Result of Subtraction Two Float number C# - numbers

Consider two number like 1 and 0.99 and i want to sub these number in C#
float s = 0.99f - 1f;
result is : -0.0099999
what can i do that result equal to -0.01 ?

Try this;
decimal d = 0.99m - 1m;
Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(d, 2));
Computers aren't able to perfectly represent fractional numbers. They can only approximate them which is why you're seeing -0.0099999 instead of the expected -0.01.
For anything that you require close approximations you'd typically use an arbitrary precision type and round where appropriate. The most common rounding for currency is bankers rounding as it doesn't skew results heavily in either direction.
See also:
What is the best data type to use for money in c#?

Floating point numbers are often an approximation. There is a whole field of study about how to use floating numbers in a responsible way in computers and believe me, it is not trivial!
What most programmers do is live with it and make sure their code is 'robust' against the small deviations you get from using floating point numbers.
if (my_float== -0.01)
if (my_float>= -0.00999 && my_float<=-0.01001)
(The numbers are just as example).
If you need exact numbers you can e.g. use integers. You can use rounding but that is not done halfway calculations as you are likely to make the result more unreliable. Rounding is normally when you print the end result. After all as a good engineer you should know how many digits are relevant at the end.


Losing accuracy with double division

I am having a problem with a simple division from two integers. I need it to be as accurate as possible, but for some reason the double type is working strange.
For example, if I execute the following code:
double res = (29970.0/1000.0);
The result is 29.969999999999999, when it should be 29.970.
Any idea why this is happening?
Any idea why this is happening?
Because double representation is finite. For example, IEEE754 double-precision standard has 52 bits for fraction. So, not all the real numbers are covered. So, some of the values can not be ideally precise. In your case the result is 10^-15 away from the ideal.
I need it to be as accurate as possible
You shouldn't use doubles, then. In Java, for example, you would use BigDecimal instead (most languages provide a similar facility). double operations are intrinsically inaccurate to some degree. This is due to the internal representation of floating point numbers.
floating point numbers of type float and double are stored in binary format. Therefore numbers cant have precise decimal values. Those values are instead quantisized. If you hypothetically had only 2 bits fraction number type you would be able to represent only 2^-2 quantums: 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75, nothing between.
I need it to be as accurate as possible
There is no silver bullet, but if you want only basic arithmetic operations (which map ℚ to ℚ), and you REALLY want exact results, then your best bet is rational type composed of two unlimited integers (a.k.a. BigInteger, BigInt, etc.) - but even then, memory is not infinite, and you must think about it.
For the rest of the question, please read about fixed size floating-point numbers, there's plenty of good sources.

Matlab precision: simple subtraction is not zero

I compute this simple sum on Matlab:
2*0.04-0.5*0.4^2 = -1.387778780781446e-017
but the result is not zero. What can I do?
Aabaz and Jim Clay have good explanations of what's going on.
It's often the case that, rather than exactly calculating the value of 2*0.04 - 0.5*0.4^2, what you really want is to check whether 2*0.04 and 0.5*0.4^2 differ by an amount that is small enough to be within the relevant numerical precision. If that's the case, than rather than checking whether 2*0.04 - 0.5*0.4^2 == 0, you can check whether abs(2*0.04 - 0.5*0.4^2) < thresh. Here thresh can either be some arbitrary smallish number, or an expression involving eps, which gives the precision of the numerical type you're working with.
Thanks to Jim and Tal for suggested improvement. Altered to compare the absolute value of the difference to a threshold, rather than the difference.
Matlab uses double-precision floating-point numbers to store real numbers. These are numbers of the form m*2^e where m is an integer between 2^52 and 2^53 (the mantissa) and e is the exponent. Let's call a number a floating-point number if it is of this form.
All numbers used in calculations must be floating-point numbers. Often, this can be done exactly, as with 2 and 0.5 in your expression. But for other numbers, most notably most numbers with digits after the decimal point, this is not possible, and an approximation has to be used. What happens in this case is that the number is rounded to the nearest floating-point number.
So, whenever you write something like 0.04 in Matlab, you're really saying "Get me the floating-point number that is closest to 0.04. In your expression, there are 2 numbers that need to be approximated: 0.04 and 0.4.
In addition, the exact result of operations like addition and multiplication on floating-point numbers may not be a floating-point number. Although it is always of the form m*2^e the mantissa may be too large. So you get an additional error from rounding the results of operations.
At the end of the day, a simple expression like yours will be off by about 2^-52 times the size of the operands, or about 10^-17.
In summary: the reason your expression does not evaluate to zero is two-fold:
Some of the numbers you start out with are different (approximations) to the exact numbers you provided.
The intermediate results may also be approximations of the exact results.
What you are seeing is quantization error. Matlab uses doubles to represent numbers, and while they are capable of a lot of precision, they still cannot represent all real numbers because there are an infinite number of real numbers. I'm not sure about Aabaz's trick, but in general I would say there isn't anything you can do, other than perhaps massaging your inputs to be double-friendly numbers.
I do not know if it is applicable to your problem but often the simplest solution is to scale your data.
For example:
c=a/min(abs([a b]));
d=b/min(abs([a b]));
EDIT: of course I did not mean to give a universal solution to these kind of problems but it is still a good practice that can make you avoid a few problems in numerical computation (curve fitting, etc ...). See Jim Clay's answer for the reason why you are experiencing these problems.
I'm pretty sure this is a case of ye olde floating point accuracy issues.
Do you need 1e-17 accuracy? Is this merely a case of wanting 'pretty' output?
In that case, you can just use a formatted sprintf to display the number of significant digits you want.
Realize that this is not a matlab problem, but a fundamental limitation of how numbers are represented in binary.
For fun, work out what .1 is in binary...
Some references:

