Jstree - Stop node from being move outside it's parent - jstree

I have a requirement where I need to restrict my jstree node not to move outside its parent. It can freely move inside within its parent.
This is the code I am trying:
'core': {
multiple: false,
'check_callback': function (o, n, p, i, m) {
if (o == "move_node" && n.type == "view") {
Here shortcuts indicates:
o = operation,
n = node,
p = node_parent,
i = node_position,
m = more

You can check in callback for this.
if(operation =='move_node'){
if (this.get_node(node).parent === this.get_node(node_parent).id) {
return true;
} else {
return false;


Allow point delete in mapbox draw mod

I am trying to rewrite a MapboxDraw.modes.draw_line_string.clickAnywhere function to allow deletion of a previous point with the SHIFT key in draw_line_string mode.
It works, but when it removes the previous point it creates a new one on the new place.
Draw a line
Hold shift and click on any previous point
Will delete the old one create a new one
I want to delete the old point and continue adding new points
An example is here
MapboxDraw.modes.draw_line_string.clickAnywhere = function (state, e) {
if (e.originalEvent.shiftKey) {
const line = state.line.coordinates;
const lastClick = line[line.length - 1]
const a = map.project(lastClick)
const res = line.map((i, index) => {
const b = map.project(i)
const d = distance(a, b)
return {
distance: d
}).find(i => i.distance < 5 && i.distance > 0)
console.log('res', res);
if (res) {
state.line.coordinates = state.line.coordinates.filter((i, index) => index !== res.index)
} else {
console.log('NO SHiFT');
if (state.currentVertexPosition > 0 && isEventAtCoordinates(e, state.line.coordinates[state.currentVertexPosition - 1]) ||
state.direction === 'backwards' && isEventAtCoordinates(e, state.line.coordinates[state.currentVertexPosition + 1])) {
return this.changeMode('simple_select', { featureIds: [state.line.id] });
this.updateUIClasses({ mouse: 'add' });
state.line.updateCoordinate(state.currentVertexPosition, e.lngLat.lng, e.lngLat.lat);
if (state.direction === 'forward') {
state.line.updateCoordinate(state.currentVertexPosition, e.lngLat.lng, e.lngLat.lat);
} else {
state.line.addCoordinate(0, e.lngLat.lng, e.lngLat.lat);
UPD: ok, the point is to set currentVertexPosition
state.currentVertexPosition = state.currentVertexPosition - 1

efficient way to determine Quad Tree neighbors for Quad Sphere Face edges?

