Unable to obtain UUID (sub) of a User during Signup: Amazon Cognito - swift

I am trying to signup the user using AWS Cognito.
I understand from the signup method shown in these docs that the signup method's callback returns err and data and data parameter shall have usersub or UUID (e.g of UUID: 671fff45-77aa-4867-b11f-47c8bfa246a9).
I am unable to call the method (data.UserSub) to retrieve it, swift throws an error
Value of type 'AWSCognitoIdentityUserPoolSignUpResponse' has no member
See 3rd print statement in SignUp() to understand the full context.
class Login: UIViewController{
var pool: AWSCognitoIdentityUserPool?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let AWSCognitoUserPoolsSignInProviderKey = "UserPool"
self.pool = AWSCognitoIdentityUserPool.init(forKey: AWSCognitoUserPoolsSignInProviderKey)
func signUp(){
let userNameValue = "+" + UserData.mobileNumberWithCountryCode
print("userNameValue: \(userNameValue)")
let passwordValue = "somePassword"
var attributes = [AWSCognitoIdentityUserAttributeType]()
self.pool?.signUp(userNameValue, password: passwordValue, userAttributes: attributes, validationData: nil).continueWith {[weak self] (task) -> Any? in
guard let strongSelf = self else {
print("Returninig nil on Strong Self")
return nil
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
if let error = task.error as? NSError {
print("There is an error")
}else if let result = task.result {
// The above line prints userName
print("userName after sub:\(result.user.username)")
//the below line throws a swift error: Value of type 'AWSCognitoIdentityUserPoolSignUpResponse' has no member 'UserSub'
print("userName after sub:\(result.UserSub)")

Which version of the SDK are you using? If you are using a recent version likely you just have the casing wrong, it should be .userSub
see: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSiOSSDK/latest/Classes/AWSCognitoIdentityProviderSignUpResponse.html#//api/name/userSub


Retrieving user email, using FBSDKLoginKit, from an account registered with phone number only: what does "email" result returns?

I'm following iOS Academy tutorial on a Chat App. In said app, when a user logs in for the first time using Facebook, i need to retrieve the associated email and store it in my database. Lurking at YT comments ( here ) i've found out that a FB account can have no associated email if it was registered with the phone number. Quoting the literal comment:
I created my facebook account without an email (only through a phone number) it still registers the authentication however the identifier is missing. It also does not send out information to the database. Incase anyone who has only a phone has tried.
Since i need to pass the retrieved email to my Firebase Realtime database, i want to handle this issue, but i would need to know what happens when i try to retrieve an email using FBSKDLoginKit API if there is no associated email.
Since my FB has an associated email, and apparently there's no way to remove it and leave the field blank, i tried to register a new FB account with my phone number. The problem is that in order to be able to run the app on test mode and log into FB, i would need to validate it on Facebook For Developers, but to log into Developers i need an associated email. So i'm at a dead end and can't test myself.
My question is: does anyone knows what the email result returns in a FB request if there is no associated email?
Here's my code, my guess is that the function hits the return in the guard block at the commented line down below, because the email is equal to nil, but from what i've read on Youtube it seems that only the Database block is skipped while the Firebase authentication succeeds. So maybe it returns an empty string, or something else.
func loginButton(_ loginButton: FBLoginButton, didCompleteWith result: LoginManagerLoginResult?, error: Error?) {
guard let token = result?.token?.tokenString else {
let facebookRequest = FBSDKLoginKit.GraphRequest(graphPath: "me",
parameters: ["fields" : "email, first_name"], tokenString: token,
version: nil,
httpMethod: .get)
facebookRequest.start { [weak self] _, result, error in
guard let result = (result as? [String: Any]), error == nil else {
self?.alertUserLoginError(message: "An error occurred while processing your request. Please try to sign in using Google.")
guard let firstName = (result["first_name"] as? String),
let email = (result["email"] as? String) else {
// Imo here the func returns cause email is equal to nil, but apparently that's not true.
// The database block is skipped, but the auth block down below is not.
DatabaseManager.shared.insertUser(with: chatUser, completion: { success in
// Doing other unrelated stuff
// The following block is run apparently, not sure why
let credential = FacebookAuthProvider.credential(withAccessToken: token)
FirebaseAuth.Auth.auth().signIn(with: credential) { authResult, error in
guard authResult != nil, error == nil else {
This is the database function in DatabaseManager class, called up above:
public func insertUser(with user: ChatAppUser, completion: #escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
"first_name" : user.firstName
withCompletionBlock: { error, _ in
guard error == nil else {
func FacebookGETDataClicked(_ sender: Any)
let fbLoginManager : LoginManager = LoginManager()
fbLoginManager.logIn(permissions: ["email"], from: self) { (result, error) in
if (error == nil){
let fbloginresult : LoginManagerLoginResult = result!
let fbloginresultsss: Set<String> = fbloginresult.grantedPermissions
let arr = [String](fbloginresultsss)
if arr.count > 0 {
func getFBUserData(){
var userProfileImage = String()
var useremail = String()
var userFullName = String()
var userID = String()
if((AccessToken.current) != nil){
GraphRequest(graphPath: "me", parameters: ["fields": "id, name, first_name,last_name, picture.type(large), email"]).start(completionHandler: { (connection, result, error) -> Void in
if (error == nil){
let dict = result as! [String : AnyObject]
if let mail = (dict["email"] as? String)
useremail = mail
if let name = (dict["name"] as? String)
userFullName = name
if let id = (dict["id"] as? String)
userID = id
if let pic = dict["picture"] as? NSDictionary
let profilePictureObj = pic
let datas = profilePictureObj["data"] as! NSDictionary
userProfileImage = datas["url"] as! String

