Retrieving all messages from a facebook page - facebook

I'd like to get all messages to and from a facebook page, including those in the "Done" folder.
I'm able to retrieve all messages in the inbox, but threads I've marked as "Done" in the web UI are not listed. I can retrieve their messages via{conversation-id}?fields=id,messages{message,to,from,created_time}
but that requires knowing the conversation-id.
I also know about the conversations webhook. While that's great for realtime and will work for all future messages, it doesn't help with retrieving historical messages, which I also want.
Is there a way to also get the conversation-ids for messages in the "Done" folder of a pages inbox?

You can use {page-id}/conversations?folder=page_done with Page Access Token. It retrieves all threads in Done folder of Page inbox.


FbChatBot mark message as Read

i am developing fb chat bot, and i want to mark the message as read so that when the moderator of our fb page view the message part, they won't see so many unread messages even though the fb chat bot has already replied that user and they don't need to click that message just to mark it as "read".
How can i achieve this? I am trying to use this API: but it doesn't work.
You can not mark message as read (as of now), but the best way I deal with this is to use Handover Protocol
When your bot reply the message, it won't appear in INBOX, but it goes to DONE box instead.
When bot cannot answer, you can let your bot pass thread to INBOX. Then the moderator of page manually answer it. (and mark as DONE afterward)
Follow the instruction here to set it up:
(Note: You can pass thread to page inbox and then take thread back immediately. I will notify to INBOX, but your bot can still work with users.)
When you use the API you sent here (Facebook's Send API), you only mark the message as "seen" from the bot on the Messenger Chat that you have with your users. This doesn't affect the messages inside your Page's inbox.
Unfortunately, there is no way to mark messages as read inside your Page's inbox.
Is this new feature of fb bot? Thanks btw! I will try to check this.
Is there any side effects in Marking the message as done ???
To answer your question:
There are some bugs within the Inbox/Pages Manager mobile app. You won't see the messages in DONE folder if your admins are using Pages Manager mobile app for now.
I've reported the issue and working with them to solve it. However, you can still see those messages in DONE folder if you use a computer and go into your page's Inbox.
NOTE: It seems that messages moved to Inbox will be marked as seen (not bolded). This may be a little confusing if your admins don't mark each conversation as DONE after admin finishes conversation with the users.

Facebook Messenger Bot - mark page threads/messages as read

I have written a Facebook bot that is working well. The app is subscribed to my page and I am getting/sending messages/postbacks just fine. Woo!
Here's the downside - now that we have hundreds of users using the bot, the page "inbox" has become a nightmare.
We still have users that send normal messages to the page, and the bot knows not to respond. However, it's difficult to find those messages as we will have hundreds of unread "messages" or "threads" in the page inbox.
I tried to find a way to mark the items as read after the bot processes them.
The bot has the rights to read all messages for the page, as it sees the non-subscribed messages come in.
I tried using sender_action => mark_seen (which shows the user that the bot has seen the message, but unfortunately does not mark it as read in the inbox). Even when the bot sends the last message (which is normal), it still shows that the thread is unread.

Facebook real time inbox messages with Graph API v2

Does anyone know a way to fetch a user/page inbox messages in real time?
I've found this link, but there is no mention about inbox messages.
The Real-time updates are about... -updates-. That means you will only get notified about changes in the fields described in that link (not regarding the Payments API, that's a different case).
So, you can't get real-time inbox messages.
You can subscribe to the notifications, but I'm not really sure if Messages notifications are included in those...

All Facebook messages from Graph API

I'm building an application for my personal use that saves all my facebook messages in a database on my computer.
But I have a problem as it seems only few messages can be accessed through the Graph API.
I created a token with all the possible permissions.
When issuing a call:
I get all the threads in my inbox but for some of them the comments field which contains the actual messages is missing. It's mostly for conversation with people that are not friend with me on facebook.
For those threads, when I try to get more information by /<id_of_the_thread>
I get an error (code 100) Unsupported get request. from the graph api.
Is it a normal behaviour of the API?
What am I missing here?
Don't hesitate if you know a better way of saving all my messages.
Another, somewhat inferior, but much more accessible way of obtaining one's Facebook messages is by downloading a copy of your Facebook data through This way you can download an archive with all your FB data, including your messages. They are however capped to 10,000 messages per conversation, and are all stored in one .htm file, which is not very practical if you want to do further operation on them.
No i think, we can't specified the Thread by using ID, but commonly i'm sorting the threads by its sender. CMIIW

How can my app facilitate a message to multiple friends?

I have a facebook app that needs to allow a user to send a message to multiple friends (potentially all their friends) at once. This isn't any kind of spam, and I don't need the app to send the message incognito (behind the scenes), I just need to open a dialog with specific friends pre-populated (that the user has selected within my app in a prior step) and then send them a custom message. Is this possible? I see the api for sending a message to a single friend, and I see the API for inviting users to my app (but that's limited to some very small number of invitations per day)... what I need is a dialog that lets me send messages to as many of the user's friends as they want, but for me to control *which friends are selected... I don't want to give them control to add/remove from the friends list.
Is this possible?
No, the Send Dialog allows prefilling only a single friend, but would otherwise be the best option here if you need a custom message displayed to the recipient. You could get the user to send to several friends in a loop by prefilling this - or fire the dialog without prefilling and let the user chose who to send to - your app won't receive a callback with the recipient IDs but you could put a referrer param in the URL sent?
Failing that, the Requests dialog / 'invites' are the only thing you can prefill with multiple recipients without the expectation that your app will be shut down for spam shortly thereafter - there's no limit per day on the number of requests sent, but you don't get to set the message shown to the recipient.
In case this is helpful to anyone else, I just found this... it's a relatively new API (still in beta) that allows for (just about) exactly what I was asking for. I've tested it and it appears to work...