VSTS - Getting al Team Project Administrators using VSTS REST API - rest

Is it possible to get all project administrators per project? I found out I can get all projects and their team members using this API: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/integrate/api/tfs/teams#get-a-teams-members
But then I get a full list of members of the Team Project, and not their permissions. I want to have a list of administrators, so that I can contact them about their TeamProject.
Thanks in advance!
BTW, using TFS 2017

There is no such REST API to get members from a VSTS group (such as Project Administrators) for now.
But there has an user voice REST API for a better Projects and Team Management which contains similar function in the suggestions, you can vote and follow up.

It cannot be achieved via Rest API, but it can be achieved with SOAP API. Following is the code sample for your reference:
using System;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Common;
namespace GetAdmin
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string projectname = "projectname";
string groupname = $"[{projectname}]\\Project Administrators";
TfsTeamProjectCollection ttpc = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("https://vstsaccount.visualstudio.com/"));
IIdentityManagementService idms = ttpc.GetService<IIdentityManagementService>();
TeamFoundationIdentity admingroup = idms.ReadIdentity(IdentitySearchFactor.AccountName,groupname,MembershipQuery.Direct,ReadIdentityOptions.IncludeReadFromSource);
foreach (IdentityDescriptor tfi in admingroup.Members)
TeamFoundationIdentity member = idms.ReadIdentity(tfi,MembershipQuery.Expanded, ReadIdentityOptions.ExtendedProperties);
Powershell Script:
$dllpath1 = "D:\\net45\\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.dll";
$dllpath2 = "D:\\net45\\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Common.dll";
$dllpath3 = "D:\\net45\\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.dll";
$dllpath4 = "D:\\net45\\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Client.Interactive.dll";
$uri = "https://xxx.visualstudio.com/";
$tfs = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory]::GetTeamProjectCollection($uri)
$idservice = $tfs.GetService("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.FrameWork.Client.IIdentityManagementService")
$projectname = "xxx"
$groupname = "[" + $projectname + "]\Project Administrators";
$admingroup = $idservice.ReadIdentity([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.FrameWork.Common.IdentitySearchFactor]::AccountName,$groupname,[Microsoft.TeamFoundation.FrameWork.Common.MembershipQuery]::Direct,[Microsoft.TeamFoundation.FrameWork.Common.ReadIdentityOptions]::IncludeReadFromSource)
foreach ($id in $admingroup.Members)
$member = $idservice.ReadIdentity($id,[Microsoft.TeamFoundation.FrameWork.Common.MembershipQuery]::Expanded, [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.FrameWork.Common.ReadIdentityOptions]::ExtendedProperties)
Write-Host $member.DisplayName
Write-Host $member.GetProperty("Mail")


Getting restrictions from Confluence page

I'm not very savvy with web API calls, but I've been using the following powershell code (this site in this example is one I found that has some public data... my site is internal and requires I pass the credential, which has been working for me without issue):
If(-not (Get-InstalledModule -Name 'ConfluencePS')){Install-Module ConfluencePS}
Import-Module ConfluencePS
Set-ConfluenceInfo -BaseUri "https://wiki.opnfv.org"
$space = Get-confluencepage -Spacekey ds
ForEach($item in $space)
$splatParams = #{
Uri = "https://wiki.opnfv.org/rest/api/content/$($item.ID)/restriction"
ContentType = 'application/json'
method = 'GET'
#reference https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/confluence/rest/#api-api-content-id-restriction-get
Invoke-RestMethod #splatParams
The documentation for the ConfluencePS shows that restrictions is still an open feature request but I need to get this working for a project.
I put a breakpoint in on line 982 from ConfluencePS.psm1 and was able to see the various calls and how the params are structured but when I try to mimic it (and change the URI based on the confluence documentation) I get an error "HTTP error 405 - MethodNotAllowed". Anyone have suggestions on how I can get this working? I'm trying to return back the permissions applied for all pages in a specific space.
Get Restrictions by Content ID
As you found out by yourself, it is required to add "byOperation".
I was able to get the restrictions of a specific page with the following code:
# for testing purposes ONLY, I've specified the URL and ID
$wikiUrl = "https://wiki.opnfv.org"
$itemId = "6820746"
$splatParams = #{
Uri = "$wikiUrl/rest/api/content/$itemId/restriction/byOperation"
ContentType = 'application/json'
method = 'GET'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod #splatParams
Tested on version 6.0.4 and 6.15.9
Filter by user name
If you like to filter the result by a specific username, you can use the following URI:
Bt, there's an open bug on this way of action:
restriction returns ambiguous responses

