assign any val scala pureconfig during configuration read - scala

I know this is going against the very nature of Scala pureconfig ... however ...
Is it even feasible to implement with scala pureconfig configuration reading for this case class, so that instead of having strongly typed value( as String) for the constructor parameter "variable" to have Any type or at least String, Integer, Double, Array[Strings], Array[Integer], Array[Double].
case class Filter(
field: String,
operator: String,
variable: String // should support Int , Double , List[String], List[Int]
To my poor understanding, neither CoProductHint nor Custom Reader approach will work ...

By default pureconfig doesn't provide a way to read Any. If for a specific class you would like to read Any then you can define a codec for Any in the context of that class:
case class Filter(field: String, operator: String, variable: Any)
implicit val readFilter = {
implicit val readAny = new ConfigReader[Any] {
def from(config: ConfigValue): Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Any] = {
and then you can read Filter
val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(
field: "foo"
operator: "bar"
variable: []
// will print Right(Filter(foo,bar,[]))
unwrapped converts a ConfigValue to Any recursively.
So the answer is yes, it if possible to tell pureconfig how to read Any.
The reason why pureconfig doesn't provide the codec for Any by default is because Any is the ancestor of all the classes in Scala and it's impossible to create a codec for anything (e.g. database connections). When you know that you are expecting a restricted set of types, like the ones you listed, you can wrap everything in a coproduct:
sealed abstract class MySupportedType
final case class MyInt(value: Int) extends MySupportedType
final case class MyDouble(value: Double) extends MySupportedType
final case class MyListOfString(value: List[String]) extends MySupportedType
final case class MyListOfInt(value: List[Int]) extends MySupportedType
final case class Filter2(field: String, operator: String, variable: MySupportedType)
and then use the default way to extract the coproduct value or a custom codec for MySupportedType
val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(
field: "foo"
operator: "bar"
variable: {
type: mylistofint
value: []
// will print Right(Filter2(foo,bar,MyListOfInt(List())))
Using a coproduct instead of Any limits the possible values that variable can have and let the compiler help you if something is wrong with what you are doing.

You can make that field ANY:
scala> case class Filter(
| field: String,
| operator: String,
| variable: Any // should support Int , Double , List[String], List[Int]
| )
defined class Filter
scala> Filter("anurag","data",List(12,34))
res5: Filter = Filter(anurag,data,List(12, 34))
scala> Filter("anurag","data",List(12.12,34.12))
res6: Filter = Filter(anurag,data,List(12.12, 34.12))
scala> Filter("anurag","data",List("Hello","Hii"))
res8: Filter = Filter(anurag,data,List(Hello, Hii))


Return Generic Polymorphic Return Type in Scala

In an example below, I like to return any type of Container from the function getInfos and from the caller side to perform map with pattern matching however I get compiler error that I cannot return Container[_]. Is there a way to return Container of any type? If not, what is the best way to approach this?
trait Info[T] {
def value: T
case class ContainerAInfo(value: Long) extends Info[Long]
case class ContainerBInfo(value: String, value2: String) extends Info[String]
trait Container[T] {
def info: Info[T]
case class ContainerA[Long](projectionInfo: ContainerAInfo)
case class ContainerB[String](projectionInfo: ContainerBInfo)
def getInfos: Seq[Container[_]] = {
projectionInfo = ContainerAInfo(1L)
projectionInfo = ContainerBInfo("12", "12")
Long and String in
case class ContainerA[Long](...)
case class ContainerB[String](...)
are not standard Long (scala.Long) and String (scala.Predef.String aka java.lang.String). You introduce new generics shadowing standard Long and String. It's better to switch on scalacOptions += "-Xlint:type-parameter-shadow" to avoid such confusion
Type Arguments and Bounds in Scala
What causes this type error in a pattern guard for matching list of tuples
Strange Error with String in Scala 2.12.7
Type parameters applied to Scala Function
I suspect ContainerA and ContainerB are supposed to extend Container, don't they? So a minimal change to your code making it compile is
case class ContainerA(info: ContainerAInfo) extends Container[Long]
case class ContainerB(info: ContainerBInfo) extends Container[String]
def getInfos: Seq[Container[_]] = {
info = ContainerAInfo(1L)
info = ContainerBInfo("12", "12")
Container[_] is an existential type, a minimal supertype of all Container[T], including Container[Long], Container[String], Container[Any]
scala - Any vs underscore in generics
Understanding scala's _ vs Any/Nothing
What is an existential type?
You can consider making the hierarchy covariant and using Seq[Container[Any]]:
trait Info [+T] {
def value: T
case class ContainerAInfo (value: Long) extends Info [Long]
case class ContainerBInfo (value: String, value2: String) extends Info [String]
trait Container [+T] {
def projectionInfo: Info [T]
case class ContainerA (projectionInfo: ContainerAInfo) extends Container [Long]
case class ContainerB (projectionInfo: ContainerBInfo) extends Container [String]
def getInfos: Seq [Container [Any]] =
Seq (
ContainerA (
projectionInfo = ContainerAInfo (1L)
), ContainerB (
projectionInfo = ContainerBInfo ("12", "12")
Though possibly it will not be that useful.

