Implementing own signup and login system for apps - rest

I'm creating an app in which you are supposed to signup/login to use it. Now I'm implementing a restful webservice for it and I'm not sure whether I'm going the right way. My workflow is:
To signup, the user types in his credentials like username, email and password. The app hashes the password and sends a post request containing the credentials as json to my webservice and the webservice saves the new user to the database.
To login into the system, the app sends a get request including the parameters username and hash of the password to the webservice, compares the hash values and returns an appropriate response code for success oder fail.
The communication between app and webservice is secured by ssl.
Is this the right and secure workflow of a signup/login system? If not, why is it not secure and can you recommend another workflow? Cheers.

The most important part should be that your web service is only reachable via https.
I assume you are talking about a mobile app.
The app should not hash the password, the web service should do it and then store the user.
Mobile apps can be reverse engineered and then you know how to hash your passwords.
So to create a user in a restful way would be to send a POST request with username, email and password in the body.
For example POST /users
"username": "john-doe",
"email": "",
"password": "some password"
For authentication/authorization you might consider OAuth 2 but that takes a huge amount of time to implement.
Another option would be to have another REST resource called access-tokens.
So whenever you need to authenticate you do a POST /access-tokens request to create an access token.
POST /access-tokens
"username": "john-doe",
"password": "some password"
"access_token": "9d91c97fc0f98a6311f101246e252ab3230c261c2af",
"expries_in": 3600
Then the mobile app needs to take care of that it will always create a new access token shortly before it expires. OAuth 2 has also refresh tokens for this purpose which are delivered together with the access token. Then you can retrieve a new access token just by sending the refresh token to the web service.
Once authenticated you need to include the access token in the Authorization header in every request to the web service that needs authentication.


Facebook OAuth security using passport-facebook

I am currently using a client-side React component to have a user login to Facebook via OAuth in my application. On the server-side, I use the npm package passport-facebook-token to validate the authenticity of the accessToken after a successful client-side login.
One practice I do not see often is in addition to asking Facebook if the accessToken is valid, shouldn't the server also check if the email provided by the client's payload matches the e-mail coming back from Facebook? Allow me to use defined client/server technologies to illustrate my question:
1) User uses React component on the client to authenticate with Facebook.
2) React component successfully authenticates with Facebook and fires an HTTP request to the server with an access token and the user's email.
3) The server, running Node.JS and passport-facebook, now needs to verify the authenticity of the access token directly from Facebook. Facebook does not care for an e-mail. It will just verify the access token.
4) Facebook returns a response to Node.js confirming the authenticity of the access token. The response also contains other metadata about the user, including their email and other profile data.
My question is, should Node.js take the email that's also coming back from Facebook's access token verification payload, and verify that it is what came back from the React client? Would this not prevent someone from brute-forcing an accessToken and require them to not only have an accessToken but also know who the accessToken belongs to? This could prevent a user from submitting a bunch of HTTP POST requests to the Node.js server attempting different access tokens. They would not only have to guess an access token assigned to the application's clientID, but also know the e-mail it belongs to. Is this an over-engineered approach?
Really the best way I can think of to make your OAuth accessToken and 'code' value less prone to brute-forcing is using a Cryptographic Number Generator to create a 128-bit length string of random data and encoding it with base 64 to use as your code. It's extremely unlikely that it would be guessed by a computer or by someone redirecting to and from the authorization endpoint and the redirect-uri with query parameters.
Another method of fortification is limiting the rate of authorizations by IP address (which you can do instead of email through Node.js) but that is usually not a problem for most well-equipped hackers. I highly advise the first method for creating a more secure service.
Your approach to validate the email as well as the token is a bit superfluous because Facebook's opaque user access tokens are inherently tied to email.
From Facebook
An access token is an opaque string that identifies a user, app, or Page
"opaque" is defined by Auth0 here
Opaque Access Tokens are tokens in a proprietary format that typically contain some identifier to information in a server’s persistent storage
In your case, the identifier is the user's email, and the server belongs to Facebook.
I will elaborate further. Here is your step by step with some edits:
User uses React component on the client to authenticate with Facebook, inputting both their email and password directly to Facebook. React component gets the token from Facebook on login success.
React component successfully authenticates with Facebook and fires an HTTP request to the server with an access token and the user's email.
The server, running Node.JS and passport-facebook, now needs to verify the authenticity of the access token directly from Facebook. Facebook does not care for an e-mail. It will just verify the access token because the access token is already tied to the email.
Facebook returns a response to Node.js confirming the authenticity of the access token. The response also contains other metadata about the user, including their email and other profile data.
This is Facebook's bug bounty program. If their OAuth was really as cracked as to require a second email validation, it would have been patched almost immediately by this incentive.

