Removing extra commas from csv file in perl - perl

I have a multiple CSV files each with a different amount of entries each with roughly 300 lines each.
The first line in each file is the Data labels
Person_id, person_name, person_email, person_address, person_recruitmentID, person_comments... etc
The Rest of the lines in each file contain the data
"0001", "bailey", "123 fake, street", "", "0001", "this guy doesnt know how to get rid of, commas!"... etc
I want to get rid of commas that are in between quotation marks.
I'm currently going through the Text::CSV documentation but its a slow process.

A good CSV parser will have no trouble with this since commas are inside the quoted fields, so you can simply parse the file with it.
A really nice module is Text::CSV_XS, which is loaded by default when you use the wrapper Text::CSV. The only thing to address in your data is the spaces between fields since they aren't in CSV specs, so I use the option for that in the example below.
If you indeed must remove commas for further work do that as the parser hands you lines.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Text::CSV;
my $file = 'commas_in_fields.csv';
my $csv = Text::CSV->new( { binary => 1, allow_whitespace => 1 } )
or die "Cannot use CSV: " . Text::CSV->error_diag ();
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";
my #headers = #{ $csv->getline($fh) }; # if there is a separate header line
while (my $line = $csv->getline($fh)) { # returns arrayref
tr/,//d for #$line; # delete commas from each field
say "#$line";
This uses tr on $_ in the for loop, thus changing the elements of the array iterated over themselves, for conciseness.
I'd like to repeat and emphasize what others have explained: do not parse CSV by hand, since trouble may await; use a library. This is akin to parsing XML and similar formats: no regex please, but libraries.

Let's get this out of the way: you cannot read a CSV by just splitting on commas. You've just demonstrated why; commas might be escaped or inside quotes. Those commas are totally valid, they're part of the data. Discarding them mangles the data in the CSV.
For this reason, and others, CSV files must be read using a CSV parsing library. To find which commas are data and which commas are structural also requires parsing the CSV using a CSV parsing library. So you won't be saving yourself any time by trying to remove the commas from inside quotes. Instead you'll give yourself more work while mangling the data. You'll have to use a CSV parsing library.
Text::CSV_XS is a very good, very fast CSV parsing library. It has a ton of features, most of which you do not need. Fortunately it has examples for doing most common actions.
For example, here's how you read and print each row from a file called file.csv.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use v5.10; # for `say`
use Text::CSV_XS;
# Open the file.
open my $fh, "<", "file.csv";
# Create a new Text::CSV_XS object.
# allow_whitespace allows there to be whitespace between the fields
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({
allow_whitespace => 1
# Read in the header line so it's not counted as data.
# Then you can use $csv->getline_hr() to read each row in as a hash.
# Read each row.
while( my $row = $csv->getline($fh) ) {
# Do whatever you want with the list of cells in $row.
# This prints them separated by semicolons.
say join "; ", #$row;


Remove mysterious line breaks in CSV file using Perl

I have a CSV file that I'm parsing using Perl. The file is a BOM produced by Solidworks 2015 that was saved as an XLS file, then opened in Excel and saved as a CSV file.
There are cells that have line breaks. When I read a line with such a cell from the file, the line comes in with the line breaks. For example, here is one of the lines read looks like this:
001",PDSI,"2.25"" DIA. X 8.00""",A2,513,1,
It reads in as a single line in Perl.
When I turn the Show All Characters in Notepad++, I can see the line breaks are cause by [CR][LF].
So I thought this would work to remove the line feeds:
$line =~ s/[\r\n]+//g;
but it does not.
You don't give much of a sample of your CSV data, but what you show is perfectly valid. A text field may contain newlines if you wish, as long as it is enclosed in double-quotes
The Text::CSV module will process it quite happily as long as you enable the binary option in the constructor call, and you may reformat the data as you wish before you write it back out again
This program expects the path to the input file as a parameter on the command line, and it will write the modified data to STDOUT, which you can redirect on the command line, like this
$ perl input.csv > output.csv
I've assumed that your data contains only 7-bit ASCII data, and it should work whether you're running it on a Windows system or on Linux
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
my ($csv_file) = #ARGV;
use Text::CSV;
open my $fh, '<', $csv_file or die qq{Unable to open "$csv_file" for input: $!};
my $csv = Text::CSV->new( { binary => 1 } );
while ( my $row = $csv->getline( $fh ) ) {
tr/\r\n//d for #$row;
print $csv->string, "\n";
74,,74,1,1,SJ-TL303202-DET-074-001,PDSI,"2.25"" DIA. X 8.00""",A2,513,1,

