Url Routing by Deep Linking from App Component - ionic-framework

I'm trying to route by url from app.component.ts in ionic.
In a page component, I can do this by deep linking with -
segment: "my-component/:param1/:param2/:param3"
But then url includes the segment - my-site.com/#/my-component/:param1...
I just tried to add NavParams to app.component.ts and it threw an exception when trying to deep link. Without having to mess with url rewrites, is there a way to do this out of the box from the main app component so I get the root base?


Directing all 404 responses in Sails.js to index.html static asset for single page app?

I have a React 16 single-page application (created with create-react-app) that gets compiled into the build directory of my Sails 1.0 application, I've updated .sailsrc to point Sails at that directory for loading static assets instead, and when I load localhost:1337 everything works perfectly: the React application is loaded and it pulls data from the endpoints of my Sails app.
The problem is that I'm using React Router (with regular URL paths, not HashRouter) and so anything that outside of the main index.html page that should hit React Router instead gets a 404 from Sails. I've come across a number of answers from the past few years around this:
Sails.js Single Page Application (SPA) — redirect all missing/unused routes to a single controller action
Simple page app routes to same view or controller SailsJS
Sails js route static html
I don't want to redirect to a view or a controller, I want to simply send the static build/index.html file for any 404 responses. As for the last question in that list, I haven't been able to figure out how to wrangle that into what I want to do.
I have been able to do it by adding api/responses/notFound.js with the following content:
const fs = require('fs');
const content = fs.readFileSync('build/index.html');
module.exports = function notFound () {
return this.res.send(content.toString());
But that seems suuuuuper hacky. :P Is there any nicer way of accomplishing this?

Where do I have to import a page on Ionic 3?

I don't very understand, when I create a simple page with Ionic 3 with the following command ionic g page contact, where exactly have I to link the files and the page?
Only on src/app/app.module.ts with this line?
import { ContactPage } from '../pages/contact/contact';
Why do I need to push it on providers and declarations then? I have to do this for all the page my app will have?
And if I want create a link to this page, I have to import it too on the homepage's typescript file?
when you create a page using
ionic g page testpage
first we need to import it in app.module.ts file
import { TestpagePage } from '../pages/testpage/testpage';
and in declarations array and entryComponents array
declarations: [
entryComponents: [
We no need to push it into providers array. and for example, if you want to navigate to this page from homepage, then
-> import testpage in home.ts file
import { TestpagePage } from '../testpage/testpage';
and on button click event,
declarations :
In the declarations section we need to include all components and directives we create.If we don't include them here, we'll get an error when we try to use them because Angular won't be able to recognise them in our code.
In the entryComponents section we define any component that is only loaded by its type. This is the case for all Page components since these are all
loaded through the Navigation Controller.
Components that are loaded declaratively (i.e. are referenced in another component's template) don't need to be included in the entryComponents array.
So as you can see we have some duplication where we have to define our Page components in both the declarations and the entryComponents sections.
The reason for having this separate entryComponents section is so that Angular can compile a bundle for the app that will only include the components
that are actually used within the app.
In the providers section we can register services for dependency injection. When you register a service in the App Module, it can be used in all the
components in your app.
However, we don't need to include all our services here, we can also decide to register a service only for a specific component in its #Component
source: check this URL
We don't need to import a page to app.module.ts every time we create a page, that's anti DRY, boring and app.module.ts becomes fat
With the new ionic cli, we can generate a page like as:
ionic generate page pagename
This will generate the page as well as the corresponding module pagename.module.ts . Then you can refer it from any other page by name in STRING. For e.g.:

Angular4 - Change state from component not template

In AngularJS I used ui-router for redirecting inside of my app(changing state).
It has 2 possible options to redirect
In template ui-sref='stateName'
In controller $state.go()
I just start play with Angular (4) and I found only way how to change route from template with something like:
Template routerLink="routePath"
Is there some way as there was in ui-router to change route from component?
constructor(private router:Router) {}
changeRoute() {
// this.router.navigateByUrl(...)
See also https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/api/router/index/Router-class.html
you can navigate via router like this
or like this
Here router is an instance created in constructor, which is imported from router firstly, basically there is no difference between these two
First one accept array where as second one accept url in the form of string.

Angular JS 2 route with sails js

I'm trying to set up a sails js app with Angularjs 2 in front.
I Want to use the angularJS system routing and no sails js system.
How can I disable the sails route and let angular control them ?
This is my app.component.ts where I declare the route /account
import {View, Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {RouteConfig, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES} from 'angular2/router';
import {AccountComponent} from './account.component';
selector: 'my-app',
template: `<router-outlet></router-outlet>`,
#RouteConfig ([
{path: '/account', name: 'Account', component: AccountComponent}
export class AppComponent {
If I remove the route in config/routes.js, this doesn't work.
I try to disable some options in config.blueprint.js but nothing good.
I want to use Angular route to have an SPA and don't reload pages.
In fact, it's normal that you have an error when trying to access route directly without having a configuration on the server. In fact the actual address of a route is updating (and without # / hashbang approach) by Angular2 without any interaction with the server when using a route. The path doesn't exist on the server. If you load the HTML entry point file, everything will work fine. The only problem is when you try to access directly a route from its path...
By default, HTML5 history is used by Angular2. If you want not having this problem, you need to update your server to serve the index.html file for each route path you defined.
If you want to switch to the HashBang approach, you need to use this configuration:
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
import {provide} from 'angular2/core';
import {ROUTER_PROVIDERS} from 'angular2/router';
import {LocationStrategy, Location, HashLocationStrategy } from 'angular2/router';
import {MyApp} from './myapp';
bootstrap(MyApp, [
provide(LocationStrategy, {useClass: HashLocationStrategy}
In this case, when you refresh the page or access directly the page, it will be displayed again (but you will have a # in your address).
This link could help you as well:
Angular 2 : 404 error occur when i refresh through Browser
Hope it helps you,
I have to return "/" for all routes in config/routes.js and let angular to display others view.

Play Framework 2.4 routing: one route for multiple urls Scala

I have admin part in my project which use React.js and React router.
And I need to render the same view on each request which starts with /admin in case user hit Refresh or come straight to url.
I don't need to pass any parameters to view. How can it be done?
You can define your route like this in play:
/admin/*url controllers.Application.admin(url)