Get only super class fields

case class Person(name: String,
override val age: Int,
override val address: String
) extends Details(age, address)
class Details(val age: Int, val address: String)
val person = Person("Alex", 33, "Europe")
val details = person.asInstanceOf[Details] // ???
println(details) // I want only Details class fields
I have these 2 classes. In reality, both have a lot of fields. Somewhere, I need only field of superclass, taken from Person class.
There is a nice way to get only super class values and not mapping them field by field?
*I'm pretty sure I'll have some problems with json writes for class Details (which is not a case class and have not a singleton object, but this is another subject)
If I get your question correctly, then you might be asking me runtime polymorphism or dynamic method dispatch from java.
If so, you may have to create both the class and not case class
class Details( val age: Int, val address: String)
class Person(name: String,
override val age: Int,
override val address: String
) extends Details(age, address) {
Now create the object of person and reference to superclass (Details)
val detail:Details = new Person("Alex", 33, "Europe")
This way you will be able to get the only address and age
Another way is like , why can't we create the Details a separate entity like:
case class Details( age: Int, address: String)
case class Person(name: String,
details: Details
val detail = Person("Alex", Details(10,"Europe") )
I will post a solution that leverages scala macro system (old kind, not the newest introduced with Scala 3.0). It could be an overkill for you...
BTW, if you want to access to only parent values (for example for getting key, value pair), you can:
given a type tag, get all parents;
from them, extract all the accessors (vals);
for each val, get its value;
and finally returns a list with all accessors taken
So, I try to solve each point step by step.
First of all, we have to write the macro definition as:
object Macros {
def accessors[T](element : T): String = macro MacrosImpl.accessors[T]
object MacrosImpl {
def accessors[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Expr[String] = ...
for the first point, we can leverage the reflection macroprogramming API using c.universe:
import c.universe._
val weakType = weakTypeTag[T] //thanks to the WeakTypeTag typeclass
val parents = weakType.tpe.baseClasses
for the second point, we can iterate over the parent classes and then take only the public accessors:
val accessors = parents
So, for example, if the we write Macros.accessors[Details](person), accessors will yield age and address.
To take the value, we can leverage quasiqouting. So, first we take only the values name:
val names = accessors
Then we convert them into a TermName:
val terms =
And finally, we convert each term to a key value tuple containing the val name and its value:
val accessorValues = terms
.map(name => c.Expr[(String, Any)](q"(${name.toString}, ${element}.${name})"))
The last step consist in convert a Seq[Expr[(String, Any)] into a Expr[Seq[(String, Any)]. A way to do that, could be leveraging recursion, reify, and splicing expression:
def seqToExprs(seq: Seq[Expr[(String, Any)]]): c.Expr[Seq[(String, Any)]] =
seq.headOption match {
case Some(head) =>
Seq((head.splice._1, head.splice._2)) ++
case _ => c.Expr[Seq[(String, Any)]](q"Seq.empty")
So now I decide to return a String representation (but you can manipulate it as you want):
val elements = seqToExprs(accessorValues)
You can use it as:
import Macros._
class A(val a : Int)
class B(val b : Int) extends A(b)
class C(val c: Int) extends B(c)
val c = new C(10)
println(accessors[C](c)) // prints (a, 10)(b, 10)(c, 10)
println(accessors[B](c)) // prints (a, 10)(b, 10)
println(accessors[A](c)) // prints (a, 10)
And, using your example:
// Your example:
case class Person(name: String,
override val age: Int,
override val address: String
) extends Details(age, address)
class Details(val age: Int, val address: String)
val person = Person("Alex", 33, "Europe")
println(accessors[Details](person)) // prints (address,Europe)(age,33)
println(accessors[Person](person)) // prints (address,Europe)(age,33)(name,Alex)
Here there is a repository with the macro implemented.
Scala 3.0 introduce a safer and cleaner macro system, if you use it and you want to go further you can read these articles:
macros tips and tricks
short tutorial
another tutorial