Perl: string formatting in tab delimited file

I have no background in programming whatsoever, so I would appreciate it if you would explain how and why any code you recommend should be written the way it is.
I have a data matrix 2,000+ samples, and need to do the following manipulate the format in one column.
I would also like to manipulate the format of one of the columns so that it is easier to merge with my other matrix. For example, one column is known as sample number (column #16). The format is currently similar to ABCD-A1-A0SD-01A-11D-A10Y-09, yet I would like to change it to be formatted to the following ABCD-A1-A0SD-01A. This will allow me to have it in the right format so that I can merge it with another matrix. I seem to not be able to find any information on how to proceed with this step.
The sample input should look like this:
I want the last three extensions removed. The output sample should look like this:
Finally, the matrix that I want to merge with has a different layout, in other words the number of columns and rows are different. This is a issue when I tackle the next step which is merging the two matrices together. The original matrix has about 52 columns and 2,000+ rows, whereas the merging matrix only has 15 column and 467 rows.
Each row of the original matrix has mutational information for a patient. This means that the same patient with the same ID might appear many times. The second matrix contains the patient information, so no patients are repeated in that matrix. When merging the matrix, I want to make sure that every patient mutation (each row) is matched with its corresponding information from the merging matrix.
My sample code:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $file = 'sorted_samples_2.txt';
open(INFILE, $file) or die "Can't open file: $!\n";
open(my $outfile, '>', 'sorted_samples_changed.txt');
foreach my $line (<INFILE>) {
print "The input line is $line\n";
my #columns = split('\t', $line);
($columns[15]) = $columns[15]=~/:((\w\w\w\w-\w\d-\w|\w\w-\d\d\w)+)$/;
printf $outfile "#columns/n";
Issues: The code deletes the header and deleted the string in column 16.
A few issues about your code:
Good job on include use strict; and use warnings;. Keep doing that
Anytime you're doing file or directory processing, include use autodie; as well.
Always use lexical file handles $infh instead of globs INFILE.
Use the 3 parameter form of open.
Always process a file line by line using a while loop. Using a for loop loads the entire file into memory
Don't forget to chomp your input from a file.
Use the line number variable $. if you want special logic for your header
The first parameter of split is a pattern. Use /\t/. The only exception to this is ' ' which has special meaning. Currently your introducing a bug by using a single quoted string.
When altering a value with a regex, try to focus on what you DO want instead of what you DON'T. In this case it looks like you want 4 groups separated by dashes, and then truncate the rest. Focus on matching those groups.
Don't use printf when you mean print.
The following applies these fixes to your script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
my $infile = 'sorted_samples_2.txt';
my $outfile = 'sorted_samples_changed.txt';
open my $infh, '<', $infile;
open my $outfh, '>', $outfile;
while (my $line = <$infh>) {
chomp $line;
my #columns = split /\t/, $line;
if ($. > 1) {
$columns[15] =~ s/^(\w{4}-\w\d-\w{4}-\w{3}).*/$1/
or warn "Unable to fix column at line $.";
print $outfh join("\t", #columns), "\n";
You need to define scope for your variables with 'my' in declaration itself when you use 'use strict'.
In your case, you should use my #sort = sort {....} in first line and
you should have an array reference $t defined somewhere to de-reference it in second line. You don't have #array declared anywhere in this code, that is the reason you got all those errors. Make sure you understand what you are doing before you do it.

How to parse a CSV file containing serialized PHP?

