Escape space parameters on Slim Framework - slim

$app->get('/login/{email}_{appkey}', function ($request, $response, $args) {
This is a very simple code, i want to pass the Email and an App Key. The problem is that sometimes the appkey can have a _ character. Is there any way to escape this or should i change this to /email/appkey?
My other question is about passwords, since they can accept almost anything (unless told otherwise) what if the user create a password with the space character? How to deal with this?


Trim function before validating form input in Codeigniter 4

With Codeigniter 3 it was possible to use "trim" as a validation rule.
It seems it is no more possible with Codeigniter 4.
Then how can I trim input values before validating, in case the user left whitespaces at the beginning or the end of the input?
$validation->setRule('username', 'Username', 'trim|required|min_length[3]');
I thought using a custom rule but these functions can only return true or false. They can't modify the input. The other solution is using the php trim function but I can't see where to use it.
Thanks for your help!
I'm guessing you're validating the post request directly. For what you need I would validate your modified array instead of the post request directly.
One of the great things in codeigniter 4 validation is that your can actually validate anything. Unlike codeigniter 3 where you could only use it to validate the $_POST data.
Let's say you have two fields, username and password and want to trim the username.
In you controller that would get the post date you would do the following.
$validation = \Config\Services::validation();
'username' => 'required',
'password' => 'required|min_length[10]'
$data = $this->request->getPost();
$data['username'] = trim($data['username']);
if (!$validation->run($data)) {
// handle validation errors
If you're doing the validation in the model, I'm not sure if the validation is run before the callbacks but its worth a try. So You would define a function in your beforeInsert callback and handle the trim there.
More about callbacks here:
If that does not work you can even remove the username from your validation rules in your model and then in a beforeFind and beforeUpdate function validate the username yourself and trim it.
I had the exact same question. For me, it makes sense to trim most POST variables before any validation. Even some of the common validation rules are best executed with already-trimmed values.
As #micthi stated, CodeIgniter 3 offered an easy way to trim just before validation. CodeIgniter 4 makes it much less straightforward. A custom validation rule can't modify data for us, and the model event methods such as beforeInsert and beforeUpdate also don't help us in running callbacks as they all execute after validation.
Below is a CodeIgniter 4 solution that works to allow trimming of POST variables before any validation. In brief, a filter is created and then configured to run before any controller code is executed for any POST method. It loops thru the $request object to trim the POST variables and then allows the newly-trimmed version if the $request to proceed to the controller.
Create: app/Filters/TrimFilter.php
namespace App\Filters;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use CodeIgniter\Filters\FilterInterface;
class TrimFilter implements FilterInterface
public function before(RequestInterface $request, $arguments = null) {
$trimmed_post = [];
foreach($request->getPost() as $var => $val) {
$trimmed_post[$var] = trim($val);
$request->setGlobal('post', $trimmed_post);
Modify: app/Config/Filters.php
// Add to the use statements
use App\Filters\TrimFilter;
// Add to the $aliases array
public $aliases = [
'trim' => TrimFilter::class
// Add to the $methods array
public $methods = [
'post' => ['trim']
ANOTHER OPTION: Instead of using the filter approach, you could instead perform the trimming loop within the BaseController.php file. In this case, remember to use $this-> to reference the request while within the BaseController.

