Writing a log bespoke log reader in PowerShell - powershell

I am trying to create a log reader. The data looks like so:
2017-11-27 13:24:41,791 [8] INFO CTSipEndpoint.CLogger.provider.gsiplib [(null)] - -00001 [Info] Info | 4744 | REGISTERdialog[1] 2-e:5;t:1-3 (dn:85188)
2017-11-27 13:24:41,791 [8] INFO CTSipEndpoint.CLogger.provider.gsiplib [(null)] - -00001 [Info] Info | 4744 | REGISTERdialog[1] event 2 REG/accepted
I am trying to do the following:
Return only lines in the last 48 hours to query further.
From above return any lines that contain the following phrases: "error"
"device","does not exist", "Could not identify speaker!","warn"
So far i have only been able to get this to work in an inefficient way, which runs against the file for each phrase and appends an array. Unfortunately this means that the date time becomes non-sequential. I need to now sort the content object at the end of the script to it be in sequence, or find a way to run this query smarter. Here is my script for reference:
$logfile = "C:\users\test\desktop\programlogs.log"
$content = ""
cat $logfile |
Select-String "ERROR" -SimpleMatch |
select -expand line |
foreach {
$_ -match '(.+)\s\[(ERROR)\]\s(.+)'| Out-Null
$error_time = [datetime]($matches[1]).split(",")[0]
if ($error_time -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-2)) {
$content += $_ + "`n"
cat $logfile |
Select-String "device" -SimpleMatch |
select -expand line |
foreach {
$_ -match '(.+)\s\[(device)\]\s(.+)'| Out-Null
$error_time = [datetime]($matches[1]).split(",")[0]
if ($error_time -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-2)) {
$content += $_ + "`n"
cat $logfile |
Select-String "does not exist" -SimpleMatch |
select -expand line |
foreach {
$_ -match '(.+)\s\[(does not exist)\]\s(.+)'| Out-Null
$error_time = [datetime]($matches[1]).split(",")[0]
if ($error_time -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-2)) {
$content += $_ + "`n"
cat $logfile |
Select-String "Could not identify speaker!" -SimpleMatch |
select -expand line |
foreach {
$_ -match '(.+)\s\[(Could not identify speaker!)\]\s(.+)'| Out-Null
$error_time = [datetime]($matches[1]).split(",")[0]
if ($error_time -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-2)) {
$content += $_ + "`n"
cat $logfile |
Select-String "Warn" -SimpleMatch |
select -expand line |
foreach {
$_ -match '(.+)\s\[(Warn)\]\s(.+)'| Out-Null
$error_time = [datetime]($matches[1]).split(",")[0]
if ($error_time -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-2)) {
$content += $_ + "`n"
$content = $content | select -uniq
$file = "c:\temp\shortenedlog.txt"
$content| Add-Content -Path $file

Here's a short take, let me know if this helps or if needs tweaking:
$logfile = get-content C:\temp\programlogs.log
$searchFor="error","device","does not exist","Could not identify speaker!","warn"
foreach($line in $logfile){
if($line.Length -gt 18){
$datetime=date $line.substring(0,$line.indexof(","))
if(((date)-$datetime).TotalHours -lt 49){
foreach($item in $searchFor){
if($line.contains($item)){ $keep=$true }
if ($keep){$newlog+=$line}
$newlog | sort | % {add-content C:\temp\NewLog.log $_}

Came up with a solution which I have fed in the days i am interested in, followed by the search criteria. Used this solution as works quickly.
#Set parameters.
$File = "c:\temp\RefinedLogs.txt"
$DateParam = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')
$DateParam1 = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')
$SearchForDate = #("$dateparam", "$dateparam1")
$SearchFor=#("error","device","does not exist","Could not identify speaker!","warn")
#Filter file with dates set in $SearchForDate.
$DateFiltered = Get-Content '.\MyAPP.log' | Select-String -Pattern $SearchForDate -SimpleMatch
#Filter variable for phrases set in $SearchFor.
$Content = $DateFiltered | Select-String -Pattern $SearchFor -SimpleMatch
#Make results readable
ForEach($line in $content){
$Object = "$line" + "`n"
$FinalResult += $Object
#Output results.
write-host $FinalResult


Write a script to sort words in alphabet order from specific file and put them into 26 text files named A.txt, B.txt, and so on up to Z.txt

