Anyone booted ecos with u-boot? - porting

I need to port ecos on new platform board with u-boot.
Everywhere I am able to find Porting guide for ecos with redboot.
Did anyone booted ecos with u-boot?
I got some link which tells it's possible to boot ecos with u-boot?
But I am not able to find any document regarding that.
I tried following following procedure to boot ecos with u-boot
compiled ecos 3.0
ecosconfig new
ecosconfig tree
cross compiled and generated sample hello_world elf linking library
generated in previous make.
Powered on the board and stopped at u-boot(prebuilt u-boot already in
Transferred hello_world to a load_addr(entry point address of RAM) through tftp
bootelf load_addr
But it got hanged as follows,
bootelf 0x820000bc
Loading .rom_vectors # 0x82000000 (204 bytes)
Loading .text # 0x820000cc (224132 bytes)
When I try loading at address 0x81000000 It proceed further as follows,
bootelf 0x81000000
Loading .rom_vectors # 0x82000000 (204 bytes)
Loading .text # 0x820000cc (207960 bytes)
Loading .rodata # 0x82032d28 (7296 bytes)
Loading .data # 0x820349a8 (2544 bytes)
Loading .ctors # 0x82035398 (80 bytes)
Loading .dtors # 0x820353e8 (56 bytes)
Loading .devtab # 0x82035420 (608 bytes)
Clearing .sbss # 0x82035680 (276 bytes)
Clearing .bss # 0x82035798 (313052 bytes)
## Starting application at 0x820000bc ...
But hangs after the above line. My ELF file size is around 1.9 MB. Will it make a problem?
Note: RAM size - 8 MB (0x80000000 - 0x88000000)

It shouldn't be hard. If you have an ELF file, bootelf will boot it.


How can I solve the error "Failed to parse flash type or unrecognized flash type" on STM32 board?

I tried to run the benchmarking code at here
When I try to flash the binary like st-flash write benchmark-kindi256342.bin 0x8000000, an error occurs as following.
st-flash 1.7.0-233-gc7bcb52
Failed to parse flash type or unrecognized flash type
2023-01-06T14:53:14 INFO common.c: STM32F4x5_F4x7: 192 KiB SRAM, 8193 KiB flash in at least 16 KiB pages.
file benchmark-kindi256342.bin md5 checksum: 3fa07ff1b92e1f518836528be256b098, stlink checksum: 0x00be4029
2023-01-06T14:53:14 INFO common_flash.c: Attempting to write 98588 (0x1811c) bytes to stm32 address: 134217728 (0x8000000)
EraseFlash - Sector:0x0 Size:0x4000 -> Flash page at 0x8000000 erased (size: 0x4000)
EraseFlash - Sector:0x1 Size:0x4000 -> Flash page at 0x8004000 erased (size: 0x4000)
EraseFlash - Sector:0x2 Size:0x4000 -> Flash page at 0x8008000 erased (size: 0x4000)
EraseFlash - Sector:0x3 Size:0x4000 -> Flash page at 0x800c000 erased (size: 0x4000)
EraseFlash - Sector:0x4 Size:0x10000 -> Flash page at 0x8010000 erased (size: 0x10000)
2023-01-06T14:53:17 INFO flashloader.c: Starting Flash write for F2/F4/F7/L4
2023-01-06T14:53:17 INFO flash_loader.c: Successfully loaded flash loader in sram
2023-01-06T14:53:17 INFO flash_loader.c: Clear DFSR
2023-01-06T14:53:17 INFO flash_loader.c: Clear CFSR
2023-01-06T14:53:17 INFO flash_loader.c: Clear HFSR
2023-01-06T14:53:17 INFO flashloader.c: enabling 32-bit flash writes
2023-01-06T14:53:19 INFO common_flash.c: Starting verification of write complete
2023-01-06T14:53:19 ERROR common_flash.c: Verification of flash failed at offset: 0
stlink_fwrite_flash() == -1
The first error is Failed to parse flash type or unrecognized flash type and the second is ERROR common_flash.c: Verification of flash failed at offset: 0.
How can I solve this error?
I use STM32F407G board and linux using VMWare.
I tried
st-flash --connect-under-reset --reset write build/h7a3zi_test.bin 0x08000000,
but it doesn't work.
Also I tried re-plug all the cables and it doesn't work too.

