Finding the region in a Voronoi diagram that contains a point - matlab

I am trying to build a Voronoi diagram using the code in this link. However, I have a few points and want to know in which region they fall. This code, like the original function in MATLAB (i.e. voronoin) gives two outputs: [vornb,vorvx], one for the vertices and another one for the cells. So, I want to see which region of the Voronoi diagram the point (x, y, z) falls in.
I am actually looking for something like this region masking in 3D.

Regardless of whether you generate your Voronoi cells using the built-in voronoin (which takes an N-by-D matrix of points X as input) or polybnd_voronoi (the linked File Exchange submission for bounded Voronoi cells, which takes an additional M-by-D matrix of points BX defining a bounding convex polyhedron), you can compute which cell contains a given point [x y z] by using only those same input arguments.
For the bounded Voronoi cell case, you first need to determine if your point is inside the bounding convex hull or not. One way to do this is to create a Delaunay triangulation of the bounding points and use the pointLocation method to determine if the point is within the convex hull:
DT = delaunayTriangulation(BX);
cellIndex = pointLocation(DT, [x y z]);
If cellIndex is NaN, then the point is not within the boundary convex hull. Otherwise, it is in one of the Voronoi cells. To determine which, first consider that a Voronoi cell C{i} represents the set of all points that are closer to point X(i, :) than any other point in X. Therefore, to find out which cell a point [x y z] falls into you just have to find the point in X that it is closest to. You can do this using pdist2 and min like so:
[~, cellIndex] = min(pdist2(X, [x y z]));
If you don't have access to pdist2 (which is in the Statistics Toolbox), you can compute the distances yourself like so:
[~, cellIndex] = min(sqrt(sum(bsxfun(#minus, X, [x y z]).^2, 2)));
Now, cellIndex can be used as an index into the output arguments from voronoin or polybnd_voronoi to get the bounding Voronoi cell.
Generalize to multiple points:
You can generalize the above to more than just one point [x y z], which will allow you to create a 3D region mask:
[PX, PY, PZ] = meshgrid(...); % Generate regular points in a 3D volume
PXYZ = [PX(:) PY(:) PZ(:)]; % Combine them into one matrix
DT = delaunayTriangulation(BX); % Create triangulation for boundary
cellMask = pointLocation(DT, PXYZ); % Find points in boundary
index = ~isnan(cellMask); % Index of points in boundary
[~, cellMask(index)] = min(pdist2(X, PXYZ(index, :)), [], 1); % Find cell index
cellMask = reshape(cellMask, size(PX)); % Reshape mask to 3D
And the 3D mask cellMask will contain index values for points within Voronoi cells and NaN for points outside the bounding convex hull.


Interpolate Triangular Grid

I have a triangular grid as used in trimesh where the z-coordinate is a (smooth) function of x,y. The triangulation is given by some index Matrix t, so I could display this piecewise linear approximation given by the grid as
Now I'd like to evaluate this apprixmation between the grid points i.e. in some general x0,y0. I am aware of griddata, but this function creates an new triangulation. I'd like to use the given triangulation t.
Given a triangulation created by delaunay :
tri = delaunay (X, Y);
and coordinates of a point to be interpolated as xi, yi.
Use tsearch* or pointLocation to find the triangle that contains the point:
idx = tsearch (X, Y, tri, xi, yi);
Extract indices of vertexes of the triangle:
pts= tri(idx, :);
Create a matrix that represents equation of a plane (triangle) given its 3 points:
Calculate z based on det(m)=0.**
z = (...
-xi*det(m(:,2:end)) + ...
yi*det([m(:,1) m(:,3:end)]) +...
/ det([m(:,1:2) m(:,end)]);
*Here the Octave function tsearch is used that is deprecated in newer versions of MATLAB . Instead of it you can use pointLocation.
**Formula for calculating determinant of a [4 ,4] matrix can be found in Wikipedia.

