NATS Request Reply - How it works? - publish-subscribe

I am new NATS. Not sure how NATS request reply works.
As per my understanding, this pattern can be use for bi-directional communication but questions is, Does it works between same message id/thread ? If not, can't we use two different queue for the same purpose? How it is different from pub-sub or queue pattern of NATS?
Can someone provide more use case on this?

You added nats-streaming-server tag, so I would first want to clarify that there is no request/reply API in NATS Streaming, because it does not really make sense.
In NATS, you would use request/reply when your publishing application wants to know that the subscribing application did receive and process the message. It is an end-to-end confirmation that the published message was received and processed.
It can also be simply because the subscribing application processes a job and send the result of that job back to the requestor.
A simple example would be:
// Request will create an internal subscription on
// a private inbox and set it to the message's Reply
// field.
msg, err := nc.Request("job", payload, time.Second)
if err != nil {
} else {
// msg is the reply sent by the subscribing application.
In the other side, you would have registered a subscription to handle the job requests.
nc.Subscribe("job", func(req *nats.Msg) {
// req is the request received by the publisher above.
// Send back a reply to the request reply subject.
nc.Publish(req.Reply, []byte(reply))
Not sure what language you use, but here is a link to the Go client


Same message to several services

I have one MSMQ queue which is listened by five windows services. I used BeginPeek and PeekCompleted event for this purpose. My problem is among five services, only one service is the right recipient of the message. All four just read message, but no action is performed. This can only be identified when we read MQ message.
Now, I added a code in my services to check, if the criteria matches and the message is being processed by the right service, then I am using Receive to dequeue the message from MSMQ. Is that a good idea?
Secondly, If the message doesnot satisfy condition and all five services just peeked it, but not received, the message still lies in queue. I understand. But the same message is being processed infinite times, as the message was never removed.
private void queue_PeekCompleted(object sender, PeekCompletedEventArgs e)
MessageQueue queue = (MessageQueue)sender;
//Message msg = queue.EndPeek(e.AsyncResult);
Message msg = e.Message;
//Read message and check if the criteria matches
Appreciate your help.
Set the messages to expire after a set (short) period. They will then move to the dead letter queue where you can have another service waiting for arrivals. This service could then raise an alert, for example, as soon as a message arrives.

NETTY 4.1.4: TCP Socket Server which replies back towards clients after processing requests

i'm new to Netty and intend to create a tcp socket server which reads the info of each client and replies back towards client before processing requests immediately ,i.e. sort of an acknowledgement towards client as and when the message enters overriden channelRead method of ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter class.
Please guide me in the above specified objective.
i'm currently trying the basic netty 4.1.4 echo server example however i wanted server to send back acknowledgement to the client so i updated channelread method as follows :
public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
ChannelFuture cf ="FROM SERVER");
System.out.println("Channelfuture is "+cf);
and the output obtained was as follows:
Channelfuture is DefaultChannelPromise#3f4ee9dd(failure: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: String (expected: ByteBuf, FileRegion))
I understand the error that it is expecting bytebuf but how do i achieve it? also, whether this method would be able to send out acknowledgement towards client
You can use String.getBytes(Charset) and Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(byte[]) to convert to ByteBuf.
ChannelFuture cf =
.write(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer("FROM SERVER".getBytes(CharsetUtil.UTF_8)));
Also note that; may not be what you want. Consider ctx.write(...); instead. The difference is that if your handler is a ChannelDuplexHandler it would receive a write event when you do channel().write(). Using ctx instead of channel will send the write out from your handlers point in the pipeline instead of from the end of the pipeline, which is usually what you want.

