Sum of multiplication of unequal vectors - matlab

I have two vectors:
a = [1 2 3 4 5]
b = [1; 2]
Every element in a will multiply to every element in b. The sum of the result is the final output. i.e.
The code should remain applicable to a large size vector. Is it possible to code without for loop?

That's normal matrix multiplication combined with sum.
sum((b * a).', 2) %I'll prefer this since it uses one less transpose
sum(a.' * b.', 2)


Windowed subtraction of vectors that are not same size and then finding the mean of results

Good day,
I have a question what I want to achieve without the loop if possible. As title says I need to do windowed subtraction of vectors that are not same size and then finding the mean of results.
As example, let say that we have vector a = [2 3 4 5 6] and vector b = [1 2].
Program will have to move window with smaller numbers of elements (in this example vector b) over bigger one (vector a) and make operations on that way so it starts in first two elements in vector a and make subtraction with vector b and then sum results and find mean.
In this example it will just make calculation of subtraction 2-1 = 1, 3-2 = 1, summing results 1+1=2 and divide them with 2 (because vector b is that size). Final result is 1.
Then we move window on second elements of vector a (value 3 and 4 there, or index 2 and 3) and repeat process to the last elements of vector a.
For final result we need to get vector c who consist of elements [1 2 3 4] for this example.
Is this possible to do without looping because I have data sets over 10k of size. Thanks in advance
I can solve it with only one loop, iterating through "b" (two loops in your example).
Declare vectors (as columns! This is needed for matlabs computations to work)
a = [2 3 4 5 6]';
b = [1 2]';
Declare matrix for computed results. Each column represents subtractions of elements in "a" with one of the elements in "b".
c = zeros(length(a)-length(b)+1,length(b));
for k = 1:length(b)
c(:,k) = a(k:length(a)-length(b)+k)-b(k);
Now just sum the elements in "c" row wise and divide by length of "b" to get the mean
result = sum(c,2)/length(b);
You can simplify this for your exact example, but this is a generic solution for any vetors "a" and "b", where "b" is the smaller vector.

