scala Convert String to tuple and insert into list - scala

var tup = ""
var l1 = new ListBuffer[String]()
for (element1 <- tds) {
tup += element1.text + "|"
l1 += tup
ListBuffer(STANDINGS|CONFERENCE|OVERALL|, ACC|W-L|GB|PCT|W-L|PCT|STRK|, North Carolina|14-2|--|.875|29-5|.853|L1|, Duke|13-3|1|.813|27-6|.818|L1|)
Now this is a list of string. I want it to be a list of tuple.

You can't. The thing you're looking for (assuming you want to split on |) is not well-typed. You would get
ListBuffer(("Standings", "Conference", "Overall"), ("ACC", "W-L", "GB", ...), ...)
The first element would be Tuple3[String, String, String]. The second would be Tuple7[String, ... String], and ListBuffer, like all collections, can't have heterogeneous types. You can get a ListBuffer of arrays, though."|"))

I used List[List[String]]. And now am able to refer to each element.
Am adding Lists to a List like this
Now my output is like this


Is there a way to filter out the elements of a List by checking them against elements of an Array in Scala?

I have a List in Scala:
val hdtList = hdt.split(",").toList
forecast_id bigint,period_year bigint,period_num bigint,period_name string,drm_org string,ledger_id bigint,currency_code string,source_system_name string,source_record_type string,gl_source_name string,gl_source_system_name string,year string,period string
There is an array which is obtained from a dataframe and converting its column to array as below:
val partition_columns ="partition_columns").collect.flatMap(x => x.getAs[String](0).split(","))
Is there a way to filter out the elements: source_system_name string, period_year bigint from hdtList by checking them against the elements in the Array: partition_columns and put them into new List.
I am confused on applying filter/map on the right collections appropriately and compare them.
Could anyone let me know how can I achieve that ?
Unless I'm misunderstanding the question, I think this is what you need:
val filtered = hdtList.filter { x =>
!partition_columns.exists { col => x.startsWith(col) }
In your case you need to use filter, because you need to remove elements from hdtList.
Map is a function that transform elements, there is no way to remove elements from a collection using map. If you have a List of X elements, after map execution, you have X elements, not less, not more.
val newList = hdtList.filter( x => partition_columns.exists(x.startsWith) )
Be aware that the combination filter+exists between two List is an algorithm NxM. If your Lists are big, you will have a performance problem.
One way to solve that problem is using Sets.
It might be useful to have both lists: the hdt elements referenced in partition_columns, and the hdt elements that aren't.
val (pc
,notPc) = hdtList.partition( w =>
partition_columns.contains(w.takeWhile(_!=' ')))
//pc: List[String] = List(period_year bigint, source_system_name string)
//notPc: List[String] = List(forecast_id bigint, period_num bigint, ... etc.

iterate on scala list and treating last iteration differently

I have a list of objects that I am calling toString on, and would like to treat the last object differently as follows:
o1 = Array(...)
o2 = Array(...) // same length as o1
sb = new StringBuilder()
for (i <- 0 to o1.size() - 1)
sb.append(o1.get(i).toString() + " & " o2.get(i).toString())
// if not last iteration then append ", "
is there a simple way to write this in scala rather than checking value of i etc?
#jwvh's anwser is good.
just give another pattern-matching version.{case (item1, item2) => s"$item1 & $item2"}).mkString(", ")
Give this a try. => s"${t._1} & ${t._2}").mkString(", ")
Zip the arrays together, turn each pair into the desired string, let mkString() insert the commas.

