receiveSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp );
receiveEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, receivePort); receiveSocket.Bind(receiveEndPoint);
receivePort = (receiveSocket.LocalEndPoint as IPEndPoint).Port;
receiveBuffer = new byte[BufferSize];
receiveAsyncResult = receiveSocket.BeginReceiveFrom(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref receiveEndPoint, new AsyncCallback(NetworkMessageReceivedCallback), receiveSocket);
public void NetworkMessageReceivedCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
EndPoint remoteEndPoint = null;
byte[] bytes = null;
remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); //Will contain the clients port
int bytesRead = receiveSocket.EndReceiveFrom(asyncResult, ref remoteEndPoint);
bytes = new Byte[bytesRead];
Buffer.BlockCopy(receiveBuffer, 0, bytes, 0, bytesRead);
//string ip = "";
string ip = "";
IPAddress dnsServer = IPAddress.Parse(ip);
Response R = Resolver.Lookup(bytes, dnsServer);
receiveSocket.SendTo(R.Message , remoteEndPoint);//