MatLab Why won't my random walker break in a capture zone? - matlab

Hi I programmed a 1d random walker and I am trying to implement a capture zone, where the program will stop if the walker remains in a specific range of values for a certain amount of time. The code I have looks like this:
steps = 1000; %sets the number of steps to 1000
rw = cumsum(-1 + 2 * round(rand(steps,1)),1); %Set up our random walk with cumsum
%Now we will set up our capture zone between 13-18 for fun
if rw >= 13 & rw <= 18
dwc = dwc + 1 %Dwelling counted ticks up every time walker is in 13-18
else dwc = 0; %Once it leaves, it returns to 0
while dwc >= 5
fprintf('5 steps or more within range after %d steps, so so breaking out.\n', rw);
comet(rw); %This will plot our random walk
grid on; %Just to see the capture zone better
hold on;
line(xlim, [13, 13], 'Color', 'r');
line(xlim, [18, 18], 'Color', 'r');
hold off;
title('1d Random Walk with Capture Zone');
It will run through the walk, but it will never break in the capture zone. I am sure it has been in the capture zone for longer than 5 steps on multiple occasions but it keeps running anyway. Any help is appreciated.

You code isn't doing what you think. There is no loop to step through to count steps & check for capture (... you don't need a loop for that anyway)
First this issue: rw is a 1000x1 array. So you if statement condition rw >= 13 & rw <= 18 will likewise return an 1000x1 logical. Which won't make a lot of since.
Second issue is you never modify the condition of the while inside the loop so it will either pass over it or get stuck in and endless loop.
while dwc >= 5
Edit linear version with now loops:
steps = 1000; %sets the number of steps to 1000
rw = cumsum(-1 + 2 * round(rand(steps,1)),1); %Set up our random walk with cumsum
%Now we will set up our capture zone between 13-18 for fun
captureCheck = rw >= 13 & rw <= 18;
%Counts the number of consecutive steps within the capture zone.
consecStepsInZone = diff([0 (find( ~(captureCheck(:).' > 0))) numel(captureCheck) + 1])- 1;
fprintf('The max number of consecutive steps in the zone is: %d\n',max(consecStepsInZone));


How do I adjust this code so that I can enter how many runs I want and it will store each run in a matrix?

