Retrieve UserName from ServiceNow - powershell

I am able to retrieve records for a particular Incident ID using Invoke-RestMethod. However, while retrieving the data, values like Resolved To, Updated By, etc. get populated by a sysid.
Resolved By comes in this format:
https<!>://, value= sysid
I would like to view the username instead of the sysid.

The 'User ID' (user_name) isn't on the Incident, it's on the sys_user table, so you'll have to dot-walk to it.
If you're using the table API, you'll need to specify a dot-walked field to return, using the sysparm_fields query parameter.
This is no problem, just specify your endpoint like this:
$uri = ""
I've specified a query for a specific incident number is requested, but you can replace that with whatever your query is.The important part is sysparm_fields=resolved_by.user_name. You'll want to specify any other fields you need here, as well.
The JSON I get as a result of running this API call, is the following:
"result": [
"resolved_by.user_name": "admin"
Note the element name: "resolved_by.user_name".
Another option for doing this, would be to tell the API to return both display, and actual values by specifying the sysparm_display_value parameter and setting it to all to return both sys_id and display value, or just true to return only display values.
Your URI would then look like this:
And your JSON would contain the following:
"number": {
"display_value": "INC0000001",
"value": "INC0000001"
"resolved_by": {
"display_value": "System Administrator",
"link": "",
"value": "6816f79cc0a8016401c5a33be04be441"
"sys_updated_by": {
"display_value": "admin",
"value": "admin"
This would be accessed by:


Arbitrary HTTP API Call to Enter Cell Value into a MUTL_PICKLIST Column

I am quite new new to Smartsheets and to programming.
I am using Integromat to update various stuff in Smartsheets - 99% operations are done via a nice interface for dummies.
But I have an issue with one column which is MULTI_PICKLIST and which cannot be processed with native dummy-friendly UI.
Basically, I'm adding a new row and one of the columns on the way is the MULTI_PICKLIST one. In order to enter value into this cell, I need to make an arbitrary HTTP API call.
I know row ID, I know column ID. I just need to construct the body of the HTTP request.
The possible picklist value are: John or Maya or Paul. Assume I need to enter "John" into the column.
Attached, you will find my "progress". I obviously, I'm stuck with the BODY part. Can someone give me a little push, please? I think it's gotta be like 5 lines of code.
This is what I have:
A few things...
First, the value that you're using for URL doesn't look quite right. It should be in the following format, where {sheetId} is replaced with the ID of the sheet you're updating:
Second, I don't think you need the key/value that you've specified for Query String -- I'd suggest that you delete this info.
Next, I'm not sure what the other possible values are for Type (based on your screenshot, it looks like a picklist) -- but if JSON is an option, I'd suggest choosing that option instead of Text.
Finally, here's any example of the correct structure/contents for Body to update a MULTI_PICKLIST cell with the value John -- replace the value of the id property (5225480965908356) with your Row ID and replace the value of the columnId property (8436269809198980) with your Column ID:
"id": "5225480965908356",
"cells": [
"columnId": "8436269809198980",
"objectValue": {
"objectType": "MULTI_PICKLIST",
"values": ["John"]
If you want to select multiple values for a MULTI_PICKLIST cell, here's an example that specifies two values for the cell (John and Maya):
"id": "5225480965908356",
"cells": [
"columnId": "8436269809198980",
"objectValue": {
"objectType": "MULTI_PICKLIST",
"values": ["John", "Maya"]
** UPDATE **
My initial answer answer above assumed you wanted to update a cell value in a MULTI-PICKLIST column (b/c you've selected PUT for the Method value in your screenshot -- which is the verb used to update a row). Having re-read your question just now though, it sounds like maybe you want to add a new that correct? If so, then the value for Method should be POST (not PUT), and Body will need to include additional objects within the cells array to specify values of other cells in the new row. The following example request (when used with the verb POST) adds a new row and populates 3 cells in that row, the first of which is a MULTI_PICKLIST cell:
"cells": [
"columnId": "8436269809198980",
"objectValue": {
"objectType": "MULTI_PICKLIST",
"values": ["John"]
"columnId": 6101753539127172,
"value": "test value"
"columnId": 4055216160040836,
"value": 10
More info about the Add Rows request can be found in the Smartsheet API docs: Add Rows.

JSON server - Is it possible to update an object id?