I've been trying to optimise how I lookup the neighbors for the Quad Tree faces in my Quad Sphere's Top and Bottom faces with the rest of the faces. I've attempted several methods to determine neighbors, where the latest one improved the lookup speed, but I'm wondering if there is something better
Method 1:
Keep a lookup table of all users of all vertices used by all Quads and then, for each Quad, find any other Quads that aren't ancestors that share edge vertices with the original Quad (minus the corner vertices because these are shared by multiple, non-neighbors). This works great for low numbers of subdivisions and vertices, but as each of these increases, the performance becomes much worse.
See example here of this implementation: https://github.com/bicarbon8/QuadSphere/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/QuadVertMap.cs#L104
Method 2:
Keep a lookup table of all Quads at each Level of subdivision, indexed by level and then for each Quad, find any other Quads at either the same level or one level less (parents level) that aren't ancestors and check their edge vertices to see if they match with the original Quad's edge vertices. This works better than Method 1, but still starts to suffer if you get too deep in the levels of subdivision. This looks like the following code snippet:
public Quad FindNeighbor(Quad quad, EdgeType edge)
Vector3[] edgeVerts = quad.GetWorldVerts(quad.GetEdgeVerts(edge));
int level = quad.GetLevel(); // neighbors can only be equal or 1 lower level
List<Quad> potentialNeighbors = Quads[level].Where(n => n != quad).ToList();
if (potentialNeighbors.Any())
foreach (Quad potentialNeighbor in potentialNeighbors)
var topEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Top));
if (topEdge.All(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
var bottomEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Bottom));
if (bottomEdge.All(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
var leftEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Left));
if (leftEdge.All(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
var rightEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Right));
if (rightEdge.All(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
if (level > 0)
// if we made it this far we haven't found a neighbor yet so try 1 level lower Quads
potentialNeighbors = Quads[level - 1].Where(n => n != quad.GetParent()).ToList();
if (potentialNeighbors.Any())
foreach (Quad potentialNeighbor in potentialNeighbors)
var topEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Top));
if (topEdge.Any(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
var bottomEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Bottom));
if (bottomEdge.Any(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
var leftEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Left));
if (leftEdge.Any(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
var rightEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Right));
if (rightEdge.Any(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
return null;
Is there anyone who has experience with this and is willing to share some other means of optimising the lookup? Thanks in advance.
What I've ended up doing, since this post didn't receive any responses, is assigning the sibling neighbors based on some basic rules and then for the non-sibling neighbors I locate the parent quad, get their neighbor children and see if any of them share an edge with this quad
private void AddNeighbors()
switch (QuadType)
case QuadType.BottomLeft:
// add siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Top, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.TopLeft); });
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Right, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.BottomRight); });
// add non-siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Bottom, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Bottom)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Bottom, c));
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Left, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Left)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Left, c));
case QuadType.BottomRight:
// add siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Top, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.TopRight); });
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Left, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.BottomLeft); });
// add non-siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Bottom, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Bottom)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Bottom, c));
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Right, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Right)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Right, c));
case QuadType.TopLeft:
// add siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Bottom, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.BottomLeft); });
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Right, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.TopRight); });
// add non-siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Top, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Top)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Top, c));
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Left, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Left)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Left, c));
case QuadType.TopRight:
// add siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Bottom, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.BottomRight); });
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Left, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.TopLeft); });
// add non-siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Top, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Top)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Top, c));
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Right, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Right)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Right, c));
this seems to work quickly as all Sibling neighbors are a direct assignment and the locating of non-sibling neighbors is limited to iterating over 4 sides of 4 quads. Here is the HasSharedEdge method:
public bool HasSharedEdge(EdgeType edge, Quad quad)
var topLeft = quad.ToWorldVert(quad.TopLeft);
var topRight = quad.ToWorldVert(quad.TopRight);
var bottomLeft = quad.ToWorldVert(quad.BottomLeft);
var bottomRight = quad.ToWorldVert(quad.BottomRight);
// shared Top edge
if (IsLineWithinEdge(edge, topLeft, topRight, Tolerance))
return true;
// shared Bottom edge
if (IsLineWithinEdge(edge, bottomLeft, bottomRight, Tolerance))
return true;
// shared Left edge
if (IsLineWithinEdge(edge, bottomLeft, topLeft, Tolerance))
return true;
// shared Right edge
if (IsLineWithinEdge(edge, bottomRight, topRight, Tolerance))
return true;
return false;
Maybe this can help someone else in the future

How can I customize the 'home' and 'end' key navigation on ag-Grid?