Centroid calculation for a connected component in 3D volume using Matlab

I am trying to implement brain tumor segmentation on 3D brain MRI(.mha data type).
After preliminary segmentation, I am applying 26-neighbor connected component algorithm(using bwconncomp) to obtain the largest connected component by obtaining the component with the largest volume, following which I need to calculate the centroid of the resultant component.
I am not sure if my method of calculating the largest connected component and the centroid is correct, because the centroid obtained and its nearby voxels all have value 0.
Also I am having confusion with the representation of 3D voxel coordinates. For eg. if centroid=(x,y,z), does it correspond to x=row,y=column and z=2D slice?
Any help would be appreciated. Below is my code with the relevant part.
CC=bwconncomp(Ibin,26); %Input Black & White 3D data of size 240x240x155
[prow pcol]=size(Pixelid);
for i=1:prow
if (number>maxval) %calculating the component with max number of voxels
for i=1:prow
if i~=index
I changed your code to the following:
PixelIdxList = CC.PixelIdxList;
maxval = numel(PixelIdxList{1});
index = 1;
for ii = 1:length(PixelIdxList)
number = numel(PixelIdxList{ii});
if number > maxval
maxval = number;
index = ii;
[y,x,z] = ind2sub(size(Ibin),PixelIdxList{index})
centroid = [mean(x), mean(y), mean(z)];
bwconncomp already gives you a PixelIdxList so you don't have to use regionprops. The PixelIdxList lists pixels by their linear indices, so you have to convert them into subscripts to get x, y, and z coordinates. The first dimension in MATLAB matrix represents y coordinates, and second dimension represents x, while the third dimension represents z. Centroid is calculated by taking the mean x, y, and z coordinates of all the pixels contained in the object.

How do I obtain intersection points between a line and a boundary in MATLAB?

I have a binary image of a human. In MATLAB, boundary points and the center of the image are also defined, and they are two column matrices. Now I want to draw lines from the center to the boundary points so that I can obtain all points of intersection between these lines and the boundary of the image. How can I do that? Here is the code I have so far:
The code that is written just to get the one intersection point if anyone can help please
clear all
close all
BW = im2bw(imread('C:\fyc-90_1-100.png'));
BW = imfill(BW,'holes');
[Bw m n]=preprocess(BW);
[bord sk pr_sk]=border_skeleton(BW);
L = bwlabel(BW);
s = regionprops(L, 'centroid');
centroids = cat(1, s.Centroid);
Step #1 - Generating your line
The first thing you need to do is figure out how to draw your line. To make this simple, let's assume that the centre of the human body is stored as an array of cen = [x1 y1] as you have said. Now, supposing you click anywhere in your image, you get another point linePt = [x2 y2]. Let's assume that both the x and y co-ordinates are the horizontal and vertical components respectively. We can find the slope and intercept of this line, then create points between these two points parameterized by the slope and intercept to generate your line points. One thing I will point out is that if we draw a slope with a vertical line, by definition the slope would be infinity. As such, we need to place in a check to see if we have this situation. If we do, we assume that all of the x points are the same, while y varies. Once you have your slope and intercept, simply create points in between the line. You'll have to choose how many points you want along this line yourself as I have no idea about the resolution of your image, nor how big you want the line to be. We will then store this into a variable called linePoints where the first column consists of x values and the second column consists of y values. In other words:
In other words, do this:
%// Define number of points
numPoints = 1000;
%// Recall the equation of the line: y = mx + b, m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
if abs(cen(1) - linePt(1)) < 0.00001 %// If x points are close
yPts = linspace(cen(2), linePt(2), numPoints); %// y points are the ones that vary
xPts = cen(1)*ones(numPoints, 1); %//Make x points the same to make vertical line
else %// Normal case
slp = (cen(2) - linePt(2)) / cen(1) - linePt(1)); %// Solve for slope (m)
icept = cen(2) - slp*cen(1); %// Solve for intercept (b)
xPts = linspace(cen(1), linePt(1), numPoints); %// Vary the x points
yPts = slp*xPts + icept; %// Solve for the y points
linePoints = [xPts(:) yPts(:)]; %// Create point matrix
Step #2 - Finding points of intersection
Supposing you have a 2D array of points [x y] where x denotes the horizontal co-ordinates and y denotes the vertical co-ordinates of your line. We can simply find the distance between all of these points in your boundary with all of your points on the line. Should any of the points be under a certain threshold (like 0.0001 for example), then this indicates an intersection. Note that due to the crux of floating point data, we can't check to see if the distance is 0 due to the step size in between each discrete point in your data.
I'm also going to assume border_skeleton returns points of the same format. This method works without specifying what the centroid is. As such, I don't need to use the centroids in the method I'm proposing. Also, I'm going to assume that your line points are stored in a matrix called linePoints that is of the same type that I just talked about.
In other words, do this:
numBoundaryPoints = size(boundry, 1); %// boundary is misspelled in your code BTW
ptsIntersect = []; %// Store points of intersection here
for idx = 1 : numBoundaryPoints %// For each boundary point...
%//Obtain the i'th boundary point
pt = boundry(:,idx);
%//Get distances - This computes the Euclidean distance
%//between the i'th boundary point and all points along your line
dists = sqrt(sum(bsxfun(#minus, linePoints, pt).^2, 2));
%//Figure out which points intersect and store
ptsIntersect = [ptsIntersect; linePoints(dists < 0.0001, :)];
In the end, ptsIntersect will store all of the points along the boundary that intersect with this line. Take note that I have made a lot of assumptions here because you haven't (or seem reluctant to) give any more details than what you've specified in your comments.
Good luck.