ESP32 JTAG Programming fails at Verification

The code is working. I can build it and to mention. it was working, i could upload it to my custom made ESP32 board. From all of a sudden it stopped working. Tried with different PCB boards also different cables.
I somehow resolved my problem so i can program it, but now i get a verification error after Programming Finished
Here is my complete log from terminal.
Processing esp32dev (platform: espressif32; board: esp32dev; framework: espidf)
Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option
PLATFORM: Espressif 32 (3.4.0) > Espressif ESP32 Dev Module
HARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash
DEBUG: Current (esp-prog) External (esp-prog, iot-bus-jtag, jlink, minimodule, olimex-arm-usb-ocd, olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h, olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h, olimex-jtag-tiny, tumpa)
- framework-espidf 3.40301.0 (4.3.1)
- tool-cmake 3.16.4
- tool-esptoolpy 1.30100.210531 (3.1.0)
- tool-mkspiffs 2.230.0 (2.30)
- tool-ninja 1.9.0
- tool-openocd-esp32 2.1000.20210721 (10.0)
- toolchain-esp32ulp 1.22851.191205 (2.28.51)
- toolchain-riscv32-esp 8.4.0+2021r1
- toolchain-xtensa-esp32 8.4.0+2021r1
- toolchain-xtensa-esp32s2 8.4.0+2021r1
Reading CMake configuration...
LDF: Library Dependency Finder ->
LDF Modes: Finder ~ chain, Compatibility ~ soft
Found 0 compatible libraries
Scanning dependencies...
No dependencies
Building in debug mode
Retrieving maximum program size .pio/build/esp32dev/firmware.elf
Checking size .pio/build/esp32dev/firmware.elf
Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect"
RAM: [= ] 10.1% (used 32992 bytes from 327680 bytes)
Flash: [======== ] 75.7% (used 794197 bytes from 1048576 bytes)
Configuring upload protocol...
AVAILABLE: esp-prog, espota, esptool, iot-bus-jtag, jlink, minimodule, olimex-arm-usb-ocd, olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h, olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h, olimex-jtag-tiny, tumpa
CURRENT: upload_protocol = esp-prog
Uploading .pio/build/esp32dev/firmware.bin
Open On-Chip Debugger v0.10.0-esp32-20210721 (2021-07-21-13:34)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
debug_level: 1
adapter speed: 20000 kHz
WARNING: boards/esp-wroom-32.cfg is deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
adapter speed: 2000 kHz
** Programming Started **
** Programming Finished **
** Verify Started **
Error: **** Verification failure! ****
Error: target_hash cbc6a9...992065
Error: file_hash: 773d62...93803f
embedded:startup.tcl:449: Error: ** Verify Failed **
in procedure 'program_esp'
in procedure 'program_error' called at file "/Users/USER/.platformio/packages/tool-openocd-esp32/share/openocd/scripts/target/esp_common.cfg", line 135
at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 449
*** [upload] Error 1

PlatformIO:[upload] Error 2 with esp8266 ESP-07 board

I use VSCODE to create project. I create a project and select ESp-07 board and ESP8266 RTOS SDK framework then create a main.c file in src directory and copy content of main.c file of esp8266-rtos-sdk-blink example to my project main.c file. it compile successfully but when i want to upload it to my board following error occur :
Processing esp07 (platform: espressif8266; framework: esp8266-rtos-sdk; board: esp07)
Verbose mode can be enabled via -v, --verbose option
PLATFORM: Espressif 8266 2.3.2 > Espressif Generic ESP8266 ESP-07
HARDWARE: ESP8266 80MHz, 80KB RAM, 4MB Flash
PACKAGES: toolchain-xtensa 1.40802.0 (4.8.2), framework-esp8266-rtos-sdk 1.5.0-beta.5, tool-esptool
1.413.0 (4.13), tool-esptoolpy 1.20800.0 (2.8.0), tool-mkspiffs 1.200.0 (2.0)
LDF: Library Dependency Finder ->
LDF Modes: Finder ~ chain, Compatibility ~ soft
Found 0 compatible libraries
Scanning dependencies…
No dependencies
Building in release mode
Retrieving maximum program size .pio\build\esp07\firmware.elf
Checking size .pio\build\esp07\firmware.elf
Advanced Memory Usage is available via “PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect”
DATA: [==== ] 36.3% (used 29754 bytes from 81920 bytes)
PROGRAM: [======= ] 73.9% (used 278664 bytes from 376832 bytes)
Configuring upload protocol…
AVAILABLE: espota, esptool
CURRENT: upload_protocol = esptool
Looking for upload port…
Auto-detected: COM3
Uploading .pio\build\esp07\firmware.bin v2.8
Serial port COM3
Chip is ESP8266EX
Features: WiFi
Crystal is 26MHz
MAC: 5c:cf:7f:33:a6:e6
Uploading stub…
Running stub…
Stub running…
Configuring flash size…
Auto-detected Flash size: 1MB
A fatal error occurred: File C:\Users\MrTavakoli.platformio\packages\framework-esp8266-rtos-sdk\bin\esp_init_data_default.bin (length 128) at offset 4177920 will not fit in 1048576 bytes of flash. Use --flash-size argument, or change flashing address.
*** [upload] Error 2
I test my board with Arduino framework successfully.
Thanks you
I use esp01-1M board instead of esp07 board and compile then upload to esp07 board successfully.
again change board to esp07 and add
board_upload.maximum_size = 1048576
to platformio.ini file and compile and upload toesp07` board successfully.
I found 1048576 value from esp01_1m.json file.