I've customized the arrow navigation keys using the callback 'navigateToNextCell'.
But now I want to customize 'Home' and 'End' key.
There is any way to do it?
It's not super easy at the moment... here are some relevant "enhancements" that have been requested on the github page:
support page up/ down, home and end keys
allow overriding of keyboard events
Suggestion: Allow any key for navigation (not just tab)
That last link has something useful. There is a comment on how to disable any propagation of the 'home' and 'end' keys:
// note, this is angular 2 code, `this.el.nativeElement` is just the grid component
(e: KeyboardEvent) => {
// this runs on the document element, so check that we're in the grid
if (this.el.nativeElement.contains(e.target)) {
if (e.key === 'Tab' || e.key === 'Home' || e.key === 'End') {
if (e.key === 'Home' || e.key === 'End') {
// we don't want to prevent the default tab behaviour
AFTER you have done that, you could add new event listeners to the grid, or depending on what you are trying to do, you could add listeners to specific cells as it mentions in the Keyboard Navigation section of the Ag-Grid docs under Custom Actions:
Custom Actions
Custom cell renderers can listen to key presses on the focused div.
The grid element that receives the focus is provided to the cell
renderers via the eGridCell parameter. You can add your own listeners
to this cell. Via this method you can listen to any key press and do
your own action on the cell eg hitting 'x' may execute a command in
your application for that cell.
I initially wrote this code for navigating home/end with command+arrow key, but have put comments where logic differs since 98% will be the same. Comments are untested but should work
I will divide this into 4 parts:
suppress the event so ag-grid does nothing by default
find a way for us to place a event listener on the right keys
compute which cell should be navigated to next
tell ag grid which cell should be selected
For #1, we can use suppressKeyboardEvent and either set it on defaultColDef(in `GridOptions´) or on every col def.
Mine looks like this:
const suppressKeyboardEventFn: ColDef["suppressKeyboardEvent"] = (
params: SuppressKeyboardEventParams
) => {
const key = params.event.key;
const isControl = isControlKey(params.event);
// For end/home, test for key === "Home" || key === "End" instead
const isNavigation =
key === "ArrowUp" ||
key === "ArrowDown" ||
key === "ArrowRight" ||
key === "ArrowLeft";
if (isNavigation && isControl) {
return true;
return false;
isControlKey is so it works on both mac&windows, and is written as recommended by MDN (not relevant if using home/end key):
const isMac = navigator.platform.startsWith("Mac");
export const isControlKey = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
return isMac ? event.metaKey : event.ctrlKey;
For #2 where we want to handle the event ourselves, we can use onCellKeyDown:
const onCellKeyDownFn: GridOptions["onCellKeyDown"] = (cellKeyDown) => {
if (cellKeyDown.event == null) {
const event = cellKeyDown.event as KeyboardEvent;
const key = event.key;
const isControl = isControlKey(event);
// Instead write cases here for case "Home": and case "End":
switch (key) {
case "ArrowUp": {
if (isControl) {
dispatch(navigateCell({ direction: "up", end: true }));
case "ArrowDown": {
if (isControl) {
dispatch(navigateCell({ direction: "down", end: true }));
case "ArrowRight": {
if (isControl) {
dispatch(navigateCell({ direction: "right", end: true }));
case "ArrowLeft": {
if (isControl) {
dispatch(navigateCell({ direction: "left", end: true }));
Using the same isControlKey function. I have implemented redux navigation actions that handles navigating to home and end.
For #3, we can implement this in different ways. Here is how I FIND the correct cell to navigate to. Either one step to a direction, or to the end/home (which is our scenario, since I pass end: true)
// For using Home/End, add a case for each and mix logic from
// below to find the correct cell. Last column logic is in
// right when end===true and last row is in down when end===true etc
switch (params.direction) {
case "up": {
let newRowIndex;
if (params.end === true) {
newRowIndex = 0;
} else {
newRowIndex = selectedCell.lastKnownRowIndex - 1;
if (newRowIndex < 0) {
const node = gridApi.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(newRowIndex);
if (node?.id == null) {
log.warn("Could not find Node ID");
nodeId: node.id,
colKey: selectedCell.colKey,
case "down": {
let newRowIndex;
if (params.end === true) {
newRowIndex = maxRowIndex;
} else {
newRowIndex = selectedCell.lastKnownRowIndex + 1;
if (newRowIndex > maxRowIndex) {
const node = gridApi.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(newRowIndex);
if (node?.id == null) {
log.warn("Could not find Node ID");
nodeId: node.id,
colKey: selectedCell.colKey,
case "right": {
let nextColumn;
if (params.end === true) {
const columns = columnApi.getAllGridColumns();
nextColumn = columns[columns.length - 1];
} else {
const column = columnApi.getColumn(selectedCell.colKey);
if (column == null) {
log.warn("Could not find column");
nextColumn = columnApi.getDisplayedColAfter(column);
if (nextColumn == null) {
nodeId: selectedCell.nodeId,
colKey: nextColumn.getColId(),
case "left": {
let nextColumn;
if (params.end === true) {
const columns = columnApi.getAllGridColumns();
nextColumn = columns[1];
} else {
const column = columnApi.getColumn(selectedCell.colKey);
if (column == null) {
log.warn("Could not find column");
nextColumn = columnApi.getDisplayedColBefore(column);
if (nextColumn == null) {
nodeId: selectedCell.nodeId,
colKey: nextColumn.getColId(),
default: {
Lastly #4, here is parts of my selectCell implementation that can give you some idea of how to make sure ag-grid focuses the right cell.
This code will focus the cell, add a range highlight, add a row selection, and make sure that it is visible if the viewport needs to jump:
// no difference in logic when using Home/End!
// just make sure correct cell is passed
rowStartIndex: rowIndex,
rowEndIndex: rowIndex,
columns: [params.colKey],
gridApi.setFocusedCell(rowIndex, params.colKey);
node.setSelected(true, true)