I have created this code to generate a 1 set of lottery numbers, but I am trying to make it so that the user can enter how many sets they want (input n), and it will print out as one long matrix of size nX6? I was messing around with a few options from online suggestions, but to no avail. I put the initial for i=1:1:n at the beginning, but I do not know how to store each run into a growing matrix. Right now it still generates just 1 set.
function lottery(n)
for i=1:1:n
while (i<=m)
for j=1:i-1
if (lottonum(i)==lottonum(j))
if flag==0
z = horzcat(lottonum, lottonum1);
disp('The lotto numbers picked are')
fprintf('%g ',z)
disp (' ')
The problem is that you are not storing or displaying the newly generated numbers, only the last set. To solve this, initialize z with NaNs or zeros, and later index z to store each set in a row of z, by using z(i,:) = lottonum.
However, you are using i as iterator in the while loop already, so you should use another variable, e.g. k.
You can also set z as an output of the function, so you can use this matrix in some other part of a program.
function z = lottery(n)
% init z
z = NaN(n,6);
for k = 1:n
while (i<=m)
for j=1:i-1
if (lottonum(i)==lottonum(j))
if flag==0
lottonum1 = floor(ylow+rand*(yhigh-ylow+1));
z(k,:) = horzcat(lottonum, lottonum1); % put the numbers in a row of z
disp('The lotto numbers picked are')
disp(z) % prettier display than fprintf in this case.
disp (' ')
The nice answer from rinkert corrected your basic mistakes (like trying to modify your loop iterator i from within the loop => does not work), and answered your question on how to store all your results.
This left you with a working code, however, I'd like to propose to you a different way to look at it.
The porposed architecture is to divide the tasks into separate functions:
One function draw_numbers which can draw N numbers randomly (and does only that)
One function draw_lottery which call the previous function as many times as it needs (your n), collect the results and display them.
This architecture has the benefit to greatly simplify your main function. It can now be as simple as:
function Draws = draw_lottery(n)
% define your draw parameters
xmin = 1 ; % minimum number drawn
xmax = 69 ; % maximum number drawn
nballs = 5 ; % number of number to draw
% pre allocate results
Draws = zeros( n , nballs) ;
for iDraw=1:1:n
% draw "nballs" numbers
thisDraw = draw_numbers(xmin,xmax,nballs) ;
% add them to the result matrix
Draws(iDraw,:) = thisDraw ;
disp('The lotto numbers picked are:')
disp (Draws)
disp (' ')
Instead of using a intricated set of if conditions and several iterators (i/m/k) to branch the program flow, I made the function recursive. It means the function may have to call itself a number of time until a condition is satisfied. In our case the condition is to have a set of nballs unique numbers.
The function:
(1) draws N integer numbers randomly, using randi.
(2) remove duplicate numbers (if any). Using unique.
(3) count how many unique numbers are left Nu
(4a) if Nu = N => exit function
(4b) if Nu < N => Call itself again, sending the existing Nu numbers and asking to draw an additional N-Nu numbers to add to the collection. Then back to step (2).
in code, it looks like that:
function draw = draw_numbers(xmin,xmax,nballs,drawn_set)
% check if we received a partial set
if nargin == 4
% if yes, adjust the number of balls to draw
n2draw = nballs - numel(drawn_set) ;
% if not, make a full draw
drawn_set = [] ;
n2draw = nballs ;
% draw "nballs" numbers between "xmin" and "xmax"
% and concatenate these new numbers with the partial set
d = [drawn_set , randi([xmin xmax],1,n2draw)] ;
% Remove duplicate
drawn_set = unique(d) ;
% check if we have some more balls to draw
if numel(drawn_set) < nballs
% draw some more balls
draw = draw_numbers(xmin,xmax,nballs,drawn_set) ;
% we're good to go, assign output and exit funtion
draw = drawn_set ;
You can have both functions into the same file if you want.
I encourage you to look at the documentation of a couple of Matlab built-in functions used:

Matlab: Can't handle data

I am writing a program in Matlab that reads in a Matrix coming from a sensor (microcontroller is an Arduino Leonardo). You can choose how fast the matrices are being recorded (e.g. 60 frames per min would be one matrix every second).
All that works great, but I had to create a default file that records all the matrices that would not be recorded (let’s say it’s fast enough to record 8 matrices per sec and you only want one per sec, then the default file would record the other seven). Otherwise I’d get kicked out of here:
%Get data
%Data is read as string (CSV)
data = str2double(strsplit(fgetl(serialPort), ','));
if and(get(hObject,'Value') == 1, correctPort == 1)
%try for right ports
%Reshape data (1D -> 2D array) and display in matrix
k = 1;
for i = 1:nrow
for j = 1:ncol
% Reading in tag names
tagNames{k} = ['tag_matrix_' num2str(k)];
% Creating matrix
data2d(row_index(i), col_index(j)) = data(k);
% Display in matrix
k = k + 1;
set(handles.tag_txt3,'String','This is not the correct port. Please look up the correct port in your Device Manager. Set up the right port and start again');
correctPort = 0;
It goes through the loop a couple of time (a different number of times every time) but eventually I’ll get send to “catch”. This happens if i started recording or not. Doesn't matter.
If I have it display the matrices in the Command Window (data2d(row_index(i), col_index(j)) = data(k) without ;) it works.
Here is how I record the data:
% Open for writing
% Preparation
if and(startLog == 1, correctPort == 1)
set(handles.tag_txt3,'String','Program running and recording data');
% Set interval = recTime after logging (don't worry about that)
if and(startLog == 1, counter == 0)
interval = recTime;
counter = 1;
% Making sure you have to restart after stop logging
if and(startLog == 0, counter == 1)
% Record data when the time has come
if and(startLog == 1,time > interval)
fprintf(fid, '#');
fprintf(fid, '%u', matrixNumber);
fprintf(fid, '\n');
for i=1:size(data2d,1)
fprintf(fid, '%g\t', data2d(i,:));
interval = recTime + interval;
matrixNumber = matrixNumber + 1;
%Making sure you have choosen a unit and send out error
elseif and(startLog == 1,recTime == 0)
set(handles.tag_txt3,'String','Choose a unit and start again');
counter = 0;
%This is where the default file would be recording all the other matrices
Hope someone can help me. I didn't wanna put in the entire code because it's already ten pages. Please let me know if you have further questions.
Thank you so much in advance

