Scala.js Source Map Debug Breakpoints Disabled in Browser - scala.js

I'm attempting to debug my scala.js application in the chrome browser and I can't seem to get any breakpoints to work.
Does anyone know how to enable the breakpoints?


only one launchdarkly client can exist at a time but another client already exists?, and other odd devtools warnings

When running our react web application both locally and in production, I am receiving the following errors and warnings in the Console. This error appears in the Console tab of Chrome Dev Tools when I am running our react web application both locally and in production.
The only warning or error that makes a modicum of sense is the error as we have a link to a YouTube video on our home page, and perhaps we are not properly displaying the video.
I am at a complete loss for the rest of these warnings/errors and how to resolve them. We do not use LaunchDarklyClient in our web application at all. These DevTools failed to load source map:... warnings don't provide any context, and the links lead to no where.
Notably, when I run our website in incognito mode, the LaunchDarklyClient error goes away, as do the DevTools failed to load... warnings. Does that mean these warnings/errors are potentially due to some chrome extensions I am using, or something else related to my local chrome?
I did some testing by toggling extensions on and off:
adblock plus 3.16 is responsible for DevTools failed to load source map:... warnings
compose AI 1.0.0-rc1 is responsible for LaunchDarklyClient errors
unrecognized feature: web-share is not related to any of my extensions (still getting this warning when toggling all extensions off)
Still not sure if there's a way to hide or remove these warnings/errors other than to disable these chrome extensions.

How to debug Angular SPA in either vs2019 or vscode

This may be a stupid question, but I can't figure out how to debug my whole application in either vscode or vs2019 community. If I use vs2019, I can debug the api, controllers, etc just fine, but can't debug the typescript or js. If I use vscode, I can debug the typescript, but it doesn't make the calls to the api so the app locks up...
Any suggestions? I've tried the google extension in vscode but still can't debug the typescript code.
Thanks in advance.
You do it in the Chrome dev tools, hit F12 in Chrome and go to the sources tab. Hit ctrl-p to search for the source file. You can set break point in the TypeScript.

Ionic 3, HTTP native vs. HttpClient

I am struggling to make HTTP native or HttpClient get to work for my app.
If I run ionic serve -c I get HttpClient working good on my browser at localhost:8100 and in Ionic Dev App. If I build for Android though, HttpClient fails thus I decided to give HTTP Native a try.
Then I don't understand how I could get some console log if that native plugin is not supported from Ionic Dev App (here says), neither I can see on my browser cause of Cordova is not present.
Is there a way to log on a device to debug HTTP Native?
You should debug your application connect your phone to your laptop and
Open your Google Chrome Browser
Go to Inspect (Ctrl + Shift +I)
Go To More Tools enter image description here
Open Remote devices and inspect your device
For more information click here
You wont see native http calls log to the browser since they are called native from the device and never are called from the browser, but if you are debugging while connected to xcode, the xcode debugging output should give some information about your native HTTP calls success and failure.
Following #vd_virani answer, here is a quick link to inspect a device from Chrome
Plug your device via USB, then copy & paste this link in your Chrome address bar like a website.

Service-worker.js not available in the for debugging in the chrome dev tools

I understand service-worker runs as a separate thread parallel to the main thread.
I have an android app that runs Webview. My app is in react and i use workbox strategies for caching.
Service worker updates everytime I do a new build. However the source file of service-worker.js is not available in the chrome dev tools for me to debug.
Any idea how i can get the file there so that i can put breakpoints and debug ?
PS: just few days before i could get the file for debugging the dev tools. I am not sure what has changed. I havent changed any settings the the browser.
I'm having the exact same problem with the same symptoms and timeframe. I tried everything I can think of and can no longer get remote debugging of a service worker running in an Android WebView to work.
Like you I am sure it was working in mid-February and stopped working in the last few weeks.
I submitted a bug to Google which you can find here.
I think we can only hope it will be fixed in an upcoming release of Chrome.
You can inspect your extension's service worker but it's tricky, I don't know why Chrome doesn't show the service worker in the default chrome extension devtools.
here is how you can do it:
open chrome://serviceworker-internals/?devtools
find your extension there, there is a textarea that shows console logs, every console log will show the extension path in chrome e.g.
Console: {"lineNumber":688,"message":"[crx-helper] connection error","message_level":3,"sourceIdentifier":3,"sourceURL":"chrome-extension://aobpjedackhiamobjolncblfckdgfjbk/background.bundle.js"}
get that sourceUrl chrome-extension://aobpjedackhiamobjolncblfckdgfjbk/background.bundle.js yours will have a different id, which you can also see in chrome://extensions
paste that path in a new tab and open devtools (screenshot).

Cannot start Chrome in dev mode from within Eclipse

When trying to start a Chrome browser in dev mode from Eclipse (launcher type "Launch Chrome), I get the following error message in a window:
"Error Launching Application"
"Could not launch browser - process terminated while trying to connect. Try closing any running Chrome instances.."
That's all. There is nothing in the Eclipse error log or consoles and the suggestion has no effect.
Does anybody know of a way I can get a more detailed error message, if not a solution, can I kick this off from a console, for instance? Thank you.
first set your default browser in eclipse as chrome -
path for that is as follows - in eclipse go to
Windows --> browser --> chrome
Then on your application, right click
Run as --> run on server (chose any server of your choice )
This should directly open in chrome .
Also please make sure in your chrome you have this plugin added - GWT dev mode.
It is called as - Super Dev Mode, and it is supported in chrome.