Ionic 2 search bar - ionic-framework

I'm implementig a search bar, it filters the way I want, but after 2 seconds, it shows the whole array again, and I dont really understand why.
Thanks for your help.
This is the .ts
getCatalog() {
this.http.get('url', {}, {}).then(data => {
console.log("Data:", JSON.parse(;
this.catalogList = JSON.parse(;
// console.log(data.status);
// console.log(; // data received by server
// console.log(data.headers);
.catch(error => {
console.log(error.error); // error message as string
getItems(ev: any) {
// Reset items back to all of the items
// set val to the value of the searchbar
let val =;
//console.log("VALUE", ev);
// if the value is an empty string don't filter the items
if (val && val.trim() != '') {
this.catalogList = this.catalogList.filter((item) => {
console.log("ITEM", item)
return ( > -1);
This is where i have the *ngFor
<ion-searchbar (ionInput)="getItems($event)"></ion-searchbar>
<ion-row *ngFor="let item of catalogList">
Other code here

I think the problem is that your HTTP request finishs after you've already filtered your array, this'll make the catalogList receive the parsed JSON after you've filtered, this is why it resets.
Do you really need to get your catalog from the server every time the ser types something in the searchbar? Is your catalog that dynamic? If not you can simply save it in your catalogList when the user enters the page and create another object to be used at your filter:
public catalogListFiltered: any[] = []; // CREATE A NEW VARIABLE THAT'LL BE USED ON YOUR NGFOR
ionViewDidEnter() { // or ionViewDidLoad, depends on what lifecycle you need
this.http.get('url', {}, {}).then(data => {
this.catalogList = JSON.parse(;
this.catalogListFiltered = this.catalogList;
getItems(ev: any) {
// Reset items back to all of the items
// set val to the value of the searchbar
let val =;
//console.log("VALUE", ev);
// if the value is an empty string don't filter the items
if (val && val.trim() != '') {
this.catalogList = this.catalogList.filter((item) => {
console.log("ITEM", item)
return ( > -1);
If you really need to call your API everytime to get your catalog just work with promises
getCatalog = (): Promise<any> {
return new Promise<any>(resolve => {
this.http.get('url', {}, {}).then(data => {
// maybe this'll have the same effect as the above, maybe someone can say if that'll work with some changes on your 'getItem' method:
// getCatalog(){ return this.http.get('url', {}, {}); };
getItems(ev: any) {
// Reset items back to all of the items
this.getCatalog().then(res => {
this.catalogList = res;
// set val to the value of the searchbar
let val =;
//console.log("VALUE", ev);
// if the value is an empty string don't filter the items
if (val && val.trim() != '') {
this.catalogList = this.catalogList.filter((item) => {
return ( > -1);
Hope this helps.


override object properties in createAsyncThunk method

I have a function like this
export const fetchChildrenNews = createAsyncThunk('news/fetch1', async ([item, news]) => {
const res = await Promise.all( => {
let url = `${id}.json?print=pretty`;
return fetch(url);
const jsons = await Promise.all( => r.json()));
let users = {...item, kids: jsons}; = []//doesn't work = 0 //doesn't work
//I want to find a branch in the original tree and replace it
const tree = (obj) => {
for (let key in obj) {
if (key === "id" && obj[key] === {
obj = users;
if (key == "kids") {
where item is a nested object record: {by: 'nullzzz', descendants: 47, id: 28808556, kids: Array(13), score: 117}. kids property contains array of ids and in the users variable it becomes an array of records. and my goal change = [0, 7, 14] to = users ([{by: '...', id:4848,..], [{by: 'adasd'], [{by: 'zzz}] ). the variable news is a whole tree while item its branches.
I just started working with the toolkit, so I don't fully understand this
Since item is probably an object from your Redux store, that thunk would try to modify a reference to your store - and modifying the store is only allowed in reducers.
Generally, you should be doing logic like this in reducers, not in a thunk.
So, do
export const fetchChildrenNews = createAsyncThunk('news/fetch1', async ([item, news]) => {
const res = await Promise.all( => {
let url = `${id}.json?print=pretty`;
return fetch(url);
const jsons = await Promise.all( => r.json()));
return jsons
and then in your slice, add the logic:
builder.addCase(fetchChildrenNews, (state, action) => {
const jsons = action.payload
// here, do not modify `items`, but modify `state` - I would assume `items` is somewhere in here anyways?