Calculation the elements of different sized matrix in Matlab

Can anybody help me to find out the method to calculate the elements of different sized matrix in Matlab ?
Let say that I have 2 matrices with numbers.
A=[1 2 3;
4 5 6;
7 8 9]
B=[10 20 30;
40 50 60]
At first,we need to find maximum number in each column.
In this case, Ans=[40 50 60].
And then,we need to find ****coefficient** (k).
Coefficient(k) is equal to 1 divided by quantity of column of matrix A.
In this case, **coefficient (k)=1/3=0.33.
I wanna create matrix C filling with calculation.
Example in MS Excel.
H4 = ABS((C2-C6)/C9)*0.33+ABS((D2-D6)/D9)*0.33+ABS((E2-E6)/E9)*0.33
I4 = ABS((C3-C6)/C9)*0.33+ABS((D3-D6)/D9)*0.33+ABS((E3-E6)/E9)*0.33
J4 = ABS((C4-C6)/C9)*0.33+ABS((D4-D6)/D9)*0.33+ABS((E4-E6)/E9)*0.33
And then (Like above)
H5 = ABS((C2-C7)/C9)*0.33+ABS((D2-D7)/D9)*0.33+ABS((E2-E7)/E9)*0.33
I5 = ABS((C3-C7)/C9)*0.33+ABS((D3-D7)/D9)*0.33+ABS((E3-E7)/E9)*0.33
J5 = ABS((C4-C7)/C9)*0.33+ABS((D4-D7)/D9)*0.33+ABS((E4-E7)/E9)*0.33
C =
0.34 =|(1-10)|/40*0.33+|(2-20)|/50*0.33+|(3-30)|/60*0.33
0.28 =|(4-10)|/40*0.33+|(5-20)|/50*0.33+|(6-30)|/60*0.33
0.22 =|(7-10)|/40*0.33+|(8-20)|/50*0.33+|(9-30)|/60*0.33
0.95 =|(1-40)|/40*0.33+|(2-50)|/50*0.33+|(3-60)|/60*0.33
0.89 =|(4-40)|/40*0.33+|(5-50)|/50*0.33+|(6-60)|/60*0.33
0.83 =|(7-40)|/40*0.33+|(8-50)|/50*0.33+|(9-60)|/60*0.33
Actually A is a 15x4 matrix and B is a 5x4 matrix.
Perhaps,the matrices dimensions are more than this matrices (variables).
How can i write this in Matlab?
Thanks you!
You can do it like so. Let's assume that A and B are defined as you did before:
A = vec2mat(1:9, 3)
B = vec2mat(10:10:60, 3)
A =
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
B =
10 20 30
40 50 60
vec2mat will transform a vector into a matrix. You simply specify how many columns you want, and it will automatically determine the right amount of rows to transform the vector into a correctly shaped matrix (thanks #LuisMendo!). Let's also define more things based on your post:
maxCol = max(B); %// Finds maximum of each column in B
coefK = 1 / size(A,2); %// 1 divided by number of columns in A
I am going to assuming that coefK is multiplied by every element in A. You would thus compute your desired matrix as so:
cellMat = arrayfun(#(x) sum(coefK*(bsxfun(#rdivide, ...
abs(bsxfun(#minus, A, B(x,:))), maxCol)), 2), 1:size(B,1), ...
'UniformOutput', false);
outputMatrix = cell2mat(cellMat).'
You thus get:
outputMatrix =
0.3450 0.2833 0.2217
0.9617 0.9000 0.8383
Seems like a bit much to chew right? Let's go through this slowly.
Let's start with the bsxfun(#minus, A, B(x,:)) call. What we are doing is taking the A matrix and subtracting with a particular row in B called x. In our case, x is either 1 or 2. This is equal to the number of rows we have in B. What is cool about bsxfun is that this will subtract every row in A by this row called by B(x,:).
Next, what we need to do is divide every single number in this result by the corresponding columns found in our maximum column, defined as maxCol. As such, we will call another bsxfun that will divide every element in the matrix outputted in the first step by their corresponding column elements in maxCol.
Once we do this, we weight all of the values of each row by coefK (or actually every value in the matrix). In our case, this is 1/3.
After, we then sum over all of the columns to give us our corresponding elements for each column of the output matrix for row x.
As we wish to do this for all of the rows, going from 1, 2, 3, ... up to as many rows as we have in B, we apply arrayfun that will substitute values of x going from 1, 2, 3... up to as many rows in B. For each value of x, we will get a numCol x 1 vector where numCol is the total number of columns shared by A and B. This code will only work if A and B share the same number of columns. I have not placed any error checking here. In this case, we have 3 columns shared between both matrices. We need to use UniformOutput and we set this to false because the output of arrayfun is not a single number, but a vector.
After we do this, this returns each row of the output matrix in a cell array. We need to use cell2mat to transform these cell array elements into a single matrix.
You'll notice that this is the result we want, but it is transposed due to summing along the columns in the second step. As such, simply transpose the result and we get our final answer.
Good luck!
This post is dedicated to Luis Mendo and Divakar - The bsxfun masters.
Assuming by maximum number in each column, you mean columnwise maximum after vertically concatenating A and B, you can try this one-liner -
sum(abs(bsxfun(#rdivide,bsxfun(#minus,permute(A,[3 1 2]),permute(B,[1 3 2])),permute(max(vertcat(A,B)),[1 3 2]))),3)./size(A,2)
Output -
ans =
0.3450 0.2833 0.2217
0.9617 0.9000 0.8383
If by maximum number in each column, you mean columnwise maximum of B, you can try -
sum(abs(bsxfun(#rdivide,bsxfun(#minus,permute(A,[3 1 2]),permute(B,[1 3 2])),permute(max(B),[1 3 2]))),3)./size(A,2)
The output for this case stays the same as the previous case, owing to the values of A and B.

For large sparse matrices in MATLAB, compute the cumulative sum across the columns for non-zero entries?

