I have native macOS application and I need to wrap it to Install4j.
I'm able to make media: macOS folder only. I'm trying to change media type to macOS single bundle, but launcher is required for this bundle. I need to use 'macOS single bundle' because 'macOS folder' media automatically creates folder for application and customer doesn't want it.
I found that macOS single bundle accept only 'Generated launcher' not 'External launcher'. But 'Generated launcher' is for java application only, isn't it?
So is there any way how to make 'macOS single bundle' media for native macOS application?
As of install4j 7.0, using a native executable for the single bundle media file on macOS is not supported.
you can see the both folder IOS and Android, and if I delete the folder IOS, will it work only for android?
Don't worry, you can delete the ios directory.
In Flutter, every specific platform has a dedicated directory (ios, android, web, macos, windows, linux). Each directory uses the same code inside lib (Flutter, app-related code). Meaning, if you want to delete a specific platform, just delete its dedicated directory.
When I use the cli to create a flutter app, a template app is created by google.
My question is, is there a way to create a custom template app instead of the default counter app by google, when I use the "flutter create my_app"?
Thanks in advance...
Create a simple, templated Flutter app, using the command
flutter create my_app
this argument commands are helpful to customize your starter app
The organization responsible for your new Flutter project, in reverse domain name
notation. This string is used in Java package names and as prefix in the iOS bundle
(defaults to "com.example")
The description to use for your new Flutter project. This string ends up in the
pubspec.yaml file.
(defaults to "A new Flutter project.")
-i, --ios-language
you can set ios language from objc, swift
-a, --android-language
you can set ios language from java, kotlin
The platforms supported by this project. This argument only works when the --template is
set to app or plugin. Platform folders (e.g. android/) will be generated in the target
project. When adding platforms to a plugin project, the pubspec.yaml will be updated with
the requested platform. Adding desktop platforms requires the corresponding desktop
config setting to be enabled.
[ios (default), android (default), windows (default), linux (default), macos (default),
web (default)]
-t, --template=<type>
Specify the type of project to create.
[app] (default) Generate a Flutter application.
[module] Generate a project to add a Flutter module to an existing Android or iOS application.
[package] Generate a shareable Flutter project containing modular Dart code.
[plugin] Generate a shareable Flutter project containing an API in Dart code with a
platform-specific implementation for Android, for iOS code, or for both.
-s, --sample=<id>
Specifies the Flutter code sample to use as the main.dart for an application. Implies
--template=app. The value should be the sample ID of the desired sample from the API
documentation website (http://docs.flutter.dev). An example can be found at
Specifies a JSON output file for a listing of Flutter code samples that can be created
with --sample.
Run "flutter help" to see global options.
Im developing a Metro app based on WinJS-HTML5-CSS3
all the metro apps installed and developed are stored in one location
C:\Program Files\WindowsApps
there if I look for my metro app and enter inside I found my same folder distribution, however if I open default.html my metro app is displayed on IE11 not in the same metro environment
Is there a way to execute my metro app from the desktop, I mean like a executable, what I want is to take my folder with me and then run this "executable"
thanks in advance for the support
There is not currently a supported way to execute a Windows Store Application developed using the Windows Runtime on the desktop. While you can "side-load" an application in some instances (TechNet reference), WinRT applications must be "installed" to run.
I have packaged my application successfully using ripple with chrome.
What process i have to follow to deploy my app to my blackberry device for testing purpose?
There are several ways.
You can try using the BlackBerry Desktop Manager software which should allow you application syncing.
You can use the JavaLoader commandline tool, provided by BlackBerry.
Personally, I use JavaLoader.
It is a simple one-liner in CMD: javaloader load path-to-cod-file
The one-liner above assumes you have added JavaLoader (an .exe in the bin folder of the BlackBerry WebWorks SDK for BlackBerry OS 6/7) to your PATH, so that it will be available for useage like in the example)
Please keep an mind that after you generate the .cod file using Ripple, what you basically have is an actual BlackBerry (WebWorks) project, the way to deploy it would be the same as any other BlackBerry application, whether it was created by Worklight or any other software.
I'm making a mobile application for iOS and Andriod with Flash Builder 4 and I'm using the AIR 2.6 SDK. I would like to have a xml file in it that can be changed at runtime (so not by using embedded). The problem is to include the file when we deploy our project to ipa- or apk-file. Has anyone an idea how you can include a file with your ipa/apk that is installed with your application on the mobile device?