CBIR average rank functions

Here is my codes for computing the average rank for each image from 1000 images. (We assume every 100 images are one catagory, e.g, 1-100, 101-200,....)
for z=1:1000
Im_green= H{z}(:,:,2);
Im_blue= H{z}(:,:,3);
for i=1:h
for j=1:w
for i=1:h
for j=1:w
for i=1:h
for j=1:w
value_pixel3 = Im_blue(i,j) + 1;
hist_im3(value_pixel3) = hist_im3(value_pixel3)+1;
Q{z}=[hist_im1, hist_im2, hist_im3];
for r=1:1000
for i=1:1000
for j=1:1000
for r=1:1000
[d1,d2] = sort(B(1,:),'descend');
for g=1:1000
if ((bbb(g)>=fix((r-1)/100)*100+1) & (bbb(g)<=ceil(r/100)*100))
xCoordinates = 1:10;
The match function is a function computes the match value of two histograms of two images with two histograms as input. You can see that Q{z} is the histogram. I think my problem is within here:
for g=1:1000
if ((bbb(g)>=fix((r-1)/100)*100+1) & (bbb(g)<=ceil(r/100)*100))
This is how I calculate the rank. So I just give the rank to ccc(g)
since for g runs from 1 to 1000, it will just be the rank we nee if we have
(bbb(g)>=fix((r-1)/100)*100+1) & (bbb(g)<=ceil(r/100)*100)
for a g.
But why after I run this program I got the value of ccc is one thousand 0s? Why 0? Is there anything wrong with my way of getting the rank through ccc? And is there more errors of my code? I just get the average ranks and the ccc all 0 but cannot figure out why. Thanks in advance!!

MATLAB: subtracting each element in a large vector from each element in another large vector in the fastest way possible

here is the code I have, its not simple subtraction. We want subtract each value in one vector from each value in the other vector, within certain bounds tmin and tmax. time_a and time_b are the very long vectors with times (in ps). binsize is just for grouping times in a similar range for plotting. The longest way possible would be to loop through each element and subtract each element in the other vector, but this would take forever and we are talking about vectors with hundreds of megabytes up to gb.
function [c, dt, dtEdges] = coincidence4(time_a,time_b,tmin,tmax,binsize)
% round tmin, tmax to a intiger multiple of binsize:
if mod(tmin,binsize)~=0
if mod(tmax,binsize)~=0
dt = tmin:binsize:tmax;
dtEdges = [dt(1)-binsize/2,dt+binsize/2];
% dtEdges = linspace((tmin-binsize/2),(tmax+binsize/2),length(dt));
c = zeros(1,length(dt));
Na = length(time_a);
Nb = length(time_b);
% tic2=tic1;
% bbMax=Nb;
for aa = 1:Na
ta = time_a(aa);
bb = bbMin;
% tic
while (bb<=Nb)
tb = time_b(bb);
d = tb - ta;
if d < tmin
bbMin = bb;
bb = bb+1;
elseif d > tmax
bb = Nb+1;
% tic
% [dum, dum2] = histc(d,dtEdges);
index = floor((d-dtEdges(1))/(dtEdges(end)-dtEdges(1))*(length(dtEdges)-1)+1);
% toc
% dt(dum2)
bb = bb+1;
% if mod(aa, 200) == 0
% toc(tic2)
% tic2=tic;
% end
% c=c(1:end-1);
Well, not a final answer but a few clue to simplify and accelerate your system:
First, use cached values. For example, in your line:
index = floor((d-dtEdges(1))/(dtEdges(end)-dtEdges(1))*(length(dtEdges)-1)+1);
your loop repeat the same computations every iteration. You can calculate the value before starting the loop, cache it then reuse the stored result:
cached_dt_constant = (dtEdges(end)-dtEdges(1))*(length(dtEdges)-1) ;
Then in your loop simply use:
index = floor( (d-dtEdges(1)) / cached_dt_constant +1 ) ;
if you have so many loop iteration you'll save valuable time this way.
Second, I am not entirely sure of what the computations are trying to achieve, but you can save time again by using the indexing power of matlab. By replacing the lower part of your code like this, I get an execution time 2 to 3 time faster (and the same results obviously).
Na = length(time_a);
Nb = length(time_b);
dtEdge_span = (dtEdges(end)-dtEdges(1)) ;
cached_dt_constant = dtEdge_span * (length(dtEdges)-1) ;
for aa = 1:Na
ta = time_a(aa);
d = time_b - ta ;
iok = (d>=tmin) & (d<=tmax) ;
index = floor( (d(iok)-dtEdges(1)) ./ cached_dt_constant +1 ) ;
c(index) = c(index) +1 ;
Now there is only one loop to go through, the inner loop has been removed and replaced by vectorized calculation. By scratching the head a bit further there might be a way to do even without the top loop and use only vectorized computations. Although this will require to have enough memory to handle quite big arrays in one go.
If the precision of each value is not critical (I see you round and floor values often), try converting your initial vectors to 'single' type instead of the default matlab 'double'. that would almost double the size of array your memory will be able to handle in one go.