In MATLAB have a large matrix with transition probabilities transition_probs, and an adjacency matrix adj_mat. I want to compute the cumulative sum of the transition matrix along the columns and then element wise multiply it against the adjacency matrix which acts as a mask in this way:
cumsumTransitionMat = cumsum(transition_probs,2) .* adj_mat;
I get a MEMORY error because with the cumsum all the entries of the matrix are then non-zero.
I would like to avoid this problem by only having the cumulative sum entries where there are non zero entries in the first place. How can this be done without the use of a for loop?
when CUMSUM is applied on rows, for each row it will go and fill with values starting with the first nonzero column it finds up until the last column, thats what it does by definition.
The worst case in terms of storage is when the sparse matrix contains values at the first column, the best case is when all nonzero values occur at the last column. Example:
% worst case
>> M = sparse([ones(5,1) zeros(5,4)]);
>> MM = cumsum(M,2); % completely dense matrix
>> nnz(MM)
ans =
% best case
>> MM = cumsum(fliplr(M),2);
If the resulting matrix does not fit in memory, I dont see what else you can do, except maybe use a for-loop over the rows, and process the matrix is smaller batches...
Note that you cannot apply the masking operation before computing the cumulative sum, since this will alter the results. So you cant say cumsum(transition_probs .* adj_mat, 2).
You can apply cumsum on the non-zero elements only. Here is some code:
A = sparse(round(rand(100,1))); %some sparse data
A_cum = A; %instantiate A_cum by copy A
idx_A = find(A); %find non-zeros
A_cum(idx_A) = cumsum(A(idx_A)); %cumsum on non-zeros elements only
You can check the output with
B = cumsum(A);
A_cum B
1 1
0 1
0 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
0 5
0 5
6 6
and isequal(A_cum(find(A_cum)), B(find(A_cum))) gives 1.

make operation on two successive elements in a vector in matlab

I have a vector A= [4 7 10] what I want to do is to sum every two elements and put the result in a new vector. So for example vector B= [11,17] which is the the sum of 4+7 and 7+10.
So if anyone could advise me how can I do this without loops.
In my view it is:
B = A(1:end-1) + A(2:end);
Here is an alternative that will be easy to generalize should you want to add groups of 3 or 4 etc in the future:
n = 2
conv(A, ones(1, n), 'valid')
You can do this
B = A(:,1:end-1) + A(:,2:end);
This code doesn't limit to just row vector. It will work on MxN matrix as well.

Creating matrix from two vectors of (duplicated) indices in MATLAB

Suppose now I have two vectors of same length:
A = [1 2 2 1];
B = [2 1 2 2];
I would like to create a matrix C whose dim=m*n, m=max(A), n=max(B).
C = zeros(m,n);
for i = 1:length(A)
u = A(i);
v = B(i);
and get
C =[0 2;
1 1]
More precisely, we treat the according indices in A and B as rows and columns in C, and C(u,v) is the number of elements in {k | A(i)=u and B(i)=v, i = 1,2,...,length(A)}
Is there a faster way to do that?
Yes. Use sparse. It assembles (i.e., sums up) the matrix values for repeating row-column pairs for you. You need an additional vector with the values that will be assembled into the matrix entries. If you use ones(size(A)), you will have exactly what you need - counting of repeated row-column pairs
spA=sparse(A, B, ones(size(A)));
ans =
0 2
1 1
The same can be obtained by simply passing scalar 1 to sparse function instead of a vector of values.
For matrices that have a large number of zero entries this is absolutely crucial that you use sparse storage. Another function you could use is accumarray. It can essentially do the same thing, but also works on dense matrix structure:
AA=accumarray([A;B]', 1);
AA =
0 2
1 1
You can pass size argument to accumarray if you want to create a matrix of specific size
AA=accumarray([A;B]', 1, [2 3]);
AA =
0 2 0
1 1 0
Note that you can actually also make it produce sparse matrices, and use a different operator in assembly (i.e., not necessarily a sum)
AA=accumarray([A;B]', 1, [2 3], #sum, 0, true)
will produce a sparse matrix (last parameter set to true) using sum for assembly and 0 as a fill value, i.e. a value which is used in cases a given row-column pair does not exist in A/B.