Cannot install Netbeans on Solaris - solaris

My problem is that I cannot install netbeans IDE 8 on Solaris 11. I love solaris, and NetBeans website tells that is possible to install it on Solaris, but I get the folowing error:
Cannot setup embedded JVM
This most likely is because the embedded JVM is incompatible with the current system.


Eclipse IDE for Scientific Computing for C++ on windows

I have installed the latest version of Eclipse IDE for scientific computing 2020-12. I am trying to run an MPI c++ project but I get this error :
Program "mpic++" not found in PATH
I have already installed Microsoft MPI on my system but now I do not know how should I get mpic++ on windows10. I downloaded it from here but no idea how to open src.rpm file !

Can I run C written in NetBeans on Ubuntu in the Windows NetBeans IDE?

I have some C code written using the NetBeans editor in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.
Would I be able to run this on a Windows 7 system without any problems, using the same Windows NetBeans IDE?
In short no. (... there are some work arounds)
On the Linux Side
Netbeans installed on Ubuntu, by default, will compile this using GCC, and compile it to run on Linux.
On the Windows Side
If you basically copied your Ubuntu-Netbeans project in Netbeans for Windows, Netbeans on windows will need to be pointed towards a tool chain. By default, Netbeans looks for the GNU tool chain.
I personally have not been able to get Netbeans to play with the latest Windows SDK packages, so the simple act compiling the same C code on two different platforms with the same IDE is a little tricky. You will see alot of people say to Install GCC on windows, use Cygwin, MinGW, ect.
Keep in mind, Netbeans has no affect on the final compiled product of your code, that is up to the compiler being used in the background.

Eclipse fire up

I'm re-installing Eclipse, after I installed Android Studio. To do so, I deleted and re-installed all Java installations. Now I can't start Eclipse even I have jdk and jre installed on my machine. I'm getting this message " A JRE and JDK must be available.
Any ideas what I suppose to do?
If you are using Windows.
Install the Eclipse according to the system you are using i.e., is it a x64 or x86, and Install the Java x64 and x86 Accordingly.
how to know my PC running the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows?
this should help.

Upgraded to Pydev 3 not working with eclipse 4.3 Kepler on Mac 64 bit cocoa

I have tried using a clean workspace and a fresh installation of eclipse with nothing but pydev. In all cases, I don't get the pydev configuration options or preferences or views. The plugin install goes through without a hitch and I can see pydev in the installed software also. Anybody else face the same?
PyDev 3 requires Java 7 to function. Unfortunately, the version of Java that is installed on Mac OS X is not a compatible or recent version.
You can check the current version of java on your system by typing java -version in the terminal. In order to run PyDev 3 you should have version
To update Java you will need to install a Java Development Kit (JDK), since just installing the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) will not update the symlink at /usr/bin/java on OS X. If you think that you have installed Java 7, but java -version still gives you a version of then you probably installed the JRE instead of the JDK.
I agree with pseudocubic, In my case I just downloaded JDK8 : which by the way includes the JRE8 so pydev worked without trouble in my mac . I had to do this after installing JRE7 but when checking in console java -version it was returning 1.6 version (despite the fact that checking at java icon in system preferences says 1.7 was installed)
Install JDK8 and it's done

Eclipse Gynamide and JDK compatibility

i am using JDK1.4.2_02 on my system, which is required to run my ATG Dynamo server. I have tried to run Eclipse 'Ganymede'-( 3.4/3.4.2). But facing problem, its asking to use JDK1.5, which I cant use. Since ATG Dynamodosent run on JDK1.5 .
I googled and found that Eclipse 3.2 / Callisto is compatible with JDK 1.4.2, but its not available in our software list. The only older version availabe is Eclipse 'Ganymede'-( 3.4/3.4.2).
Is there any way to use Eclipse 'Ganymede'-( 3.4/3.4.2) with JDK 1.4.2_02.
If it is not compatible then you won't be able to run it with Java 4.
But why don't you install two JVM versions on your server? You could have Java 4 to run your ATG Dynamo server and a more recent JVM to run Eclipse.
Moreover why can't you run your ATG dynamo server with a more recent JVM? AFAIK JVMs are backward compatible.