Query Azure Compute Quotas from .NET SDK

I am looking for examples of how to use the Azure .NET SDK to query for the current usage and remaining quotas for Compute resources (say Dsv3 vCPUs).
According to my test, we can use Azure .Net SDK Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Fluent to list the usage of Microsoft.Comput resource in one Azure Subscription. For more details, please refer to the document
Use Azure CLI to create a service pricipal
az login
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <ServicePrincipalName>
az role assignment create --assignee <ServicePrincipalName> --role Contributor
var tenantId = "<your tenant id>";
var clientId = "<your sp app id> ";
var clientSecret = "<your sp passowrd>";
var subscriptionId = "<your subscription id>";
AzureCredentials credentials = SdkContext.AzureCredentialsFactory.FromServicePrincipal(
RestClient restClient = RestClient.Configure()
ComputeManagementClientclient = new ComputeManagementClient(restClient);
client.SubscriptionId = subscriptionId;
foreach (var s1 in await UsageOperationsExtensions.ListAsync(client.Usage, Region.AsiaSouthEast.Name)) {
Console.WriteLine("Name: " + s1.Name.LocalizedValue +"\nUnit: "+ UsageInner.Unit + "\nCurrentValue: " + s1.CurrentValue + "\nLimit: " + s1.Limit);

How to remove a permission, a member, or a role?

I have this script below to add roles and members and permissions
Import-Module sqlserver
$Server = new-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.Server
$AddRole = new-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.ModelRole
$AddRole.Name = 'NewRole1'
$RoleMember = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.WindowsModelRoleMember
$RoleMember.MemberName = 'DOMAIN\ACCOUNT'
How can I remove a permission, a member, and a role?
I tried this at least for the role, but the console returns back "False"
When working with ssas from powershell (or C# for that matter) you can use the analysisservices namespace of microsoft:
Microsoft analysisservices.
This is an object oriented way of working with ssas databases.
This is an old script I wrote for maintainers:
function addRoleToDb {
$roleName = Read-Host "How should this role be called?"
if ($global:dataBase.Roles.findByName($roleName)) {
echo "This role already exists"
} elseif ($roleName -eq "") {
echo "You can't give an empty name for a role."
echo "Warning: this role will start out empty and will have to be modified in order to be used. (it wil have read permission)"
[Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Role] $newRole = New-Object([Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Role])($roleName)
$dbperm = $global:dataBase.DatabasePermissions.add($newRole.ID)
$dbperm.Read = [Microsoft.AnalysisServices.ReadAccess]::Allowed
At this point I already had a global variable database.
This is a method that would add a role to the database. Deleting the database would work practically the same, you would get the instance of the role with:
role = database.roles.findbyname()
role = database.roles.findbyid()
and then
You should check that last line before using it because the alterordeletedependants is something I now use in my c# program, I don't remember if it worked in powershell.
Good luck!