I've just started dabbling in Perl, to try and gain some exposure to different programming languages - so forgive me if some of the following code is horrendous.
I needed a quick and dirty CSV parser that could receive a CSV file, and split it into file batches containing "X" number of CSV lines (taking into account that entries could contain embedded newlines).
I came up with a working solution, and it was going along just fine. However, as one of the CSV files that I'm trying to split, I came across one that contains serialized PHP code.
This seems to break the CSV parsing. As soon as I remove the serialization - the CSV file is parsed correctly.
Are there any tricks I need to know when it comes to parsing serialized data in CSV files?
Here is a shortened sample of the code:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({ eol => $/, always_quote => 1, binary => 1 });
my $out;
my $in;
open $in, "<:encoding(utf8)", "infile.csv" or die("cannot open input file $inputfile");
open $out, ">outfile.000";
binmode($out, ":utf8");
while (my $line = $csv->getline($in)) {
$csv->print($out, $line);
I'm never able to get into the while loop shown above. As soon as I remove the serialized data, I suddenly am able to get into the loop.
An example of a line that is causing me trouble (taken straight from Vim - hence the ^M):
"26","other","1","20,000 Subscriber Plan","Some text here.^M\
Some more text","on","","18","","0","","0","0","recurring","0","","payment","totalsend","0","tsadmin","R34bL9oq","37","0","0","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","0","0","0","a:18:{i:0;s:1:\"3\";i:1;s:1:\"2\";i:2;s:2:\"59\";i:3;s:2:\"60\";i:4;s:2:\"61\";i:5;s:2:\"62\";i:6;s:2:\"63\";i:7;s:2:\"64\";i:8;s:2:\"65\";i:9;s:2:\"66\";i:10;s:2:\"67\";i:11;s:2:\"68\";i:12;s:2:\"69\";i:13;s:2:\"70\";i:14;s:2:\"71\";i:15;s:2:\"72\";i:16;s:2:\"73\";i:17;s:2:\"74\";}","","","0","0","","0","0","0.0000","0.0000","0","","","0.00","","6","1"
"27","other","1","35,000 Subscriber Plan","Some test here.^M\
Some more text","on","","18","","0","","0","0","recurring","0","","payment","totalsend","0","tsadmin","R34bL9oq","38","0","0","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","0","0","0","a:18:{i:0;s:1:\"3\";i:1;s:1:\"2\";i:2;s:2:\"59\";i:3;s:2:\"60\";i:4;s:2:\"61\";i:5;s:2:\"62\";i:6;s:2:\"63\";i:7;s:2:\"64\";i:8;s:2:\"65\";i:9;s:2:\"66\";i:10;s:2:\"67\";i:11;s:2:\"68\";i:12;s:2:\"69\";i:13;s:2:\"70\";i:14;s:2:\"71\";i:15;s:2:\"72\";i:16;s:2:\"73\";i:17;s:2:\"74\";}","","","0","0","","0","0","0.0000","0.0000","0","","","0.00","","7","1"
"28","other","1","50,000 Subscriber Plan","Some text here.^M\
Some more text","on","","18","","0","","0","0","recurring","0","","payment","totalsend","0","tsadmin","R34bL9oq","39","0","0","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","0","0","0","a:18:{i:0;s:1:\"3\";i:1;s:1:\"2\";i:2;s:2:\"59\";i:3;s:2:\"60\";i:4;s:2:\"61\";i:5;s:2:\"62\";i:6;s:2:\"63\";i:7;s:2:\"64\";i:8;s:2:\"65\";i:9;s:2:\"66\";i:10;s:2:\"67\";i:11;s:2:\"68\";i:12;s:2:\"69\";i:13;s:2:\"70\";i:14;s:2:\"71\";i:15;s:2:\"72\";i:16;s:2:\"73\";i:17;s:2:\"74\";}","","","0","0","","0","0","0.0000","0.0000","0","","","0.00","","8","1""73","other","8","10,000,000","","","","0","","0","","0","0","recurring","0","","payment","","0","","","75","0","10000000","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","0","0","0","a:17:{i:0;s:1:\"3\";i:1;s:1:\"2\";i:2;s:2:\"59\";i:3;s:2:\"60\";i:4;s:2:\"61\";i:5;s:2:\"62\";i:6;s:2:\"63\";i:7;s:2:\"64\";i:8;s:2:\"65\";i:9;s:2:\"66\";i:10;s:2:\"67\";i:11;s:2:\"68\";i:12;s:2:\"69\";i:13;s:2:\"70\";i:14;s:2:\"71\";i:15;s:2:\"72\";i:16;s:2:\"74\";}","","","0","0","","0","0","0.0000","0.0000","0","","","0.00","","14","0"
The CSV you are trying to read escapes embedded quotes with backslash, but the default for Text::CSV_XS is to escape by doubling them. Try adding escape_char => '\\' to the Text::CSV_XS constructor.
You may also need allow_loose_escapes => 1 if it uses backslash to quote other things that don't strictly need it like newlines.
The other option is to change the writer to use doubled quotes instead of backslashes for escaping. Might or might not be possible. Doubling the quotes is the more common flavour of CSV and while programmatic parsers can generally read both (if told), you won't be able to read the variant with backslash e.g. in Excel.