Type safety when optional field is guaranteed to be present

Let's say I have a following case class:
case class Product(name: String, categoryId: Option[Long]/*, other fields....*/)
Here you can see that categoryId is optional.
Now let's say I have a following method in my DAO layer:
getCategoryProducts(): List[Product] = {
// query products that have categoryId defined
You see, that this method returns products, that are guaranteed to have categoryId defined with some value.
What I would like to do is something like this:
trait HasCategory {
def categoryId_!: Long
// and then specify in method signature
getCategoryProducts(): List[Product with HasCategory]
This will work, but then such a product will have two methods: categoryId_! and categoryId that smells bad.
Another way would be:
sealed trait Product {
def name: String
/*other fields*/
case class SimpleProduct(name: String, /*, other fields....*/) extends Product
case class ProductWithCategory(name: String, categoryId: Long/*, other fields....*/) extends Product
def getCategoryProducts: List[ProductWithCategory] = ...
This method helps to avoid duplicate methods categoryId and categoryId_!, but it requires you to create two case classes and a trait duplicating all the fields, which also smells.
My question: how can I use Scala type system to declare this specific case without these fields duplications ?
Not sure how much this will scale for your particular case, but one solution that comes to mind is to parameterize over the Option type using a higher-kinded generic type:
object Example {
import scala.language.higherKinds
type Id[A] = A
case class Product[C[_]](name: String, category: C[Long])
def productsWithoutCategories: List[Product[Option]] = ???
def productsWithCategories: List[Product[Id]] = ???
A way to do it is to use type classes -
import scala.language.implicitConversions
object Example {
sealed class CartId[T]
implicit object CartIdSomeWitness extends CartId[Some[Long]]
implicit object CartIdNoneWitness extends CartId[None.type]
implicit object CartIdPresentWitness extends CartId[Long]
case class Product[T: CartId](name: String, categoryId: T /*, other fields....*/)
val id: Long = 7
val withId = Product("dsds", id)
val withSomeId = Product("dsds", Some(id))
val withNoneId = Product("dsds", None)
val presentId: Long = withId.categoryId
val maybeId: Some[Long] = withSomeId.categoryId
val noneId: None.type = withNoneId.categoryId
val p = Product("sasa", true) //Error:(30, 18) could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type com.novak.Program.CartId[Boolean]
This solution involves some code and dependent on implicits but does what you're trying to achieve.
Be aware that this solution is not completely sealed and can be 'hacked'. You can cheat and do something like -
val hack: Product[Boolean] = Product("a", true)(new CartId[Boolean])
val b: Boolean =hack.categoryId
For some more - advanced solutions which include
* Miles Sabin (#milessabin)’s Unboxed union types in Scala via the Curry-Howard isomorphism
* Scalaz / operator

How to add reusable field to Scala Enumeration?

I would like to extend Scala's implementation of Enumeration with a custom field, say label. That new field should be accessible via the values of that enumeration. Furthermore, that custom field should be part of various implementations of Enumeration.
I am aware of the following questions at Stackoverflow:
How to add a method to Enumeration in Scala?
How do I create an enum in scala that has an extra field
Overriding Scala Enumeration Value
Scala doesn't have enums - what to use instead of an enum
However, none of them solves my issues:
The first issue is that I am able to add a custom field. However, I cannot access that additional field via the Values returned by Enumeration.values. The following code works and prints 2nd enumeration value:
object MyEnum extends Enumeration {
type MyEnum = MyVal
val VALUE_ONE = MyVal()
val VALUE_TWO = MyVal(Some("2nd enumeration value"))
val VALUE_THREE = MyVal(Some("3rd value"))
case class MyVal(label: Option[String] = None) extends Val(nextId)
import MyEnum._
Note that I access the label via one of the values. The following code does not work:
for (value <- MyEnum.values) println(value.label)
The error message is as follows: error: value label is not a member of MyEnum.Value
Obviously, instead of MyEnum.MyVal, MyEnum.Val is used. The latter does not define label, while my custom value would provide field label.
The second issue is that it seems to be possible to introduce a custom Value and Val, respectively, in the context of an Enumeration only. Thus, as far as I know, it is not possible to use such a field across different enums. At least, the following code does not compile:
case class MyVal(label: Option[String] = None) extends Enumeration.Val(nextId)
object MyEnum extends Enumeration {
type MyEnum = MyVal
val VALUE_ONE = MyVal()
val VALUE_TWO = MyVal(Some("2nd enumeration value"))
object MySecondEnum extends Enumeration {
type MySecondEnum = MyVal
val VALUE_ONE = MyVal()
val VALUE_TWO = MyVal(Some("2nd enumeration value"))
Due to the fact that class Val is protected, case class MyVal cannot access Val -- MyVal is not defined in the context of an enumeration.
Any idea how to solve the above issues?
The first issue is addressed by a recent question, my answer to which got no love.
For that use case, I would write a custom widgets method with the useful type, but my linked answer, which just introduces an implicit conversion, seems pretty handy. I don't know why it's not the canonical solution.
For the second issue, your derived MyVal should just implement a trait.
scala> trait Labelled { def label: Option[String] }
defined trait Labelled
scala> object A extends Enumeration { case class AA(label: Option[String]) extends Val with Labelled ; val X = AA(Some("one")) }
defined object A
scala> object B extends Enumeration { case class BB(label: Option[String]) extends Val with Labelled ; val Y = BB(None) }
defined object B
scala> val labels = List(A.X, B.Y)
labels: List[Enumeration#Val with Product with Labelled] = List(X, Y)
scala> labels map (_.label)
res0: List[Option[String]] = List(Some(one), None)