Update TFS Build Status via Powershell

I've a TFS Build Definition setup where, I execute a powershell script for security hardening, applying final patches etc.
Sometimes this powershell script can fail and I would like to change the status of build to be un-successfull or fail. Is there a way to change this TFS Build status via a powershell?
Try this:
$script:TFServerName = $ServerName
$script:TFServer = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TeamFoundationServerFactory]::GetServer($ServerName)
$script:TFBuildServer = $TFServer.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.IBuildServer])
$spec = $TFBuildServer.CreateBuildDetailSpec($TeamProject, $DefinitionName)
$spec.Status = 'Failed'
Make sure you've Add-Type the right versions of the TFS assemblies. I'm assuming here that since the properties support setters, they communicate back to the server to affect the change. But I'm not 100% sure of that.
Here's what I pieced together from MSDN:
$tfsServerAddress = "http://{tfs hostname}:{port}/{CollectionName}"
$build = "{build definition name}_{build date}.{build count for the day}"
#update build status
$tfsProject = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory]::GetTeamProjectCollection($tfsServerAddress)
$tfsBuildServer = $tfsProject.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.IBuildServer])
$spec = $tfsBuildServer.CreateBuildDetailSpec($teamProject)
$spec.BuildNumber = $build
$builds = $tfsBuildServer.QueryBuilds($spec).Builds
if ($builds[0].TestStatus -eq 'Succeeded'){
echo "updating test status:" $builds[0].TestStatus "to $testOutcome"
$builds[0].TestStatus = $testOutcome
if ($builds[0].Status -eq 'Succeeded'){
echo "updating build status:" $builds[0].Status "to $testOutcome"
$builds[0].Status = $testOutcome
Keep in mind that you need a special permission to update build status

Get Tfs Shelveset file contents at the command prompt?