SET game odds simulation (MATLAB)

I have recently found the great card came - SET. Briefly, there are 81 cards with the four features: symbol (oval, squiggle or diamond), color (red, purple or green), number (one, two or three) and shading (solid, striped or open). The task is to locate (from selected 12 cards) a SET of 3 cards, in which each of the four features is either all the same on each card or all different on each card (no 2+1 combination).
I've coded it in MATLAB to find a solution and to estimate odds of having a set in randomly selected cards.
Here is my code to estimate odds:
%% initialization
K = 12; % cards to draw
NF = 4; % number of features (usually 3 or 4)
setallcards = unique(nchoosek(repmat(1:3,1,NF),NF),'rows'); % all cards: rows - cards, columns - features
setallcomb = nchoosek(1:K,3); % index of all combinations of K cards by 3
%% test
NIter=1e2; % number of test iterations
setexists = 0; % test results holder
% C = progress('init'); % if you have progress function from FileExchange
for d = 1:NIter
% C = progress(C,d/NIter);
% cards for current test
setdrawncardidx = randi(size(setallcards,1),K,1);
setdrawncards = setallcards(setdrawncardidx,:);
% find all sets in current test iteration
for setcombidx = 1:size(setallcomb,1)
setcomb = setdrawncards(setallcomb(setcombidx,:),:);
if all(arrayfun(#(x) numel(unique(setcomb(:,x))), 1:NF)~=2) % test one combination
setexists = setexists + 1;
break % to find only the first set
fprintf('Set:NoSet = %g:%g = %g:1\n', setexists, NIter-setexists, setexists/(NIter-setexists))
100-1000 iterations are fast, but be careful with more. One million iterations takes about 15 hours on my home computer. Anyway, with 12 cards and 4 features I've got around 13:1 of having a set. This is actually a problem. The instruction book said this number should be 33:1. And it was recently confirmed by Peter Norvig. He provides the Python code, but I didn't test it yet.
So can you find an error? Any comments on performance improvement are welcome.
I tackled the problem writing my own implementation before looking at your code. My first attempt was very similar to what you already had :)
%# some parameters
NUM_ITER = 100000; %# number of simulations to run
DRAW_SZ = 12; %# number of cards we are dealing
SET_SZ = 3; %# number of cards in a set
FEAT_NUM = 4; %# number of features (symbol,color,number,shading)
FEAT_SZ = 3; %# number of values per feature (eg: red/purple/green, ...)
%# cards features
features = {
'oval' 'squiggle' 'diamond' ; %# symbol
'red' 'purple' 'green' ; %# color
'one' 'two' 'three' ; %# number
'solid' 'striped' 'open' %# shading
fIdx = arrayfun(#(k) grp2idx(features(k,:)), 1:FEAT_NUM, 'UniformOutput',0);
%# list of all cards. Each card: [symbol,color,number,shading]
[W X Y Z] = ndgrid(fIdx{:});
cards = [W(:) X(:) Y(:) Z(:)];
%# all possible sets: choose 3 from 12
setsInd = nchoosek(1:DRAW_SZ,SET_SZ);
%# count number of valid sets in random draws of 12 cards
counterValidSet = 0;
for i=1:NUM_ITER
%# pick 12 cards
ord = randperm( size(cards,1) );
cardsDrawn = cards(ord(1:DRAW_SZ),:);
%# check for valid sets: features are all the same or all different
for s=1:size(setsInd,1)
%# set of 3 cards
set = cardsDrawn(setsInd(s,:),:);
%# check if set is valid
count = arrayfun(#(k) numel(unique(set(:,k))), 1:FEAT_NUM);
isValid = (count==1|count==3);
%# increment counter
if isValid
counterValidSet = counterValidSet + 1;
break %# break early if found valid set among candidates
