How to make response card buttons working in facebook chat for Lex? - chatbot

I have configured response cards for prompt message on Lex console, I am able to get the card on messenger as well but when I click on any button it's not working.
It sends the value attached to the button, but I get no response. If I enter the response manually then I get the results immediately.
Do we need to configure something else to get buttons in the response cards working?

I got it working by checking/ticking the "messaging_postbacks" events in the Webhooks in messenger settings in the Facebook app.


Facebook Messanger App callback doesn't call my app

I created chatbot for Facebook. I tested in on one fanpage, got business and api permissions verfications from Facebook and I wanted to add the bot to more fanpages. I did it as before, I setted all Webhooks like messages, message_echoes but Facebook doesn't call my app. I'm checking it in debuging tool that shows network traffic to my server.
I tried to remove and add callback, fanpages, but nothing gets change.
The first fanpage still works all fine, but others don't call my bot on any message. Why?
assume you link your app to first fanpage with oauth dialog like this before.
oauth dialog : (See:
when linking another fanpage with oauth dialog,
should click that edit settings button:
choose another fanpage:
now you receive webhooks from other fanpages.
So, problem was in my code. I was checking if request was sent using Symfony profiler. The problem was, it didn't save request if the process was stopped. And it was. I had "die" in some trycatch...

Google chatbot: Response cards are suddenly not showing up in chatbot

I have created a chatbot with bot url(API Gateway API using a lambda function). Response messages/cards are correctly returned to the bot. But today response messages are working as expected but suddenly cards are not showing up in the response to Bot , its blank (API logs are fine, I can see that api has returned the card ).
After a while I am able to see the response cards are showing up for the previous requests also.
After refreshing chatbot page, the response cards renders properly
I think this is a bug.
I normally send messages to my hangouts groups with reminders and they are not working since 2 days ago.
As far as i can see, if i have a button with a url link, the card dosent show.
Card without the link work fine.
As you said, if i close and reopen hangouts, the cards show.
I have opened an issue on the chat api tracker about that
Edit: I was putting a textParagraph and buttons in the same widget. It was working before but now it doesn't. See the doc .

Slack - chatbot dialog with button

In slack is possible to use attachments to create buttons in a chat (
How can I click in the button and use the text button in chat? Don't use link or redirect, just use the button text in the chat.
As I understand you want to update your chat message after a user clicks the button.
Here is how this would work with Slack:
Your app post a message with a message button in a channel
User clicks on button
Your app gets interaction request from Slack
Your apps replies to the Slack request to update the message content
(e.g. text) by replacing it with a new message.
This is how this works with Slack and its the only approach. See also this answer on the same topic.

Facebook sharing popup asking for confirmation

Anyone knows the reason why facebook share dialog can ask for confirmation? It started to happen after moving from one domain to another (.com to .eu), but I'm not sure.
After clicking on send inside sharing popup I receive response from with

FB.Apprequest popup not showing in unity5

I am using facebook sdk package 7.5 for unity 5. Whenever I am sending app invite request without selecting friends it is working fine and popup is shown but whenever I am selecting friends and then trying to send request using FB.Apprequest popup is not shown.
Success response in coming in both cases.
Any help!!!