Arbitrary precision Float numbers on JavaScript

I have some inputs on my site representing floating point numbers with up to ten precision digits (in decimal). At some point, in the client side validation code, I need to compare a couple of those values to see if they are equal or not, and here, as you would expect, the intrinsics of IEEE754 make that simple check fails with things like (2.0000000000==2.0000000001) = true.
I may break the floating point number in two longs for each side of the dot, make each side a 64 bit long and do my comparisons manually, but it looks so ugly!
Any decent Javascript library to handle arbitrary (or at least guaranteed) precision float numbers on Javascript?
Thanks in advance!
PS: A GWT based solution has a ++
There is the GWT-MATH library at
However, I warn you, it's a GWT jsni overlay of a java->javascript automated conversion of java.BigDecimal (actually the old
It works, but speedy it is not. (Nor lean. It will pad on a good 70k into your project).
At my workplace, we are working on a fixed point simple decimal, but nothing worth releasing yet. :(
Use an arbitrary precision integer library such as silentmatt’s javascript-biginteger, which can store and calculate with integers of any arbitrary size.
Since you want ten decimal places, you’ll need to store the value n as n×10^10. For example, store 1 as 10000000000 (ten zeroes), 1.5 as 15000000000 (nine zeroes), etc. To display the value to the user, simply place a decimal point in front of the tenth-last character (and then cut off any trailing zeroes if you want).
Alternatively you could store a numerator and a denominator as bigintegers, which would then allow you arbitrarily precise fractional values (but beware – fractional values tend to get very big very quickly).

iPhone and floating point math

I have following code:
float totalSpent;
int intBudget;
float moneyLeft;
totalSpent += Amount;
moneyLeft = intBudget - totalSpent;
And this is how it looks in debugger:
Why would moneyLeft calculated by the code above is .02 different compared to the expression calculated by the debugger?
Expression windows is correct, yet code above produces wrong by .02 result. It only happens for a very large numbers (yet way below int limit)
A single-precision float has 23 bits of precision. That means that every calculation is rounded to 23 binary digits. This means that if you have a computation that, say, adds a very small number to a very large number, rounding may result in strange results.
Imagine that you are doing math in scientific notation decimal by hand, under the rule that you may only have four significant figures. Let's say I ask you to write twelve in scientific notation, with four significant figures. Remembering junior high school, you write:
1.200 × 101
Now I say compute the square of 12, and then add 0.5. That is easy enough:
1.440×102 + 0.005×102 = 1.445×102
How about twelve cubed plus 0.75:
1.728×103 + 0.00075×103 = 1.72875×103
But remember, I only gave you room for four significant digits, so you must round; then we get:
1.728×103 + 7.5×10-1 = 1.729×103
See? The lack of precision can make the computation come out with unexpected results.
In your example, you've got 999999 in a calculation where you're trying to be precise to 0.01. log2(999999) = 19.93 and log2(0.01) = -6.64. The difference is more than 23; therefore you would need more than 23 binary digits to perform this calculation accurately.
Because floating point mathematics rounds-off precision by its very nature, it is usually a bad choice for currency computation, where you must be accurate to the last cent. But are you really concerned with fractions of a cent in your application? If not, then why not do away with the decimal point altogether, and simply store cents (instead of dollars) in a 64-bit integer? 264¢ is more than the GDP of the entire planet.
Floating point will always produce strange results with money type calculations.
The golden rule is that floating point is good for things you measure litres,yards,lightyears,bushels etc. etc. but not for things you count like
sheep, beans, buttons etc.
Most money calculations are to do with counting pennies so use integer math
and you wont get the strange results. Either use a fixed decimal arithimatic
library (which would probably be overkill on an iPhone) or store your amounts
as whole numbers of cents and only convert to $ and cents on display.