%# ratio of found-to-notfound
fprintf('Size=%d, Set=%d, NoSet=%d, Set:NoSet=%g\n', ...
DRAW_SZ, counterValidSet, (NUM_ITER-counterValidSet), ...
After using the Profiler to discover hot spots, some improvement can be made mainly by early-break'ing out of loops when possible. The main bottleneck is the call to the UNIQUE function. Those two lines above where we check for valid sets can be rewritten as:
%# check if set is valid
isValid = true;
for k=1:FEAT_NUM
count = numel(unique(set(:,k)));
if count~=1 && count~=3
isValid = false;
break %# break early if one of the features doesnt meet conditions
Unfortunately, the simulation is still slow for larger simulation. Thus my next solution is a vectorized version, where for each iteration, we build a single matrix of all possible sets of 3 cards from the hand of 12 drawn cards. For all these candidate sets, we use logical vectors to indicate what feature is present, thus avoiding the calls to UNIQUE/NUMEL (we want features all the same or all different on each card of the set).
I admit that the code is now less readable and harder to follow (thus I posted both versions for comparison). The reason being that I tried to optimize the code as much as possible, so that each iteration-loop is fully vectorized. Here is the final code:
%# some parameters
NUM_ITER = 100000; %# number of simulations to run
DRAW_SZ = 12; %# number of cards we are dealing
SET_SZ = 3; %# number of cards in a set
FEAT_NUM = 4; %# number of features (symbol,color,number,shading)
FEAT_SZ = 3; %# number of values per feature (eg: red/purple/green, ...)
%# cards features
features = {
'oval' 'squiggle' 'diamond' ; %# symbol
'red' 'purple' 'green' ; %# color
'one' 'two' 'three' ; %# number
'solid' 'striped' 'open' %# shading
fIdx = arrayfun(#(k) grp2idx(features(k,:)), 1:FEAT_NUM, 'UniformOutput',0);
%# list of all cards. Each card: [symbol,color,number,shading]
[W X Y Z] = ndgrid(fIdx{:});
cards = [W(:) X(:) Y(:) Z(:)];
%# all possible sets: choose 3 from 12
setsInd = nchoosek(1:DRAW_SZ,SET_SZ);
%# optimizations: some calculations taken out of the loop
ss = setsInd(:);
set_sz2 = numel(ss)*FEAT_NUM/SET_SZ;
col = repmat(1:set_sz2,SET_SZ,1);
col = FEAT_SZ.*(col(:)-1);
M = false(FEAT_SZ,set_sz2);
%# progress indication
%#hWait = waitbar(0./NUM_ITER, 'Simulation...');
%# count number of valid sets in random draws of 12 cards
counterValidSet = 0;
for i=1:NUM_ITER
%# update progress
%#waitbar(i./NUM_ITER, hWait);
%# pick 12 cards
ord = randperm( size(cards,1) );
cardsDrawn = cards(ord(1:DRAW_SZ),:);
%# put all possible sets of 3 cards next to each other
set = reshape(cardsDrawn(ss,:)',[],SET_SZ)';
set = set(:);
%# check for valid sets: features are all the same or all different
M(:) = false; %# if using PARFOR, it will complain about this
M(set+col) = true;
isValid = all(reshape(sum(M)~=2,FEAT_NUM,[]));
%# increment counter if there is at least one valid set in all candidates
if any(isValid)
counterValidSet = counterValidSet + 1;
%# ratio of found-to-notfound
fprintf('Size=%d, Set=%d, NoSet=%d, Set:NoSet=%g\n', ...
DRAW_SZ, counterValidSet, (NUM_ITER-counterValidSet), ...
%# close progress bar
If you have the Parallel Processing Toolbox, you can easily replace the plain FOR-loop with a parallel PARFOR (you might want to move the initialization of the matrix M inside the loop again: replace M(:) = false; with M = false(FEAT_SZ,set_sz2);)
Here are some sample outputs of 50000 simulations (PARFOR used with a pool of 2 local instances):