Tabbed panels and hashchange plugin

I'm using the following code to create tabbed panels and it's the only one that it's doing the job pretty good. I tried easytabs but it doesn't work properly with what I have.
So, here we go:
* The following lines are for main tabbed panels
$(function() {
$('.nav a').click(function() {
// save $(this) in a variable for efficiency
var $this = $(this);
// hide panels
$('.nav a.active').removeClass('active');
// add active state to new tab
// retrieve href from link (is id of panel to display)
var panel = $this.attr('href');
// show panel
// don't follow link down page
return (false);
// end click
// open first tab
$('.nav li:first a').click();
// end function
I have found a plugin called BBQ, that uses Hashchange.
I'm getting crazy to understand how to use that with my code in order to be able to use the back button in the browser. Please help me.
Thank you in advance for helping.
I solved the problem this way.
* jQuery hashchange event - v1.2 - 2/11/2010
* http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-hashchange-plugin/
* Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* http://benalman.com/about/license/
(function($, i, b) {
var j, k = $.event.special, c = "location", d = "hashchange", l = "href", f = $.browser, g = document.documentMode, h = f.msie && (g === b || g < 8), e = "on" + d in i && !h;
function a(m) {
m = m || i[c][l];
return m.replace(/^[^#]*#?(.*)$/, "$1")
$[d + "Delay"] = 100;
k[d] = $.extend(k[d], {
setup : function() {
if (e) {
return false
teardown : function() {
if (e) {
return false
j = (function() {
var m = {}, r, n, o, q;
function p() {
o = q = function(s) {
return s
if (h) {
n = $('<iframe src="javascript:0"/>').hide().insertAfter("body")[0].contentWindow;
q = function() {
return a(n.document[c][l])
o = function(u, s) {
if (u !== s) {
var t = n.document;
t[c].hash = "#" + u
m.start = function() {
if (r) {
var t = a();
o || p();
(function s() {
var v = a(), u = q(t);
if (v !== t) {
o( t = v, u);
} else {
if (u !== t) {
i[c][l] = i[c][l].replace(/#.*/, "") + "#" + u
r = setTimeout(s, $[d + "Delay"])
m.stop = function() {
if (!n) {
r && clearTimeout(r);
r = 0
return m
})(jQuery, this);
* Tabbed Browsing with back button support. Requires Hashchange plugin.
$(function () {
$(".nav a").live("click", function(e) {
//Grab hash off URL (default to first tab) and update
$(window).bind("hashchange", function(e) {
var anchor = $(location.hash);
if (anchor.length === 0) {
anchor = $(".panel div:eq(0)");
//Pass in the tab and show appropriate contents
function updateTabs(tab) {
$(".nav a.active")
.filter(function(index) {
return $(this).attr("href") === '#' + tab.attr("id");
//Fire the hashchange event when the page first loads
$('.nav li:first a').click();

how to unbind all events Raphael

The Raphael function for ex. element.unclick(handler) (which actually calls eve.unbind(event, handler)) allows you remove handlers by event hanler, but how to unbind all event handlers
This might be one way to do this.
Raphael.el.unbindAll = function(){
var e = this.events.pop();
and then to unbind all events of an element
I found solution with replacing the source of the raphael.js
replace in line 2031
R["un" + eventName] = elproto["un" + eventName] = function (fn) {
var events = this.events,
l = events.length;
while (l--) if (events[l].name == eventName && || events[l].f == fn) {
events.splice(l, 1);
!events.length && delete this.events;
return this;
return this;
with this
R["un" + eventName] = elproto["un" + eventName] = function (fn) {
var events = this.events,
l = events.length;
while (l--) if (events[l].name == eventName && (!fn || events[l].f == fn) ) {
events.splice(l, 1);
!events.length && delete this.events;
return this;
return this;
so currently if handler function is not provided to unbind functions it will unbind all handler functions for that event
usage example element.unclick(); (same for other events e.g. element.unmouseout())