AWS Cognito GetDetails() Method not calling

I'm using AWS Cognito for my app Sign In and Sign up. In my app first the user register with email and phone number. After that, I'm redirecting to Verification Screen(Here OTP is sending by Cognito) After Verifying the OTP user will create some stores and then enter into the Dashboard. In this flow, I want to get the User details Attribute from Cognito in Verification code success. I've implemented the getDetails() method to get the userAttributes in Verification code success but it is not calling. I need the userAttributes when the time of store creation. Any help appreciated.
Here is my code:
#IBAction func submitButtonAction(_ sender: GradientButton) {
let code = firstChar+secondChar+thirdChar+fourthChar+fifthChar+sixthChar
guard code.count == 6 else{
self.showAlert(message: ErrorMessages.kEnterValidOTP)
let currentUser = self.userPool?.getUser("xxxx#gmail.com")
currentUser?.confirmSignUp(code, forceAliasCreation: true).continueWith(block: { [weak self] (task) -> Any? in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return nil }
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let error = task.error as NSError? {
if let message = error.userInfo["message"] as? String{
self?.showAlert(message: message, onOkAction: {
self?.showAlert(message: error.localizedDescription, onOkAction: {
let user = AWSUserDetails.shared.userPool.currentUser()
//I've tried the above `user` and `currentUser`. But not working.
user?.getDetails().continueOnSuccessWith(block: { (task) -> Any? in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if task.error == nil{
// strongSelf.performSegue(withIdentifier: SegueIdentifiers.createStoreSegue, sender: self)
return nil

"Cannot assign value of type 'AuthDataResult?' to type 'User?' and Value of type 'AuthDataResult' has no member 'uid'

I have problem in linecurrentUser = user which is cannot assgin value of type AuthDataResult?' to type User
currentUserId = (user?.uid)! -> Value of type AuthDataResult has no member uid
I could not figure how to implement the AuthDataResult in it. Please help
class AuthFirebase: NSObject {
//This is instance of FIRDatabase to read and write data from Firebase database
static let dataBase = Database.database().reference()
static var currentUserID:String = ""
static var currentUser: User? = nil
//Create Function to Log In
static func LogIn(email:String, password:String, completion: #escaping(_ success: Bool ) ->
Void) {
Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password, completion:{ (user,error) in
if let error = error {
else {
currentUser = user
currentUserID = (user?.uid)!
completion(true) }
You have understood it wrong, the completion handler is returning AuthDataResult? and Error. To get the value of user, you have to do this:
Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: collectionTF[0].text!, password: collectionTF[1].text!, completion: { (authDataResult, error) in
if let error = error
if let user = authDataResult?.user { //This is the user
currentUser = user
currentUserId = user.uid
This is how you can get the User from AuthDataResult.
Last time I modified the code and it worked fine. However, Xcode run error on this issue again at currentUser=user line. as. Cannot assign value of Type User to type User?
static func LogIn(email:String, password:String, completion: #escaping(_ success: Bool ) ->
Void) {
Auth.auth().signIn (withEmail: email, password: password, completion:{ (AuthDataResult,error) in
if let error = error {
else {
if let user = AuthDataResult?.user {
currentUser = user << cannot assign value of type"User to type"User?'
currentUserID = user.uid
completion(true) }