Perl Dancer2 Authentication Password Management

So any one who has used perl dancer knows that to authenticate a user on login you can call authenticate_user
params->{username}, params->{password}
This is part of the Auth::Extensible plugin.
To me it looks like it encourages the use of storing passwords in plain text! Sure you can hash the password first then make sure the stored password is the same hash but this seems to be more of a work around and i found isn't guaranteed to work. I have only got this to work using sha1 which shouldn't be used. I want to use Bcrypt but the passphrase simply wont match. Possibly odd characters not matching i'm not sure.
The thing is using the dancer Passphrase plugin i can already validate the username and password without even needing to rely on authenticate_user to verify them. But for the dancer framework to consider the user logged in you still have to call authenticate_user which must be passed the password.
I'm completely stuck. I'm curious how other people have managed to use proper password management in dancer2?
Firstly, I'll echo the "you almost certainly don't need to be using authenticate_user()" comments. The plugin can handle all that for you.
However, "it doesn't hash it" is wrong; here's how it works. The
authenticate_user keyword loops through all auth realms configured, and for
each one, asks that provider's authenticate_user() method to see if it accepts
the username and password. The Database provider (and the others) fetch the
record from the DB, and use $self->match_password() (which comes from the
Provider role) to validate it; that code checks if the stored password from
the database starts with {scheme} and if so, uses
Crypt::SaltedHash->validate to validate that the user-supplied password (in
plain text, as it's just come in over the wire) matches the stored, hashed
passsword ($correct in the code below is the stored password):
if ( $correct =~ /^{.+}/ ) {
# Looks like a crypted password starting with the scheme, so try to
# validate it with Crypt::SaltedHash:
return Crypt::SaltedHash->validate( $correct, $given );
So, yes, if your stored password in the database is hashed, then it will match
it if the password supplied matches that hash.
For an example of what a stored hashed password should look like, here's
the output of the bundled generate-crypted-password utility:
[davidp#supernova:~]$ generate-crypted-password
Enter plain-text password ?> hunter2
Result: {SSHA}z9llSLkkAXENw8FerEchzRxABeuJ6OPs
See the Crypt::SaltedHash doco for details on which algorhythms are
supported by it, and the format it uses (which "comes from RFC-3112 and
is extended by the use of different digital algorithms").
Do bear in mind that the code behind authenticate_user is exactly what's used
under the hood for you.
For an example of just letting the plugin do the work for you, consider:
get '/secret' => require_login sub {
my $user = logged_in_user();
return "Hi, $user->{username}, let me tell you a secret";
... that's it. The require_login means that the plugin will check
if the user is logged in, and if not, redirect them to the login page
to log in. You don't need to call authenticate_user yourself, you
don't need to set any session variables or anything. logged_in_user()
will return a hashref of information about the logged in user (and because
the route code has require_login, there's guaranteed to be one at this
point, so you don't need to check).
If you need to check they have a suitable role, instead of just that they
are logged in, then look at require_role in the documentation instead.
In the documentation for Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible, the description for authenticate_user() says:
Usually you'll want to let the built-in login handling code deal with authenticating users, but in case you need to do it yourself, this keyword accepts a username and password ...
Which strongly implies to me that you shouldn't be calling this function at all unless you're doing something particularly clever.
I haven't used this module myself, but it seems to me that all the hashing and encryption stuff should be handled by one of the authentication providers and if there's not one that covers the case you use, then you can write one yourself.
Whenever I need to store secure passwords for a Dancer app, I reach for Dancer2::Plugin::Passphrase. I wonder if I should consider writing an Auth::Extensible style authentication provider for it.

Hashing payload data when adding a new user in a Facebook Custom Audiences

i need an help with the API to add a user in a custom audience.
Looking at the doc it seems not clear if it has to be hashed every single attribute of the key or not.
On the documentation ( it seems like the hash in not required but in this other article ( seems like each one of them has to be hashed.
Any thoughts?
Yes, you need to hash everything apart from external identifiers, see this part of the doc:
You must hash your data as SHA256; we don't support other hashing
mechanisms. This is required for all data except External Identifiers.
Before hashing, normalize your data. Only First name FN and Last Name
LN support special characters and non-Roman alphabet. For best match
results, provide the Roman alphabet translation with no special
External identifiers are just extern_id which isn't applicable to most people anyway.
I'd recommend using one our our SDKs if possible as we handle all of the hashing for you. For example:
use FacebookAds\Object\CustomAudienceMultiKey;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\CustomAudienceMultikeySchemaFields;
$users = array(
array('ExternId123', 'FirstName', '', 'LastName1'),
array('ExternId456', 'FirstNameTest', '', 'LastNameTest'),
array('ExternId789', '', '', 'LastNameTest'),
$schema = array(
$audience = new CustomAudienceMultiKey('<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>');
$audience->addUsers($users, $schema);

