Associate extensionless files to Bash - visual-studio-code

My Bash scripts do not have any extensions nor shebang line. How can I avoid having to select the syntax highlighter when I open every file for this project?

The files.associations setting allows matching against arbitrary glob patterns, not just file extensions. For instance, for a Bash script named start, you could have the following in your workspace's settings.json:
"files.associations": {
"start": "shellscript"
You can also have a comma-separated list of file names between {}:
"files.associations": {
"{start,stop}": "shellscript"


Show current branch on terminal

Is there any way to show in Terminal of VS Code to show in brackets current branch? I saw it somewhere but not sure how it can be done. By some extension or whatever..
C:/myUser/project> git status
I would like to see it something like:
C:/myUser/project>(master) git status
Open zshrc file
open ~/.zshrc
Add this text in the end of zshrc file
autoload -Uz vcs_info
precmd() { vcs_info }
zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' formats 'on branch %b'
PROMPT='%n in ${PWD/#$HOME/~} ${vcs_info_msg_0_} > '
Source zshrc file
source ~/.zshrc
For Linux Terminal
You can modify the PS1 variable. PS1 is a Bash Environment Variable that represents the primary prompt string which is displayed when the shell is ready.
You can achieve your result by modifying this variable with a script.
First, get the output of your current value of the variable by running
$ echo $PS1
Sample output:[\u#\h \W]$
Now you save the following code in a bash file(Remember to replace the initial string of export PS1 with the output of the above command).
source ~/.bashrc
get_cur_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/'
export PS1="[\u#\h \W]\$(get_cur_branch)\$ "
Let's say path of the file is "/home/samar/Documents/"
Now change your VS code settings by adding the following lines in 'settings.json'
"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.linux": [
Now each time you open a new terminal in VS code, script file "" will execute and you get the desired output.
For Windows-Powershell
The solution above works well for the Linux terminal. But if you want to do it for another command-line shell-like Powershell, you can change the 'setting.json' to
"": [
"-Command", "c:/scripts/myscript.ps1"
where 'myscript.ps1' must have a function 'prompt' definition to add git branch to your prompt.
You can refer this question for your 'myscript.ps1' code.
You don't need to change 'Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1'. Defining it in another file works too.
I hope it helps.

Can I set the VS Code default EOL based on file type?

Working with .sh files on Windows causes issues when running them in Linux Docker containers if they have EOL of CRLF. Can I make VS Code always work with LF for specific file type such as .sh while still using CRLF for all others?
I only find "files.eol": "\r\n" in settings, but this is global.
I understand you can change this in the bottom toolbar on a per-file basis, but I would like this to be the default for all .sh files.
In your settings window, go to
Settings > Text Editor > Files > Eol option. You'll fine following available options there
- \n
- \r\n
- auto (default)
Here \n represents LF, \r\n represents CRLF, and auto use the operating system specific EL operator.
Select your option and save.
VS Code: version 1.13.3
You can use EditorConfig.
Install the editorconfig extension, and then add a .editorconfig file at the root of your project with this:
end_of_line = crlf
end_of_line = lf
But as #axiac said, I would recommend to always use lf...
EDIT : I was a bit "premature" with this answer. But it now works as of v1.40. See
You can do this in vscode without an extension. You can make a language-specific setting:
In the command palette, search for "Configure language specific", select it and choose "shellscript" from the language options:
This will create the following in your settings:
"[shellscript]": {
Now add in whatever you want to apply to shellscript files only like (not all settings will work in there but most do):
"[shellscript]": {
"files.eol": "\n"
The end-of-line sequence is used for new files. For existing files,
the existing end-of-line sequence is always preserved. To change the
end-of-line sequence for an existing file, use the Change End Of Line
Sequence command.

Are there variables for current file or folder in the VS Code terminal?

