Spring Cloud Contract issues retrieving stubs from Artifactory - spring-cloud

I have tests for two consumers and a producer working fine offline but the consumer tests fail when I change them for retrieving the stubs from Artifactory.
This is the code for working offline:
#SpringBootTest(classes = ContractTestConfiguration.class, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE)
#AutoConfigureStubRunner(ids = {"com.mycompany:service-name:+:stubs"}, workOffline = true)
public class MyContractTest
And this is for online:
#SpringBootTest(classes = ContractTestConfiguration.class, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE)
#AutoConfigureStubRunner(ids = {"com.mycompany:service-name:+:stubs"}, repositoryRoot = "https://artifactory.companyname.com/artifactory/artifacts-snapshot-local")
public class MyContractTest {
I get this error:
Exception occurred while trying to download a stub for group [com.mycompany] module [service-name] and classifier [stubs] in [remote0 (https://artifactory.mycompany.com/artifactory/artifacts-snapshot-local, default, releases+snapshots)]
org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactResolutionException: Could not find artifact com.mycompany.domain:service-name:jar:stubs:1.6.0-SNAPSHOT
I have looked in Artifactory and in https://artifactory.mycompany.com/artifactory/artifacts-snapshot-local and the stubs jar appears there. I have done a mvn install of the producer and when I run the tests again I get this error "The artifact was found in the local repository but you have explicitly stated that it should be downloaded from a remote one".
I have also tried adding to the consumers a dependency on the stubs of the producer but I get similar errors. And I would prefer to avoid it because it would add a dependency with the specific version of the producer:
I have added this to the POM file of the producer:
And this is the content of the file stub.xml that is under src/assembly:
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/assembly/1.1.3 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/assembly-1.1.3.xsd">
Any idea of what I am missing? Thanks in advance

I have looked in Artifactory and in https://artifactory.mycompany.com/artifactory/artifacts-snapshot-local and the stubs jar appears there. I have done a mvn install of the producer and when I run the tests again I get this error "The artifact was found in the local repository but you have explicitly stated that it should be downloaded from a remote one".
This happens when you install a stub locally, then try to download it from artifactory but SHAs are different, so Aether (engine that downloads stubs) picks the local one. In this case we throw an exception cause you wanted to download the stub from a remote location and not take it from the local one.
Exception occurred while trying to download a stub for group [com.mycompany] module [service-name] and classifier [stubs] in [remote0 (https://artifactory.mycompany.com/artifactory/artifacts-snapshot-local, default, releases+snapshots)]
org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactResolutionException: Could not find artifact com.mycompany.domain:service-name:jar:stubs:1.6.0-SNAPSHOT
This looks like in Artifactory you had the entry in some Maven metadata that the latest jar is 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT but the JAR is no longer there. Can you double check that it's actually there?
I have also tried adding to the consumers a dependency on the stubs of the producer but I get similar errors. And I would prefer to avoid it because it would add a dependency with the specific version of the producer:
That only proves that you have something messed up with your artifactory / project settings. Do things still don't work if you hardcode versions?
If your artifactory instance requires credentials or is behind a proxy you can use these values:
You can provide the stubrunner.username, stubrunner.password, stubrunner.proxyHost and stubrunner.proxyPort

Can stubrunner.username and stubrunner.password be provided in the #AutoConfigureStubRunner annotation? I have tried the following:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE)
#AutoConfigureStubRunner(ids = "com.mycompany.myproj:myservice:+:stubs:8100",
repositoryRoot = "http://artifactory.mycompany.com/artifactory/libs-snapshot-local",
properties = {"stubrunner.username=myusername", "stubrunner.password=mypassword"},
stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE)
class MyApiContractsVerificationTest {
The credentials are correct, and the stubs are correctly generated and deployed into the remote Artifactory repository. The tests run fine if I configure them to look in the local .m2/repository (removing the "repositoryRoot and "properties" annotation args), but with the above configuration I get the following error:
Could not find metadata com.mycommany.myproject:myservice/maven-metadata.xml in local (/Users/myname/.m2/repository),
org.eclipse.aether.transfer.MetadataTransferException: Could not transfer metadata com.mycommany.myproject:myservice/maven-metadata.xml from/to remote0 (http://artifactory.mycompany.com/artifactory/libs-snapshot-local): **Unauthorized (401)**]
I do clean the local .m2/repository of the stubs before I run the tests with the remote mode enabled, so there is no conflict.
Am I incorrectly providing the username and password? Is something incorrect or missing in the configuration?


