Using an external jar in a Scala.js project - scala.js

I have a library in a jar that I would like to use in a Scala.js project.
Is any jar usable as a dependency of a Scala.js project?
Or should the jar have been compiled in a specific way?

It depends on the library, and exactly how you're trying to use it -- there are some macro libraries that work, for example, and you can technically put anything in a jar -- but usually this doesn't make sense. Jars are usually composed mainly of JVM classes, which aren't compatible with Scala.js' JavaScript environment.
This is really the biggest practical difference between ScalaJVM and Scala.js -- while the language is identical, the libraries are entirely separate...

The jar must have been compiled by the Scala.js compiler, so that it contains the .sjsir files, necessary for compilation to JavaScript. If it was compiled by the regular Scala/JVM compiler, you will not be able to use it in a Scala.js project (unless it only contains macros).
See also How to add lib with jars to shared folder?


What is the reason for nesting class files under 'scala' directory?

SBT puts compiled scala files in folder target/scala-<scalaVersion>.
As far as I understand class files contain JVM bytecode. They are language agnostic.
What is then the reason for the folder with the name of the language? I'd expect that class filed of both Scala and Java go to the same directory.
The compiled bytecode is language-agnostic, but of course, the code inside that bytecode may call out to libraries, including the Scala standard library. The compiler may also have generated calls into the Scala runtime.
The Scala runtime may change between versions, for example, the way lambdas are represented has changed completely in 2.12. A program compiled for Scala 2.12 will not work with a Scala 2.11 runtime.
So, while JVM bytecode is language agnostic, you still need the matching runtime.
Note that this is no different from any other language. If you compile C to native code, you still can't run your code, unless you have the proper C runtime in place.
SBT supports building the same project with multiple Scala versions (and then producing separate artifacts for them, etc.). These files will naturally be in the same path relative to their target directory (since this path is determined by the full class name). So different Scala versions need different target directories to avoid conflict.

when should use scala-compiler and when should use scala-library

I am using scala in android. And I want to include some basic library to the project, and I found there are 2 jar one is scala-compiler and another is scala-library. What's the difference between them, and how should we choose one?
Scala-compiler - is a compiler itself, which (simply saying) takes .scala files and compiles them into the .class files. You don't need it to run already compiled .jar/.class file if you don't interpret scala-code in runtime (which usually you don't). Scala-compiler.jar is used by your built-tool/ide to compile your scala code. Sometimes third-party libraries may also want it as transitive dependency.
Scala-library - is a library that contains scala API (built-in functions, collections, concurrency etc.). Usually (99,9%) you need this.

Generate a JAR from one Scala source file

I have no Scala experience, but I need to create a JAR to include on a project's classpath from a single Scala source file.
I'm thinking there is a relatively straightforward way to do this, but I can't seem to figure it out.
The Scala file is here:
The JAR doesn't need to be executable, it just needs to be able to be referenced from another program.
The most convenient way is to use some build tool like Sbt or Maven. For maven there is the maven-scala-plugin plugin, and for Sbt here is a tutorial.
If you don't want to use any build tool, you may want to compile the code with scalac and then create the jar file manually by using zip on the resulting class files and renaming it to jar. But you have to preserve the directory structure. In your pastebin you use the package org.apache.spark.examples.pythonconverters, so make sure the directories match.
Btw, if you want to just integrate this piece of code with your java project, and using maven, you can have the scala code in your 1 project as well (in src/main/scala). Just use the maven-scala-plugin plugin and hook it to the compile phase, or some sooner phase if your Java code depends on it. However, I don't recommend mixing multiple languages in one project, I would split it into two separate ones.

Selectively include dependencies in JAR

I have a library that I wrote in Scala that uses Bouncy Castle and has a whole bunch of dependencies. When I roll a jar, I can either roll a "fat" jar that has all the dependencies (including scala), which weighs in around 19 MB, or I can roll a skinny jar, which doesn't have dependencies, but is only a few hundred KB.
The problem is that I need to include the Bouncy Castle classes/jar with my library, because if its not on the classpath at runtime, all kinds of exceptions get thrown.
So, I think the ideal situation is if there is some way that I can get either Maven or SBT to include some but not all dependencies in the jar that gets rolled. Some dependencies are needed at compile-time, but not at run time, such as the Scala standard libraries. Is there some way to get that to happen?
I would try out the sbt proguard plugin from . It should be able to weed out the classes that are not in use.
If it is sufficient to explicitly define which dependencies should be added (one the artifact-level, i.e., single JARs), you can define an assembly (in case of a single project) or an additional assembly project (in case of a multi-module project). Assembly descriptors can explicitly exclude/include artifacts from the dependencies.
Here is some good documentation on this topic (section 8.5.4), here is the official documentation.
Note that you can include all artifacts that belong to one group by using the wildcard notation in dependecySets, e.g. hibernate:*:jar would include all JAR files belonging to the hibernate group.
Covering maven...
Because you declare your project to be dependent upon bouncy castle in your maven pom, anybody using maven to depend upon your library will by default pull in bouncy castle as a transitive dependency.
You should set the appropriate scope on your dependencies, e.g. compile for stuff needed at compile and runtime, test for dependencies only needed in testing and provided for stuff you expect to be provided by the environment.
Whether your library's dependencies are packaged into dependent projects when they are built is a question of how those are projects configured and setting the scopes will influence the default behaviour.
For example, jar type packaging by default does not include dependencies, whereas war will include those in compile scope (but not test or provided). The design aim here was to have packaging plugins behave in the most commonly required way without needing configuration, but of course packaging plugins in maven can be configured to have different behaviour if needed. The plugins themselves which do packaging are well documented at the apache maven site.
If users of your library are unlikely to be using maven to build their projects, an option is to use the shade plugin which will allow you to produce an "uber-jar" which contains all the dependencies you wish. You can configure particular includes or excludes.
This can be a problematic way to deliver, for example where your library includes dependencies which version clash with the direct dependencies of projects using it, i.e. they use a different version of the same libraries yours does.
However if you can it is best that you leave this to maven to manage so that projects using your library can decide whether they want your dependencies or to specify particular versions giving them more flexibility. This is the idiomatic approach.
For more information on dependencies and scopes in maven, see the reference guide published by Sonatype.
I'm not a scala guy, but I have played around with assembling stuff in Java + Maven.
Have you tried looking into creating your own assembly descriptor for the assembly plugin?
You can copy / paste the jar-with-dependencies descriptor then just add some excludes to your < dependencySet >. I'm not a Maven expert, but you should be able to configure it so different profiles kick off different assembly builds.
EDIT: Ack, didn't see my HTML got hidden

How to compile standalone scala

Just starting to learn scala.. I can't seem to figure out how to compile something into a standalone application. I think I almost have a working .jar file, but keep getting a Main-Class error even though it's in the manifest,
Scala programs require at a minimum the scala-library.jar file that accompanied the Scala Development Kit whose compiler you used to compile the sources. This is in addition to any 3rd-party Java (or Scala) libraries you might use. So from the perspective of building a stand-alone application (i.e., one that can be launched with a java -jar ... command) you must treat the scala-library.jar like a 3rd-party library.