Does AWS API Gateway Support Basic Authorization? - aws-api-gateway

Is there a way to use Basic authentication rather than AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 authentication with the AWS API Gateway Service? I need to support a system that only supports webhook calls with Basic Authentication.

You just need to modify the 401 Unauthorized response template so that it contains the WWW-Authenticate header set to 'Basic'. Apart from that, you'll need to create a custom authorizer that verifies that the provided credentials are correct. You can find more info here

You can configure an API Gateway to support Basic auth, and API Gateway supports integrations with any AWS service.
Setting up Basic auth in API Gateway requires a few steps. Check this post and search down to BobK#AWS response:


Kubernetes Service account authentication in Postman

I have a kubernetes cluster and i have my application deployed in the pods. There is a endpoint URL of my application which i used to send POST requests from Postman. I need to provide some level of authentication to the my URL. I read the service account authentication using the JWT token.
How can i achieve the same feature in postman ??
I tried creating a new service account and took the secret and the associated JWT token as the Bearer token in postman. But it is not giving any kind of authentication.
Cant directly answer your question, but from what comes to my mind is that: Istio supports Token-based end-user authentication with JSON Web Tokens.
You should understand I havent tried to do that, but this looks for me very promising: Istio End-User Authentication for Kubernetes using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Auth0
And to test JWT-based authentication and authorization workflow thay exactly use Postman, as you prefer.

Use Envoy Proxy or HA Proxy for authentication using IDP

I have a requirement where i need to authenticate external request via IDP. Can this be done using envoy proxy or HA Proxy?
Currently the only way to achieve this is by using the ext_authz filter to send request metadata to an auth server.
There's currently work on implementing an OAuth filter that would work with any OAuth 2.0 compliant IdP but that work is not yet complete (

Account Linking - OAUTH2 auth code exchange using Basic HTTP Auth?

Our OAuth 2.0 server expects the client credentials for the auth-code-to-token exchange to be in a Basic HTTP Auth header, a common strategy detailed in the OAuth 2.0 RFC. Is there a flag that can be set on our account to enable this?
It does not appear we are exposing this setting via the Actions Console, but we do support this for properly configured clients.
I have reached out to the team responsible for Actions Console and will update this answer with instructions once we support this option.
We are also facing similar issue. Our OAuth 2.0 server expects client credentials should be coming in Basic HTTP Auth header, but looks like from the Actions console it is coming as a part of request body. As you have mentioned that provision is there in your infrastructure, so if you can have that provision in Actions console as well to send client credentials in Basic Auth header it would be great !

AWS API Gateway endpoints using basic authentication

Is it possible to expose an API endpoint in AWS API Gateway using basic authentication ?
Basically, an API endpoint which can be accessed using username and password ?
Further I want to take the user's payload to a SNS Topic / SQS queue. ( Customer with Username & Password -> AWS GATEWAY API -> SQS/SNS)
I am seeing quite lot of articles on how to expose using JWT's , but not using basic authentication.
You can use AWS proxy integration method on API Gateway to put the payload into SQS from the API endpoint. Basic authentication is currently not supported by API Gateway.
you can create a dummy endpoint in the API Gateway, and create a Lambda function to authorize it handle the login logic inside that authorization lambda function.
Note: it works but not an good practice

Adding a API to WSO2 API Manager that has OAuth credentials

We're trying to test out WSO2 API manager and having troubles adding some APIs. MailChimp was added easily because MC has not OAuth Credentials itself. But when trying to add Facebook or another API that has it's own API manager it doesn't work and constantly get a 401 Unauthorized. This is becaused both Facebook and WSO2 API Manager need OAuth tokens and obviously you can only send one Authorization header. Any help here?
WSO2 ApiManager 1.0 still does not support (OAuth) secured back-end services out of the box. Hence it is not possible to register facebook, twitter apis via APIM.
Right now, an application is sending and authorization header to the APIM with a key issued by the APIM. Ideally if you send another authorization header, that will be forwarded to facebook api, but at the API Gateway level you need to remove the processed header which belongs to the APIM authorization.
Adding backend services with security will be added as a new feature to APIM future releases.
Can you please explain why you want to use the API manager here? You can directly send your request to Facebook where the request is authorised.