DB2 backup error - db2

We've a DB2 10.5 instance running on Windows 2008 R2 server. This instance has 10 databases. We have been encountering the following error while performing an offline backup of one of the databases. The error occurs every 5 mins for more than an hour and at some point it is able to get an exclusive connection and backup this database
SQL1035N The operation failed because the specified database cannot
be connected to in the mode requested.
We tried the following:
db2 quiesce instance with restricted access and force connections
db2 deactivate database
db2 backup
db2 activate
db2 unquiesce instance
Before this, we also tried a force application all and db2terminate but was in vain. Has anyone encountered such and error before? Appreciate your thoughts and thanks for your time.


Issues connecting to an Oracle Database 19c

I am attempting to create and use an oracle DB.
Was able to create the DB using sql plus however when I attempt to connect to it via sqldeveloper I get the following error
Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
When I check that all services are running I notice OracleVssWriterORCL is not running.
However upon attempting to start it I get the following error:
Windows could not start OracleVssWriterORCL service on local machine Error 0x80070005: Access is Denied
This is my first time using Oracle for DB so any help is greatly appreciated.
I should also note this is on a windows 10 VM
As stated above my listener was not running and going into cmd using the lsnrctrl start command fixed that issue but now I get a ORA-12505 error. Oh the fun of learning new things

Connecting to PostgreSQL Data Source in SQL Server Import Export Tool

I'm trying to setup an easily-replicable (or even manual and I do it once a month or so) process for moving data from a large Azure PostgreSQL database to a more manageable Azure SQL database for end users that are most familiar with SQL Server. I've successfully connected to the PostgreSQL database via PGAdmin, so I know all my connection string info.
I started by installing the latest ODBC driver from here.
I then used a connection string which was given to me from the Azure portal, filled in the proper database name and password, and attempted to use the following drivers:
PostgreSQL ODBC Driver(ANSI)
I am getting the following error with either of them:
ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
What step am I missing in this process? Or how best can I troubleshoot this?
After more research, I attempted to add the ODBC driver here:
And got the following error (I'm not sure why Tableau is relevant to this?):
Thank you.

After restarting DB2 service, the application server gets ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=58009 in database connections

We have an application on IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.x and it connects to a remote database on z/os DB2 10.x. For annual operation, DB2 shut down and restarted. After starting the database, we first get
and then we get
The database manager is not able to accept new requests, has terminated all requests in progress, or has terminated this particular request due to unexpected error conditions detected at the target system. ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=58009
The connection between WebSphere and DB2 tested by 'test Connection' in WAS datasource. Both systems are up and running but there is no correct connection between them! There was no change in DB2, WAS, and JDBC driver.
Update: The JDBC driver version is 4.15.134, connection properties is IBM WebSphere default setting and the connection is direct to DB2. Another problem later showed that while the connection still has the problem, executing the query directly on z/OS's DB2 gets the same the error. The query consist of a select with a join on two different tables, selecting on each table is ok, but the final query does not work and gets ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=58009.
Update 2
The detail of environment is: IBM WebSphere Application Server, DB2 10.1, Java version 1.6 SR16 and z/OS 1.13.
This specific query gets the error in all environments, on all application server, z/os SPUFI, database viewer, such as DBeaver.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Finally, we found the solution, ran REORG and RUNSTATS on both tables and on all their partitions, and the error vanished both on the application and SPUFI. I guess something went wrong during restart and tables corrupted. Now everything is ok.
If I got you correctly, you complain on inability of the driver to reestablish the database connections after the DB2 for Z/OS restart.
If yes, then have you tried to set the corresponding connection properties described at the following link?
Configuration of Sysplex workload balancing and automatic client reroute for Java clients

MobileFirst install - cannot connect to database appcntr after it was created

Trying to install MobileFirst 6.3 (Using DB2 v 10.5, Windows Server 2012 R2 std) - and during the creation of the DB2 APPCNTR database stage, I get the error:
Creating database APPCNTR (this may take 5 minutes) ...failed:
Cannot connect to database 'APPCNTR' with user 'db2admin' after it was created: com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-1035, SQLSTATE=57019, SQLERRMC=null, DRIVER=4.17.29
This is a clean installation of DB2, with no other programs using it (that I know of). The db2admin user is a member of my windows security group 'DB2ADMS' as well as 'DB2USERS' just in case
If I go back in the installer, then press next again, it says the database is already created (not sure if it's fully successful or partial)....
I believe that the database has been created successfully but for some reason, it is not possible to connect to the database via JDBC.
The explanation for the error message can be found here -- it can be many reasons: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPGG_9.5.0/com.ibm.db2.luw.messages.sql.doc/doc/msql01035n.html
When that happens to me the issue is often resolved by waiting a bit and retarting Installation Manager. Restarting the DB2 instance helps also. (If you don't restart Installation Manager, it believes it needs to create the database and fails because the database was created).
If the problem is not resolved by waiting a bit, you can also create the database manually prior running install Manager using that procedure (use a different database name than the one that is considered busy):
Then use that database name when running Installation Manager,

DB2: not able to restore from backup

I am using command
db2 restore db S18 from /users/intadm/s18backup/ taken at 20110913113341 on /users/db2inst1/ dbpath on /users/db2inst1/ redirect without rolling forward
to restore database from backup file located in /users/intadm/s18backup/ .
Command execution gives such output:
SQL1277W A redirected restore operation is being performed. Table space
configuration can now be viewed and table spaces that do not use automatic
storage can have their containers reconfigured.
DB20000I The RESTORE DATABASE command completed successfully.
When I'm trying to connect to restored DB (by executing 'db2 connect to S18'), I'm getting this message:
SQL0752N Connecting to a database is not permitted within a logical unit of
work when the CONNECT type 1 setting is in use. SQLSTATE=0A001
When I'm trying to connect to db with db viewer like SQuireL, the error is like:
DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-1119, SQLSTATE=57019, SQLERRMC=S18, DRIVER=3.57.82
which means that 'error occurred during a restore function or a restore is still in progress' (from IBM DB2 manuals)
How can I resolve this and connect to restored database?
UPD: I've executed db2ckbkp on backup file and it did not identified any issues with backup file itself.
without rolling forward can only be used when restoring from an offline backup. Was your backup taken offline? If not, you'll need to use roll forward.
When you do a redirected restore, you are telling DB2 that you want to change the locations of the data files in the database you are restoring.
The first step you show above will execute very quickly.
Normally, after you execute this statement, you would have one or more SET TABLESPACE CONTAINERS to set the new locations of each data file. It's not mandatory to issue these statements, but there's no point in specifying the redirect option in your RESTORE DATABASE command if you're not changing anything.
Then, you would issue the RESTORE DATABASE S18 COMPLETE command, which would actually read the data from the backup image, writing it to the data files.
If you did not execute the RESTORE DATABASE S18 COMPLETE, then your restore process is incomplete and it makes sense that you can't connect to the database.
What I did and what has worked:
db2 restore db S18 from /users/intadm/s18backup/ taken at 20110913113341 on /<path with sufficient disk space> dbpath on /<path with sufficient disk space>
I got some warnings before, that some table spaces are not moved. When I specified dbpath to partition with sufficient disk space - warning has disappeared.
After that, as I have an online backup, I issued:
db2 rollforward db S18 to end of logs and complete
That's it! Now I'm able to connect.