Year Selection is not available in react-native DatePickerIOS - datepicker

Year selection is not available in DatePickerIOS when datetime mode is selected.Below is the code,
onDateChange={(date) => this.setState({ date })}
style={{ marginTop: 30 }}
Any Suggestions ???

you should use 'date' mode to have year selection, and if you want the year and time together you can make it separate selection the date then the time.


How i can implement date range picker in MUI DataGridPro?

I want to implement a Date Range picker with DataGrid Pro can anyone help me?
To implement a date range picker on a cell in the data grid (assuming this is what you are meaning), you would implement the below code:
const datePickerColumn: GridColDef[] = [
field: 'dates',
headerName: 'Pick Date Range',
editable: true /* this needs to be set to allow editing */
type: 'date' /* needs to be set to get the date picker drop down*/
isCellEditable={(params) => params.row.dates} /* makes the specified column editable */
Once implemented, you should now be able to double click on a cell and get a date picker widget.
For more information you can refer to the documentation here:
What do you mean by Date Range picker?
Do you want to have a column containing a date range? If yes, it is better to have two columns. One for start-date the other for end-date
If you want to filter one date column by providing a range, you will have to make a custom filter operator handling multiple value

Google Charts - Show day of the week in local language

How do I make a Google Chart axis to use day of the week names in different languages (e.g. in German).
For tooltip I use
var formatter = new google.visualization.DateFormat({ pattern: 'EEEE, dd.MM.YYYY' });
Here it produces Tuesday, 31.03.2020, and I would like to see Dienstag, 31.03.2020
For axis I use option
hAxis: { format: "EE, dd/MM" }
This produces Tu, 31/03, and I would like to see Di, 31/03
What is the way to do it please?
try setting the language option when loading google charts...
google.charts.load('current', {
packages: ['corechart'],
language: 'de'

MinDate and MaxDate are not working for the native date picker in Ionic 4

I am working in my Ionic 4 project and I have used the native date picker plugin. It is working fine but I am not able to set the min and max date in it for the Android.
This is my
<ion-input formControlName="startchallenge" placeholder="Select Date" (click)="datePickershow()" [readonly]=true></ion-input>
This is my
date: new Date(),
mode: 'date',
androidTheme: this.datePicker.ANDROID_THEMES.THEME_HOLO_DARK,
minDate: new Date().toISOString(),
maxDate: new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 10)).toISOString(),
date => console.log('Got date: ', date)},
err => {
console.log('Error occurred while getting date: ', err)}
I have used min and max date in Android after that the user is able to select the back date from today because I have used the min date as a today date but the problem is that user is able to select the previous date in Android.
Any help is much appreciated.
Try This:
minDate: new Date().valueOf(),
maxDate: new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 10)).valueOf(),
This will solve your problem.
I think you should use ion-datetime, which provide easiest way to getting date or time from user.
There are lots of methods to formate date and time input.

Date Picker on selecting 1 display another datepicker

I currently have 2 datepickers.
First is StartDate & other is EndDate
On selecting StartDate after clicking on calender i want EndDate's Datetimepicker to be shown & not show/display earlier dates.
Currently i got this:
jQuery('.input-daterange').datepicker({ startDate:'+1', format: 'dd-mm-yyyy'});
$('#StartDate , #EndDate').on('changeDate', function(ev){

How do I create a dual date entry in Angular 2 with Kendo UI?

I'm trying to create a dual date object in Angular2 and I have no idea how it can be accomplished.
What I mean by a dual date object is basically creating a single instance of a date picker using Kendo UI (screenshot of a date picker from Kendo UI). Once it's clicked, two instances of the date object appears. The first is for 'Start date' and the second is for 'End Date'. The date object uses Kendo UI.
Basically it's for users to select a date range. I would really appreciate any help on this. Thank you.
The Kendo UI DatePicker can work with one date only. For selecting a date range, use two widget instances.
It is theoretically possible to use a Kendo UI Popup with two Calendar instances inside, and store the two date values somewhere, according to your preferences.
#popup > div {display: inline-block; }
#textbox { width: 300px; }
<p>Focus the textbox:</p>
<input id="textbox" class="k-textbox" />
<div id="popup">
<div id="calendar1"></div>
<div id="calendar2"></div>
var textbox = $("#textbox");
anchor: textbox
change: updateTextBox
change: updateTextBox
function updateTextBox() {
textbox.val("use the Calendars' value method here");