Function to return List of Map while iterating over String, kmer count

I am working on creating a k-mer frequency counter (similar to word count in Hadoop) written in Scala. I'm fairly new to Scala, but I have some programming experience.
The input is a text file containing a gene sequence and my task is to get the frequency of each k-mer where k is some specified length of the sequence.
Therefore, the sequence AGCTTTC has three 5-mers (AGCTT, GCTTT, CTTTC)
I've parsed through the input and created a huge string which is the entire sequence, the new lines throw off the k-mer counting as the end of one line's sequence should still form a k-mer with the beginning of the next line's sequence.
Now I am trying to write a function that will generate a list of maps List[Map[String, Int]] with which it should be easy to use scala's groupBy function to get the count of the common k-mers
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Get all of the lines from the input file
val input = Source.fromFile("input.txt").getLines.toArray
// Create one huge string which contains all the lines but the first
val lines = input.tail.mkString.replace("\n","")
val mappedKmers: List[Map[String,Int]] = getMappedKmers(5, lines)
def getMappedKmers(k: Int, seq: String): List[Map[String, Int]] = {
for (i <- 0 until seq.length - k) {
Map(seq.substring(i, i+k), 1) // Map the k-mer to a count of 1
Couple of questions:
How to create/generate List[Map[String,Int]]?
How would you do it?
Any help and/or advice is definitely appreciated!
You're pretty close—there are three fairly minor problems with your code.
The first is that for (i <- whatever) foo(i) is syntactic sugar for whatever.foreach(i => foo(i)), which means you're not actually doing anything with the contents of whatever. What you want is for (i <- whatever) yield foo(i), which is sugar for => foo(i)) and returns the transformed collection.
The second issue is that 0 until seq.length - k is a Range, not a List, so even once you've added the yield, the result still won't line up with the declared return type.
The third issue is that Map(k, v) tries to create a map with two key-value pairs, k and v. You want Map(k -> v) or Map((k, v)), either of which is explicit about the fact that you have a single argument pair.
So the following should work:
def getMappedKmers(k: Int, seq: String): IndexedSeq[Map[String, Int]] = {
for (i <- 0 until seq.length - k) yield {
Map(seq.substring(i, i + k) -> 1) // Map the k-mer to a count of 1
You could also convert either the range or the entire result to a list with .toList if you'd prefer a list at the end.
It's worth noting, by the way, that the sliding method on Seq does exactly what you want:
scala> "AGCTTTC".sliding(5).foreach(println)
I'd definitely suggest something like "AGCTTTC".sliding(5).toList.groupBy(identity) for real code.

Merge the intersection of two CSV files with Scala

From input 1:
fruit, apple, cider
animal, beef, burger
and input 2:
animal, beef, 5kg
fruit, apple, 2liter
fish, tuna, 1kg
I need to produce:
fruit, apple, cider, 2liter
animal, beef, burger, 5kg
The closest example I could get is:
object FileMerger {
def main(args : Array[String]) {
val f1 = (Source fromFile "file1.csv" getLines) map (_.split(", *")(1))
val f2 = Source fromFile "file2.csv" getLines
val out = new"output.csv")
f1 zip f2 foreach { x => out.write(x._1 + ", " + x._2 + "\n") }
The problem is that the example assumes that the two CSV files contain the same number of elements and in the same order. My merged result must only contain elements that are in the first and the second file. I am new to Scala, and any help will be greatly appreciated.
You need an intersection of the two files: the lines from file1 and file2 which share some criteria. Consider this through a set theory perspective: you have two sets with some elements in common, and you need a new set with those elements. Well, there's more to it than that, because the lines aren't really equal...
So, let's say you read file1, and that's of type List[Input1]. We could code it like this, without getting into any details of what Input1 is:
case class Input1(line: String)
val f1: List[Input1] = (Source fromFile "file1.csv" getLines () map Input1).toList
We can do the same thing for file2 and List[Input2]:
case class Input2(line: String)
val f2: List[Input2] = (Source fromFile "file2.csv" getLines () map Input2).toList
You might be wondering why I created two different classes if they have the exact same definition. Well, if you were reading structured data, you would have two different types, so let's see how to handle that more complex case.
Ok, so how do we match them, since Input1 and Input2 are different types? Well, the lines are matched by keys, which, according to your code, are the first column in each. So let's create a class Key, and conversions Input1 => Key and Input2 => Key:
case class Key(key: String)
def Input1IsKey(input: Input1): Key = Key(input.line split "," head) // using regex would be better
def Input2IsKey(input: Input2): Key = Key(input.line split "," head)
Ok, now that we can produce a common Key from Input1 and Input2, let's get the intersection of them:
val intersection = (f1 map Input1IsKey).toSet intersect (f2 map Input2IsKey).toSet
So we can build the intersection of lines we want, but we don't have the lines! The problem is that, for each key, we need to know from which line it came. Consider that we have a set of keys, and for each key we want to keep track of a value -- that's exactly what a Map is! So we can build this:
val m1 = (f1 map (input => Input1IsKey(input) -> input)).toMap
val m2 = (f2 map (input => Input2IsKey(input) -> input)).toMap
So the output can be produced like this:
val output = intersection map (key => m1(key).line + ", " + m2(key).line)
All you have to do now is output that.
Let's consider some improvements on this code. First, note that the output produced above repeats the key -- that's exactly what your code does, but not what you want in the example. Let's change, then, Input1 and Input2 to split the key from the rest of the args:
case class Input1(key: String, rest: String)
case class Input2(key: String, rest: String)
It's now a bit harder to initialize f1 and f2. Instead of using split, which will break all the line unnecessarily (and at great cost to performance), we'll divide the line right the at the first comma: everything before is key, everything after is rest. The method span does that:
def breakLine(line: String): (String, String) = line span (',' !=)
Play a bit with the span method on REPL to get a better understanding of it. As for (',' !=), that's just an abbreviated form of saying (x => ',' != x).
Next, we need a way to create Input1 and Input2 from a tuple (the result of breakLine):
def TupleIsInput1(tuple: (String, String)) = Input1(tuple._1, tuple._2)
def TupleIsInput2(tuple: (String, String)) = Input2(tuple._1, tuple._2)
We can now read the files:
val f1: List[Input1] = (Source fromFile "file1.csv" getLines () map breakLine map TupleIsInput1).toList
val f2: List[Input2] = (Source fromFile "file2.csv" getLines () map breakLine map TupleIsInput2).toList
Another thing we can simplify is intersection. When we create a Map, its keys are sets, so we can create the maps first, and then use their keys to compute the intersection:
case class Key(key: String)
def Input1IsKey(input: Input1): Key = Key(input.key)
def Input2IsKey(input: Input2): Key = Key(input.key)
// We now only keep the "rest" as the map value
val m1 = (f1 map (input => Input1IsKey(input) ->
val m2 = (f2 map (input => Input2IsKey(input) ->
val intersection = m1.keySet intersect m2.keySet
And the output is computed like this:
val output = intersection map (key => key + m1(key) + m2(key))
Note that I don't append comma anymore -- the rest of both f1 and f2 start with a comma already.
It's tough to infer a requirement from one example. May be something like this is would serve your needs:
Create a map from key to line for the second file f2 (so from "animal, beef" -> "5kg")
For each lines in the first file f1, get the key to look up in the map
Look up value, if found write output
That translates to
val f1 = Source fromFile "file1.csv" getLines
val f2 = Source fromFile "file2.csv" getLines
val map =", *")).map(arr => arr.init.mkString(", ") -> arr.last}.toMap
for {
line <- f1
key = line.split(", *").init.mkString(", ")
value <- map.get(key)
} {
out.write(line + ", " + value + "\n")

