MongoDB copydatabase error code 18 authentication failed - mongodb

I have MongoDB Server and I am trying to migrate my data from one server to the other server, My host server port 27017 is opened but when I am trying to use below command I getting below response.
> db.auth("example", "***********")
> db.copyDatabase('exampledb', 'exampledb', "", "username", "password");
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "Authentication failed.",
"code" : 18,
"codeName" : "AuthenticationFailed"
Also when I am opening this url then I am getting in response It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.. So I think connection is successfully happening to host server.
Can anyone please tell me why this is happening.


Getting an error with Connect-NsxServer with powershell PowerNSX module

after running this command
$cred = get-credential
Connect-NsxServer -vCenterServer MyVsphereServer -Credential $cred
I get this error
Connection to NSX server 10.X.X.X failed : Invoke-NsxRestMethod : The NSX API response received indicates a failure. 403 : Forbidden : Response Body:
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerNSX\3.0.1174\PowerNSX.psm1:4939 char:13
+ Throw "Connection to NSX server $NsxServer failed : $_"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (Connection to N...Response Body: :String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Connection to NSX server 10.X.X.X failed : Invoke-NsxRestMethod : The NSX API response received indicates a failure. 403 : Forbidden : Respons
e Body:
I see this in the error, but have never set this before either
The variable '$defaultNSXConnection' cannot be retrieved because it has not been set.
The PowerNSX module comment says:
Invoke-NsxWebRequest uses either a specified connection object as returned
by Connect-NsxServer, or the $DefaultNsxConnection global variable if
defined to construct a REST api call to the NSX API.
My account permissions can't be the issue. I can log into the NSX gui and have enterprise admin creds. I can also successfully log into Vsphere with powercli module and run cmdlets against it. It's specifically when I try to connect to NSX that I get an error. Lost at this point. Not sure why it won't work. Tried by IP and FQDN. the -vcenterserver parameter is prefered according to their documenation, and I do see Green text response directing to the correct nsx manager IP address. Everything looks right, but clearly something isn't.
powernsx apparently REQUIRES you to use the administrator#vsphere.local account to use it, regardless if your other admin account can make any API call supported by NSX with native API calls.
Didn't see that in the powernsx documentation. If it's not just an oversite on my part, that really should be front and center in their docs.
We have MS AD authenticated accounts that we use with vSphere. I use PowerNSX with my own credential and no, I do not have to use administrator#vsphere.local. The only way I have success is if I am careful to put the domain of the account in all-caps, Kerberos style. When I give the credential, the ONLY format that works for me is "username#MY.DOMAIN.COM" it is extremely case sensitive.
vSphere 6.7, NSX 6.4.8, PowerNSX 3.0.1174

