Following command gives me the output I want:
$ sed '/^<template.*>/,/<\/template>/!d;//d' src/components/**/*.vue | html2jade
in that it processes each template containing html into it's pug equivalent.
Would it be possible now to somehow replace the originally found html in all those files, with this now
processed output? There is also some other content outside template tags, which should stay as it is,
namely some script and style tags.
I'd like to add a line on top of my output if my input file has a specific word.
However, if I'm just looking for specific string, then as I understand it, it's too late. The first line is already in the output and I can't prepend to it anymore.
Here's an exemple of input.
If I can find a line with, say, the word two, I'd like to add a new line before the first one, with for example FOUND. I want that line prepended only once, even if there are several matches.
So an input file without any two would remain unchanged, and the example file above would become:
I know how to prepend with i\, but can't get the context right. From what I understood that would be around:
/two/{ # This will will search "two" in the first line, how to look for it in the whole file ?
I know how to do it using other languages/methods, that's not my question.
Sed has advanced features to work on several lines at once, append/prepend lines and is not limited to substitution. I have a sed file already filled with expressions to modify a python source file, which is why I'd prefer to avoid using something else. I want to be able to add an import at the beginning of a file if a certain class is used.
A Perl solution:
perl -i.bak -0077 -pE 'say "FOUND" if /two/;' in_file
The Perl one-liner uses these command line flags:
-p : Loop over the input one line at a time, assigning it to $_ by default. Add print $_ after each loop iteration.
-i.bak : Edit input files in-place (overwrite the input file). Before overwriting, save a backup copy of the original file by appending to its name the extension .bak.
-E : Tells Perl to look for code in-line, instead of in a file. Also enables all optional features. Here, enables say.
-0777 : Slurp files whole.
perldoc perlrun: how to execute the Perl interpreter: command line switches
sed is for doing s/old/new on individual strings, that's not what you're trying to do so you shouldn't bother trying to use sed. There's lots of ways to do this, this one will be very efficient, robust and portable to all Unix systems:
$ grep -Fq 'two' file && echo "FOUND"; cat file
To operate on a stream instead of (or in addition to) a file and without needing to read the whole input into memory:
awk 'f{print; next} {buf[NR]=$0} /two/{print "FOUND"; for (i=1;i<=NR;i++) print buf[i]; f=1}'
$ cat file | awk 'f{print; next} {buf[NR]=$0} /two/{print "FOUND"; for (i=1;i<=NR;i++) print buf[i]; f=1}'
That awk script will also work using any awk in any shell on every Unix box.
I'm running Windows and have the GnuWin32 toolkit, which includes sed. Specifically:
C:\TEMP>sed --version
GNU sed version 4.2.1
I have a text file with two sections: A fixed part I want to preserve, and a part that's appended after running a job.
In the file is a unique string that identifies the start of the part that's added, and I'd like to use Gnu sed to isolate only the part of the file that's before the unique string - i.e., so I can append different data to the fixed part each time the job is run.
I know I could keep the fixed portion in a separate file, but that adds complexity and it would be more elegant if I could just reuse the data at the start of the same file.
A long time ago I knew how to set up sed scripts, and I'm sure this can be done with sed, but I've slept since then. :)
Can you please describe how to use sed to display the lines of text in a file up to and not including a specific string?
line 1 of fixed portion
line 2 of fixed portion
unique string
line 1 of appended portion
line 2 of appended portion
line 3 of appended portion
What I'd like is to see as output:
line 1 of fixed portion
line 2 of fixed portion
I've gotten as far as:
sed -r -n -e "0,/unique string/p"
but that prints the unique string as well.
Thanks in advance.
This should work for you:
sed -n '/unique string/q;p' file
It quits processing at unique string. Other lines get printed.
An alternative might be to use a range address like this:
sed -n '1,/unique string/{/unique string/!p}' file
Note that sed includes the range border. We need to exclude unique string from printing.
Furthermore I'm using the -n option which makes sed suppress the output of input lines by default.
One thing, if unique string can contain characters which are also syntax characters in the regex like ...
... sed might not be the right tool for the job any more since it can only match regular expressions but not fixed strings.
In that case awk might be the tool of choice:
awk 'index("*unique string*"){exit}1' file
index("string") returns a non zero value (the position) if the string has been found. We cancel further processing of input lines in that case and don't print that line as well.
The trailing 1 always evaluates to true and makes awk print all the lines until the previous condition applies.
I have a folder and sub folder that contains 2000 xml files.
Need to process all the files with BizTalk systems.
But some of the files has wrong tags
streetName Bombay Crescent /addressRegion
I need to you grep to find and replace the worng tags only.
I.e with the for loop.. find any xml file with wrong tag and replace it.
Only the tag "streetName" is affected. And only "addressRegion" is in the wrong place.
will like to do
grep -Po where streetName and *** /addressRegion if the condition is true
replace /addressRegion with /streetName
Thanks in Advance
The following will look for a tag <streetName> that with a matching closing tag of </addressRegion>, and will change addressRegion to streetName. It will replace all occurrences on the line. The street name must not contain any < signs, that would break the matching.
sed -e 's:\(<streetName>[^<]*\)</addressRegion>:\1</streetName>:g'
The command reads its standard input and writes standard output.
Sed -i will do the replacement in-place in all its input files:
sed -i -e 's:\(<streetName>[^<]*\)</addressRegion>:\1</streetName>:g' folder/subfolder/*.xml
I have a large file of data. Each line is a single record. Sounds like a job for sed.
I want to inspect a few lines of data, one at a time, but they're json with base64 encoded values. To inspect line 2, I run :
sed -n 2p hugeFile | json 'key' | base64 --decode
Which works fine, except that sed seems to carry on going through the file.
Am I using sed incorrectly here, or is it really going through every file, checking each lines to see if it's line 2?
You can combine multiple commands with curly braces, and execute the q command to exit immediately.
sed -n '2{p;q;}' hugeFile
It works like this because you might have multiple commands, or an address that isn't just a single line number. sed doesn't optimze the special case where there's just a single command and it's a line number range.
My HTML code has the following line.
Can I use sed tool to replace the column1 with "Name", column2 with "Surname" ...
I have the list of the columns in a echo statement of my shell script.
echo 'Name, Surname, City'
These 3 values needs to be replaced in the respective columns in the HTML code. The number of columns might change.
Can you change the input format of the new column names, or are you stuck with the echo. And does the table header line appear once per html file, or multiple times?
For your current situation, this would work:
echo 'Name, Surname, City' |
awk -F'<TH>|</TH><TH>|</TH>' 'NR==1{n=split($0,a,", *");OFS="";next}/<TH>/{for(i=1; i<=n;i++)$(i+1)="<TH>"a[i]"</TH>"}1' - file.html
Note that things will go horribly wrong when your input html has a different form (additional or missing newlines). If you want to do anything more advanced you should use a proper SGML parser instead of awk or sed.
put your replacements into variables instead of doing echo, then simply
sed 's|<TH>column1<\/TH>|<TH>Name</TH>|;s|<TH>column2</TH>|<TH>Surname</TH>|;s|<TH>column3</TH>|<TH>City</TH>|' file
Note, this is not fool proof if your pattern span multiple lines. But if all the things you need replaced is on one line, then it should be all right.