» tic, SET_game2, toc
Size=12, Set=48376, NoSet=1624, Set:NoSet=29.7882
Elapsed time is 5.653933 seconds.
» tic, SET_game2, toc
Size=15, Set=49981, NoSet=19, Set:NoSet=2630.58
Elapsed time is 9.414917 seconds.
And with a million iterations (PARFOR for 12, no-PARFOR for 15):
» tic, SET_game2, toc
Size=12, Set=967516, NoSet=32484, Set:NoSet=29.7844
Elapsed time is 110.719903 seconds.
» tic, SET_game2, toc
Size=15, Set=999630, NoSet=370, Set:NoSet=2701.7
Elapsed time is 372.110412 seconds.
The odds ratio agree with the results reported by Peter Norvig.
Here's a vectorized version, where 1M hands can be calculated in about a minute. I got about 28:1 with it, so there might still be something a little off with finding 'all different' sets. My guess is that this is what your solution has trouble with, as well.
%# initialization
K = 12; %# cards to draw
NF = 4; %# number of features (this is hard-coded to 4)
nIter = 100000; %# number of iterations
%# each card has four features. This means that a card can be represented
%# by a coordinate in 4D space. A set is a full row, column, etc in 4D
%# space. We can even parallelize the iterations, at least as long as we
%# have RAM (each hand costs 81 bytes)
%# make card space - one dimension per feature, plus one for the iterations
cardSpace = false(3,3,3,3,nIter);
%# To draw cards, we put K trues into each cardSpace. I can't think of a
%# good, fast way to draw exactly K cards that doesn't involve calling
%# unique
for i=1:nIter
shuffle = randperm(81) + (i-1) * 81;
cardSpace(shuffle(1:K)) = true;
%# to test, all we have to do is check whether there is any row, column,
%# with all 1's
isEqual = squeeze(any(any(any(all(cardSpace,1),2),3),4) | ...
any(any(any(all(cardSpace,2),1),3),4) | ...
any(any(any(all(cardSpace,3),2),1),4) | ...
%# to get a set of 3 cards where all symbols are different, we require that
%# no 'sub-volume' is completely empty - there may be something wrong with this
%# but since my test looked ok, I'm not going to investigate on Friday night
isDifferent = squeeze(~any(all(all(all(~cardSpace,1),2),3),4) & ...
~any(all(all(all(~cardSpace,1),2),4),3) & ...
~any(all(all(all(~cardSpace,1),3),4),2) & ...
isSet = isEqual | isDifferent;
%# find the odds
fprintf('odds are %5.2f:1\n',sum(isSet)/(nIter-sum(isSet)))
I found my error. Thanks Jonas for the hint with RANDPERM.
I used RANDI to randomly drawn K cards, but there is about 50% chance to get repeats even in 12 cards. When I substituted this line with randperm, I've got 33.8:1 with 10000 iterations, very close to the number in instruction book.
setdrawncardidx = randperm(81);
setdrawncardidx = setdrawncardidx(1:K);
Anyway, it would be interesting to see other approaches to the problem.
I'm sure there's something wrong with my calculation of these odds, since several others have confirmed with simulations that it's close to 33:1 as in the instructions, but what's wrong with the following logic?
For 12 random cards, there are 220 possible combinations of three cards (12!/(9!3!) = 220). Each combination of three cards has a 1/79 chance of being a set, so there's a 78/79 chance of three arbitrary cards not being a set. So if you examined all 220 combinations and there were a 78/79 chance that each one weren't a set, then your chance of not finding a set examining all possible combinations would be 78/79 raised to the 220th power, or 0.0606, which is approx. 17:1 odds.
I must be missing something...?