Scala: How do I use fold* with Map?

I have a Map[String, String] and want to concatenate the values to a single string.
I can see how to do this using a List...
scala> val l = List("te", "st", "ing", "123")
l: List[java.lang.String] = List(te, st, ing, 123)
scala> l.reduceLeft[String](_+_)
res8: String = testing123
fold* or reduce* seem to be the right approach I just can't get the syntax right for a Map.
Folds on a map work the same way they would on a list of pairs. You can't use reduce because then the result type would have to be the same as the element type (i.e. a pair), but you want a string. So you use foldLeft with the empty string as the neutral element. You also can't just use _+_ because then you'd try to add a pair to a string. You have to instead use a function that adds the accumulated string, the first value of the pair and the second value of the pair. So you get this:
scala> val m = Map("la" -> "la", "foo" -> "bar")
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String,java.lang.String] = Map(la -> la, foo -> bar)
scala> m.foldLeft("")( (acc, kv) => acc + kv._1 + kv._2)
res14: java.lang.String = lalafoobar
Explanation of the first argument to fold:
As you know the function (acc, kv) => acc + kv._1 + kv._2 gets two arguments: the second is the key-value pair currently being processed. The first is the result accumulated so far. However what is the value of acc when the first pair is processed (and no result has been accumulated yet)? When you use reduce the first value of acc will be the first pair in the list (and the first value of kv will be the second pair in the list). However this does not work if you want the type of the result to be different than the element types. So instead of reduce we use fold where we pass the first value of acc as the first argument to foldLeft.
In short: the first argument to foldLeft says what the starting value of acc should be.
As Tom pointed out, you should keep in mind that maps don't necessarily maintain insertion order (Map2 and co. do, but hashmaps do not), so the string may list the elements in a different order than the one in which you inserted them.
The question has been answered already, but I'd like to point out that there are easier ways to produce those strings, if that's all you want. Like this:
scala> val l = List("te", "st", "ing", "123")
l: List[java.lang.String] = List(te, st, ing, 123)
scala> l.mkString
res0: String = testing123
scala> val m = Map(1 -> "abc", 2 -> "def", 3 -> "ghi")
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,java.lang.String] = Map((1,abc), (2,def), (3,ghi))
scala> m.values.mkString
res1: String = abcdefghi