I need to sort words alphabetically from a specific file and put them into 26 text files named A.txt, B.txt and so on up to Z.txt.
$Content = Get-Content ".\\1.txt"
$Content = ($Content.Split(" .,:;?!/()\[\]{}-\`\`\`"")|sort)
$linecount = 0
$filenumber = 0
$destPath = "C:\\test"
$destFileSize = 26
$Content |Group {$_.Substring(0,1).ToUpper()} |ForEach-Object {
$path = Join-Path $destPath $_.Name
$\_.Group |Set-Content $path
$Content | % {
Add-Content $destPath$filenumber.txt "$\_"
If ($linecount -eq $destFileSize) {
$linecount = 0
You could do something like this, but this also could mean some files may not be written if there are no words beginning with a certain letter found in the file:
$destPath = "D:\test"
(Get-Content -Path 'D:\Test\Lorem.txt' -Raw) -split '\W' -ne '' |
Group-Object {$_.Substring(0,1).ToUpperInvariant()} |
Where-Object {$_.Name -cmatch '[A-Z]'} | ForEach-Object {
$_.Group | Sort-Object | Set-Content -Path (Join-Path -Path $destPath -ChildPath ('{0}.txt' -f $_.Name))
If you always want exactly 26 files even if some may contain nothing, use this instead
$destPath = "D:\test"
$wordGroups = (Get-Content -Path 'D:\Test\Lorem.txt' -Raw) -split '\W' -ne '' |
Group-Object {$_.Substring(0,1).ToUpperInvariant()}
foreach ($char in ('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' -split '(.)' -ne '')) {
$outFile = Join-Path -Path $destPath -ChildPath ('{0}.txt' -f $char)
$group = $wordGroups | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $char }
if ($group) { $group.Group | Sort-Object | Set-Content -Path $outFile } # output the found words
else { $null | Set-Content -Path $outFile } # or create an empty file
The Where-Object {$_.Name -cmatch '[A-Z]'} clause makes it ignore words starting with some other character than A to Z

How to - Find and replace the first occurrence only

I have a script that seems to work correctly only it works to good.
I have files that contain multiple lines with the string "PROCEDURE DIVISION.", with the period at the end.
What I need to do...
ONLY remove the [2nd occurrence] of the string "PROCEDURE DIVISION." if it's in the text file twice and bypass the file if it is only found once. I need to preserve the 1st occurrence and change/remove the 2nd occurrence.
I can find and replace all the occurrences easily, I have no clue how to replace only 1 of 2.
Is this possible using Powershell?
Here is my code so far...
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Temp\*.cbl' -Recurse | ForEach {#
(Get-Content $_ | ForEach { $_ -replace "PROCEDURE DIVISION\.", " "}) | Set-Content $_
I got this to work and it's not pretty.
The only problem is is is capturing the string in the comments section.
What I need to do is only count the string as a hit when it's found starting in position 8 on each line.
Is that possible?
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Thrivent\COBOL_For_EvolveWare\COBOL\COBOL\*.*' -Recurse | ForEach {
($cnt=(Get-Content $_ | select-string -pattern "PROCEDURE DIVISION").length)
if ($cnt -gt "1") {
(Get-Content $_ | ForEach { $_ -replace "PROCEDURE DIVISION\.", " "}) | Set-Content $_
$FileName = $_.FullName
Write-Host "$FileName = $cnt" -foregroundcolor green
There are potential issues with all of the provided answers. Reading a file using switch statement is likely going to be the fastest method. But it needs to take into account PROCEDURE DIVISION. appearing multiple times on the same line. The method below will be more memory intensive than using switch but will consider the multi-match, single line condition. Note that you can use -cmatch for case- sensitive matching.
# Matches second occurrence of match when starting in position 7 on a line
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Temp\*.cbl' -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object {
$text = Get-Content -LiteralPath $_.Fullname -Raw
if ($text -match '(?sm)(\A.*?^.{6}PROCEDURE DIVISION\..*?^.{6})PROCEDURE DIVISION\.(.*)\Z') {
Write-Host "Changing file $($_.FullName)"
$matches.1+$matches.2 | Set-Content $_.FullName
This maybe a bit of a hack, but it works. $myMatches = $pattern.Matches in the case below gives us 3 matches, $myMatches[1].Index is the position of the second occurrence of the string you want to replace.
$text = "Hello foo, where are you foo? I'm here foo."
[regex]$pattern = "foo"
$myMatches = $pattern.Matches($text)
if ($myMatches.count -gt 1)
$newtext = $text.Substring(0,$myMatches[1].Index) + "bar" + $text.Substring($myMatches[1].Index + "foo".Length)
try this:
$Founded=Get-ChildItem 'C:\Temp\' -Recurse -file -Filter "*.cbl" | Select-String -Pattern 'PROCEDURE DIVISION.' -SimpleMatch | where LineNumber -GT 1 | select Path -Unique
$Founded | %{
$Content=Get-Content $FilePath | %{
if($_ -like '*PROCEDURE DIVISION.*')
if ($Nb -gt 1)
$_.replace('PROCEDURE DIVISION.', '')
$Content | Set-Content -Path $FilePath
You could use switch for this:
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Temp' -Filter '*.cbl' -File -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$occurrence = 0
$contentChanged = $false
$newContent = switch -Regex -File $_.FullName {
if ($occurrence -eq 2) {
$_ -replace 'PROCEDURE DIVISION\.', " "
$contentChanged = $true
else { $_ }
default { $_ }
# only rewrite the file if a change has been made
if ($contentChanged) {
Write-Host "Updating file '$($_.FullName)'"
$newContent | Set-Content -Path $_.FullName -Force