Finding the belonging value of given point on a grid of 3D histogram?

I use 2D dataset like below,
37.0235000000000 18.4548000000000
28.4454000000000 15.7814000000000
34.6958000000000 20.9239000000000
26.0374000000000 17.1070000000000
27.1619000000000 17.6757000000000
28.4101000000000 15.9183000000000
33.7340000000000 17.1615000000000
34.7948000000000 18.2695000000000
34.5622000000000 19.3793000000000
36.2884000000000 18.4551000000000
26.1695000000000 16.8195000000000
26.2090000000000 14.2081000000000
26.0264000000000 21.8923000000000
35.8194000000000 18.4811000000000
to create a 3D histogram.
How can I find the histogram value of a point on a grid? For example, if [34.7948000000000 18.2695000000000] point is given, I would like to find the corresponding value of a histogram for a given point on the grid.
I used this code
point = feat_vec(i,:); // take the point given by the data set
X = centers{1}(1,:); // take center of the bins at one dimension
Y = centers{2}(1,:); // take center of the bins at other dim.
distanceX = abs(X-point(1)); // find distance to all bin centers at one dimension
distanceY = abs(Y-point(2)); // find distance to center points of other dimension
[~,indexX] = min(distanceX); // find the index of minimum distant center point
[~,indexY] = min(distanceY); // find the index of minimum distant center point for other dimension
You could use interp2 to accomplish that!
If X (1-D Vector, length N) and Y (1-D vector, length M) determine discrete coordinate on the axes where your histogram has defined values Z (matrix, size M x N). Getting value for one particular point with coordinates (XI, YI) could be done with:
% generate grid
[XM, YM] = meshgrid(X, Y);
% interpolate desired value
ZI = interp2(XM, YM, Z, XI, YI, 'spline')
In general, this kind of problem is interpolation problem. If you would want to get values for multiple points, you would have to generate grid for them in similar fashion done in code above. You could also use another interpolating method, for example linear (refer to linked documentation!)
I think you mean this:
[N,C] = hist3(X,...) returns the positions of the bin centers in a
1-by-2 cell array of numeric vectors, and does not plot the histogram.
That being said, if you have a 2D point x=[x1, x2], you are only to look up the closest points in C, and take the corresponding value in N.
In Matlab code:
[N, C] = hist3(data); % with your data format...
[~,indX] = min(abs(C{1}-x(1)));
[~,indY] = min(abs(C{2}-x(2)));
result = N(indX,indY);
done. (You can make it into your own function say result = hist_val(data, x).)
I just saw, that my answer in essence is just a more detailed version of #Erogol's answer.