Publish Spring Cloud Contract verification to Pact broker

Is it possible to publish Spring Cloud Contract Producer verification to a Pact broker?
You would have to convert the DSL to Pact files and then push those. So technically that is possible.
Update: We describe how to do this in the documentation - https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-contract/reference/html/howto.html#how-to-generate-pact-from-scc
Since in SO it seems that an answer "Check the docs" is not an accepted one, let me just copy paste the documentation
How Can I Generate Pact, YAML, or X files from Spring Cloud Contract Contracts?
Spring Cloud Contract comes with a ToFileContractsTransformer class that lets you dump contracts as files for the given ContractConverter. It contains a static void main method that lets you execute the transformer as an executable. It takes the following arguments:
argument 1 : FQN: Fully qualified name of the ContractConverter (for example, PactContractConverter). REQUIRED.
argument 2 : path: Path where the dumped files should be stored. OPTIONAL — defaults to target/converted-contracts.
argument 3 : path: Path were the contracts should be searched for. OPTIONAL — defaults to src/test/resources/contracts.
After executing the transformer, the Spring Cloud Contract files are processed and, depending on the provided FQN of the ContractTransformer, the contracts are transformed to the required format and dumped to the provided folder.
The following example shows how to configure Pact integration for both Maven and Gradle:
task convertContracts(type: JavaExec) {
main = "org.springframework.cloud.contract.verifier.util.ToFileContractsTransformer"
classpath = sourceSets.test.compileClasspath
"${project.rootDir}/build/pacts", "${project.rootDir}/src/test/resources/contracts")
After having the files generated at build/pacts or target/pacts you can use the Pact Gradle / Maven plugin to upload those files to the broker.

maven tycho load properties file for p2 repo locations

I want to have an external properties file with the locations of local p2 mirrors used in build, something like:
I want this to be an external file because I want to use it in maven and also in other scripts and I want to avoid having to duplicate the location in different languages.
I found out that I should use properties-maven-plugin to do that as follows
I would then want to use the read property in the repositories url in the same pom file
The problem is that Maven/Tycho loads the repositories well before any phase in the lifecycle and prints out this error
[INFO] Computing target platform for MavenProject: ...
[ERROR] Internal error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid repository URL: ${mirror.location}/eclipse/: no protocol: ${mirror.location}/eclipse/ -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.InternalErrorException: Internal error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid repository URL: ${mirror.location}/eclipse/
Any clues on how to use a properties file to specify repository urls?
The problem is that Maven/Tycho loads the repositories well before any phase in the lifecycle and prints out this error
This observation is correct. As long as Bug 353889 is not fixed, you cannot use the properties-maven-plugin to manipulate properties whose value Tycho requires during dependency resolution.
That being said, are you aware that you can declare mirrors in Maven’s setting.xml? This is IMHO a better place to declare settings likes mirrors, as you can then ensure that your main build build (as specified in the pom.xml) is self-contained, i.e., doesn't require external knowledge like system properties.
Lastly, note that you can reference environment variables like ${env.HOME} in your settings.xml. If you put your variables in a file and let the shell source it before the mvn invocation, you can re-use that file in other places as well (although it’s not 100% .properties file format).

how to include third parties library in maven-bundle-plugin(v2.3.7)

I am using servicemix(v4.5.3) and want to deploy my application(depends upon hundreds of third party library) as bundle via maven-bundle-plugin.
Below is my pom.xml
I've followed this for creating bundle, but when I execute mvn bundle:wrap than it convert the external jars into bundle and placed into target/classes folder of my project.
Now, my query is should I have to copy all bundle and placed into deploy folder of servicemix installation directory to run my application. I've followed this approach, but still I am getting some error in while my application starts.
Manifest file :
Imported Packages
com.dhtmlx.connector from dhtmlxgridConnector (476)
com.google.gson,version=[1.7,2) -- Cannot be resolved
com.googlecode.ehcache.annotations,version=[1.1,2) -- Cannot be resolved
com.hazelcast.core,version=[2.6,3) from com.hazelcast (437)
com.tinkerpop.blueprints -- Cannot be resolved
com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient -- Cannot be resolved
com.tinkerpop.frames -- Cannot be resolved
This is just a little part of my Manifest file of bundle. Here some bundle are still unresolved that I think the problem for starting my bundle.
And 2nd query: is there any better approach to handle all 3rd parties libraries while using maven-bundle-plugin.
waiting for some valuable suggestion.
When I need to convert a JAR to a bundle in Servicemix and import I use:
osgi:install -s wrap:file:////"jar_location Ex: /lib/ojdbc6-13.jar"
Execute shutdown command, choose yes option.
Now your JAR will be available as a bundle in ServiceMix.