QuickFixN disconnect during the day and could not reconnect

We are using QuickFixN for sending orders to exchange and receiving execution reports.
If the VPN for exchange is disconnected during the day, the QuickFixN could not reconnect until the next day, despite having the ResetOnLogon and ResetOnDisconnected settings set to N.
We do not understand the reason: the sequence, or something else?
0171217-12:15:39.122 : Created session
20171217-12:15:39.129 : Connecting to on port 10060
20171217-12:15:39.399 : Connection succeeded
20171217-12:15:39.423 : Initiated logon request
20171217-12:15:39.680 : Session FIX.4.2:NOOR->MBS disconnecting: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
at QuickFix.SocketInitiatorThread.ReadSome(Byte[] buffer, Int32 timeoutMilliseconds)
at QuickFix.SocketInitiatorThread.Read()
20171217-12:15:41.140 : Connecting to on port 10060
20171217-12:15:41.398 : Connection succeeded
20171217-12:15:41.399 : Initiated logon request
20171217-12:15:41.654 : Session FIX.4.2:NOOR->MBS disconnecting: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
at QuickFix.SocketInitiatorThread.ReadSome(Byte[] buffer, Int32 timeoutMilliseconds)
at QuickFix.SocketInitiatorThread.Read()
Requests to exchange
20171217-12:15:39.423 : 8=FIX.4.2|9=65|35=A|34=7304|49=NOOR|52=20171217-12:15:39.415|56=MBS|98=0|108=30|10=192|
20171217-12:15:41.398 : 8=FIX.4.2|9=65|35=A|34=7305|49=NOOR|52=20171217-12:15:41.398|56=MBS|98=0|108=30|10=196|
20171217-12:15:43.397 : 8=FIX.4.2|9=65|35=A|34=7306|49=NOOR|52=20171217-12:15:43.397|56=MBS|98=0|108=30|10=198|
20171217-12:15:45.398 : 8=FIX.4.2|9=65|35=A|34=7307|49=NOOR|52=20171217-12:15:45.398|56=MBS|98=0|108=30|10=202|
20171217-12:15:47.399 : 8=FIX.4.2|9=65|35=A|34=7308|49=NOOR|52=20171217-12:15:47.399|56=MBS|98=0|108=30|10=206|
20171217-12:15:49.400 : 8=FIX.4.2|9=65|35=A|34=7309|49=NOOR|52=20171217-12:15:49.400|56=MBS|98=0|108=30|10=192|
Well the error means your counterparty is likely sending a TCP reset packet to you. So it looks like you're making the connection, but then failing the logon attempt and the result is the reset packet.
Is your username / password correct?
First of All , thank you #rupweb for your replay and interest to give a hand .Second , there were two sources of this problem : 1 - before disconnecting the client system -that connects to remote party - it must logout. 2 - the executable file of client system must run from the same physical location each time.Because, the Fix generates file to keep the sequence on my device to start another handshaking and connecting next time.

Java MongoDB Client: authentication failed when access to a server not configured to use an authentication

I have configured Java MongoDB Client to use MongoCredential.
Unfortunately when I access to a server that does not configured to use an authentication I get authentication failed exception:
Caused by: com.mongodb.MongoCommandException: Command failed with error 18: 'Authentication failed.' on server …. The full response is { "ok" : 0.0, "code" : 18, "errmsg" : "Authentication failed." }
I do expect this exception when a server is configured to use an authentication and when Java MongoDB Client but not in this case.
Is it possible to configure Java MongoDB Client not to fail when access to a server not configured to use an authentication?
I am afraid not, your client does not know whether the server has auth enabed or not.
Your client connection code should match the auth parameters from the server, otherwise it fails.
What I did in this case, was to create a connection function which accepts auth credentials, when credentials are passed, used them - create the connection with auth credentials, otherwise no - create the connection with no auth credentials.
In this case, you should know what server has auth enabled

No Response, fetching data from remote Server : Using Sphinx SetServer

I'm Using Sphinx 2.0.5-release On both Server .
Both Server have same indexers.I have Searchd running on both server . But I would like
to fetch Data of Server 1 from Server 2.
I used this particular code :
$cl = new SphinxClient;
$cl->SetServer(remote_sphinx_server,9312); (remote_sphinx_server : IP address of 2nd
$result = $cl->Query("","$indexer");
But I Don't get any response .
Im getting error : connection to "Server 2 IP:9312" failed (errno=113, msg=No route to
If i Use below code :
$cl = new SphinxClient;
$result = $cl->Query("","$indexer");
I get proper response. As the data is coming from local Sphinx .
What can be the problem fetching data from remote Server ? Any Help is very much
appreciated .
Thank you
you may have multiple network interfaces on server 2 and you are using one the IPs that is not reachable by server 1
check if firewall allows communication on port 9312
check if searchd does run on server 2. Also, by default, searchd opens the port on all available interfaces, unless specified. Check searchd.log if reports any error about opening the port(s).

PHP SoapCLient, Soap call giving an error in Drupal

I am getting the following error, when I try making a SOAP call.
Warning: SoapClient::__doRequest() [soapclient.--dorequest]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in
and the error
HTTP-Could not connect to host
Things that I have ensured :
allow_url_fopen : is enabled.
The WSDL is being accessed. The server is not down.
I have set the SOAP time out to 15 seconds.
The IP of the host you are connecting to cannot be resolved. See my answer in
simplexml_load_file not working "php_network_getaddresses: failed: Name or service not known"
for what to do.