Problem inserting checkbox in select using DataTables

I'm looking for a way to insert a checkbox into a select and fetch each column individually, all using DataTables. I found an excellent example in but for some reason, when selecting all records, filtering does not display the data as expected. Would anyone have a solution to work properly?
Thanks in advance.
The link application code is as follows:
$(document).ready(function() {
function cbDropdown(column) {
return $('<ul>', {
'class': 'cb-dropdown'
}).appendTo($('<div>', {
'class': 'cb-dropdown-wrap'
initComplete: function() {
this.api().columns().every(function() {
var column = this;
var ddmenu = cbDropdown($(column.header()))
// -------------------------------------------------------
.on('change', ':checkbox', function() {
var active;
var vals = $(':checked', ddmenu).map(function(index, element) {
active = true;
return $.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex($(element).val());
.search(vals.length > 0 ? '^(' + vals + ')$' : '', true, false)
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Highlight the current item if selected.
if (this.checked) {
// If 'Select all / none' clicked ON
if ($(this).val() === "1") {
$(ddmenu).find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', this.checked)
//$(".cb-dropdown li").prop('checked', true);
//$('.cb-dropdown').closest('li').find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', true);
// $('this input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', true); works!
// $( 'input[type="checkbox"]' ).prop('checked', this.checked);
// $(this).find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', this.checked)
//$('').children().find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', this.checked)
} else // 'Select all / none' clicked OFF
// test if select none
if ($(this).val() === "1") {
// code to untick all
$(ddmenu).find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false)
// Highlight the current filter if selected.
var active2 = ddmenu.parent().is('.active');
if (active && !active2) {
// Change Container title to "Filter on" and green
//$(this).parent().find('.cb-dropdown li:nth-child(n+1)').css('color','red');
$('active2 li label:contains("Filter OFF")').text('Yeees');
} else if (!active && active2) {
// -------------------------------------------------------
var mytopcount = '0'; // Counter that ensures only 1 entry per container
// loop to assign all options in container filter, j) {
// Label
var $label = $('<label>'),
$text = $('<span>', {
text: d
// Checkbox
$cb = $('<input>', {
type: 'checkbox',
value: d
// -----------------
// Add 'Select all / none' to each dropdown container
if (mytopcount == '0') // Counter that ensures only 1 entry per container
$label = $('<label>'), $text = $('<span>', {
text: "Select all / none"
$cb = $('<input>', {
type: 'checkbox',
value: 1
$text.prependTo($label).css('margin-bottom', '6px');
'border-bottom': '1px solid grey',
'margin-bottom': '6px'
mytopcount = '1' // This stops this section running again in cotainer
It seems as though the issue was with the select all checkbox. One solution would be to check for "1" within the vals initialisation, this seems to work:
var vals = $(':checked', ddmenu).map(function(index, element) {
if($(element).val() !== "1"){
return $.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex($(element).val());
That should see you with some results upon the top checkbox being checked. Hope that helps.

How to assign values from storage to a variable in ionic 3

I tried few methods to assign values to variable but could succeed please help.
Method 1:-
getData() {
.then(res => {
return this.cart = res;
Console.log shows undefined
Method 2:-
cart = [];
getData() {
.then(res => {
return this.cart.push(res);
Output :
How can i achieve
Cart variable as directly the array list from 0, 1,? [as shown in picture]
Found the Solution
//set Cart Storage'products').then((data) => {
if (data == null) {
data = [];
this.cart = data;//re-initialize the items array equal to storage value
this.cart.push(this.cartItem());'products', this.cart);
console.log("Cart" + this.cart);
On Another Page
// Retrieving data
public getData() {
.then(res => {
this.cart = [];
this.cart = res;
Try logging the value of the res parameter in the console. From there, you can assign the value of cart to the correct property in the res object.

How can I customize the 'home' and 'end' key navigation on ag-Grid?