Return response as object in swift

I have a function that connects to an API to retrieve data. The API takes two parameters accessCode (provided by user in a text box) and then UDID (UDID of their device). I can parse the data from within the function, but only locally. I need to store the values that are returned but am unsure on how to return them properly. Essentially I need this to return the json object as a dictionary (I think...) so it can be parsed outside of the async task. I've read through the swift documentation and that's where I found out how to do the requests, but I can't find a way to store the returned values in memory for access outside of the function.
func getResponse(accessCode:String, UDID:String, _ completion: #escaping (NSDictionary) -> ()) {
let urlPath = "https://apihosthere.com/api/validate?accessCode=" + accessCode + "&UDID=" + UDID
guard let url = URL(string: urlPath) else { return }
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
guard let data = data else { return }
do {
if let jsonResult = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.mutableContainers) as? NSDictionary {
let results = jsonResult as? NSDictionary
} catch {
//Catch Error here...
First of all don't use NSDictionary in Swift, use native [String:Any] and declare the type as optional to return nil if an error occurs.
And never use .mutableContainers in Swift, the option is useless.
func getResponse(accessCode:String, UDID:String, completion: #escaping ([String:Any]?) -> Void)) {
let urlPath = "https://apihosthere.com/api/validate?accessCode=" + accessCode + "&UDID=" + UDID
guard let url = URL(string: urlPath) else { return }
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
if let error = error else {
do {
if let jsonResult = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!) as? [String:Any] {
} else {
} catch {
Your mistake is that you don't consider the closure, you have to execute the entire code inside the completion handler
#IBAction func StartWizard(_ sender: UIButton) {
//Store entered access code
let accessCode = AccessCodeField.text!
//Call API to validate Access Code
getResponse(accessCode:accessCode, UDID:myDeviceUDID) { [weak self] result in
if let accessCodeFound = result?["Found"] as? Bool {
print("Value of Found during function:")
//If access code is valid, go to License view
if accessCodeFound {
//Load License View
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let licenseController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(identifier: "LicenseViewPanel")
self?.show(licenseController, sender: self)
Your completion closure should handle the obtained data. You would call the function like this:
getResponse(accessCode: "code", UDID: "udid", completion: { result in
// Do whatever you need to do with the dictionary result
Also, I'd recommend you to change your NSDictionary with a swift Dictionary.
This is what the API returns as a response
AccessCode = 00000000;
Client = "0000 - My Company Name";
EmailAddress = "brandon#brandonthomas.me";
FirstName = Brandon;
Found = 1;
LastName = Thomas;
Status = A;
UDIDregistered = 1;
And this is what calls the function. I am calling at after clicking a button after an access code is being entered in a text field.
#IBAction func StartWizard(_ sender: UIButton) {
//Store entered access code
let accessCode = AccessCodeField.text!
var accessCodeFound: Bool? = nil
//Call API to validate Access Code
getResponse(accessCode:accessCode, UDID:myDeviceUDID) { result in
accessCodeFound = result["Found"] as! Bool
print("Value of Found during function:")
//accessCodeFound = true
//If access code is valid, go to License view
print("Value of Found after function:")
//accessCodeFound = nil ???
//it seems the value is getting reset after the function completes
if accessCodeFound == true{
//Load License View
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let licenseController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(identifier: "LicenseViewPanel")
self.show(licenseController, sender: Any?.self)

How do I pull this value out of a closure to update a cutom Object in Swift?

I am building am application with a Firestore back end, and I am trying to call a document down with the current user's info for their settings page. I am able to do this no problems when updating an empty array, but am having a terrible time trying to populate a single document. I have a custom object called DxUser:
struct DxUser {
var email:String?
var name:String?
var timeStamp:Date?
var profileImageURL:String?
var ehr: String?
var dictionary:[String:Any]? {
return [
"ehr": ehr as Any
extension DxUser : DocumentSerializable {
init?(dictionary: [String : Any]) {
guard let email = dictionary["email"] as? String,
let name = dictionary["name"] as? String,
let timeStamp = dictionary["timeStamp"] as? Date,
let profileImageURL = dictionary["profileImageURL"] as? String,
let ehr = dictionary["ehr"] as? String else {return nil}
self.init(email: email, name: name, timeStamp: timeStamp, profileImageURL: profileImageURL, ehr: ehr)
In the view controller, I am trying to update this variable with the current user, but I can only grab it in the closure, and it populates as nil anywhere outside the block. Here is the basic code I am using, but can anyone tell me what I am missing?
class SettingsController: UIViewController {
var dxUser = DxUser()
override func viewDidLoad() {
func fetchUser() {
guard let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else {
let userRef = db.collection("users").document(uid)
userRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if error != nil {
print(error as Any)
} else {
self.dxUser = DxUser(dictionary: (document?.data())!)!
self.navigationItem.title = self.dxUser.name
print (self.dxUser)
Yeah, this is how I am doing it on the table view, but I didn't see anything comparable on the regular VC.
db.collection("users").document(uid!).collection("goals").getDocuments { (snapshot, error) in
if error != nil {
print(error as Any)
} else {
//set the profile array to equal whatever I am querying below
goalsArray = snapshot!.documents.flatMap({Goal(dictionary: $0.data())})
DispatchQueue.main.async {
It's not so much about the location of where you can access dxUser. It's the timing. Firebase APIs are asynchronous, which means userRef.getDocument() returns immediately, and you receive a callback only after the request completes. If you try to access dxUser right after that call within your fetchUser() method, it will not be available, because the request isn't complete. Given that's how async APIs work, you should only work with dxUser after the callback invoked, which usually means delaying the rendering of that data in your app (such as where your print statement is).
Please read more here about why Firebase APIs are asynchronous and what you can expect from them.
I actually figured it out. I pulled the fetchUser() function out to the viewWillAppear function so I called it before the view appeared. Then I did the async function to re-run viewDidLoad. Anyone else have any better suggestions?
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
func fetchUser() {
let userRef = db.collection("users").document(uid)
userRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if error != nil {
print(error as Any)
} else {
self.dxUser = DxUser(dictionary: (document?.data())!)!
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.navigationItem.title = self.dxUser.name