I'm interested in getting the contents of a shelveset at the command prompt. Now, you would think that a cmdlet such as Get-TfsShelveset, available in the TFS Power Tools, would do this. You might also think that "tf.exe shelvesets" would do this.
However, unless I've missed something, I'm appalled to report that neither of these is the case. Instead, each command requires you to give it a shelveset name, and then simply regurgitates a single line item for that shelveset, along with some metadata about the shelveset such as creationdate, displayname, etc. But as far as I can tell, no way to tell what's actually in the shelf.
This is especially heinous for Get-TfsShelveset, which has the ability to include an array of file descriptors along with the Shelveset object it returns. I even tried to get clever, thinking that I could harvest the file names from using -WhatIf with Restore-TfsShelveset, but sadly Restore-TfsShelveset doesn't implement -WhatIf.
Please, someone tell me I'm wrong about this!
tf status /shelveset:name
will list out the content of the named shelveset (you can also supplier an owner: see tf help status).
With the TFS PowerToy's PowerShell snapin:
Get-TfsPendingChange -Shelveset name
for the same information.
It is possible to construct a small command-line application that uses the TFS SDK, which returns the list of files contained in a given shelveset.
The sample below assumes knowledge of the Shelveset name & it's owner:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Common;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client;
namespace ShelvesetDetails
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Uri tfsUri = (args.Length < 1) ? new Uri("TFS_URI") : new Uri(args[0]);
TfsConfigurationServer configurationServer = TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(tfsUri);
ReadOnlyCollection<CatalogNode> collectionNodes = configurationServer.CatalogNode.QueryChildren(
new[] { CatalogResourceTypes.ProjectCollection },
false, CatalogQueryOptions.None);
CatalogNode collectionNode = collectionNodes[0];
Guid collectionId = new Guid(collectionNode.Resource.Properties["InstanceId"]);
TfsTeamProjectCollection teamProjectCollection = configurationServer.GetTeamProjectCollection(collectionId);
var vcServer = teamProjectCollection.GetService<VersionControlServer>();
Shelveset[] shelves = vcServer.QueryShelvesets(
Shelveset shelveset = shelves[0];
PendingSet[] sets = vcServer.QueryShelvedChanges(shelveset);
foreach (PendingSet set in sets)
PendingChange[] changes = set.PendingChanges;
foreach (PendingChange change in changes)
Invoking this console app & catching the outcome during execution of the powershell should be possible.
tfpt review
You may also need to add on the server option so something like:
tfpt review /shelveset:Code Review;jim
I think this is what you are looking for.
This is what I ended up with, based on pentelif's code and the technique in the article at http://akutz.wordpress.com/2010/11/03/get-msi/ linked in my comment.
function Get-TfsShelvesetItems
[string] $ShelvesetName = $(throw "-ShelvesetName must be specified."),
[string] $ShelvesetOwner = "$env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME",
[string] $ServerUri = $(throw "-ServerUri must be specified."),
[string] $Collection = $(throw "-Collection must be specified.")
$getShelvesetItemsClassDefinition = #'
public IEnumerable<PendingChange> GetShelvesetItems(string shelvesetName, string shelvesetOwner, string tfsUriString, string tfsCollectionName)
Uri tfsUri = new Uri(tfsUriString);
TfsConfigurationServer configurationServer = TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(tfsUri);
ReadOnlyCollection<CatalogNode> collectionNodes = configurationServer.CatalogNode.QueryChildren( new[] { CatalogResourceTypes.ProjectCollection }, false, CatalogQueryOptions.None);
CatalogNode collectionNode = collectionNodes.Where(node => node.Resource.DisplayName == tfsCollectionName).SingleOrDefault();
Guid collectionId = new Guid(collectionNode.Resource.Properties["InstanceId"]);
TfsTeamProjectCollection teamProjectCollection = configurationServer.GetTeamProjectCollection(collectionId);
var vcServer = teamProjectCollection.GetService<VersionControlServer>();
var changes = new List<PendingChange>();
foreach (Shelveset shelveset in vcServer.QueryShelvesets(shelvesetName, shelvesetOwner))
foreach (PendingSet set in vcServer.QueryShelvedChanges(shelveset))
foreach ( PendingChange change in set.PendingChanges )
return changes.Count == 0 ? null : changes;
$getShelvesetItemsType = Add-Type `
-MemberDefinition $getShelvesetItemsClassDefinition `
-Name "ShelvesetItemsAPI" `
-Namespace "PowerShellTfs" `
-Language CSharpVersion3 `
-UsingNamespace System.IO, `
System.Linq, `
System.Collections.ObjectModel, `
System.Collections.Generic, `
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client, `
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client, `
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Common, `
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client `
-ReferencedAssemblies "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ReferenceAssemblies\v2.0\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.dll", `
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ReferenceAssemblies\v2.0\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Common.dll", `
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ReferenceAssemblies\v2.0\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.dll" `
# Initialize an instance of the class.
$getShelvesetItems = New-Object -TypeName "PowerShellTfs.ShelvesetItemsAPI";
# Emit the pending changes to the pipeline.
$getShelvesetItems.GetShelvesetItems($ShelvesetName, $ShelvesetOwner, $ServerUri, $Collection);
Spent a few days trying to do this as well, this always popped up on google so here is what I found to help future generations:
To get the contents of the shelveset (at least with Team Explorer Everywhere),
use the command: tf difference /shelveset:<Shelveset name>
That will print out the contents of the shelveset and give filenames in the form :
<Changetype>: <server file path>; C<base change number>
Shelved Change: <server file path again>;<shelveset name>
So if your file is contents/test.txt
in the shelveset shelve1 (with base revision 1), you will see :
edit: $/contents/file.txt;C1
Shelved Change: $/contents/file.txt;shelve1
After that, using the tf print command
(or view if not using TEE) on $/contents/file.txt;shelve1 should get you the contents :
tf print $/contents/file.txt;shelve1
Shows you what is in the file.txt in shelveset shelve1
If you want get shelveset changes from server by using tfs command
Using power shell:
Get-TfsPendingChange -Server http://example.com/org -Shelveset shelvsetName
Using vs commands:
c:\projects>tf shelvesets BuddyTest_23
more info about this please see here