I've customized the arrow navigation keys using the callback 'navigateToNextCell'.
But now I want to customize 'Home' and 'End' key.
There is any way to do it?
It's not super easy at the moment... here are some relevant "enhancements" that have been requested on the github page:
support page up/ down, home and end keys
allow overriding of keyboard events
Suggestion: Allow any key for navigation (not just tab)
That last link has something useful. There is a comment on how to disable any propagation of the 'home' and 'end' keys:
// note, this is angular 2 code, `this.el.nativeElement` is just the grid component
(e: KeyboardEvent) => {
// this runs on the document element, so check that we're in the grid
if (this.el.nativeElement.contains( {
if (e.key === 'Tab' || e.key === 'Home' || e.key === 'End') {
if (e.key === 'Home' || e.key === 'End') {
// we don't want to prevent the default tab behaviour
AFTER you have done that, you could add new event listeners to the grid, or depending on what you are trying to do, you could add listeners to specific cells as it mentions in the Keyboard Navigation section of the Ag-Grid docs under Custom Actions:
Custom Actions
Custom cell renderers can listen to key presses on the focused div.
The grid element that receives the focus is provided to the cell
renderers via the eGridCell parameter. You can add your own listeners
to this cell. Via this method you can listen to any key press and do
your own action on the cell eg hitting 'x' may execute a command in
your application for that cell.
I initially wrote this code for navigating home/end with command+arrow key, but have put comments where logic differs since 98% will be the same. Comments are untested but should work
I will divide this into 4 parts:
suppress the event so ag-grid does nothing by default
find a way for us to place a event listener on the right keys
compute which cell should be navigated to next
tell ag grid which cell should be selected
For #1, we can use suppressKeyboardEvent and either set it on defaultColDef(in `GridOptions´) or on every col def.
Mine looks like this:
const suppressKeyboardEventFn: ColDef["suppressKeyboardEvent"] = (
params: SuppressKeyboardEventParams
) => {
const key = params.event.key;
const isControl = isControlKey(params.event);
// For end/home, test for key === "Home" || key === "End" instead
const isNavigation =
key === "ArrowUp" ||
key === "ArrowDown" ||
key === "ArrowRight" ||
key === "ArrowLeft";
if (isNavigation && isControl) {
return true;
return false;
isControlKey is so it works on both mac&windows, and is written as recommended by MDN (not relevant if using home/end key):
const isMac = navigator.platform.startsWith("Mac");
export const isControlKey = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
return isMac ? event.metaKey : event.ctrlKey;
For #2 where we want to handle the event ourselves, we can use onCellKeyDown:
const onCellKeyDownFn: GridOptions["onCellKeyDown"] = (cellKeyDown) => {
if (cellKeyDown.event == null) {
const event = cellKeyDown.event as KeyboardEvent;
const key = event.key;
const isControl = isControlKey(event);
// Instead write cases here for case "Home": and case "End":
switch (key) {
case "ArrowUp": {
if (isControl) {
dispatch(navigateCell({ direction: "up", end: true }));
case "ArrowDown": {
if (isControl) {
dispatch(navigateCell({ direction: "down", end: true }));
case "ArrowRight": {
if (isControl) {
dispatch(navigateCell({ direction: "right", end: true }));
case "ArrowLeft": {
if (isControl) {
dispatch(navigateCell({ direction: "left", end: true }));
Using the same isControlKey function. I have implemented redux navigation actions that handles navigating to home and end.
For #3, we can implement this in different ways. Here is how I FIND the correct cell to navigate to. Either one step to a direction, or to the end/home (which is our scenario, since I pass end: true)
// For using Home/End, add a case for each and mix logic from
// below to find the correct cell. Last column logic is in
// right when end===true and last row is in down when end===true etc
switch (params.direction) {
case "up": {
let newRowIndex;
if (params.end === true) {
newRowIndex = 0;
} else {
newRowIndex = selectedCell.lastKnownRowIndex - 1;
if (newRowIndex < 0) {
const node = gridApi.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(newRowIndex);
if (node?.id == null) {
log.warn("Could not find Node ID");
colKey: selectedCell.colKey,
case "down": {
let newRowIndex;
if (params.end === true) {
newRowIndex = maxRowIndex;
} else {
newRowIndex = selectedCell.lastKnownRowIndex + 1;
if (newRowIndex > maxRowIndex) {
const node = gridApi.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(newRowIndex);
if (node?.id == null) {
log.warn("Could not find Node ID");
colKey: selectedCell.colKey,
case "right": {
let nextColumn;
if (params.end === true) {
const columns = columnApi.getAllGridColumns();
nextColumn = columns[columns.length - 1];
} else {
const column = columnApi.getColumn(selectedCell.colKey);
if (column == null) {
log.warn("Could not find column");
nextColumn = columnApi.getDisplayedColAfter(column);
if (nextColumn == null) {
nodeId: selectedCell.nodeId,
colKey: nextColumn.getColId(),
case "left": {
let nextColumn;
if (params.end === true) {
const columns = columnApi.getAllGridColumns();
nextColumn = columns[1];
} else {
const column = columnApi.getColumn(selectedCell.colKey);
if (column == null) {
log.warn("Could not find column");
nextColumn = columnApi.getDisplayedColBefore(column);
if (nextColumn == null) {
nodeId: selectedCell.nodeId,
colKey: nextColumn.getColId(),
default: {
Lastly #4, here is parts of my selectCell implementation that can give you some idea of how to make sure ag-grid focuses the right cell.
This code will focus the cell, add a range highlight, add a row selection, and make sure that it is visible if the viewport needs to jump:
// no difference in logic when using Home/End!
// just make sure correct cell is passed
rowStartIndex: rowIndex,
rowEndIndex: rowIndex,
columns: [params.colKey],
gridApi.setFocusedCell(rowIndex, params.colKey);
node.setSelected(true, true)