Facebook oauth2 - secure after-login use

I would like to ask little theoretically.
I have an angular6 + spring app that has its own client, app-specific client data.
These data can be divided into two groups
managment-data: Like client roles that allow client to visit different parts of app
client-data: personal settings, history of activities etc.
Because I would like to make login as user-friendly as possible, I would like to implement facebook login.
After user click "FB login button", facebook returns me some-user info and mainly a security token. How could I use this to securely communicate with my BE.
When someone sends request to BE, I need to be sure, that its the same person that logged in to facebook.
If I send this token as part of request, what stops possible attacker to somehow obtain token and then impersonate original user?
In what form I should send data I got from Facebook to my own server?
How should I work with token on server?
How can I validate its authenticity?
Thank you for answers
Filip Širc
You should look into the usage of OpenID Connect along with OAuth protocol. It allows you to authenticate the user to your client application (Angular6 + Spring app) to verify the user details.
When you are sending an access token to access a certain resource, you should avoid sending it as a request parameter. Usually it is encouraged to send it under the Authorization header of the request as a bearer token. However, if you want it to be extra secure, you could encode the token before sending so that it would be difficult to decode it and steal any valuable information.
Also, when you are sending sensitive information, it ise better to send them in the form of a JSON Web Token (JWT). You can use a third party library to create a jwt to include the information that need to be sent to the server. You can sign the jwt with your own signature which can be validated later. Refer for detailed information about jwts.
You should use the claims in your access token to grant a user access to the resource you are protecting. Since most of the tokens are sent in the form of jwts, you can decode them and get check the necessary claims such as scopes, audience (client app), subject (user), etc.
Most importantly, you should validate the signature of the token sent from Facebook to make sure its an authentic one. For this, you have to get the public key details from Facebook's jwks endpoint and validate the signature using a third party library (auth0, nimbusds, etc.). Facebook's digital signature will be unique and this verification process is the best way to ensure the security. Also, you can check whether certain claims in the token match your expected values to validate the token. This can also be done through libraries such as ones mentioned above. Here's auth0 repo for you to get a general idea.

REST API user and client authentication

I am building a REST API as the backend for a mobile app. I would like to check if the requests made to the API are coming from our mobile app. However, the API will require end users to login in order to access certain endpoints.
My questions is, how could I authenticate all incoming requests to make sure they are coming from our own app, while also authenticating the end users for some requests?
I was thinking of sending an API key with all requests in the Authentication HTTP Header to authenticate the mobile app, and (separated by a comma) also send along a JWT for authenticating the end-user. While this could work, it seems a bit "hacky".
What is the standard way of authenticating both the mobile app and the
end-user of the mobile app at the same time?
Using an application token and a user-specific session token is one method of separating authentication of the two. The application token would be unique for your application, and should be obfuscated so that inspection of the client's binary would not lead to easy detection of the token. The user-specific session token should be generated when the user is logged in. The client adds this user session key to future API calls, the server will check if the session key is valid, and can use it to look up any session state stored for the client.
However, optimally, you would implement the full oauth2 spec. as outlined in this ultimate guide to mobile API security:
Here’s how OAuth2 token authentication works from a user perspective
(OAuth2 calls this the password grant flow):
A user opens up your mobile app and is prompted for their username or email and password.
You send a POST request from your mobile app to your API service with the user’s username or email and password data included (OVER SSL!).
You validate the user credentials, and create an access token for the user that expires after a certain amount of time.
You store this access token on the mobile device, treating it like an API key which lets you access your API service.
Once the access token expires and no longer works, you re-prompt the user for their username or email and password.
What makes OAuth2 great for securing APIs is that it doesn’t require you to store API keys in an unsafe environment. Instead, it will generate access tokens that can be stored in an untrusted environment temporarily.
This is great because even if an attacker somehow manages to get a hold of your temporary access token, it will expire! This reduces damage potential (we’ll cover this in more depth in our next article).

