Redirecting base URL to main URL in confluence? - confluence

I have upgraded my Confluence version from 6.3.3 to 6.5.1. Now when I try to hit the main URL, i.e. then it shows Error 404, but when I hit the base URL then all goes correct and the website opens.
So how to redirect the main URL to the base URL ?


Redirects and Meta Description

I am currently redirecting a website to another new website. My question is does a redirect automatically move my metadata (titles, taglines, meta description, focus keyphrases) to the new site? or Do I have to manually copy and paste metadata to the new site?
Better put - do my rankings from the old site as a result of metadata automatically point to my new site upon redirecting?
You are going to want to look into using a specific kind of redirect, which is the HTTP 301 redirect. That status code means its a permanent redirect, and most search engines will recognize that and will help keep your SEO.
If you do a HTTP 302 redirect, this being known as a temporary redirect, will technically be considered a new URL in the eyes of a search engine.
So when you are testing you redirect, make sure you open up Chrome Dev Tools (F12) and click the network tab. Refresh the page and click the first row that appears in the table. It should specify the HTTP status code, most likely being 200 (status ok), (301/302) permanent/temporary redirect, (404) file not found, 500 (server error).
So essentially, make sure your redirect is using a 301 redirect, if it is permanent of course!

Barba.js - Update URL if a PHP redirect has occured

I've got some dead pages in my site that I just need to redirect.
Thing is, if you click on a link where it goes to one of these redirected pages, the redirection will occur, but the URL will be kept as the old, dead page.
Example: I click on a page /a/ that PHP redirects to /b/. The redirection happens, /b/ is shown, but the URL stays /a/ until I would hard refresh (CTRL+R) the page.
So is there a way to make it so Barba follows PHP redirects and updates the URL to show the right one?

Facebook Open Graph Debugger bug?

I have recently renewed my website, but for some reason the Facebook Open Graph Debugger is not able to re-scrape my new og tags.
When I enter the website, I receive a couple of error messages which makes no sense.
For example:
1.Circular redirect path detected (see 'Redirect Path' section for details).
2. URL requested a HTTP redirect, but it could not be followed.
When I debug my website, and see which HTML status code is given, it is 200 OK. So where does the 301 come from which the Facebook Debugger detects?
What am I missing in my set up?
Thanks in advance.
Redirecting error have happened to me on websites that redirect http to https.
The errors output explains explicitly what is the path the debugger needed to pass. In my case it showed me that it had to pass the following path: https >> http >> https.
This have occurred since the page url i tried to share used https, but in the op meta definition, I have defined it as http. Fixing that resolved all.

How to create app in facebook

I am trying to create app in facebook but it is giving error while adding site url and app domain field error message for site url : "Something went wrong. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can."error message for app domain : "This must be derived from Canvas URL, Secure Canvas URL, Site URL, Mobile Site URL, Page Tab URL or Secure Page Tab URL. Check and correct the following domains:"
You need to set the website URL. On the app settings, you need to enable the "Website" platform and set the necessary URL there. (If it's not appearing, click "Add Platform".)
As the error message says, your site/canvas/etc... URL's have to be derived from your app-domain.
So if your app domain is:
Your site url needs to contain this domain. So you can use for example:
That, for example, would not work:
Additional Notes
Always fill in your app domain first
Make sure not to put protocol information into your app domain, just use your plain domain name ( instead of or
As of facebooks new app control panel the protocol you have to use for your site/canvas/tab url has always to use the https protocol
Your app name is completely independent of of your URL settings

Facebook does not show authentication when running under canvas

I have a web site already integrated with Facebook login, using server-side authentication.
I have an issue to turn it into an application running under Facebook.
The problem is that Facebook does not show the authentication page at all
Therefore, I am not even getting to the server authentication process for real.
Right now, the application is running on my local machine.
My app is defined as Facebook Application: (adding blank before localhost for site security purpose only)
Canvas URL: http ://localhost:4300/fbopt/
Secure canvas URL: https ://localhost:4303/fbopt/"
[same problem happens when running in a Sandbox, without Secure URL]
I have a "fan page" with "Go to App" button there.
Pressing a button leads me to the URL:[appid]/?fb_source=timeline
The browser starts loading the page with the frames.
The lower frames makes the POST request to the URL I provided.
My application redirects the page to the following URL:[appid]&redirect_uri=https://localhost:4303/fbopt/hook&scope=email,user_location,user_birthday
I would expect Facebook to show up the application authentication form, with the permissions required.
Unfortunately, this does not happen. An empty page is shown within the frame, HTML is empty!
I see (from the Chrome network debugger) that the URL is indeed accessed, but the response is with HTTP 200 status (not error), but no response data. Instead, getting
X-Frame-Options: DENY
response header - rendering denied within frame! Why?
When loading the URL above "manually" outside the Facebook frames structure, I do get the authentication screen with the right permissions.
I wonder what is missing to get it work with canvas.
Any hint on what I should add, or how to debug such a problem - will be appreciated.
Thanks ,
Looks like me fundamental problem was that I was trying to redirect the whole page, instead of making a frame redirection.
Started here:
Blank Canvas => 'Refused to display document because display forbidden by X-Frame-Options.'
Went here:
It says:
Because your application is being loaded in an iframe, returning a 302 to redirect the user to the Login Dialog will be unsuccessful. Instead you must redirect by setting the Javascript property, which causes the parent window to redirect to the Login Dialog URL
This was probably my major mistake.
Do you have iframe in your app? Sending X-Frame-Options with content DENY is Facebook's way to fight with clickjacking. More info:
adding an iframe to facebook does not work anymore since ~2 weeks
I've had the same issue. 302 Redirect works because I use a lot of those but you cannot redirect to a facebook domain for any reason. If you want you can do a top redirect via javascript. What I did is I created an html that accepts a url and it loads it in top.location then redirects back to With X-frame most probably because you have a AntiForgeryToken (if using .net) because this would insert xframe sameorigin in the header. You can disable this with
AntiForgeryConfig.SuppressXFrameOptionsHeader = true;