Connect points and compute area

thats my first post, so please be kind.
I have a matrix with 3~10 coordinates and I want to connect these points to become a polygone with maximum size.
I tried fill() [1] to generate a plot but how do I calculate the area of this plot? Is there a way of converting the plot back to an matrix?
What would you reccomend me?
Thank you in advance!
x1 = [ 0.0, 0.5, 0.5 ];
y1 = [ 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 ];
fill ( x1, y1, 'r' );
Thank you for your answer MatlabDoug, but I think I did not formulate my question clear enough. I want to connect all of these points to become a polygone with maximum size.
Any new ideas?
x1 = rand(1,10)
y1 = rand(1,10)
vi = convhull(x1,y1)
fill ( x1(vi), y1(vi), 'r' );
hold on
hold off
What is happening here is that CONVHULL is telling us which verticies (vi) are on the convex hull (the smallest polygon that encloses all the points). Knowing which ones are on the convex hull, we ask MATLAB for the area with POLYAREA.
Finally, we use your FILL command to draw the polygon, then PLOT to place the points on there for confirmation.
I second groovingandi's suggestion of trying all polygons; you just have to be sure to check the validity of the polygon (no self-intersections, etc).
Now, if you want to work with lots of points... As MatlabDoug pointed out, the convex hull is a good place to start. Notice that the convex hull gives a polygon whose area is the maximum possible. The problem, of course, is that there could be points in the interior of the hull that are not part of the polygon. I propose the following greedy algorithm, but I am not sure if it guarantees THE maximum area polygon.
The basic idea is to start with the convex hull as a candidate final polygon, and carve out triangles corresponding to the unused points until all the points belong to the final polygon. At each stage, the smallest possible triangle is removed.
Given: Points P = {p1, ... pN}, convex hull H = {h1, ..., hM}
where each h is a point that lies on the convex hull.
H is a subset of P, and it is also ordered such that adjacent
points in the list of H are edges of the convex hull, and the
first and last points form an edge.
Let Q = H
while(Q.size < P.size)
% For each point, compute minimum area triangle
T = empty heap of triangles with value of their area
For each P not in Q
For each edge E of Q
If triangle formed by P and E does not contain any other point
Add triangle(P,E) with value area(triangle(P,E))
% Modify the current polygon Q to carve out the triangle
Let t=(P,E) be the element of T with minimum area
Find the ordered pair of points that form the edge E within Q
(denote them Pa and Pb)
Replace the pair (Pa,Pb) with (Pa,E,Pb)
Now, in practice you don't need a heap for T, just append the data to four lists: one for P, one for Pa, one for Pb, and one for the area. To test if a point lies within a triangle, you only need to test each point against the lines forming the sides of the triangle, and you only need to test points not already in Q. Finally, to compute the area of the final polygon, you can triangulate it (like with the delaunay function, and sum up the areas of each triangle in the triangulation), or you can find the area of the convex hull, and subtract out the areas of the triangles as you carve them out.
Again, I don't know if this greedy algorithm is guaranteed to find the maximum area polygon, but I think it should work most of the time, and is interesting nonetheless.
You said you only have 3...10 points to connect. In this case, I suggest you just take all possible combinations, compute the areas with polyarea and take the biggest one.
Only if your number of points increases or if you have to compute it frequently so that compuation time matters, it's worth investing some time in a better algorithm. However I think it's difficult to come up with an algorithm and prove its completeness.
Finding the right order for the points is the hard part, as Amro commented. Does this function suffice?
function [idx] = Polyfy(x, y)
% [idx] = Polyfy(x, y)
% Given vectors x and y that contain pairs of points, find the order that
% joins them into a polygon. fill(x(idx),y(idx),'r') should show no holes.
%ensure column vectors
if (size(x,1) == 1)
x = x';
if (size(y,1) == 1)
y = y';
% vectors from centroid of points to each point
vx = x - mean(x);
vy = y - mean(y);
% unit vectors from centroid towards each point
v = (vx + 1i*vy)./abs(vx + 1i*vy);
vx = real(v);
vy = imag(v);
% rotate all unit vectors by first
rot = [vx(1) vy(1) ; -vy(1) vx(1)];
v = (rot*[vx vy]')';
% find angles from first vector to each vector
angles = atan2(v(:,2), v(:,1));
[angles, idx] = sort(angles);
The idea is to find the centroid of the points, then find vectors from the centroid to each point. You can think of these vectors as sides of triangles. The polygon is made up the set of triangles where each vector is used as the "left" and "right" only once, and no vectors are skipped. This boils down to ordering the vectors by angle around the centroid.
I chose to do this by normalizing the vectors to unit length, choosing one of them as a rotation vector, and rotating the rest. This allowed me to simply use atan2 to find the angles. There's probably a faster and/or more elegant way to do this, but I was confusing myself with trig identities. Finally, sorting those angles provides the correct order for the points to form the desired polygon.
This is the test function:
function [x, y] = TestPolyArea(N)
x = rand(N,1);
y = rand(N,1);
[indexes] = Polyfy(x, y);
x2 = x(indexes);
y2 = y(indexes);
a = polyarea(x2, y2);
fill(x2, y2, 'r');
hold on
plot(x2, y2, '.');
hold off
You can get some pretty wild pictures by passing N = 100 or so!