Here is my db.json :
"users": [
"id": "1"
"name": "John"
I'd like to be able to update the user id by sending a PUT request on the existing user. But the following does not work:
Request URL :
PUT /users/1
with body:
"id": "2"
"name": "John"
Is there a way to update an object id?
If you are using PUT request means ,the request URL should be like this "PUT/users/1" .
Refer below mentioned image.
I'm using postman to send put request
This does not seem to be possible, as said in documentation:
Id values are not mutable. Any id value in the body of your PUT or
PATCH request will be ignored. Only a value set in a POST request will
be respected, but only if not already taken.

Use output from Web Activity call as variable

I'm using ADFv2 to transfer some data. As a part of this operation I need some configuration values to pass into the pipeline.
The config values must be pulled at runtime from a REST service - not as parameters.
I can successfully query the REST service with Web Activity and I can see the output in the debug view.
Now the problem :)
How do I use this output in other activities further in the pipeline?
My Web Activity configuration is like this:
"name": "Web1",
"type": "WebActivity",
"policy": {
"timeout": "7.00:00:00",
"retry": 0,
"retryIntervalInSeconds": 30,
"secureOutput": false
"typeProperties": {
"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
I have tried to access the output after is has executed, but it seems empty:
they are all empty. Any suggestions?
I set up an ADF2 and try to get a response.
This works for me:
Have you checked the output in the debugging?
Here is my output:
"test": {
"value": 123,
"text": abc
"concat": 123abc
I use the stored procedure to insert the values into the destination table on a Logical Server.
In ADFv2, you access the output of previous activities using #activity('ActivityName').output.
For the web activity defined, the response from your function should be in JSON format, so you would reference specific JSON values using their attribute names in the response. For example, your defined web activity, named Web1, calls a function that returns a response of:
"foo": "bar",
"some": "value"
To use the value of foo in a subsequent ADF activity, you would reference #activity('Web1') ADFv2 provides multiple type conversion functions, should you need the returned value converted to another type.
If your function is returning an empty JSON response back, you may want to inspect the response from your function using Postman or another tool to ensure you are returning a properly formatted response, and that your function isn't failing for another reason.
Inside your Azure function code, you should be returning a JSON object, along with a success code, similar to return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, json);.
Also note that if you reference a property of the response and it does not exist, ADF will fail at that point, so you can use an If Condition activity to check for the required values to better handle failures in ADFv2.

Can't post node that requires a pre assigned value with services api

I have setup a content type with a subject field that has pre assigned values in a dropdown field.
I am using the services api to post new content from a polymer app.
When I POST to the api I send the field structure and value in json but get and error.
"406 (Not Acceptable : An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator.)"
Even though the object I am sending matches one of the required values in the field.
Do I need to prefix the value with something? I assume I'm posting to the right place to get that response but don't know why it would accept anything other than the string value.
Here is what I sent to the api which is picked up by my Charles proxy.
"node": {
"type": "case",
"title": "my case",
"language": "und",
"field_subject": {
"und": {
"0": {
"value": "subject1"
"body": {
"und": {
"0": {
"value": "my details of subject"
And here is an example of what I have setup in my Drupal field
subject1| first
subject2| second
subject3| third
subject4| forth
For anyone else with the same problem, this subject is poorly documented, but the answer is simple, my subject did not need the value key despite devel suggesting thats how it would be formatted.
"field_subject": {
"und": [
I could also shorten my code with "und" being an array.

Rest API get resource id by field

What is a correct rest way of getting a resource ID by a field, for example a name. Take a look at the following operations:
GET /users/mike-thomas
GET /users/rick-astley
I don't want to use these operations at my API end, instead I want to write an API operation that will get me the ID when submitting a field (name in the case of users) for example:
GET /users/id-by-field
Submitted data:
"fullName": "Mike Thomas"
Return data:
"data": {
"id": "123456789012345678901234"
What you want is known as an algorithmic URL where the parameters for the algorithm are passed as URL parameters:
GET /users?name="Mike Thomas"
Advantages are that you are using the "root" resource (users) and the search parameters are easily extended without having to change anything in the routing. For example:
GET /users?text="Mike"&year=1962&gender=M
where text would be searched for in more than just the name.
The resultant data would be a list of users and could return more than the identification of those users. Unless fullName uniquely identifies users, that is what you need to allow for anyway. And of course the list could contain a single user if the parameters uniquely identified that user.
users: [
id: "123456789012345678901234",
fullName: "Mike Thomas",
dateJoined: 19620228
, {
id: "234567890123456789012345"
fullName: "Rick Astley",
dateJoined: 19620227