AspectJ Maven Plugin <weaveDependency>

I am trying to use aspectj maven plugin in our project that has multiple modules. Following the instructions given in this link http://mojo.codehaus.org/aspectj-maven-plugin/weaveJars.html
I am using #Aspectj annotation. My aspect is in a separate maven module called
artifactId - consumer
And the class whose method i want to intercept or advice is in
artifactId - producer
I have added the following configuration in the pom file of the consumer module:
Also added "producer" as a dependency in the same pom file.
When i am doing mvn clean install for the consumer module the following information comes in the console.
[INFO] [aspectj:compile {execution: default}]
[INFO] Join point 'method-execution(void com.home.demo.producer.messaging.MomServiceEndpointListener.handle(com.home.messaging.service.MessageContext, com.home.messaging.service.MessageContext))' in
Type 'com.home.demo.producer.messaging.MomServiceEndpointListener' (MomServiceEndpointListener.java:21) advised by before advice from 'com.home.demo.ods.app.OdsConsumer' (OdsConsumer.java:38)
But while executing the application, it's not working. The aspect is not getting invoked.
I am not able to understand whether i am missing something.
Also i am having confusion whether the plugin configuration shown above should be in which module consumer(where my aspects are) or producer.
The problem is that weaveDependencies act like sources only.
Your consumer module takes original "sources" from weaveDependencies (producer), weaves them with aspects and put weaved classes into consumer(!!!) target/classes.
Therefore, producer artifact never knows about aspects and you use it unchanged.
You have to re-build a producer jar using classes from consumer/target/classes.
I don't think it's convenient, so i left my attempts to use this plugin in this way.
Also, several weaveDependencies will be merged into one scrap-heap of classes.
You better try Aspects from your external jar dependency and plugin config that is built into producer.

deploying a maven project

I have a maven project and I'd like to create a distribution of it with the dependencies. I've tried the maven-assembly-plugin and built the jar with dependencies, but that unpacked all of the jars and repackaged them all into a big, single jar. What I'd like is something like my jar file and a lib folder that has all of the dependencies. Then when I run it, I could run "java -cp lib/* my.package.MainClass".
What's the best way to go about doing this with maven? Or the recommended way to deploy?
I have used the Maven assembly just for that in my project.
First enable your plugin in your POM and call your assembly config :
<!--I recommend 2.1 as later versions have a bug that may
Duplicate files in your archive
<!--Executes the packaging along with the mvn package phase
<!--Relative path to your descriptor -->
Then in your descriptor you can decide how you want your layout to be before you package the whole thing
<!-- this will create an extra resource project-1.1.1-package.zip, you can
choose jar as well in the format-->
<!-- Insert here extra files as configs or, batch files, resources, docs etc-->
<!-- I like to integrate the jre as well... simplifies my deployement -->
<!-- This will scrub your dependencies and add them to your lib folder, I excluded
Test stuff as it is not needed, could have declared the resource as a test
only phase as well would not have had to exclude it here
This will create a zip file with the layout you have specified in your output directory config, package the whole thing as a zip file (you can choose zip, jar, war ...) and deploy it in my repository with the rest.
I skipped bits and pieces to make it simpler but my package expands to include batch files, dlls, config, doc and the JRE so everything needed is in the same zip... all is needed to run the thing is extract and click start.bat !
I could also probably make it in to a jar properly formatted with METADATA and just double click the jar itself to start it all, I did not need or have time to toy around this option but you may try it as well.
Beware of versions above 2.1 of the assembly plugin, it will create duplicate entries if your directives enable it to find the same file in different locations, this will give you a lib folder with the same jars repeating twice. not very dangerous as unzipping will collapse them but still annoying to have the unzip ask you if you want to overwrite files. Plus the fact that you do not know which won if somehow they turned out to be different in content.
Maven is great but I find that it is sometimes frustrating to get it working, Plus documentation can sometimes be hard to find and use. However, used appropriately it will save you tons of time.
good luck
You should be able to use the maven-jar plugin to package up an archive, specify the main class to execute along with the classpath. It can generate a manifest file for you for your project.