NativeScript - how can I filter an observable array with SearchBar?

Hi I'm trying to filter an observable array of data fetched via a HTTP request on keypress of the SearchBar.
I managed to get the SearchBar property change to work but I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong in the filtering logic.
Ideally I want to update the list as I type in the search term in the SearchBar. I've searched the API on the Telerik site, there wasn't really any examples I could find.
<Page loaded="pageLoaded">
<ActivityIndicator busy="{{ isLoading }}" />
<ActionBar title="People">
<SearchBar id="searchBar" hint="Search for someone"></SearchBar>
<ListView items="{{ peopleList }}" itemTap="showDetail">
<Label text="{{ fullName }}" horiztonalAlignment="left" verticalAlignment="center"></Label>
<Label text="{{ company }}" class="info"></Label>
var frames = require("ui/frame");
var Observable = require("data/observable").Observable;
var PeopleListViewModel = require("../../shared/people-viewModel");
var activityIndicatorModule = require("ui/activity-indicator");
var page;
var userkey;
var peopleList = new PeopleListViewModel([]);
var pageData = new Observable({ peopleList: peopleList });
exports.pageLoaded = function(args) {
page = args.object;
page.bindingContext = pageData;
userkey = userkey || page.navigationContext.userkey;
peopleList.load(userkey); // fetch data from the backend
var searchBar = page.getViewById("searchBar");
searchBar.on("propertyChange", function (args) {
var searchText = args.object.text;
if (searchText === "") {
} else {
peopleList.filter(function (element, index, array) {
console.log("element: ", JSON.stringify(element));
return element.fullName == searchText;
console.log("Text types: ", searchText);
exports.showDetail = function(args) {
var person = peopleList.getItem(args.index);
var navigateEntry = {
moduleName: "views/people/people-detail",
context: { person: person },
animated: false
var config = require("./config");
var fetchModule = require("fetch");
var ObservableArray = require("data/observable-array").ObservableArray;
function PeopleListViewModel(people) {
var viewModel = new ObservableArray(people);
viewModel.load = function (userKey) {
return fetchModule.fetch(config.baseUrl + "/api/people/all/" + userKey)
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
.then(function (data) {
data.forEach(function (person) {
}, function (error) {
console.log("Error: ", error);
viewModel.empty = function () {
while (viewModel.length) {
return viewModel;
function handleErrors(response) {
if (!response.ok) {
console.log("Error occurred");
module.exports = PeopleListViewModel;
Updated people-list
var frames = require("ui/frame");
var Observable = require("data/observable").Observable;
var ObservableArray = require("data/observable-array").ObservableArray;
var PeopleListViewModel = require("../../shared/people-viewModel");
var activityIndicatorModule = require("ui/activity-indicator");
var page;
var userkey;
var peopleList = new PeopleListViewModel([]);
var pageData = new Observable({ peopleList: peopleList });
var resultList = new ObservableArray([]);
exports.pageLoaded = function(args) {
page = args.object;
page.bindingContext = pageData;
userkey = userkey || page.navigationContext.userkey;
var searchBar = page.getViewById("searchBar");
searchBar.on("propertyChange", function (args) {
var searchText = args.object.text;
if (searchText === "") {
} else {
while (resultList.length > 0) {
peopleList.forEach(function (element) {
if (element.fullName === searchText) {
I had the same issue. If you want to filter your data after every character has changed in search-bar you can try my solution.
My playerList is your peopleList. This is the data from view-model.
resultList is an array where the data will be pushed.