When in the terminal pane, I would like to reference the file or folder of the active editor tab via environment variable or PowerShell variable (preferred). Something like this:
ii $vsActivePath
ii $vsActiveFile
Is this possible?
Not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for but you can get access to various variables in vs code such as:
${workspaceRoot} the path of the folder opened in VS Code
${workspaceRootFolderName} the name of the folder opened in VS Code without any slashes (/)
${file} the current opened file
Full details can be found here
They have added some new variables and it contains ${fileDirname} which is the path to the directory where your current ${file} is.
The documentation seems to be a bit misleading here.
Those are the current available options:
${workspaceFolder} - the path of the folder opened in VS Code
${workspaceFolderBasename} - the name of the folder opened in VS Code without any slashes (/)
${file} - the current opened file
${relativeFile} - the current opened file relative to workspaceFolder
${fileBasename} - the current opened file's basename
${fileBasenameNoExtension} - the current opened file's basename with no file extension
${fileDirname} - the current opened file's dirname
${fileExtname} - the current opened file's extension
${cwd} - the task runner's current working directory on startup
${lineNumber} - the current selected line number in the active file
The closest I've found is this: You can set up a keybinding which sends text to the terminal.
In keybindings.json, add an entry like this:
"key": "ctrl+shift+f",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
"args": { "text": "${relativeFile}" },
"when": "terminalFocus"
As you can see, variable substitution works, so you can insert the file, relative file, path, etc. (as described in Sn0wfreeze's answer)
Also note, I used a "when" clause in my example in order to politely override an existing shortcut only when the terminal is the active focus. This is optional.
I think this is distinctly less good than having a variable to type in-line, but it's been good enough for my day-to-day. You could probably get fancy with sequenced shortcuts to give lots of options, such as:
ctrl+f, ctrl+f => ${file}
ctrl+f, ctrl+r => ${relativeFile}
ctrl+f, ctrl+d => ${fileDirname}
Original source on

rename command doesn't rename

This should work on my CentOS 6.6 but somehow the file name is not changed. What am I missing here?
rename -f 's/silly//' sillytest.zi
This should rename sillytest.zi to test.zi but the name is not changed. Of course I can use mv command but I want to apply to many files and patterns.
There are two different rename utilities commonly used on GNU/Linux systems.
util-linux version
On Red Hat-based systems (such as CentOS), rename is a compiled executable provided by the util-linux package. It’s a simple program with very simple usage (from the relevant man page):
rename from to file...
rename will rename the specified files by replacing the first occurrence of from in their name by to.
Newer versions also support a useful -v, --verbose option.
NB: If a file already exists whose name coincides with the new name of the file being renamed, then this rename command will silently (without warning) over-write the pre-existing file.
Fix the extension of HTML files so that all .htm files have a four-letter .html suffix:
rename .htm .html *.htm
Example from question
To rename sillytest.zi to test.zi, replace silly with an empty string:
rename silly '' sillytest.zi
Perl version
On Debian-based systems ,rename is a Perl script which is much more capable
as you get the benefit of Perl’s rich set of regular expressions.
Its usage is (from its man page):
rename [ -v ] [ -n ] [ -f ] perlexpr [ files ]
rename renames the filenames supplied according to the rule specified as the first argument.
This rename command also includes a -v, --verbose option. Equally useful is its -n, --no-act which can be used as a dry-run to see which files would be renamed. Also, it won’t over-write pre-existing files unless the -f, --force option is used.
Fix the extension of HTML files:
rename s/\.htm$/.html/ *.htm

zsh zstyle: autocomplete extensions and directories

How do I write a zstyle rule that matches specific file extensions and directories? For instance, I want the pylint tool to match only *.py files, but also all directories (in case I need to search for a nested file); the following doesn't seem to include them.
zstyle ":completion:*:*:pylint:*" file-patterns "*.py"
The *(-/) glob will match directories, so simply add it to "*.py", like so:
zstyle ":completion:*:*:pylint:*" file-patterns "*.py *(-/)"