What's the best way to read a huge CSV file using Perl?

I have a very large CSV file to read. (about 3 GB)
I won't need all records, I mean, there are some conditionals that we can use, for example, if the 3rd CSV column content has 'XXXX' and 4th column has '999'.
Can I use these conditionals to improve the read process? If so, how can I do that using Perl?
I need an example (Perl Script) in your answer.
Here's a solution:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Text::CSV_XS;
use autodie;
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new();
open my $FH, "<", "file.txt";
while (<$FH>) {
my #fields = $csv->fields;
next unless $fields[1] =~ /something I want/;
# do the stuff to the fields you want here
Use Text::CSV
Your a) question has been answered a few times over already, but b) has not yet been addressed:
I won't need all records, I mean,
there are some conditionals that we
can use, for example, if the 3rd CSV
column content has 'XXXX' and 4th
column has '999'. Can I use these
conditionals to improve the read
No. How would you know whether the 3rd CSV column contains 'XXXX' or the 4th is '999' without reading the line first? (DBD::CSV lets you hide this behind an SQL WHILE clause, but, because CSV is unindexed data, it still needs to read in every line to determine which match the condition(s) and which don't.)
Pretty much the only way the content of a line could be used to let you skip reading parts of the file is if it contained information telling you 1) "skip the section following this line" and 2) "continue reading at byte offset nnn".
The Text::CSV module is a great solution for this. Another option is the DBD::CSV module, which provides a slightly different interface. The DBI interface is really useful if you're developing applications that have to access data from different forms of databases, including relational databases and comma-separated text files.
Here's some example code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
$dbh = DBI->connect ("DBI:CSV:f_dir=/home/joe/csvdb")
or die "Cannot connect: $DBI::errstr";
$sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT id, name FROM info.txt WHERE id > 1 ORDER by id");
my ($id,$name);
$sth->bind_columns (\$id, \$name);
while ($sth->fetch) {
print "Found result row: id = $id, name = $name\n";
I'd use Text::CSV for this task unless you're planning on talking to other types of databases, but in Perl TIMTOWDI and it helps to know your options.
use a module like Text::CSV, however, if you know that your data will not have embedded commas and its simple CSV format, then a simple while loop to iterate the file will suffice
while (<>){
#s = split /,/;
if ( $s[2] eq "XXXX" && $s[3] eq "999" ){
# do something;

How can I combine files into one CSV file?

