How can I see values saved in CloudKit Dashboard? - cloudkit

So I was able to save data in the dashboard, but I'm only able to see the keys in Cloudkit's dashboard. How do I actually see the values for the keys?
Here is my code:

In the CloudKit Dashboard, click Records in the menu. In Records, make sure "Loads From:" is set to "Public Database." Press the "Query Records" button and it should load any records that have been saved to the public database.


Filter grafana dashboard list to show only dashboards with allerts

I want to create a "dashboard list" in grafana and show only dashboards that have an alert in "Alerting/Firing" state.
A alert list is not working for me, as it has no more a link to the dashboard. (Ok you see the dashboard id, but I need something to klick)
I try to do it with a query but I dont find any documentation for the query syntax in the dashboard list.

PowerApps- how to create a form where users can edit or delete rows that have been submitted

What I have:
As of now, I have created a Form (editable) where the user can enter their Name, Number, and Birthday, then hit the submit button, and that data is then entered into a Data Table. This information is also stored into Google Sheets for which I have created a flow. (when the user hits "submit", trigger the data to be updated into the google sheet).
What I need:
I would like users to be able to mess with the submitted data in the app itself (add a row, delete a row when you click on it, edit the row's info, etc), so essentially my powerapp is a nice front end for the Google Sheet. Is it possible to mess with the data once it is entered into the data table?
Any help how to do this would be appreciated.
I believe you started building Canvas app from scratch, so the screen has list below and "Add screen" on top. This way you have to introduce the Edit screen/operation & save changes using PATCH command.
There is another way: Create an app automatically from your data in PowerApps. This will give you the Browse Screen, Detail Screen & Edit Screen (aka New record screen) by default with all the Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations right away using the Connection - Google sheet in your case.
Video tutorial for assistance

Is it possible to view a list of all documents written by myself in Confluence?

Alright, I wrote many documents in Confluence. Now I want to reread one of my document, but it's in a long list of documents written by my team.
I think it would be faster to find the document if I can view a list of all the documents written by myself, but is it possible? How?
Go to "People" link in your Confluence site and search for user name. Click on your name returned in search result and it will take you to your "Activity" page. Below link is from Confluence latest version.
In a Confluence page click the + icon and select Other macros:
Select the Content by User macro
Add your username and select yourself.
Then save and view the page. You should see a list of every page created by you (or any user entered).
Note: This will also show you images uploaded seperately, so you may have to filter a bit.

tiki-wiki: how do i force newly created pages into a category based on the user's group?

I need for certain users to only be able to create pages in certain categories based on their permissions. One reason for this is approvals ("flagged revisions"). If a user can create content outside of any category, then it could show up live on the web site. Even thought it wouldn't initially be linked anywhere directly in an existing page (except other unapproved pages) this can still be a problem.
I can prevent the user from creating a new page in the global scope (apparently this corresponds simply to "edit" permissions as I don't see a special permission for creating new pages), and then I can grant them permission to edit pages in the category their group is authorized to edit. But I can no longer see the "Menu:Wiki:Create a Wiki Page" option, and I can't figure out how to allow the user to create a new page in that category.
I can edit the group and set the "Default category assigned to uncategorized objects edited by a user with this default group" to the desired category. When I do that, a user in that group now has a "Create a Wiki Page" option show up in the Menu:Wiki sub-menu, but clicking on that does not bring up a new page for editing; instead if just brings up a list of existing wiki pages, without the option to create a new one!
If I create a link to the new page from an existing page, I am unable to edit it in any way. Clicking the link takes me to a page which indicates that the page does not exist, but which does not provide any way to edit it. Putting the title of the page directly in the URL, as in tiki-editpage.php?page=New+Page+Name brings up a "You do not have permission to edit this page" error page. Since any new page created by the user should have the category they have permission to edit, this does not make sense unless the category isn't set until after the initial edit permission check occurs, which creates a catch-22!
How do I let the user create a new page in any of the categories they have permissions to edit in?
If Categories are not the best tool for the task that's okay too. I don't really understand the difference between Categories and Structures with regards to which is better for what I'm trying to accomplish, however it seems Categories are the more "native" feature, which is why I am trying to use them.

Update Dashboard Without Using Submit Button in Jasperserver

This is the case: I have a dashboard in my jasperserver, and I have a dropdown as an input control in it. What I must do if I want the dashboard to be auto-updated when I change the value in the dropdown, so I don't have to put a Submit button? (And not using auto-interval for the update)
I also have two reports inside the dashboard, but I want it to be updated separately, without causing other report to be reprocessed, how can I do that?