Mobile app + REST API authentication

I want to build a REST API which will be used by both mobile app and also a website. I was wondering how would I go about implementing a simple login system for users?
For a simple website, after checking the username and password, one could set a SESSION variable and have the user "logged in".
Now, REST is stateless so I suspect that the above is not the way to go about. I thought that a possible solution would be to have the server generate and return an access token each time the user logs in, and the client will need to attach this access token to every subsequent request to access protected endpoints.
Is the above a viable solution or what is the industry standard for something like this?
(I found OAuth 2.0 to be overkill, but I could be wrong)
There are several token authentication schemes, but if you're looking for the industry standard, then JWT (JSON Web Token) is the way to go. Here's how the process usually goes:
Client sends his credentials (e.g. username and password) to the server.
The server verifies that the credentials are correct, generates a JWT and returns it to the client. Client saves the token in e.g. localStorage.
For each subsequent request, the client will attach the JWT as a part of the request (usually in the "Authorization" header).
Server will be able to decode the JWT and decide if the client should have access to the requested resource.
Now, some interesting features of JWT come from the fact that there is data encoded in it. Some of it everyone can decode, and some only the server can decode.
So, for example, you could encode the user's id and profile picture in the JWT so that the client can use the data from it, not having to do another request to the server to get his profile.
JWT has embedded info about expiration. The server can set the expiration time.
Another cool thing about JWTs is that they are invalid if changed. Imagine you stole someone's token, but it's expired. You try to change the expire information inside the token to some time in the future, and send it to the server. Server will deem that token invalid, because the contents doesn't match the signature attached, and a valid signature can only be generated by the server.

django rest framework - understanding authentication and logging in

I am a beginner to django rest framework (and to REST in general) and I have a server side which (for now) has a UserViewSet which allows to register new users and I can POST to the url from my android app just fine (I get 201 CREATED).
I read a lot about it, but I don't seem to fully the understand the concept of Login and Authentication in REST frameworks and specifically in django rest framework, and how it works.
Do you "Log in" (like in facebook for example) and then you can make requests?
What I understand\heard off:
you can Login to a API\website using your username and password (assuming off course that you have registered as a user and you are in the user database).
After you are Logged in - you will be able to make requests to views that allow access only to logged in\authenticated users.
Is that somewhat correct? I mean, is there a "Log in" url where you login and that's it? you are authenticated?
Also read somewhere that there isn't actually a login url, and you have to add your username and password to each request and then the request has to check if your details are in the User database?
To sum up, I am not really sure how does authentication/logging in (same thing?) happens in django REST framework... and would really appreciate a good explanation or an example..
Thanks a lot!
In a normal web application (removing the API from the question), a user would "log" in with their credentials (username/password, social tokens, etc.) and would receive a session cookie (assigned by Django) that allows them to authenticate in future requests on behalf of a user (realistically, themselves). This session cookie stays on their system for a limited period of time (two weeks by default) and allows them to freely use the website without authenticating again. If the session cookie needs to be removed, such that the person can no longer authenticate, the web application typically destroys the session cookie (or clears the session) which effectives "logs them out".
In the case of an API, it all depends on how the authentication works.
SessionAuthentication works just like as described above, as it uses Django's internal session system.
TokenAuthentication remembers the authentication information through a database-backed token (which is transmitted in the Authorization header) instead of a session cookie.
BasicAuthentication authenticates on every session (no persistent session) by passing the username and password on every request (base64 encoded through the Authorization header).
Other authentication methods generally work in the same way as TokenAuthentication.
So, here are some answers to specific questions which were raised
Do you "Log in" (like in facebook for example) and then you can make requests?
Using BasicAuthentication, you "log in" on every request by providing your credentials. With token-based authentication (TokenAuthentication, OAuth 2, JWT, etc.), you "log in" to receive the initial token and then your authorization is confirmed on every request.
Also read somewhere that there isn't actually a login url, and you have to add your username and password to each request and then the request has to check if your details are in the User database?
This is basic access authentication which you can use in DRF using the BasicAuthentication class.