If I have one file FOO_1.txt that contains:
and a lots of other files FOO_files.txt. Each of them contains:
one line that contain 0 or 1 as the number of FOO1 values (fooa,foob, ...)
Now I want to combine them to one file FOO_RES.csv that will have the following format:
What is the simple & elegant way to conduct that
(with hash & arrays -> $hash{$key} = \#data ) ?
Thanks a lot for any help !
If you can't describe a your data and your desired result clearly, there is no way that you will be able to code it--taking on a simple project is a good way to get started using a new language.
Allow me to present a simple method you can use to churn out code in any language, whether you know it or not. This method only works for smallish projects. You'll need to actually plan ahead for larger projects.
How to write a program:
Open up your text editor and write down what data you have. Make each line a comment
Describe your desired results.
Start describing the steps needed to change your data into the desired form.
Numbers 1 & 2 completed:
#!/usr/bin perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# Read data from multiple files and combine it into one file.
# Source files:
# Field definitions: has a list of field names, one per line.
# Data files:
# * Each data file has a string of digits.
# * There is a one-to-one relationship between the digits in the data file and the fields in the field defs file.
# Results File:
# * The results file is a CSV file.
# * Each field will have one row in the CSV file.
# * The first column will contain the name of the field represented by the row.
# * Subsequent values in the row will be derived from the data files.
# * The order of subsequent fields will be based on the order files are read.
# * However, each column (2-X) must represent the data from one data file.
Now that you know what you have, and where you need to go, you can flesh out what the program needs to do to get you there - this is step 3:
You know you need to have the list of fields, so get that first:
# Get a list of fields.
# Read the field definitions file into an array.
Since it is easiest to write CSV in a row oriented fashion, you will need to process all your files before generating each row. So you'll need someplace to store the data.
# Create a variable to store the data structure.
Now we read the data files:
# Get a list of data files to parse
# Iterate over list
# For each data file:
# Read the string of digits.
# Assign each digit to its field.
# Store data for later use.
We've got all the data in memory, now write the output:
# Write the CSV file.
# Open a file handle.
# Iterate over list of fields
# For each field
# Get field name and list of values.
# Create a string - comma separated string with field name and values
# Write string to file handle
# close file handle.
Now you can start converting comments into code. You could have anywhere from 1 to 100 lines of code for each comment. You may find that something you need to do is very complex and you don't want to take it on at the moment. Make a dummy subroutine to handle the complex task, and ignore it until you have everything else done. Now you can solve that complex, thorny sub-problem on it's own.
Since you are just learning Perl, you'll need to hit the docs to find out how to do each of the subtasks represented by the comments you've written. The best resource for this kind of work is the list of functions by category in perlfunc. The Perl syntax guide will come in handy too. Since you'll need to work with a complex data structure, you'll also want to read from the Data Structures Cookbook.
You may be wondering how the heck you should know which perldoc pages you should be reading for a given problem. An article on Perlmonks titled How to RTFM provides a nice introduction to the documentation and how to use it.
The great thing, is if you get stuck, you have some code to share when you ask for help.
If I understand correctly your first file is your key order file, and the remaining files each contain a byte per key in the same order. You want a composite file of those keys with each of their data bytes listed together.
In this case you should open all the files simultaneously. Read one key from the key order file, read one byte from each of the data files. Output everything as you read it to you final file. Repeat for each key.
It looks like you have many foo_files that have 1 line in them, something like:
Which stands for
And it looks like your foo_res is just a summation of those values? In that case, you don't need a hash of arrays, but just a hash.
my #foo_keys = qw(a b c d e f g h i j);
my %foo_hash = map{ ( $_, 0 ) } #foo_keys; # initialize hash
foreach my $foo_file ( #foo_files ) {
open( my $FOO, "<", $foo_file) || die "Cannot open $foo_file\n";
my $line = <$FOO>;
close( $FOO );
my #foo_values = split(//, $line);
foreach my $indx ( 0 .. $#foo_keys ) {
last if ( ! $foo_values[ $indx ] ); # or some kind of error checking if the input file doesn't have all the values
$foo_hash{ $foo_keys[$indx] } += $foo_values[ $indx ];
It's pretty hard to understand what you are asking for, but maybe this helps?
Your specifications aren't clear. You couldn't have a "lots of other files" named FOO_files.txt, because it's only one name. So I'm going to take this as the files-with-data + filelist pattern. In this case, there are files named FOO*.txt, each containing "[01]+\n".
Thus the idea is to process all the files in the filelist file and to insert them all into a result file FOO_RES.csv, comma-delimited.
use strict;
use warnings;
use English qw<$OS_ERROR>;
use IO::Handle;
open my $foos, '<', 'FOO_1.txt'
or die "I'm dead: $OS_ERROR";
#ARGV = sort map { chomp; "$_.txt" } <$foos>;
open my $foo_csv, '>', 'FOO_RES.csv'
or die "I'm dead: $OS_ERROR";
while ( my $line = <> ) {
my ( $foo_name ) = ( $ARGV =~ /(.*)\.txt$/ );
$foo_csv->print( join( ',', $foo_name, split //, $line ), "\n" );
You don't really need to use a hash. My Perl is a little rusty, so syntax may be off a bit, but basically do this:
open KEYFILE , "foo_1.txt" or die "cannot open foo_1 for writing";
open VALFILE , "foo_files.txt" or die "cannot open foo_files for writing";
open OUTFILE , ">foo_out.txt"or die "cannot open foo_out for writing";
my %output;
while (<KEYFILE>) {
my $key = $_;
my $val = <VALFILE>;
my $arrVal = split(//,$val);
$output{$key} = $arrVal;
print OUTFILE $key."," . join(",", $arrVal)
Edit: Syntax check OK
Comment by Sinan: #Byron, it really bothers me that your first sentence says the OP does not need a hash yet your code has %output which seems to serve no purpose. For reference, the following is a less verbose way of doing the same thing.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie qw(:file :io);
open my $KEYFILE, '<', "foo_1.txt";
open my $VALFILE, '<', "foo_files.txt";
open my $OUTFILE, '>', "foo_out.txt";
while (my $key = <$KEYFILE>) {
chomp $key;
print $OUTFILE join(q{,}, $key, split //, <$VALFILE> ), "\n";