Powershell script causing a strange character in the output

I have this script:
# Read in the RESOURCE ID values I want to locate
$TextToFind = Get-Content -Path .\ResourceIDs.txt
$Text = ""
$PathArray = #()
$Results = ".\ResultsResourceIDs.txt"
# Now iterate each of these text values
$TextToFind | ForEach-Object {
$Text = $_
Write-Host "Checking for: " $Text
If ((Get-Content .\Resources.rc) | Select-String -Pattern $Text) {
$PathArray += $Text + "¬Found"
Else {
$PathArray += $Text + "¬Not Found"
Write-Host "Contents of ArrayPath:"
$PathArray | ForEach-Object {$_}
$PathArray | % {$_} | Out-File $Results
It works fine. But the resulting text file has content like:
IDS_STR_CBS2¬Not Found
Why does it have the strange character?
This is due to encoding, you should use set_content CmdLet and you can play on -encoding param if necessary.
$PathArray | % {$_} | Set-Content $Results -Encoding UTF8

Avoid blank line on Out-File

How can I avoid getting a blank line at the end of an Out-File?
$DirSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([adsi]'')
$DirSearcher.Filter = '(&(objectClass=Computer)(!(cn=*esx*)) (!(cn=*slng*)) (!(cn=*dcen*)) )'
$DirSearcher.FindAll().GetEnumerator() | sort-object { $_.Properties.name } `
| ForEach-Object { $_.Properties.name }`
| Out-File -FilePath C:\Computers.txt
I have tried several options and none of them seem to do anything, they all still have a blank line at the end.
(get-content C:\Computers.txt) | where {$_ -ne ""} | out-file C:\Computers.txt
$file = C:\Computers.txt
Get-Content $file | where {$_.Length -ne 0} | Out-File "$file`.tmp"
Move-Item "$file`.tmp" $file -Force
Use [IO.File]::WriteAllText:
((Get-Content $file) -ne '' -join "`r`n"),
Often when you're looking to see if strings have no character data, you will want to use String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace():
Get-Content $file | Where-Object { ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } | Out-File "$file`.tmp"
this the best solution for the avoiding the empty line at the end of txt file using powershell command
Add-Content C:\Users\e5584332\Desktop\CSS.txt "Footer | Processed unique data || $count " -NoNewline

Powershell get links from .txt file, grab source, get string, export to csv

In order, I have to:
1) grab all links from txt file
http://example1.htm http://example2.htm http://example3.htm ...
2) get source from each link
3) get my strings from source
4) export strings to csv
It works with one link. Example:
$topic1 = "kh_header.><b>((?<=)[^<]+(?=</b>))"
$topic2 = "<b>Numer ogłoszenia:\s([^;]+(?=;))"
Select-String -Path strona1.htm -pattern $topic1 | foreach-object {
$_.line -match $topic1 > $nul
$out1 = $matches[1]
Select-String -Path strona1.htm -pattern $topic2 | foreach-object {
$_.line -match $topic2 > $nul
$out2 = $matches[1]
echo $out1';'$out2';' | Set-content out.csv -force
, But I cant get it with many links in txt file. I try it:
$topic = "kh_header.><b>((?<=)[^<]+(?=</b>))"
$topic2 = "<b>Numer ogłoszenia:\s([^;]+(?=;))"
$folder = Get-ChildItem e:\sk\html
ForEach ($htmfile in $folder){
If ($_.extension -eq ".htm"){
$htmfile = ForEach-Object {
$WC = New-Object net.webclient
$HTMLCode = $WC.Downloadstring($_.fullname)
Select-String -Path $HTMLCode -pattern $topic | foreach-object {
$_.line -match $topic > $nul
$out1 = $matches[1]
Select-String -Path $HTMLCode -pattern $topic2 | foreach-object {
$_.line -match $topic2 > $nul
$out2 = $matches[1]
echo $out1';'$out2';' | Set-content out.csv -force
How can I get it?
When you use Select-String by default it only finds the first match on any particular line. You can use the AllMatches parameter to fix that e.g.:
foo.txt contains: "static void Main(string[] args)"
Select-String foo.txt -pattern '\W([sS]..)' -AllMatches |
Foreach {$_.Matches} |
Foreach {$_.Groups[1].Value}
Also, Select-String is line oriented so it won't find pattern matches across lines. In order to find those, you need to read in the file as a string string e.g.:
$text = [io.file]::readalltext("$pwd\foo.txt")
And then use some special regex directives e.g.:
$text | Select-String -pattern '(?si)\W([sS]..)' -AllMatches |
Foreach {$_.Matches} |
Foreach {$_.Groups[1].Value}