var observableArrayModule = require("data/observable-array").ObservableArray;
var playerList = new PlayerListViewModel([]);
var resultList = new observableArrayModule([]);
var pageData = new observableModule.Observable({
resultList: resultList,
player: ""
Inside expors.loaded()
page = args.object;
searchBar = page.getViewById("search-bar");
page.bindingContext = pageData;
Load Initial Data - inside expors.loaded()
We are loading initial data when user navigates to the screen for the first time. We are also pushing the same data to resultList since we are using {{resultList}} in xml. You can add loadingIndicator while the list is populated.
.then(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
playerList.forEach(function (element) {
}, 1000);
.catch(function(error) {
message: "An error occurred while loading players.",
okButtonText: "OK"
Clear autofocus - inside expors.loaded()
This is to prevent keyboard from opening on initial screen navigation.
if (searchBar.ios) {
} else if ( {;
Search data when character has changed - inside expors.loaded()
I am calling filter functionality. Lodash _.debounce function is used to delay looping through resultList array. Without it, the app would loop every time letter is typed. Now we are waiting for user to stop typing to start looping.
searchBar.on('propertyChange', _.debounce(searchList, 500));
searchList Function
This is the actual loop. You can change for your needs.
function searchList(args) {
var searchText = args.object.text;
while(resultList.length > 0) {
playerList.forEach(function (element) {
if ( >= 0) {
Hide keyboard if search-bar is cleared - inside exports.loaded()
And finally we want to hide the keyboard if user clears the search-bar.
searchBar.on(searchBarModule.SearchBar.clearEvent, function (args) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
You probably solved your issue, but this could help someone else in the future.
Okay so your problem is a Javascript problem than a NativeScript problem. For the sake of this problem, think of observable arrays as just your ordinary arrays.
In your JS you're creating a new PeopleListViewModel which you're then attaching to the bindingContext via the pageData object. So far so good. Then you're calling the load method on the PeopleListViewModel (It returns a promise which you're not really doing anything with but for this specific problem it doesn't matter).
However, when text is inputed you're not really doing anything. This is your code:
peopleList.filter(function (element, index, array) {
console.log("element: ", JSON.stringify(element));
return element.fullName == searchText;
peopleList is an instance of PeopleListViewModel which returns an ObservableArray. The ObservableArray does indeed have a method called filter (which works just like filter of a regular array. Check out the NativeScript documentation and Javascript documentation of filter).
What you need to understand here is that filter returns a new array with the filtered results. Doing peopleList.filter() will send that new array into empty space. You want to var yourNewFilteredArray = peopleList.filter(). But you don't really want to redefine the array bound to the binding context, you want to modify the content of it.
Here's an example of how you could do that:
* Attach a new obsersable array to the binding context.
* you can prepopulate it with the data from the
* PeopleListViewModel if you want to
var resultList = new ObservableArray([]);
var pageData = new Observable({ resultList: resultList });
* Then on search/filter you want to modify this new
* array. Here I first remove every item in it and then
* push matching items to it.
searchBar.on("propertyChange", function (args) {
var searchText = args.object.text;
// ...
while(resultList.length > 0) {
peopleList.forEach(function (element) {
if (element.fullName === searchText) {