Communication between Wopi served Iframe embedded excel-online document and parent window - ms-wopi

I have an excel-online embedded document on an Iframe element. The file is served by a WOPI host to client.
I want to be able have the Iframe communicate with the parent window the same way that an oline file served from OneDrive can communicate with its parent window using the Excel Services JavaScript API ( I want to be able to read elements such as a cell that is in focus etc.
Wopi protocol suggest using HTML PostMessage which has limitation as it does not allow for manipulation of the embedded file the same way Excel Services JavaScript API does.
Is there a way to achieve this with an Iframe embedded excel-oline file served through a WOPI host?


Is there any way to get the HTML from a web page once the JavaScript is loaded in a Flutter app?

I'm working on a URL preview widget, so I'd like to extract the meta tags from the HTML of a given URL.
However, the problem is that websites like Twitter don't return the entire HTML when they detect there's no JavaScript engine enabled (i.e. doing a GET request from the http package).
So, I'd like to know if there's any workaround for these cases, for example, using some kind of headless browser to get the entire HTML.

How do I rewrite URL to drop file extension for pdf on github pages?

Imagine my website is hosted on GitHub Pages and has a custom domain I can access a pdf at
Is there a way where I can make it work at
As mentioned in comments, if you are using static website hosted by a 3rd party like GitHub pages, you don't really get a lot of control over http server. I would tentatively say you cannot control URL rewrite rules on GitHub.
What you could potentially do instead is to host a page with a bit of JavaScript that would start the download on a given event (button click, page load, etc) this way you could mask your actual download URL with this html page (that by convention comes with no file extension)
UPD: and surely enough someone's been doing it already: The post is going on about having nice urls, but I believe file downloads implementation can be implemented similarly
Yes you should make your website with MVC structure. Make a controller and in Index action load pdf file.
Then on action calling your pdf will be loaded like that:
Students/AllResult etc

FMP URL Format in Filemaker WebDirect

I am trying to use some webviewers on Filemaker WebDirect. I would like to call a script in filemaker from a button on the webviewer. It works great in pro but I'm not sure of the url protocal I need to use in web direct. What is the format I should use when trying to call a filemaker script from a webviewer in webdirect?
You'll need to test this out because I haven't tested it, but I believe that when you use a webviewer in a WebDirect solution the webviewer actually displays an iframe tag and the contents of the webviewer works like any other iframe on a webpage, i.e. it's no longer part of the WebDirect application.
You can check it out in the browser interface of your WebDirect solution by right-clicking on the webviewer and selecting "inspect element". That should open up the browser's developer tools and show you the webviewer's element in the overall HTML structure. The webviewer should be an iframe.
All of that said, if it does treat the content of the webviewer as an iframe and therefore the content of the iframe is outside of your WebDirect solution, it means that whatever communication you have from the webviewer content would need to communicate externally with your FileMaker Solution via XML custom web publishing. It would be like standing inside of your house, reaching out of a window, unlocking your front door, and grabbing something you want.
This means you would need:
Web Publishing turned on on your FileMaker Server
A user with the xml extended privileges enabled
An external IP address that you can access your FileMaker Server by
Then you could (again, theoretically I have not tried doing this) use a link that contains a url with the XML custom web publishing syntax to perform the script. You can find a description of the syntax in the FileMaker Server documentation PDF fms13_cwp_xml.pdf. I can't find a good link to the syntax online at the moment, but you could search around for it. The basic syntax outlined in the PDF is:
<scheme>://<host>[:<port>]/fmi/xml/<xml_grammar>.xml[?<query string>]
and calling a script would look like:
My url structure could be off.
Anyway, it sounds like it could be a pain in the ass, but it may be a solution! Good luck!
This is tricky because you will have to communicate with the Webdirect client via FMServer!
Use the FMServer PHP interface for your webpage within the webviewer to communicate to the server. Your web page can either:
1) Directly set a value in the server that your client will monitor
2) If it has to call a script then call a script on the server, your client will still have to monitor a value. e.g. use the php API on your webpage. Setup your database connection (see the API docs in your FMServer folder for an example), then call:
$newperformscript =& $fm->newPerformScriptCommand($layoutName, 'scriptname',$scriptParameters);
$result = $newPerformScript->execute();
Your Webdirect Client will then need to monitor for that change. While Webdirect is on the layout with the webviewer, your client could use the filemaker script step to actively monitor for a change in value via a timer:
Install OnTimer [Interval:secs]
When your client detects that change that you made then perform your action.
Note: You will have to pass an ID of the client to the webviewer, and your webviewer will have to pass that ID back to the server, and your client will have to monitor for that ID so that all clients don't respond to the change. You can pass whichever client ID you choose to use to the webviewer via the URL using GET.
If your server is local then the change will be detected in one second if that is what your Install OnTimer timer is set to.
What you are doing is far from ideal with Filemaker... I suggest that you look into a different UI paradigm if possible.

How to load images using HttpClient API

I have one requirement. I need to access one of our servers (web site) and need to read the content using the URLs and render it on the browser.
In our Application, I am using HttpClient API to access the web pages of one server ( I am able to get html content/ web pages in the form of HttpResponse of HttpClient API. The content is sent from my application to the client, where the content is rendered in the browser.
Some of the lines from response,
href="/web/common/images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"
href="/web/common/css/login.css" type="text/css
href="/web/common/css/overlay.css" type="text/css"
This href is pointing to the server I am referring from my application. I think this href location is trying to find the images or css files in my local server. I want the images to be read from the server which is I am accessing from my application.
How to solve this issue ? Help would be appreciated.
I was able to solve this issue. When the client request for the following image, href="/web/common/images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon", I am using servlet to read the response from other website.

Grab contents of a webpage in GWT

Let's say that I have a link to a webpage that contains some text. What's the easiest way to grab this text to process?
Long story short, I don't think it's possible to make a request from the client js to grab the text from a url with a different domain.
It is possible to make requests to load json. This link describes how.
Basically, the steps are:
Embed a tag in the GWT page
after GWT page is initialized, update
the script tag's src to load remote
remote url returns some json data
padded inside a callback javascript
function such as:
So, you're only option may be writing a method on the server side that loads the url, gets the text. You could then call this method from gwt client using normal rpc technique.
Assuming same origin: use the "RequestBuilder" class.
If you are trying to grab a webpage from a different origin, then it obviously won't work.