Trouble building u-boot for gumstix overo on yocto "thud" release

Attempting to build a yocto image using the "thud" release, bitbake fails on building the version of u-boot that comes with the meta-gumstix thud branch, which is 2016.03 (which seems antique?).
The error I'm seeing is regarding conflicting types, e.g.
ERROR: u-boot-v2016.03+gitAUTOINC+df61a74e68-r0 do_compile: oe_runmake failed
/home/kwisatz/yocto-new/build/tmp/work/overo-poky-linux-gnueabi/u-boot/v2016.03+gitAUTOINC+df61a74e68-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/include/libfdt_env.h:71:30: error: conflicting types for 'fdt64_t'
typedef uint64_t FDT_BITWISE fdt64_t;
Searching the Internet for that, one quickly comes across a range of threads explaining that the problem is the libfdt-dev.h header that comes with the dtc package. Some recommend to blacklist or uninstall the dtc package, but from what I see, it's explicitly required by the u-boot recipe in the gumstix layer for yocto:
DEPENDS += "dtc-native"
See also
However, in the thread linked to above, we're talking versions 2018.01 and 2018.03, not 2016.03
The poky layer for thud brings u-boot 2018.07 which builds fine, but with that one, my overo (Airstorm-Y) won't boot anymore:
Booting from nand with DTS...
UBI: attaching mtd1 to ubi0
UBI: scanning is finished
UBI: attached mtd1 (name "mtd=4", size 1013 MiB) to ubi0
UBI: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 129024 bytes
UBI: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 512
UBI: VID header offset: 512 (aligned 512), data offset: 2048
UBI: good PEBs: 8108, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
UBI: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
UBI: max/mean erase counter: 1/0, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1485359018
UBI: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 8108, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 160
** File not found /boot/omap3-overo-storm-tobi.dtb **
Loading file '/boot/zImage' to addr 0x82000000 with size 5097744 (0x004dc910)...
Kernel image # 0x82000000 [ 0x000000 - 0x4dc910 ]
ERROR: Did not find a cmdline Flattened Device Tree
Could not find a valid device tree
I'm not entirely sure if this boot problem is related to the u-boot build or to the kernel image that I've built (see my previous thread)?
Any tips on how I could solve this issue? Is there a more recent version of u-boot in a gumstix layer for yocto that I haven't discovered just yet, or do you have any other tips on how I could get a working yocto image for my overo?
P.S. Note that during the build, I'm also seeing these warning, but I don't think there's an actual problem here:
WARNING: u-boot-v2016.03+gitAUTOINC+df61a74e68-r0 do_patch:
Some of the context lines in patches were ignored. This can lead to incorrectly applied patches.
The context lines in the patches can be updated with devtool:
devtool modify <recipe>
devtool finish --force-patch-refresh <recipe> <layer_path>
Then the updated patches and the source tree (in devtool's workspace)
should be reviewed to make sure the patches apply in the correct place
and don't introduce duplicate lines (which can, and does happen
when some of the context is ignored). Further information:
Applying patch 0006-duovero-Read-eeprom-over-i2c.patch
patching file board/gumstix/duovero/duovero.c
patching file include/configs/duovero.h
Hunk #2 succeeded at 50 with fuzz 2 (offset -4 lines).
Now at patch 0006-duovero-Read-eeprom-over-i2c.patch
If you're looking for a new (development, not stable) image for the Overo I would recommend the Warrior branch
It has been tested and confirmed working for the Overo. The Thud branch was added to our repo to add support for the Raspberry Pi CM3+. For an older (stable) image, I would recommend Morty
At least for me, with the same issue, i just removed
DEPENDS += "dtc-native"
and build completed.

Accessing real frame buffer of PCI card

I am trying to access the framebuffer on my systems VGA controller card.
lscpi -vn gives:
00:02.0 0300: 8086:2a02 (rev 0c) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
Subsystem: 1028:022f
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 45
Memory at fea00000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=1M]
Memory at e0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
I/O ports at eff8 [size=8]
Expansion ROM at <unassigned> [disabled]
Capabilities: [90] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit-
Capabilities: [d0] Power Management version 3
Kernel driver in use: i915
Now, I access the device and I get:
fb_base = pci_resource_start( devp, 0 ); **output: FEA00000**
fb_size = pci_resource_len( devp, 0 ); **output: 1MB**
So the range of framebuffer is FEA00000 - FEB00000
But from the lspci -vn output This region is non prefetchable.
Does that mean I am not pointing to the frame buffer at all.
Is my framebuffer at address E0000000:
The driver currently using the resource is the Intel i915
So maybe when I request region or IRQ it can clash if not shared by that driver.
If I remove the i915 rmmod it to insmod my driver, will my screen go blank.
Please help.