Vertx router configuration

I am a novice with vertx so maybe I am doing something wrong. I am trying to implement the following routes:
Is this the correct way to avoid duplicating this logic in all handlers?
I am trying to chain handlers, where the checkUsername handler reads the username parameter from the path, tries to find a corresponding user, and puts that user in the context. If no user is found, a statuscode 400 is returned. Otherwise the next handler is called. I would like to apply the same principle to the assignmentId parameter.
While trying to implement this, I believe I found a problem with the path, more specifically the trailing slash and star. The documentation states that trailing slashes are ignored. This is not the behavior when there is a parameter in the path. In that case the trailing slash matters. If the path definition contains one and the request does not, vertx returns a 404. It does not make a difference whether or not the parameter is at the end of the path or in the middle.
The same goes for paths ending with a star. This functionality does not work when the path contains a parameter.
You can use a regular expression to avoid duplication of the checkUsername validation check. What I would do is I would have a method like this to check if the username is valid:
private void checkUsername(RoutingContext routingContext){
//The "param0" is the capture group of the regular expression. See the routing config below.
if (isValidUsername(routingContext.request().getParam("param0"))){;
} else {
To check the assignment ID I would do something similar:
private void checkAssignmentId(RoutingContext routingContext){
if (isValidAssignmentId(routingContext.request().getParam("assignmentId"))){;
} else {
Try to avoid trailing slashes in your paths. I would change the routing handler assignments to be something like this:
//By the way, you really want to be using a POST request when adding users just to stick to the principles of REST.
//When you are sending a POST request there is no need to put the username in the URI. You can have it in the request body.
//Please ensure you validate this username using the same validation helper used in your other validations."/api/users").handler(this::addUser);
//Use regular expression to match all "/api/users/:username*" URIs

How to use Zend_Form_Element_Hash?

Then I'm trying to use Zend_Form_Element_Hash it regenerates a hash every request.
In my code:
// form
$this->addElement('hash', 'hihacker', array('salt' => 'thesal'));
Then I dumping $_SESSION I see a new value each page reload.
Then I send a form it reports an error "The token '28a5e0e2a50a3d4afaa654468fd29420' does not match the given token 'a64407cc11376dac1916d2101de90d29'", each time - new pair of tokens
$form = new Form();
$form->addElement('hash', 'hihacker',
array('salt' => 'YOUR TOO MUCH SALTY TEXT !!##'));
if ($this->_request->isPost() && $form->isValid($this->_request->getPost())) {
// Valid ! you are safe do what ever you want .
} else if (count($form->getErrors('request_token')) > 0) {
///get him to the error controller
$this->_forward('csrf-forbidden', 'error');
its working very well for me but double check your session setting
Internally, the element stores a unique identifier using Zend_Session_Namespace, and checks for it at submission (checking that the TTL has not expired). The 'Identical' validator is then used to ensure the submitted hash matches the stored hash.
The 'formHidden' view helper is used to render the element in the form.
form ZF docs
Zend_Form_Element_Hash is supposed to regenerate every request. What you're describing is your tokens going out of synch. This generally happens with multiple forms or with redirects/forwards.
If you're using ajax somewhere on the page you can put this in the controller action (near the end)
$this->view->hash = $form->hash->getValue();
Then when you do the ajax call, just pull the token and replace the token on the form using a selector and .replaceWith(). This is how you deal with multiple forms as well
Otherwise you're probably either redirecting something or loading something twice and you should change the hop in the Zend library. The hop is how many times a token can be requested before it expires
Check that there is not a hidden redirect or forward somewhere in your script... the hash has a hop count of 1 so any redirect will make it expire.
FWIW i think there was a subtle bug in the hash a few versions of ZF ago. I got stuck on exactly the same problem, and hacked the code to make the hop count = 2. When I upgraded ZF this problem went away.