Mailgun API: Batch Sending vs. Individual Calls

We're building an application that will process & send emails via Mailgun. These are sometimes one-off messages, initiated by a transaction. Some emails, though, will be sent to 30k+ at once.
Eg, a newsletter to all members.
Mailgun offers a Batch Sending option with their API. Using "Recipient Variables", you can include dynamic values that are paired with a particular user.
This Batch Sending functionality is limited, however. You cannot send more than 1,000 recipients per request, which means we have to iterate through a recipient list (on our database) for each set of 1,000. Mailgun provides an example of how this might work, using Python (scroll about 2/3 down).
Are there any advantages to batch sending (ie, sending an email to a group of recipients through a single API call, using recipient variables) as opposed to making our own loop, variable substitutions and individual API calls?
I assume this is more taxing on our server, as it would be processing each message itself, instead of just offloading all that data to Mailgun's server for heavy-lifting on their end. But I also like the flexibility & simplicity of handling that on our end and sending a "fully-rendered" message to Mailgun, one at a time, without having to iterate 1k at a time.
Any thoughts on best practices, or considerations we should take into account?
Stumbled onto this today, and felt it provided a pretty good summary/answer for my original question. I wanted to post this as an answer, in case anybody else has this question and hasn't found this Mailgun post. Straight from the horse's mouth, too. The nutshell version:
For PHP, at least, the SDK has a Mailgun class, with a BatchMessage() method. This actually handles the counting of recipients for you, so you can just queue up as many email addresses as you want (ie, more than 1k) and Mailgun will fire off to the API endpoint as needed. Pretty slick!
Here's their original wording, plus a link to the page.
Sending a message with Mailgun PHP SDK + Batch Message:
Batch Message
In addition to Message Builder, we have Batch Message. This class
allows you to build a message and submit a template message in
batches, up to 1,000 recipients per post. The benefit of using this
class is that the recipients tally is monitored and will automatically
submit the message to the endpoint when you've added the 1,000th
recipient. This means you can build your message and begin iterating
through your database. Forget about sending the message, the SDK will
keep track of posting to the API when necessary.
// First, instantiate the SDK with your API credentials and define your domain.
$mgClient = new Mailgun("key-example");
$domain = "";
// Next, instantiate a Message Builder object from the SDK, pass in your sending domain.
$batchMsg = $mgClient->BatchMessage($domain);
// Define the from address.
array("first"=>"Dwight", "last" => "Schrute"));
// Define the subject.
// Define the body of the message.
$batchMsg->setTextBody("The printer is on fire!");
// Next, let's add a few recipients to the batch job.
array("first" => "pam", "last" => "Beesly"));
array("first" => "Jim", "last" => "Halpert"));
array("first" => "Andy", "last" => "Bernard"));
// ...etc...etc...
// After 1,000 recipeints,
// Batch Message will automatically post your message to the messages endpoint.
// Call finalize() to send any remaining recipients still in the buffer.
The answer of #cdwyer and #nikoshr is very helpful, but bit legacy. Used methods in the example are deprecated. Here is current usage of lib:
$batchMessage = $this->mailgun->messages()->getBatchMessage('');
$batchMessage->setSubject('Contact form | Company');
foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
More info at documentation.

OPC UA Subscriptions and Notifications

I'm having trouble with OPC UA Subscriptions and Notifications in the ANSI C stack. OPC UA Part 4, Service says:
5.13.1 Subscription model Description c) NotificationMessages are sent to the Client in response to Publish requests.
Sent how? I'm really expecting a callback of some sort, but there doesn't seem to be one. It does say these are in response to a 'Publish' request, but a Publish service call acknowledges receipt of a notification, it doesn't seem to request one. Besides, that would be polling and the whole point of Subscriptions and Monitoring is to not poll.
Can anyone supply an example showing monitoring of a data value in ANSI C?
PublishRequests are queued on the server and responses are only returned when notifications are ready or a keep-alive needs to be sent (or a bunch of other stuff, check the state machine description in part 4).
They do include acknowledgements of previously received notifications as well, but the idea is that the response isn't expected immediately and that the client will generally keep pumping PublishRequests out so that the server has a queue of them ready to return notifications whenever a subscription needs to.
Yes, it's polling. It's a bit of a bummer that it's not strictly unsolicited, but that's how it works.
It's not really polling. It's batched report by exception with a QoS guarantee and back pressure mechanism provided by subsequent PublishRequests.
This is C# code. I hope that it will help you.
private NotificationMessageReceivedEventHandler
// ...
m_NotificationMessageReceived =
new NotificationMessageReceivedEventHandler
m_subscription.NotificationMessageReceived +=
// ...
private void Subscription_NotificationMessageReceived
(Subscription subscription,
NotificationMessageReceivedEventArgs e)
if (e.NotificationMessage.NotificationData == null ||
e.NotificationMessage.NotificationData.Count == 0)
LogMessage("{0:HH:mm:ss.fff}: KeepAlive",

How to consume only some chat messages of XMPP server using Smack lib ?

I would like to know if it is possible to decide when consume a menssage from a xmmp server ?
Let me try to explain better... Imagine that i developed a bot to read all messages that the body of the message start with" MESSAGETOBOTONLY: " if i do the usual method to read a message:
public void processMessage(Chat chat, Message message) {
if (message.getType() == { ... }
All messages i received will be consumed and lost... What i want is just to consume messages that start with: " MESSAGETOBOTONLY: " and let the other messages still on server to be consumed by a xmpp chat client.
best regards,
Don't abuse magic strings within a messages body element to indicate a special message type.
If you want to control a bot then use IQ packets or add an extra extension to the message type packet to indicate that this message serves a special purpose. Then you could add a packetListener with a packetFilter to get notified if these types of XMPP stanzas are received.