Read case class object from string in Scala (something like Haskell's "read" typeclass)

I'd like to read a string as an instance of a case class. For example, if the function were named "read" it would let me do the following:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val personString: String = "Person(Bob,42)"
val person: Person = read(personString)
This is the same behavior as the read typeclass in Haskell.
dflemstr answered more towards setting up the actual read method- I'll answer more for the actual parsing method.
My approach has two objects that can be used in scala's pattern matching blocks. AsInt lets you match against strings that represent Ints, and PersonString is the actual implementation for Person deserialization.
object AsInt {
def unapply(s: String) = try{ Some(s.toInt) } catch {
case e: NumberFormatException => None
val PersonRegex = "Person\\((.*),(\\d+)\\)".r
object PersonString {
def unapply(str: String): Option[Person] = str match {
case PersonRegex(name, AsInt(age)) => Some(Person(name, age))
case _ => None
The magic is in the unapply method, which scala has syntax sugar for. So using the PersonString object, you could do
val person = PersonString.unapply("Person(Bob,42)")
// person will be Some(Person("Bob", 42))
or you could use a pattern matching block to do stuff with the person:
"Person(Bob,42)" match {
case PersonString(person) => println( + " " + person.age)
case _ => println("Didn't get a person")
Scala does not have type classes, and in this case, you cannot even simulate the type class with a trait that is inherited from, because traits only express methods on an object, meaning that they have to be "owned" by a class, so you cannot put the definition of a "constructor that takes a string as the only argument" (which is what "read" might be called in OOP languages) in a trait.
Instead, you have to simulate type classes yourself. This is done like so (equivalent Haskell code in comments):
// class Read a where read :: String -> a
trait Read[A] { def read(s: String): A }
// instance Read Person where read = ... parser for Person ...
implicit object ReadPerson extends Read[Person] {
def read(s: String): Person = ... parser for Person ...
Then, when you have a method that depends on the type class, you have to specify it as an implicit context:
// readList :: Read a => [String] -> [a]
// readList ss = map read ss
def readList[A: Read] (ss: List[String]): List[A] = {
val r = implicitly[Read[A]] // Get the class instance of Read for type A _)
The user would probably like a polymorphic method like this for ease of use:
object read {
def apply[A: Read](s: String): A = implicitly[Read[A]].read(s)
Then one can just write:
val person: Person = read[Person]("Person(Bob,42)")
I am not aware of any standard implementation(s) for this type class, in particular.
Also, a disclaimer: I don't have a Scala compiler and haven't used the language for years, so I can't guarantee that this code compiles.
Starting Scala 2.13, it's possible to pattern match a Strings by unapplying a string interpolator:
// case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
"Person(Bob,42)" match { case s"Person($name,$age)" => Person(name, age.toInt) }
// Person("Bob", 42)
Note that you can also use regexes within the extractor.
Which in this case, helps for instance to match on "Person(Bob, 42)" (age with a leading space) and to force age to be an integer:
val Age = "[ ?*](\\d+)".r
"Person(Bob, 42)" match {
case s"Person($name,${Age(age)})" => Some(Person(name, age.toInt))
case _ => None
// Person = Some(Person(Bob,42))
The answers on this question are somewhat outdated. Scala has picked up some new features, notably typeclasses and macros, to make this more easily possible.
Using the Scala Pickling library, you can serialize/deserialize arbitrary classes to and from various serialization formats:
import scala.pickling._
import json._
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val person1 = Person("Bob", 42)
val str = person1.pickle.value // { tpe: "Person", name: "Bob", age: 42 }
val person2 = JSONPickle(str).unpickle[Person]
assert(person1 == person2) // Works!
The serializers/deserializers are automatically generated at compile time, so no reflection! If you need to parse case classes using a specific format (such as the case class toString format), you can extend this system with your own formats.
The uPickle library offers a solution for this problem.
Scala uses Java's serialization stuff, with no String representation.