Decimal vs Double Speed

I write financial applications where I constantly battle the decision to use a double vs using a decimal.
All of my math works on numbers with no more than 5 decimal places and are not larger than ~100,000. I have a feeling that all of these can be represented as doubles anyways without rounding error, but have never been sure.
I would go ahead and make the switch from decimals to doubles for the obvious speed advantage, except that at the end of the day, I still use the ToString method to transmit prices to exchanges, and need to make sure it always outputs the number I expect. (89.99 instead of 89.99000000001)
Is the speed advantage really as large as naive tests suggest? (~100 times)
Is there a way to guarantee the output from ToString to be what I want? Is this assured by the fact that my number is always representable?
UPDATE: I have to process ~ 10 billion price updates before my app can run, and I have implemented with decimal right now for the obvious protective reasons, but it takes ~3 hours just to turn on, doubles would dramatically reduce my turn on time. Is there a safe way to do it with doubles?
Floating point arithmetic will almost always be significantly faster because it is supported directly by the hardware. So far almost no widely used hardware supports decimal arithmetic (although this is changing, see comments).
Financial applications should always use decimal numbers, the number of horror stories stemming from using floating point in financial applications is endless, you should be able to find many such examples with a Google search.
While decimal arithmetic may be significantly slower than floating point arithmetic, unless you are spending a significant amount of time processing decimal data the impact on your program is likely to be negligible. As always, do the appropriate profiling before you start worrying about the difference.
There are two separable issues here. One is whether the double has enough precision to hold all the bits you need, and the other is where it can represent your numbers exactly.
As for the exact representation, you are right to be cautious, because an exact decimal fraction like 1/10 has no exact binary counterpart. However, if you know that you only need 5 decimal digits of precision, you can use scaled arithmetic in which you operate on numbers multiplied by 10^5. So for example if you want to represent 23.7205 exactly you represent it as 2372050.
Let's see if there is enough precision: double precision gives you 53 bits of precision.
This is equivalent to 15+ decimal digits of precision. So this would allow you five digits after the decimal point and 10 digits before the decimal point, which seems ample for your application.
I would put this C code in a .h file:
typedef double scaled_int;
#define SCALE_FACTOR 1.0e5 /* number of digits needed after decimal point */
static inline scaled_int adds(scaled_int x, scaled_int y) { return x + y; }
static inline scaled_int muls(scaled_int x, scaled_int y) { return x * y / SCALE_FACTOR; }
static inline scaled_int scaled_of_int(int x) { return (scaled_int) x * SCALE_FACTOR; }
static inline int intpart_of_scaled(scaled_int x) { return floor(x / SCALE_FACTOR); }
static inline int fraction_of_scaled(scaled_int x) { return x - SCALE_FACTOR * intpart_of_scaled(x); }
void fprint_scaled(FILE *out, scaled_int x) {
fprintf(out, "%d.%05d", intpart_of_scaled(x), fraction_of_scaled(x));
There are probably a few rough spots but that should be enough to get you started.
No overhead for addition, cost of a multiply or divide doubles.
If you have access to C99, you can also try scaled integer arithmetic using the int64_t 64-bit integer type. Which is faster will depend on your hardware platform.
Always use Decimal for any financial calculations or you will be forever chasing 1cent rounding errors.
Yes; software arithmetic really is 100 times slower than hardware. Or, at least, it is a lot slower, and a factor of 100, give or take an order of magnitude, is about right. Back in the bad old days when you could not assume that every 80386 had an 80387 floating-point co-processor, then you had software simulation of binary floating point too, and that was slow.
No; you are living in a fantasy land if you think that a pure binary floating point can ever exactly represent all decimal numbers. Binary numbers can combine halves, quarters, eighths, etc, but since an exact decimal of 0.01 requires two factors of one fifth and one factor of one quarter (1/100 = (1/4)*(1/5)*(1/5)) and since one fifth has no exact representation in binary, you cannot exactly represent all decimal values with binary values (because 0.01 is a counter-example which cannot be represented exactly, but is representative of a huge class of decimal numbers that cannot be represented exactly).
So, you have to decide whether you can deal with the rounding before you call ToString() or whether you need to find some other mechanism that will deal with rounding your results as they are converted to a string. Or you can continue to use decimal arithmetic since it will remain accurate, and it will get faster once machines are released that support the new IEEE 754 decimal arithmetic in hardware.
Obligatory cross-reference: What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic. That's one of many possible URLs.
Information on decimal arithmetic and the new IEEE 754:2008 standard at this Speleotrove site.
Just use a long and multiply by a power of 10. After you're done, divide by the same power of 10.
Decimals should always be used for financial calculations. The size of the numbers isn't important.
The easiest way for me to explain is via some C# code.
double one = 3.05;
double two = 0.05;
System.Console.WriteLine((one + two) == 3.1);
That bit of code will print out False even though 3.1 is equal to 3.1...
Same thing...but using decimal:
decimal one = 3.05m;
decimal two = 0.05m;
System.Console.WriteLine((one + two) == 3.1m);
This will now print out True!
If you want to avoid this sort of issue, I recommend you stick with decimals.
I refer you to my answer given to this question.
Use a long, store the smallest amount you need to track, and display the values accordingly.